1932-12-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly, Schaefer and President Murray (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 6, 1932 were approved as read. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: 1. ‘i From the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District notifying the Council that the term of office of former City Manager, Neil B. Pierson, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the District, would expire on January 2, 1933, end requesting that his successor be appointed for the two year term ending January 2, 1935. On motion of Mr. Shanly, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously, City Engineer Burnett Hamilton was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District for the two year term ending January 2, 1935. 2. From the City Manager, accompanying a communication from the Treasurer and Tax Collector recommending an effort be made to obtain an interest rate of two and one-half per cent (2a%) from banks in which City funds are now deposited. On motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Shanly and carried unanimously, the communication was referred to the City Manager, the City Treasurer and Mr. Leydecker for attention. 3. From the City Manager recommending that the sum of One hundred Dollars ($100.00) be donated to the Alameda Kiddies Milk Relief Fund in lieu of the expenditure of that amount for decorating a public Christmas Tree. On motion of Mr. Shanly, seconded by Ns. Morris and carried unanimously, the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. 4. From the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference in reference to the publication of the Uniform Building Code and memberships in the conference. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. RESOLUTIONS: 5. Mr. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution 1708 Transferring $150.00 from Electric Light Fund to General Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried Unanimously. 6. Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution No. 1709 Transferring 150.00 from General Budget to Social Service Budget (For use of Indigents' Electrical. Bills). The motion was seconded by Mr. Shanly and on roll call carried unanimously. 7. Mr. Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution No. 1710 Transferring $4267.25 from Electric Light Fund to General Fund. The motion was seeohded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 8. Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution No. 1711 Transferring $2500.00 from Electric Light Fund to Compensation Insurance Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 9. Mr. Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution No. 1712 Transferring $3000.00 from Electric General Fund. d to The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. / 10. Mr. Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of - Resolution No. 1713 Transferring $3000.00 from the General Fund to the Bud Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 11. 12. December 20, 1932. Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property (1801 Lincoln Avenue) Mr. Morris moted that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property All Property now in Classes 1, 11 and 111 fronting on both Sides of Park Street from North Line of Lincoln Avenue to South Line of United States Tidal Canal, on Council's Own Initiative. Mr. Morris moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. FILING: The City Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following paper had been filed: 13. Oath of Office, Special Police Officer, Joo Bernhard. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to $11,789.62; Police Department, 4502.04; Fire Department, $614.51; Street Department, 41,997.06; Health Department, 406.83; Store Department, 4144.14; Golf Course Department, 41,814.58; Recreation Department, 4158.12; Social Service Department, $162.42; Initiative Relief Fuild, 462.95; Compensation Insurance Fund, 4158.35; Street Improvement Fund, 4216.46; having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Cyclery Alameda Printing Company Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times-Star Alameda Welding Works American Law Book Company Baker-HamiltonPacific Co. Bancroft- Whitney Company Bryant, Ralph M, City Manager Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crocker & Company, H. S. Fuller & Co., W. P. Home Insurance Co., N. Y., The Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. McKenna, Elenor M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M.E. L. P. Otis Elevator Company Pacific Indemnity Company Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Electric Company Oakland Safe and Lock Co. Paula Furniture Co. Powell, Mrs. J. .A., Chairman Railroad Commission Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Santa Clara Ave. Cyclery Seeley, Esther Vosburg Hardware Company Western Union Tel. & Tel. Alameda Steam Laundry Alzina, Hap Crocker Company, H. S. Dietz Motor Company Ford, N. O. Fuller & Co., W. P. George, Charley Harts NuWay Service Hovet, Harold Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Nielsen, Adolph Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Platt Photo Company Noy, R. H. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS Repairing door checks, City Hall Printing Towel Service, City Hall Printing Ordinances Welding in new jail Law Book Latches, etc. Law Books Reimbursing Revolving Fund Servicing Letter moisteners Paints, Supplies, City Hall. Premiums on Ins. Policies Office Supplies Services Street Lighting, November Light and Heat, City hall Light Globes Servicing Elevator, City Hall Premiums on Insurance Policies Phone Service, City Hall Work in Jail Prison Lock, Keys Gliders for Chair, City Clerk For outfitting Junior Traffic Boys Photostat Copies Materials Key Services, Tax Collector Hardware Supplies Telegram Total. POLICE DEPARTMENT Laundry Motorcycle Repair and Service Office Supplies Auto Service and Parts Printing, Dance Permits Traffic Paint Painting Traffic Signs Battery Service Supplies Supplies Repairing Autos. Telephone Service Photo Supplies Dog Meat 4 3.00 3.00 2.00 9.43 10.00 7.50 4.21 12.85 134.05 0 7.20 2.94 44.21 1093.70 2.99 55.00 3403.45 115.60 6.30 5.50 6653.69 30.74 2.05 42.80 1.00 75.00 3.75 32.24 .25 16.00 8.63 .54 4,11789.62 .31 27.98 5.06 11.81 4.50 6.20 10.00 1.50 1.25 1.67 64.70 20.45 5.90 1.44 December 20, 1932. Railway Express Agency Smith, Chas. Smith's Restaurant Standard Stations, Inc. Stewart, S. Union Oil Co. of California Vick's Super Service Womack, J. D. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Welding Works Dennen Co., V. W. Hart, P. R. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company Standard Oil Co. of California Steinmetz, W. T., Rev. Fund Labor Alameda Welding Works Associated Equipment Co. Baker, Hamilton-Pacific Co. Clark & Son, N. Fuller & Company, W. P. Interurban Express Corp. Hutchinson Company Loop Lumber and Mill Company M. E. L. P. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Ransome, Bernard Standard Oil Co. of California Transit Concrete Company Union Oil Co. of California United Iron Works Vosburg Hardware Company Wetmore Chevrolet Company Womack, 3. D. Alameda Steam Laundry American Surgical Sales Company Braun-Knecht-Heimann Company Cossitt & Company Fox Water Company Island City Ice Company Kling-Dawers Stationery Company Koerber Fuel and Feed Co. Martin, J. A. Nielsen, Adolph Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Perryman's Cash Grocery Skilling, Dr. L. E. Western Market Wetmore Chevrolet Company Winberg, Mrs. G. H. POLICE DEPARTMENT (Continued) Expressage 3.2Q Typewriter Bracket 6.83 Meals for Jail 10.73 Tire and Tube 8.82 Dog Meat 4.90 Gasoline .36 Tire Repair 1.50 Generator, Batteries 80.65 Upkeep Flashlight System, July 52.03 August 50.00 tt " September 56.88 11 ft October 63.37 Total 4502.04 FIRE DEPARTMENT Linen Service Repairs to Radiator Keg Detergent Battery Recharges Upkeep Fire Alarm tt it It 11 tt System, 9 11 It August July September October Repairing Range Electricity Phone Service and Tolls Gasoline Reimbursing Revolving Fund Total* STREET DEPARLIE■IT Soldering Sweeper Parts for Sweeper Tools and Bolts Sewer Pipe Paint Express Charges Patching with Asphalt Lumber Light and Power, Corp. Yard Service, Corporation Yard Materials for Culvert Work Rockfalt Gasoline Screenings Asphalt and Kerosene Labor, Coupling Supplies Battery Battery Total* 4 62.50 5.00 4.95 3.50 133.19 57.38 118.00 79.23 8.11 100.85 11.95 18.75 11.10 614.51 1456.00 2.00 12.03 11.07 3.30 1.88 .50 23.08 4.50 .94 2.90 311.88 47.50 63.76 13.90 17.87 8.70 4.75 5.25 5.25 41997.06 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Laundry Ye 6.55 Syringe 1.20 Supplies 1.80 Birth and Death Certificates 12.54 Distilled Water 2.00 Ice .80 Supplies 2.65 Hay and Oats 1.45 Rodent Exterminator 40.00 Repairing Brakes 1.50 Towel Service .. _. :4.09 Phone Service 6.75 Laboratory Services 9.80 Sal Soda .15 Services 5.00 Hamburger .75 Oil, Grease, Battery 7.30 Services 2.50 Total' 4 106.83 Grand Prize Carbon Paper Co. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Bryant, Ralph M. Smith Brothers Standard Oil Co. of California Labor Alameda Welding Works Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. Bishop Company, G. F. Byron-Jackson Company Carter Company, H. V. Crane Company Dietz Motor Company Ford, N..0. Fuller & Co., W. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacjf1 Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Electric Company Rodgers, M. S. Standard Oil Co. of California Vosburg Hardware Company Alameda Plumbing and Supply Co. Alameda Welding Works California Mill and Lumber Co. Goff, Tom M. E. L. P. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Servente Plumbing Service Powell Brothers Siegler, Louis Standard Saw Works Union Oil Co. of California Vosburg Hardware Company Alameda Cyclery Collins & Zanazzi Crocker Company, H. S. Dennon Company, V. W. Ford, N. O. Konigshofer M. E. L. P. Penney Co., J. C. San Leandro Home Dairy Weld's Quality Shoos Central Market City Market Community Grocery High Street Meat Market Jude, C. F. Lincoln Meat Market Perryman's Grocery Santa Clara Ave. Meat Market Saum's1Grocery Star Meat Market Sylvester & Company STORE DEPARTMENT Typewriter Ribbons Store Supplies Money Advanced for Stamps Steno. Notebooks Gasoline December 20, 1932. 7.00 2.12 60.00 11.25 63.77 Total: OP••••1990•11•0•••••••••••••••••• 4,144.14 GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT, Welding Hoes Bamboo Poles Work on Pumps, Golf Course Supplies, Parts Drinking Fountain Auto Parts, Repairs printing int Eight, Heat, Power Labor, Installations Towel Service Phone Service Installing Light Bowles Manure Gasoline Nails and Screws RECREATION DEPARTMENT Repairing Drinking Fountain Welding Trapeze Bars Lumber Services as Gardener Light Phone Service Repairs Tankhouse Lime Repairing Pruning Shears, etc. Band Saw Oil Supplies Total:..................... OOOOOOOOO SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT Supplies Supplies Office Supplies Paper Towels Printing Blanks Thread Needles, etc. Light and Heat Shoes, Middy Milk Shoes Total' INITIATIVE RELIEF FUND Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries 006.00 9.59 10.60 1.60 765.00 23.88 22.00 17.98 11.50 28.50 156.09 12.18 11.86 3.10 6.00 405.00 18.90 2.40 8.70 1.50 5.00 52.00 28.50 15.26 6.50 3.14 4.50 2.60 22.97 7.45 2.15 4.40 3.97 3.05 5.50 3.96 100.80 8.45 26.19 3.95 4;162.42 6.70 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.25 2.00 4.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 4.00 Total: OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO ................ 4 62.95 December 20, 1932. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Sanatorium X-Ray Security Drug Company Stowe, Dr. O. P. Versailles Pharmacy COIEENSATION INSURANCE FUND Operation for Coombs 4114.25 Services, lvianbert 10.00 Drugs for Gully .85 Treatment, Johnson, Jordan 31.50 Prescription, Brooks 1.75 Total* 4158.35 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND Heafey-Moore Company Road Oil, etc. Powell Brothers. Materials 4 54.57 161.89 Total: 0.41000.10. OOOOO 4000. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4216.46 Mr. Morris motioned that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Leydecker, on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session on Tuesday Evening, January 3, 1933, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,