1925-10-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 20, 1925. The meeting convened at 8 oeloek with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham,Neiss, Noble, Probst and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of Octcber 6th, 1925 were approved as read. 1./ Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 948. Transferring $20,000.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution ard on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2.vr Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of 6.I 7.1/ 8.1 From the Southern Pacific Company re change of name of certain stations. Mr. Latham moved that the City Clerk be instructed to write the Southern Pacific Company thanking them for changing the name of Stanton Station to Encinal Terminals Station, also that Encinal Station be changed to the mile of Caroline Station and none other, it being located near Caroline Street, seconded by dr. Probst and carried. 100/ From the Up-Town Association, regarding transportation problems. Ordered filed. "Resolution No. 950. Resolution for the Temporary Closing of a Portion of Webster Street during the Construction of the Tube." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 951. Resolution of Acceptance." (Deed) Mr. Reiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, .Neiss, Noble and Probst, (4). Noes: Council-president Otis, (1). Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 952. Resolution of Acceptance." (Lease) Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution aril on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Neiss, .Noble and Probst, (4). Noes: Council-president Otis, (1). Mayor Otis objected to the passage of the two previous resolutions, stating that they were simply a subterfuge, as the land was to be eventually purchased by the city. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 953. Resolution Fixing Salary of Clerk of the Health Department." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unardmously. The following were offered for filing: Milk Report for September 1925. Oath of office of Edna M. Wilson, Recreation Department. The following communications were received: From Wm. J. Locke, City Attorney, re reclassification of certain of the Cohen proPerty. Ordered filed. 11.\/ From the City Planning Commission, re reclassification of 1001 Santa Clara Avenue, from a Residence District, Class I, to a Church District, Class IV. recomending the granting of the request. Mr. Neiss moved that the receommenda- tion be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham. From the City Planning Commission, recomending the granting of the petition for the reclassification of property situate on the northernside of Santa Clara Avenue, 234.17 ft. easterly from Park Street; thence easterly 253.75 ft, by northerly 84 ft. from a Residence District, Class II, to a Garage District, Class V, permitting the erection of a building to be used for automobile purposes. 14.V 15. 17. 18. 19. 20.s/ Mr. Probst moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. An application for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Carol Boccigione, 1225 Park Street. Chief of Police Wahmuth requested that the application be denied. Mr. Latham moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. An application for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Mrs. Martha G. Lea at 2258 Alameda Avenue. The application was recommended by Chief of Police, Wm.. H. Wahmuth. Mr. Veiss, moved that this applica- tion lay over to the next meeting of the council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. In the matter of the opening of Eagle Avenue, Intention ik). 78, New Series, a hearing was held on Commissioners. After consideration and there being Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of under Resolution of the report of the no protestants present, "Resolution No. 949. Resolution Approving Report of Commissioners." )Opening Eagle Avenue) Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution ani on roll call it was adopted ard passed unanimously. was A Bill entitled introduced For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property." (1001 Santa Clara Avenue) (Church) and laid over under a provision of the charter. A Bill entitled For was introduced and '4A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property." (Garage). laid over under a provision of the charter. A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Appointment of a Municipal Golf Commission and Specifying its Powers and. Duties.' was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Probst moved that a temporary Golf Commission be appointed consisting of the following:- Messrs. Hermann Krusi, Frank J. Marshall, T. C. hutt, Henry Martine, City Manager, O. E. Hickok, Rev. Henry H. Shires and Councilman A. Latham, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. A Bill entitled. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use or Occupation of the Public Streets.for Business Purposes." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the petition of Charles Lamont for the reclassification of the property situate at 1445 Fernside Boulevard, from a Residence District, Class I, to a Residence District, Class II, so as to include property owned by the City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. City Manager Hickok stated that a report will be made at a later date regarding the closing of the north end of Broadway. Claims against the General Fund amounting to $340.25; Fire Department $415.50; Street Department, $2337.96; Health Department $42.80; Recreation Department $134.46; Council Relief Pund, $44.88; Health Center, $51.15; Electric Light Fund, $8,767.44 and Initiatve Relief Fund, E85.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Ader, Leon H. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Hickok, C. E. ,, General Departments. Money advanced Towel service Gas and supplies Incidental expenses Expenses to Cal. Mune; Con. 6, 31.50 60.00 7.00 21.42 3.81 88.74 O'Brien Sign Co. W. B. Rankin, G. W. Schaffer, William Zellerback Paper Co. Alameda Steam u d y Assn. Lee, Samuel Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Gay, E. T. Siegler, Louis Alameda Vulcanizing Works Algeri, Mrs. Encinal Coal and Ice Co. Guerra, Dr. Arthur L. Koerber, A. H. W. e It If Vosburgh Hardware Co. Warhurst, Dorothy Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bofinger, Sarah H. Cant, Olive Christian, Emilie A. Gott, A. O. Manuel, A. Wilson, Edna Doyle, J. R. Maxwell, Jennie Mazzini, E. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Bischoff's Surgical House Flatow & Son, P. Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Alameda Times Star Board of Public Utilities Geheral Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific States Electric Co. Southern Pacific Co. Standard Oil Company General Departments (Cont'd.) Signs Services Supplies gs • Total - Fire Department. AN. Linen and Towel service Repairs to floor and ventilators Total Street Department. Gas Repairs to tools II II Total Health Department. Gas and oil Services Ice Emergency calls Alfalfa rley Sunplies Services Total Recreation Department. Gasoline Services fl Repairs to Star Lumber Services Total Council Relief Fund. Rent Electricity Rental and tolls Total - Health Center Fund. Supplies Repairs to auto Laundry Rental and tolls Total - Electric Light Fund. Subscription Incidental expenses Supplies Electrical energy Electrical energy Supplies Lease Audit 1'o. 37025 Oil Total - 77.00 25.00 25.00 .78 340.25 50.00 95.50 145.50 2273.87 20.39 3.45 40.25 2337.96 4.37 3.88 6.10 10.00 4.00 1.80 4.00 9.65 42.80 9.69 45.50 15.00 30.00 .35 6.92 27.00 134.46 16.00 5.00 14.00 .50 9.38 44.88 6.20 13.05 14.00 8.52 9.38 51.15 1.50 134.89 6.74 30.06 7797.70 630.00 157.20 6.00 3.35 8767.44 Initiative Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for labor 85.00 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. bleiss and on roll carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, November 3rd, 1925, at 8 o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted,