1933-02-21 Regular CC MinutesFebruary 21, 1933. REGULAR LEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EV=ENG, FEBRUARY 21,1933. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Schaefer, 8haniy and President-Lurray were noted present. (5). Absent, none. The minutes of the regular mee of February 7th, 1933 were approved as read. !Linutes of the special meeting bruary 10th, 1933, were approved as read. ORAL 001aUNICATIONS: 7 1. iir. Frank Gottstein addressed the Council concerning lighting conditions in the Posey Tube, and was informed by the City Manager that improvement of the lighting system had been requested of the County authorities, and that he had made a report to the City Council on January 3rd that the County had promised to make a survey in order that the lighting might be improved. 2. President-Murray at this time retired from the rneetin8, and Vice-President Leydecker presided. WRITTEN COIMUNICATIONS. vi 3. From the Scott Transportation Cpany, concerning conditions surrounding the motor trucking business in the East Bay district. Communication was ordered filed. /' 4. / From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the Southeast corner of Central Avenue and Regent Street, from a Residence District, Class 1, to a Business District, Class 111, for the purpose of erecting a building to be 'used for a limited number of professional offices. Mr. Schaefer introduced e motion to adopt the recommendation of the City Planning Commission, and on being seconded by Mr. Morris the motion was unanimously adopted. 5: From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of property 40 x 147.50 feet fronting on the Northerly line of Buena Vista Avenue 46.09 feet Westerly from the Southern Pacific Right-of-way, from a Residence District, Class 1, to a Business District, Class 111, for the purpose of constructing a fireproof printing plant. On motion of Mr. Shanly, seconded by Mr. Morris, the Council unanimously adopted the recom- mendation. 6.f./ From the City Manager, quOting a letter addressed to him from Liss I1°2111a Schergen, offering her services to drill school children for the annual May Day Fete, to be held in Lincoln Park. The communication was accompanied by letter from the Superintendent of Schools, recommending Liss Schergen's employment,and offering the co-operation of the School Department. Mr. Schaefer presented a motion that the Council appropriate an amount not to exceed C200.00 for the expenses of conducting the May Day Fete, with the understanding that park matrons assist Liss. Schergen in the direction of the work, to the end, that they might familiarize themselves with it. Seconded by Mr. Morris, the motion was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Leydecker,, Morris, Schaefer, Shanly. (4). Absent, President-Murray. / From the City Manager, recommending that a new Contract for a five year period be entered. into with the Alameda Scavengers'Association, for the disposal of garbage, due to the fact that the Association found it necessary to purchase new equipment, at considerable expense, and hesitated to make this outlay, in view of the fact that the present Contract has less then a year to run. Also that under the new Contract, the City would be permitted to separate such material as it chose for selling to hog feeders. Also, for delivery of garbage to a reduction plant, if deemed advisable. Mr. Shanly "moved that the Mayor be authorized to execute .. a new Contract for a period of five years, on condition that the present Contract be cancelled when the new one becomes effective, and on seconded by 1,;r. Morris, the motion was unanimously adopted. /7 8. v From the City Attorney, informinis the Council that the constitutional provision pertaining to the matter of adopting charter amendments and the decisions applicable thereto are confusing and somewhat in conflict, there being a question, in the event of the proposed amendments being adopted by the vote of the people, whether or not the mode of adoption would be legal. In order to forestall the question of the legality of the adoption of these proposed, charter amendments, that all charter propositions should be withdrawn and not sub- mitted to a vote of the people at this time. Communication was ordered filed. NEW BUSINESS. ( 9. / Councilman Leydecker addressed the Gity Manager in reference to the present danger- ous condition of the roadway adjacent to the Southern Pacific Right-of-way from Pacific Avenue to the Mole, and was informed by the City Manager that the Southern Pacific Company has so- far refused to improve this roadway, claiming that a survey showed that 74% of the travel was accounted for by vehicles not destined to patronize the Ferry service, 17 10.7 Councilman Leydecker also called attention to the report received by him from the Board of Public Utilities of the operation of the Electric Light a,' Power Plant, and congratula- ted the Board, andhthe' Plant .Manager on the showing made. February 21, 1933. RESOLUTIONS:, V 11. Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of I/ 12. Resolution No. 1730. Transferring ';1150.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund. Li.. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the resolution, which was carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and. Schaefer, 4). NOES: None. Y.BSENT: Council-President Murray (1). Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of Resolution No. 1731. Rescinding Resolution No. 1728. Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the resolution; and on roll call was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Morris, Shanly, Schaefer and Vice-President Leydecker. (4 NOES: None. ALSEN1J: Goune i1 -Pre siden Murray ( 1 ) . ORDINANCES INTRODUCED: t/ 13. v7 14. Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property. Southeast corner of Regent Street and Central Ave. Ordinance No. Hew Series. Reclassifying Property Lot 40 x 147.50 ft. on Northerly line of Buena Vista Ave. 46.09 ft. lesterly from Southern Pacific Right-of-way. FILING. 15. The Clerk informed the Council that he had received for filing Affidavit of Publication of Resolution No. 1728, submitting certain charter amendments to be voted upon at the General Municipal Election to be held in said City on Tuesday, March 14th, 1933. 16. Affidavit of Publication, Resolution No. 1729, submitting Ordinance No. --- N.S. amending Ordinance No. 276, N.S. known as the Pension Ordinance. 17. Affidavit of Publication, Notice of Precincts, Polling Places and Election officers. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to 5480.95; Police Department 156.15; Fire Department, Y164.52; Street Department, :1528.31; Health Department 102.75; Recreation Department 108.79; Golf Course Department, 963.63, Store Department, 4163.34, Social Service Department, 355.45, Initiative Relief Fund, 9,30 Compensation Insurance Fund, 37.50 Alameda Times-Star Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. BaaelLG4=of-t-44i-tney-C, Bryant, Ralph E., City Manager. Bryant, Ralph M., City Manager. Cameron, Florence W. Complete Advertising Service East-Bay Blue Print & Supply Co. Fuller & Co. W. P. Fuller & Co. W. P. Hovet, Harold International City Mgrs.Assn. Jordan & Ticoalet Kronke-Brampten.Co. Levy, E: H. Loop Lumber Ec Mill Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Los Angeles Ladder Co. McKenna, Eleanor GENERAL DEPARTMENTS. Printing Ordinances 5.00 Repairs, City Hall 3.50 Pail 1.00 -Law-Beaks - Reimbursing Revolving Fund. Reimbursing Revolving Fund 7.-M,7,.(c, 197.50A Services, Election 22.50 Precinct signs, election 2.50 Photostats 9,40 Paints, etc. City Hall 11.19 Paints, etc. City Hall 40.21 Paste 2.65 Year Books 6.00 Services, (Auditors) January 45.00 Election Booth Flags .1.50 Services, Election 27.50 Lumber, etc. City Hall 16.22 Lumber, etc. City Hall 1.90 Scaffolding various offices 62.50 Services 50.00 Municipal Electric Light & Power tt 1 f 77 te I t f 71 Otis Elevator Company Pacific Gas (2,: Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parrish Co., W. H. Parsons, J. A. Parsons, J. A. Paula Furniture Co. Smith, Charles Tay-Halbrook Inc. Underwood, Elliott Fisher Co. Western Union Worley & Go. Alaieda 1otorcycle Shop Alameda Steam Laundry Ansel's Electric Co. Alzina, Hap California State Auto ASSO. Crocker Co., Inc., H. S. Dietz Lotor Co. Kaney's Service, Joe Kennady, Donald L. Konzen Lfz. Co. Lodern-Bond Corporation Noy, R. H. Pac. Tel. (a-, Tel Co. TabulatinP. Machine Go. ,The Union Oil Co. of Calif. Vick's Super Service Vosburgh Hardware Co. Womack, J. D. American Rubber I_ g. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry French Oxygen Co., F. J. culler 6L. Co., P. Howard Automobile Co. Johnson Co., S. T. hunicipal Electric Light & Power Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 1:kpmack, J. D. Labor Associated Equipment Company Baker-Hamilton & Pacific Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Dietz Motor Company Fuller & Company, W. P. Inter-Urban Express Corp. Linde Air Products Company Meuter, Homer Municipal Electric Light & Power Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil CO. of Cal. United Iron Works February 21, 1933. Lamps for Janitor Street Lighting Electricity,City Hall Servicing elevator Gas, City Hall Telephone service, City Hall CartaEe on steel shelving Chair Pad, Auditor Diary, City Attorney Mastipave, shades, City Hall Repairs to plumbing,City Hall Auger Typewriter Telegram Steel Shelving, Storeroom Total ........•000 00 400 000 POLICE DEPARTLENT. Tire repair Laundry Batteries and Bulbs dotorcycle service Traffic signs Paper punch Auto repair Tire L. Tube Boat hire Auto desks Bullet mould, etc. Dog meat Telephone service Tabulating machine Gasoline Repair to puncture Pulley and wire Battery T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . FIRE DEPATPNT, Rebutting fire hose Linen service, Oxygen Chamois lalffler Stove Oil Electricity Gas Telephone Telephone service Stove Oil Gasoline & Oil Battery Tot 1 00000 00000 0000* STREET DEPARrirk,MT. • * Parts Sledge handler, Parts for truck Parts for Ford. Paint Express charges, Sweeper parts Oxygen and acetylene Loney advanced Lighting Corporation Yard. Telephone, Corp. Yd. Gasoline Farts for sweeper Total• • •• •.•• • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • 11.25 3438.65 274.47 5.50 71.93 29.15 1.40 3.50 1.40 420.11 19.55 1.65 49.00 3.22 354.75 5395,25 .50 .91 10.26 14.63 4.50 2.69 46.07 11.07 5.00 6.00 13.41 2.31 20.20 6.00 6.25 .50 5 .5 5.25 156.15 7.00 35.56 2.50 17.25 4.13 9.98 294.06 25.85 5.35 6.60 18.84 30.00 7.40 464.52 1392.50 7.02 4.70 20.57 1.37 1.56 .25 8.17 2.54 5.00 2.35 59.88 22.40 1528 .31 February 21, 1933. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times-Star Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Burns, Mrs. V. City Market Fox Water Company Hoveti Harold Island City Ice Company Martin, J. A. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Reiss, M. D. H. Vick's Super Service Winberg, MTS. G. H. Baker-Hamilton-Facific Co. Fuller & Co. W. P. Goff-, Tom Grimmett, Chester Loop Lumber & Mill Co. M. E, L. P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Siegler Louis Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Welding Works California Nursery Company Cranston, A. R. Dietz Motor Company Dietz Motor Company Loop Lumber & Mill Co. M. Es L. P. Oakland-California Towel Co. Oellerich, Fred. P. Pacific Nursery Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rodgers, M. S. Standard Oil Company of California Nest Disinfecting Company Crocker .16 Co.H. S. Hovet, Harold Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Smith Brothers Standard Oil Company of Cal. Alameda Bootery Filipelli's Shoe Store Gallen Kamp's Shoe Store M. E. L. P. Penny Co., J. C. San Leandro Home Dairy Sirola Brothers Smith, Chas. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western States Grocery Co. HEALTH DEPARTLENT. Laundry service Printing, Lilk Scoring Con Laboratory supplies Conference services Food for guinea pigs Distilled. water Supplies Ice Rat Exterminator Telephone Laboratory services Services in conference Repairs to tube, etc.Oil Services in conference RECREATION DEPARTMENT. 6.17 t 9.90 9.78 2.50 1.10 2.50 ,40 .60 40.00 6.85 8.75 10.00 1.70 2.50 0 0 • 00 0 0 • • 0 0 0 OS 0 0 • 0 0 Rakes Shingle stain Services as gardener Soccer balls Lumber Fuses Electricity, Parks Gas, Parks Telephones Repairs to shears, etc. T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . GOLF COURSE EPAR ENT. 0** • • 0 • 0 Laundry Soldering radiator Shrubs, Plants Installing drinking fountain Parts Parts Lumber Power, Light Towels Magnesite flooring, kitchen Flower plants Telephone Fertilizer Gasoline Disinfectent Total.... ...... ........... STORE DEPA'ATLENT. Penholders Adding machine paper Fasteners Rubber bands, envelopes Gasoline Total.. •• •• • • • •• • •• 0 • • .. SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTEENT. Shoes Shoes Shoes Electricity Shoes Milk Repairing shoes Repairs Hardware supplies Gold Dust, etc. Total000000000•000-0000000000 102.75 1.50 2.30 28.00 22.50 7.92 1.20 18.00 5.45 15.92 6.00 108.79 486.00 .54 2.50 198.65 9.40 2.37 2.70 8.70 105.61 4.90 52.70 21.00 1.50 20.25 24.31 22.50 $ 963.63 1.08 19.05 3.90 7.91 131.40 163.34 4.20 2.98 9.65 271.80 31.09 22.50 2.50 1.20 4.45 5.08 355.45 Hagstromts Food Stores YeMarr Stores, Inc. New Alameda Market Perryman's Cash FTrocery Piggly-Wi gly Stores February 21, 1933. INITATIVE RELIEF RELIE 1UND. Food 1r1 Totallpeossoodip 0000000 drooAs0000meir 00MPENSATION INSURANCE FUND. Alameda Sanatorium X-Ray - Thrane Stowe M. D., 0. P. Services, Thrane & Brooks To • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 4.00 2.50 1.05 1.00 .75 9.30 7.50 30.00 37.50 Dills as listed were ordered paid, on motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by 1,1r. Shanly, and on roll call carried unanimously. Yr. Shanly introduced a motion which was seconded by 1.r. Schaefer, and unanimously carried, that in adjourning the Council do so out of respect to the memory of former City Clerk, W. E. Varcoe. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, March 7th, 1933, at 6 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, CITY CLERK. 47