1933-06-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20th, 1933 , The meeting convened at 8:05 with Vice-president'Eschen presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly aid Vice-president Eschen (4) were noted present. Absent: President Murray, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of June 6th were read and approved, with the exception -of Paragraph No. 2, to which should be added, "President Murray declared. Mr. Gottstein's address not a matter of Council consideration." ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Mr. Frank Gottstein addressed the Council requesting cooperation in having ,certain blue lights restored in the Posey Tube. Mr. Curran expressed his belief to the Council that the lights mentioned were of ho benefit. v/ 2. - Mr. Hagy addressed the Council in reference to member's of the Fire Department and was informed that the subject was not a matter for Council consideration. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 3. 1 From the Building inspector, referring to a communication presented to the Council at the regular meeting of June 6th, 1933, from H. W. Glover of 2032 Clinton Avenue, requesting permission to construct a 8 foot division fence", On motion of Cotncilman Shanly, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried, the peti- tibn was denied. V 4. f' From the City Manager referring to his communication of May 5th, presented to the Council meeting of May 16th, withdrawing his original recommendation, and'aSking the Council subscribe a sum of $100.00 as Alameda's share of' the expense of the California Flower Festival train sent to the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago. On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by COuncilman Shanly and unanimously carried, the recommendation was adopted. From Company "D" 159th Infantry of National Guard, requesting the City to give the Company a steel tank now located in the Police quarters of the City Hall. On-motion of Councilman Leydecker, seconded by Councilman Morris, and unanimously carried, the Council decided to loan this tank to the petitioner'. From the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, referring to contemplated changes in the'personnel of the Fire Department. The communicationwas, without objection, ordered filed. 7. / From Alameda. Women's Civic Club in regard to personnel of the Fire Department. As-, under the Charter, this question comes under the jurisdiction of the City Man- ager, the communication was without objection ordered filed.— Jv S. Nj- From Alameda Women's Civic Club requesting the Council for permission to use Lincoln School playground for a tennis court during the vacation period. As the City Manager has already instituted proceedings for such use, the letter was without objection referred to him. V/ 9. From the City Attorney requesting permission to leave the State of California during the period of July 2nd, to 25th, 1933. On motion aC Councilman Shanly, sec- onded by Councilman Leydecker, the request was unanimously granted. 10. Various petitions from citizens in reference to the personnel of the Fire De- partment. As this matter comes under the jurisdiction of the City Manager, the com- munication was referred to him. p/ 11.1 From R. F. Dickey, in reference to complaint filed with the City Manager against Chief of Police Vern Smith. The communication was, without objection, refer- red to the City Manager as coming under his jurisdiction-, after Mr. Dickey and the City Manager had addressed the Council in reference to the communication. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 12. City Manager Ralph M. Bryant, Councilman Leydecker and Mr, Frank Gottstein addressed the Council with reference to personnel of Fire Department. NEW BUSINESS: fr' 13./ Councilman Shanly moved, seconded by Councilman Morris, and unanimously carried, that Jordan and Ticoulet, Certified Public Accountants, be reappointed as expert accountants for the City of Alameda for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1933. v' Councilman Leydecker request and obtained information concerning the ap- pointment of B. F. Tatum as Special Police Officer for Alameda Airport Beach, and the retirement of regular Police Officer Carroll. 15. j On motion of Councilman Leydecker, seconded by applications for license to sell alcoholic beverages carried unanimously. Charles Finocchio 1207 Michael H. Profumo Safeway Stores, Inc Councilman Marris, the following were approved:- The motion Lincoln Avenue 1226 Lincoln Avenue Box 660 Oakland, Cal. 15. At this time Councilman Shanly was excused from the meeting. RESOLUTIONS: V 16. Councilman Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1761 "Transferring $500.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." The motion was seconded by Councilman Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. v/17. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1762 "Transferring $550.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." The motion was seconded by Councilman Laydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. v/18. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1763 "Transferring $4,206.27 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." The motion was seconded by Councilman Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. y 1 Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. "Creating and Establishing an Unemployment Fund.": The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschen and on roll call ,lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Morris and Vice-president Eschen, (2). Noes: Counct- man Leydecker, (1). Absent: Councilman Shanly and President Murray, (2). N/20. Councilman Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1764 "Rescinding Resolution No. 849, and Authorizing Appropriation of Fourteen Hundred and Forty Dollars ($1440.00) per Annum for Pre-Tubercular Children at Del Valle Farm." The motion was seconded by Councilman Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. V -2 Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1765 "Transferring $3700.00 from the General Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." The motion was seconded by Councilman Leydecker and on roll Call carried unanimously. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of D "Resolution No. 1766 "Authorizing Mayor to Execute Agreement Between City of Alameda and County of Alameda." The motion was seconded by Gouncilman Leydeckr and on roll call carried unanimously. 23. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption. of "Resolution No. "Transferring $5,000.00 from Electric Light Light Fund to General Fund for Use of Unemployment." The motion was seconded by Vice-president Eschen and on roll call failed to carry by the following vote: Ayes: Councilman Morris and Vice-president Eschen (2). Noes: Councilman Leydecker,(1). Absent: Councilman Shanly and President Murray,(2). /24. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1767 "Transferring $7500.00 from General Fund to School Fund." The motion was seconded by Councilman Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCED INTRODUCED: 25. The following ordinancm introduced anal laid over under provision of the Charter: June 20th,1933 "Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 21 of Ordinance No. 500 New Series Regulating and Licensing the Sale of Beer, Ale, Porter, Wine, Similar Fermented Malt or Vinous Liquor and Fruit Juice Containing One -half () of One (1) Per Centum or More of Alcohol by Volume and Not mare than Three and Two -tenth (3.2) per Centum of Alcohol by Weight in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, and Providing Penalties for Violations of Any of the Provisions thereof." "Ordinance No. New Series Amending 0rdinan:ce No, 378 Relating to Delinquent Taxes and the Penalties for Redemption, and Ordinance No. 463 N.S. Relating to Publication of Notice when Taxes Shall Become Delinquent." FILING: The City Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following papers had been filed: 26. , Oath of Office - Brooks T. Tatum, Special Police Officer 27.f Notice of Claim - Norma Ruth Oliver. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to X4035.03• Police Department, $1167.23; Fire Department, $652.34; Street Department, $1474.66; Health, $725.84; Golf Course Department, $837.37; Recreation Department, $1003.55; Store Department, $185.99; Social Service Department, $986.45; Street Improvement Fund, $728.35; and Compensation Insurance Fund, $110.75 having been approved by the proper officials, were listed by the Clark as follows: Alameda Cyclery Alameda High School Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times -Star American Law Book Co., The Bancroft - Whitney Company Bryant, Ralph M. City Mgr. n n n tt " n tt n n tt Bullivant, A. M. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Concealo Fixture Company East Bay Mun. Utility District Ellis & Co., H. R. Ford, N. 0. Gladding, McBean & Co. Hunt Jewelry Company Johnson, Florence I. Jones & Co., Ed. Konigshof er's MacMillan Petroleum Corp. Marwedel, C. W. McKenna, Eleanor Mun. Elec. Light & Power tt tt tt n Otis Elevator Company Pac. Coast Building,Officials Pacific Gas & Elect. Co, Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Park St. _:Garage Paula Furniture Co. Remington_ Rand Inc. Sanborn, County Clerk, Geo. P. Vick's Super Service Vosburgh Hardware Co, tt n n Wadman Jr., Wm. W. Western Union Yawman and Erbie Mfg. Co. General Departments Repairing door checks 2.50 Advertising in ACORN 30.00 Towel service, April and May 4.00 Printing ordinance 15.12 Corpus Juris Vol.,62 7.50 Law Book 2.85 Reimbursing Revolving Fund 430.20 TT It t' 168.000 Money advanced, Fire Chief convention 22.02 Copying complaint 1.00 Servicing adding machine 7.20 Cabinet 59.20 Water, City Hall and fountains 60.75 Dater, repairs 18.20 Envelopes, City Clerk 18.05 Palm Pots etc. 80.00 Cleaning clock 2.00 Services, Tax Collector 44.00 Seal counter 5.00 Supplies, May Fete 1.35 Gasoline for hauling wood 20.80 Monel metal for Treasurer's office 34.35 Services 55.00 Street lighting 2402,92 Electricity, City Hall 165.21 Servicing elevator, City Hall 5.50 .Membership dues, building Insp. 10.00 Gas. City Hall 74.81 Service, City Hall 41.67 Repairs to car 1.50 Mis. Equipment, City Hall 147.00 Folders 4.00 Copying complaint 4.00 Oil .90 Hardware supplies 2.55 Night latch 2.55 Services 73.05 Telegram .78 Manila guides 9.00 Conf Total $ 4035.03 Police Department Alameda Specialty Shop -Alameda Steam Laundry -Alzina, Hap -Bryant, Ralph M. -Chevrolet Motor Company .Dietz Motor 'Co. -Elster Printing Co. -Fuller & Co., W. P. Gott, A. O. -IntertUrban Express Corp -Kennady, Donald. Mun. Elec. Light & Power .Pac, Gas and Electric Co, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Noy, R. H. Smith's Restaurant -Tabulating Machine Co., The -Texaco Super Service .Western Auto Supply Co. -Western Cartridge Co. Seat and door covers, 3 coupes Laundry Motorcycle service , Contingent Fund Coupes Servicing, parts Printing Paste for targets Repairs to star Rxpress Launch hire Servicing Fladilight system Gas Telephones Dog meat Rental Distilled water Radio service Ammunition Total . Fire Department ,Alameda Steam Laundry -Anderson Mfg. Co. -Cox-Wellman, Inc, -Dennen Co., V. W. -East Bay Mun. utility Dist. Hart, P. R. -Hercules Rubber Co. Lane, Thos. M. Macmillan Petroleum Corp. Mun. Elec. Light & Power 11 It ,Pac, Gas & Electric'Co, -Pacific Tel. &7Tel. Co. ,Paraffine Companies, Inc. Paula Furniture Co, Peoples Express Co. Tiersons Alameda Service ,Co. Labor ,Associated Equipment Co. -Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. -.Bell, The Druggist Clark & Sons, N. -Dietz Motor Co. tf ,, ft East Bay Mun, Utility Dist Tord, N. O. Linde Air Products Co. MacMillan Petroleum Corp. Meuter, Hamer Mun. Elec. Light & Power Western Auto Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry Baker-Hamilton & Pacific -Co. California Mill & Lumber Co. Henry 6ampe Dewar & Hare Electric Co, East Bay Service Co. P. Flatow & Son N. O. Ford Fax Water Go. Fuller, W. P. & Co. ” •y, - Island City Ice Co. J. A. Martin Muir, Wm. F. Pacific Tel. & Tel. o. Paula Furniture Co, Pauline, Rosemarie Reiss M. D., Hubert Stewart Mantel & Tile Co, Transit ff Vosburgh Concrete, Ltd. Hardware Co. ft ft Laundry Welding Relining brakes, inc. Rags Water Recharging batteries Hose Revolving fund, money advanced. Gasoline Servicing fire alarm system Lights Gas Telephones Paste and cement Lining and rental of roller Drayage Tires and wheels, truck Total . Street Department • • Parts for Sweeper Barrows, hoes, handles Photo finishing Sewer pipe Parts tt Service Printing Oxygen, acetylene Gasoline Money advanced Service Putty Total . Health Department Laundry Foot rest Laundry 11,ag:;, Hardware Alfalfa Services, quartz Repairs to car Drugs etc. Printing Distilled Paint and ft Ice Services, rat exterminator Mantel Telephones Turning shades Services in Lab. Services, conference Tile Materials Materials Hardware supplies supplies lamp Water varnishes • June 20, 1933 $ 14.25 .31 25.52 200.00v‘ 694,86 7.17 7.90 1.35 .50 -.50 5.00 54.20 1.28 26.37 3.12 13.63 6.00 1.00 6.17 48.10 1167.23 35.56 3.00 14.50 4.50 30.66 4.50 7.51 2.60 15.75 50.00 105.49 22.25 12.25 9,33 22,30 .30 311.84 652.34 1268.52 5.45 59.94 1.66 49,4Q 1.24 1.96 1,82 15.75 7.37 58.28 1.10 1,42 .75 $ 1474.66 5.19 .50 1.44 25.68 -142.75 3,00 1.50 2.85 26.05 1,50 2.50 88.86 136.30 .75 40.00 59.70 7.30 15c05 8.05 10.00 9.50 20.30 58.17 11.30 qr7 AK 28 June 20, 1933 Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Bryant, Ralph M., City Mgr. Carter Company, H. C. Crane Co. Dietz hiotor Company Haslett Warehouse Co. Macmillan Petroleum Corp. Muni Elec. Light & Power Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Texaco Super Service Labor Alameda Plumbing & Supply Co. Cole & Co., Walter R. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist, Fuller & Co., W. P. Hallisey, Miss Maureen Hercules Equipment Co. Kalen, Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein & Co., Otto Mun. Elect. Light & Power Pao. Gas & Electric Co. Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Smith, Chas. Bryant, Ralph M., City Mgr. Macmillan Petroleum Corp. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parsons, J. A. Smith Brothers Golf Course Department $ 385.87 Laundry .75 Reimbursing revolving fund 27.00,\ Parts 4.43 Parts 49.28 Parts .59 Expressage 1.04 Gasoline 42.56 Light and power 323.40 Telephone 1.45 Distilled water 1.00 Total $ .837,37 Recreation Department 786.25 Repairs to fountain 1.25 Repairs to water tank 38.00 Service 76.22 Stain 2.30 Traffic white 3.60 Substitute play director 9.00 Cast iron sheet .84 Substitute play director 21.00 Seed 13.50 Light service 33.23 Service 5.96 Service 7.60 Repairs to water pipe 4.80 Total $ 1003.55 Store Department Money advanced for stamps 60.O0\ Gasoline , 69.30 Telephone storeroom 5.25 Scratch pads 38.50 Blotter pads 12.94 Total $ 185.99 Social Service Department Acme Ribbon & Carbon Co. Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co. Chevrolet Motor Co. of Calif. Crocker & Co., H. S. Ellis & Co., H. R. Hovet, Harold Mun. Elec. Light & Power Paula Furniture Co, Rucker-Fuller Company Heafy-Moore Company Hutchinson Company Powell Brothers Rhodes & Jamieson, Lted. Transit Concrete Co. Alameda Sanatorium Cala, M. Ohauneson M. D., John Security Drug Company Typewriter ribbons 12.00 Supplies, office 46.50 Sedan 613.93 Office supplies 146.01 Daters 10.00 Supplies 1.86 Light 86.40 Office chair 24.75 Flat desk 45.00 Total $ 986.45 Street Improvement Fund Road oil Rip rap Materials Cement Materials Total 45.50 277.40 98.25 8.23 298.97 $ 728.35 Compensation Insurance Fund Services rendered:, Cain $ 66.20 Labor, street , 13.90 Services rendered, Brooks 30.00 Prescription for Benson .65 Total 54 110.75 Upon motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Vice president Eschenl.the bills as listed were ordered paid by the foliowing vote: Ayes: Councilman Morris and Vice president Eschen,(2). No: Cou-ncilmanleydecler Absent: Councilman Shanly and President Murray, (2). Mr. Frank Gottstein requested permission to use the Council Chamber following the,adjournment of the regular meeting, which was granted upon motion of Councilman Morris, secafdad Couricilman'Leydecker, and unanimously carried. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned through respect to the memory of Mrs. James M. Shanly. The Council will meet in regular session on Wednesday evening, July 5th, 1933, at 8 olclock. Respectfulhycs,,Liymittecl.