1933-03-07 Regular CC MinutesMarch 7 1933. REGULAR MEETING 07 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 7 1933. The meeting convened: at B -Ock' with Councii-Fresideut Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Schaefer, Shanly and President-Murray (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Morris (1). With an added provision that Mrs, W. E. Varcoe be notified that the Council in adjourning, did so out of respect to the memory of her late husband, the former City Clerk, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 21st, 1933, were approved as read. ORAL COMLUNICATIONS: • Mr. W. R. Calcutt an alleged statement of the City Mianager. ressed the Council WRITTEN 001a1UNICATIONS: reference to a newspaper article concerning 2. I From the North Side Protective Club, expressing a wish to go on record as being opposed to re-classification of the property on Buena Vista Avenue., East of Webster Street. Communication was ordered filed. 0. From various property owners objecting to re-classification of property on the North side of Buena Vista a Avenue between Webster Street and the Southern Pacific tracks. Communication was ordered filed. From the Mayor, City Manager, and Auditor, reporting that the money and securities in the City Treasury hacL, been counted on February 23,.1933, and there was chargeable to and under the control of the City Treasury, the sum of 088,433.10 (Five Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand, Four Hundred Thirty-three Dollars, Ten Cents) which sum, according to the Auditors' books, was the amount which should at the time have been in the City Treasury. The comm- unication was without objection ordered filed. 5. 1 ' From the Alameda Women's Civic Club, requesting that funds be advanced to the Alameda Unemployment Association for the purchase of gasoline, seed, etc. Without objection, the communication was ordered referred to the Alameda County Charity Board. From the Alameda Improvement Club, suggesting the City Council endeavor to secure from the Southern Pacific Company and the University of California, a one-hundred foot right-of-way for a street, running from Pacific Junction to the Cities' property on the North end of Benton Field. Without objection, the communication was referred to the City Manager, with the re- quest that he report to the next meeting of the Council. 0 1 From the Alameda improvement Club, suggesting amendments to the Ordinance known as the "Alameda Zone Ordinance". The communication was ordered filed. 8. From Jordan & Ticoulet, submitting report of the financial condition in the cit fiscal year 1922-33, as of January 31st 1933. Communication was ordered filed. 10. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: Ordinance No. New Series RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY South-,East'Corner of Regent Street'and Central Avenue. or „ Mr. Schaefer moved that the Ordinance, as read, be adopted, seconded by Er. Shanly, and on roll call carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Leydecker, Schaefer, Shanly and President-Miurray (4). NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman Eorris (1) Ordinance No. New Series RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY Lot 40 x 147.50 feet on North- erly line of Buena Vista Avenue, 46.09 feet Westerly from South- ern Pacific Right-of-Way. On motion of 'Dir. Schaefer, seconded by Er. Leydecker, and unanimously carried. Action on this Ordinance was postponed until the first meeting in April, 1933. March 7, 1933. 11. NG: 12, 4e/ Oath of Office of Thomas M. Lane, Chief of the Fire Department. Affidavit of Fubiloation, Election Proclamation, 13. 7 Affidavit of Publication, Election Notices. BILLS. Claims against the General D _a tments amounting to 2719.77; Police Department, ,,?89.36; Fire Department, ,98.91; Street Department, ::31546.01; Health Department, :98.14; Store Department, .80.51- Recreation Department, -466.12; Golf Course )er)ertment, ,)722.95; Compensation Insurance Fund, ,49.00; East Bay Municipal Utility District, .2445.64; Street Improvement Fund, 271.98. Services on election Juror's Fees- Police Court Alameda Printing Company Alameda Repair & Supply Company Alameda Times-Star Baker-Hamilton & Pacific Co. Berle, C. A., Bryant, Ralph E. City Lanager Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Cameron, Florence W. East Bay blue Tint & Supply Co. East Bay 1unicipal Utility District Enc inal Press Ford, N. O. Ford, Ted Fuller & Co., E. P. Grandjean & Co., Ches.- Keyston Bros. McKenna, Eleanor Eurray, il1iam F. Park Street Garage Piatt Photo Company Simonson% E.,. Smith Brothers Vosburgh Hardware Company estern States Grocery Company Alameda Steam Laundry Baker, Hamilton, Pacific Co. Dietz Motor Company French Oxygen Co., F. W. Friedman Co., Inc. , M. Mercury Press Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Smiths Restaurant Union Oil Co.. of California Vick's Super Service tern Auto Supply Company Cox Wellman, -Inc. East Bay Municipal Utility District French Oxygen Co., F. W. Grandgean & Co., Chas. Lane, Thomas M. Rhodes & Jamieson & Co. Standard Oil Comnany of California GEN' DPARTLENTS. Ballot envelopes Galzing Printing Resolutions and payment on acct of Mun.Code Transom lifter, hose Services, Assessor Reimbursing Revolving Fund Chair, City Clerk's Office Services, election Drawing paper, lettering set 'ilater, City Hall & fountains Printing, Assessor Printing, Assessor, election Lettering signs, City Hall Paints, etc. Sal-Soda Upholstering materials Services Mayor's allowance Repairs, Building Inspector Mounting old Print Services, Assessor Office Supplies Hardware supnlies, City Hall Bon AMi Total......................... POLICE DEPARTMENT. Laundry Wringer nails Auto Service Oxygen Traffic paint Printing Gas - Pound Meals for jail 2 months Gasoline for motorcycles Tire repairs Servicing Radios Total 000 00******************* FIRE DEPARTMENT. Repairs, bearings Water service Oxygen Soda Reimbursing Revolving Fund 3tove Oil Gasoline Otal*••00•••••••••••••••••••OV 189.15 25.30 46.98 1.50 le05.24 8,48 43,40 142.41A 19.60 50.00. 14.10 17.19 46.60 99.87 13.00 24.15 2.25 7.29 50.00 50,00 8.65 .75 43,40 2.36 6.55 1.55 2719.77 .67 2.23 8.00 21.00 .60 6.50 1.37 21.75 6.25 2.76 16.24 89.36 6.10 30.15 6-.00 11,88 7,50 18.53 18.75 98,91 March 7, 1933. Labor Baker-Hamilton-Pacific. Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Cranston, A. R. Dennen Company, V. W. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Municipal Util. Dist. East Bay Municipal Util. Dist. Inter-Urban Express Corp. Linde Air Products Company Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Moreland Sales Corporation Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ransom, Bernard Rhodes & Jamieson,- Ltd. Standard Oil Co. of California Whitmore's GaraEe Vosburgh Hardware Go, Bennett Cbmnany, The L. H. Braun-KneCht-Heimann Co. Crocker Company, Inc., H. S. Island City Ice Cempany Kreuntz, Pred Martin, J. A. Park Street Garage Pauline, Rosemarie Reiss, 11.20.1 H. Taysum Laboratory, Inc. Vick's Super Service Vosburgh Hardware Co. Winberg, Mrs. G. H. Crocker Company, Inc., H. S. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Standard Oil Company of Cal. Alameda Plumbing & Supply Co. California Hill & Lumber Co. Dietz ,_otor Company East Bay 1.unicipal Util. Dist. Fuller & Company H. P. Goff, Tom Grobon & eerns Skelly, Sam Standard Oil Co. of California. Vosburgh Hardward Co. Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Calcutt, R. California, Nursery Co. Carter ComTany, H. C. Carter Com-pany, H. C. National Cash Register Co. Standard Oil Comr4any of Cal. STREET DEPAR Shovels, welding rods Gasket, facings, etc. Removing roots from sewer Colored rags Parts for Ford cars Water Corporation lard Water from hydrants - streets Expressage On sweeper parts Acetylene and Oxygen Lumber Parts for truck Telephone Rockf alt Materials Gasoline Generator exchange Hardware supplies Total....•.................. HEALTH DEPARTEENT. Servicing regrigerator Laboratory supplies Office supplies Ice Laboratory service Rat exterminator Parts for auto Laboratory services Services, conference Taysum Oil Units, 950 Services, conference STORE DEPARTLENT. Store Supplies Cards, 3 x 5 Gasoline Total.• • • • • .• • .... • • • 4I • ")IT DEPAIT va,P1,112. • • • • 0 • 4, • • 4, • • • 0 0 • • • • forking on pipes at Washington Park Lumber Lining -:fater Paint Services as gardener Recreation supplies Bordeaux mixtures Gasoline Pruning Compound Tetal.. • • • • .• • . • • • GOLF COURSE DEPARTIENT. 04.06..eacteeonoaao.,i? Laundry Hardware supplies Trees Parts for mower idiscellaneous suDplies 3u7Y-clies for register Gasoline • 4, 0 0 * sr. 7.75 9.17 1.35 4.65 4.50 2.71 1.82 5.73 .25 5.45 9.84 4.80 2.45 47.50 7,51 56.88 2.50' 1.15 1546.01 2.00 2.75 2.59 .60 5.00 38.00 18.85 10.50 10.00 1.25 1.40 .20 5.00 98.14 21.95 6.05 52.51 80.51 1.74 7.29 .75 38.22 5.54 20.00 70.53 3.25 12.50 166.12 .319.50 .37 . 5.35 200.00 155.32 17.05 5.10 20.26 722.95 March 7, 1933. :FE :1:11.1.D Dishoff Surical Co., C. su-Dpert tephens m. Dreoks P. Consultation - Threne TOtnlo*W0000ssoo.00mo0e..000,0*0000.41. P,43.Y ii.;IT1:7(:, I FAL UTILI71 Di6TRICT:. 4.00 15.00 19.00 East Bar Municipal Utility Dist. Stand-by Charge fc Pipeline installations 2445.04 ST=T ILTROVYLLEitiT ?MID. Powell Erothors Materia. 271.08 Bills as listed were ordered paid, on motion of Er. Schaefer, seconded by and on roll call carried unanimously. There beins no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in reu,ular Session Tuesday eveninc, Larch 21st, 1933, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted