1926-02-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2ND, 1926. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 19th, 1926 were approved as read. 1./ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 990. Transferring $5401.48 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund. Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2./ Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 991. Transferring $143.06 from the General Fund to the Eagle Avenue Opening Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed uhanimously. The following papers were ordered filed: 3.7 Affidavit of publication, Notice to Bidders, re Sprinkler System, Golf Course. 4% Affidavit of publication, Resolution of Intention No. 79, New Series. 5.,/ Affidavit of publication, Notice to Bidders, Firehouse. 6.7 Report of the East Bay Municipal Utility District, as of January 26th, 1926. 7.1/1 Notice of meeting of League of California Municipalities, re telephone rates. 8. Affidavit of posting notice of improvement, under Resolution of Intention No. New Series. 9.v Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of November, 1925. 10.V' Petitions re appointment of councilman to fill vacancy, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole. The following communications were received: 11.v' From the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, showing grosaeoeipts for the year ending December 31st, 1925. Ordered filed. 12.V/ From the City Planning Commission, relative to "STOP" signs. Ordered filed. 13.1 From City Manager Hickok, re cost of "STOP" signs on Central Avenue. Ordered filed. Mr. Travers moved that sixty-five "STOP" signs, as referred to in the report of the City Manager at a cost of $344.50, be installed, and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance controlling the traffic in connection with these signs. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 14. From the City Planning Commission, relative to closing of streets in the City of Alameda. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 1 From the City Planning Commission, re reclassification of 2254 Alameda Avenue, from a Residence District, Class II, to a Business District, Class III. Mr. Traver moved that the recommendation bf the City Planning Commission be approved, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Mrs. Clara B. Wharton, was present in the council chamber, and requested permission of the council to open up and carry on the business immediately. Mr. Neiss moved that the permission be granted, and that it be the sense of the council that the ordinance bovering this reclassification be passed at the next regular meeting of the council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 16.1 From the Republican Womans Federation of California, thanking the city council for its courtesy. Ordered filed. 17/ From Wm. J. Locke, City Attorney, relative to proposed condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Walnut Street. Ordered filed. 18 From the Alameda Improvement Club, re raising grade of Webster Street. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried. 19 From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, relative to installation of a three-phase tric system throughout the city. Messrs. Strom and Strehlow addressed the council in support of the communication, and Messrs. Krusi and Kahn addressed the council in explanation. After discussion, the communication was ordered filed. 20. From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, re widening of Park Street, and report of City Manager Hickok as to estimated coat of same. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the communication and report be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 21. From City Manager Hickok, re defective work of the Mission Concrete Company in the co sstruction of the womans' comfort station at Washington Park. After discussion, Mr. Noble moved that the City Clerk be instructed to communi- cate with the Mission Concrete Company advising them that unless the defect is corrected immediately, they will in the future be considered as irresponsible bidder in any work that the city contemplates. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 220/ the Veteran's Welfare Board, re cancellation of certain taxes on property in the City of Alameda, . The communication was ordered filed. 23. From F. J. Croll, City Assessor, requesting cancellation of certain taxes in the City of Alameda on the property acquiried by the Veteran's Wel- fare Board. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney, with the request that the necessary resolution of cancellation be prepared, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. 24./ From F. J. Croll, Redemption Clerk, requesting permission to cancel certain sales covering delinquent assessments for "Opening, Widening and Extending of Encinal Avenue". Mr. Noble moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney with the request that the necessary resolution of cancellation be prepared, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. 25,/ From F. J. Croll, Redemption Clerk, requesting permission to cancel certain delinquent tax sales on what is now publicly owned property. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary Resolution for cancellation, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. 26.E From the City Attorney, ?ire Chief and City Manager, re fire boats on San Francisco Bay. After discussion, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 2 28d "Resolution No. 992. In the Matter of Maintaining Fire Boats on the Bay." Mr. Neiss second6d the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Summons and Complaint in the matter of the Homes Stores,Incorporated, vs. City of Alameda, et al, was presented. City Attorney Locke stated that he had received service of duplicate papers and that the matter was received his attention. The Clerk stated that the time had arrived for opening of bids in the matter of the installation of a sprinkler system for the Golf Course on Bay Farm Island, and that in response to the notice to bidders, he was in receipt of five bids. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: From the Ajax Construction Company, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $3,500.00, -- $41,578.00 From the Arden Irrigation & Construction Co, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 44387.60 -- 443,876.00 From the Rain on Tap Compan in the sum of $3,920.00 -- accompanied by a certified check 2,495.00. Alternate Bid of $39,165. From W. L. Henry Co. accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $4,000. - - $37,500.00. From H. C. Vensano & Co. accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $5,000.00 -- $43,680.00. Alternate bid of 46,380. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be referred to the Golf Commission, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. The=Clerk stated that in accordance with instructions from the council, notices had been posted to change the property situated at the west -side of Chestnut Street, commencing at a point distant 75 feet northerly from the northern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence northerly 75 feet; thence westerly 1a: feet; thence southerly 25 feet; thence easterly 78 feet, thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 30 feet to the roint of beginning, 1r-omtivResidence District, Class I, to a Business District, Class V, in order that a building for dyeing and cleaning purposes may be constructed and.maintained thereon, and that no objections had been filed in the matter. Mr. Neiss moved-that the Mayor be authorized to sign a Deed conveying the property to Ernest H. Cardinet and Delma V. Cardinet, for the sumof ;750.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. Thereupon a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying roperty. (Business, Dyeing and Cleaning) was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 30. A Bill entitled 3 32. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (2254 Alameda Avenue.) was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Providing for the Erection of Traffic Stop Signals on Both Sides of Central Avenue at all Intersecting Streets except Park Street, and Requir- ing the Drivers of all Vehicles to come to a full Stop at Street Intersections before Crossing said. Avenue." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. A communication was received from City Attorney Locke, relative to Sunday closing. The communication was ordered filed. Thereupon a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. An Ordinance Forbidding the Carrying on of Certain Occupations Within the City of Alameda on Sunday, so as to Provide a Day of Rest One Day in the Week, for Persons Pursuing those Occupations." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Messrs Perryman and Jude addressed the council in support of the ordinance and Mr. Edward. Nunan representing the Mutual Creamery Company spoke as a representative of the chain stores. 33.1/ A Bill entitled "ABM For Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Warehouse, Board of Education,)" came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Traver and on roll call it was adopted and passed unaniMously. 34A/ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 993. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation. (East End Fire house Lot.)" Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the resoldtion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 35.1 City Manager Hickok called attention of the council to the fact that he had received advises from the Southern Pacific Company that the Lincoln Avenue horseshoe train was operating at a loss and would be discontinued February 5th. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be instructed to confer with the Southern Pacific Company in an endeavor to have the "dinky" service restored and that it operate on both Lincoln Avenue and EncinalAvenue. The motion was seconded by , Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. ie 36./' City Manger Hickok filed a communication from the Alameda Free Library Trustees, relative to the purchase of property adjoining the Library on Oak Street to the south of the present building. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the City Manager be instructed to negotiate for this lot at a price of $8,000.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was /adopted and passed unanimously. 37. City Manager Hickok called attention to the fact that on account of the c-011apse of the Webster Street Bridge, great congestion of traffic was caused at the Park Street Bridge, especially between the hours of 7:30, and 9 o'clock in the morning and 4:30 and 6:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and requested that the United States Engineer's office be asked to close Park Street Bridge to water traffic during those hours to relieve the situation. Mx. Latham so moved, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. .City Manager Hickok called attention to the fact that a request had been made by the Loop Lumber Company, for the opening of Blanding Avenue, through to Pearl Street. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be instructed to interview the Southern Pacific Company to ascertain their attitidue in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. Claims against the General Departments, amounting to $5138.58; Police Department, $57.78; Fire Department, $1160.60; Street Department, $3538.93; Health Department, $87.95; Recreation Department, $279.84; Golf Course, $1054.54. Store Department $.64; Council Relief Fund $192.87; Health Center Fund, $102.55; Electric Light Fund, $16,671.77; School Construction Fund, $246.90; Pension Fund, $944.16; Initiative Relief Fund, $144.00; Industrial Railroad Fund, 60.00 and the East Bay Water Company Payments Fund, $3102.48 havingg been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda. Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Times Star n It TT 9 n ►T n n n n n 9 n n 1► 9 American Law Book Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 9 t1 n n City Manager's Association Costello, J. tt Crocker Co., H. S. tT n 1, 9. Elster Printing Co. Fox, Geo. H. Fischer, C. F. Hickok, C. E. Hospital Specialty Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant n tt n IT r1 ►► n tt Naval Base Press Otis, Frank Patrick & Co. Rankin, G. W. Standard Oil Company n 1t T► Underwood Typewriter Co. West Disinfecting Co. Wright, S. C. Crocker Co., H. S. Gardner, U. S. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Security Drug Co. Standard Oil Company n n n American Rubber Mfg. Co. California Mill & Cabinet Co. Encinal Coal & Ice Co. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Salisbury, A. C. Standard Oil Company n n tf ''teinmetz, W. T. Weinstock - Nichols Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Labor Clark & Sons, N. IT TT 9 tt r► t► n n Elster Printing Co. Hutchinson Co. n n Loop- Lumber & Mill Co. n ti ,, 1► n n n n n n Oakland Building Material Co. Smith Bros. Standard Oil Company n t► n n n n Western Construction News Inc. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. tl 1T ft General Departments. Police Key City Charter Printing Advertising Printing R " - Blanks n Book Maintenance contract 9 Cuts Rock n Supplies Filing cabinet Printing Bond premiums Services Auto upkeep Supplies • City lighting Overhauling Chevrolet Engine oil Printing Mayor's Allowance Repairing daters Services Gasoline n Typewriter Supplies Services Total Department. Supplies n Coal and kindling Painting Gas Medicine Gasoline a Total Fire Department. Fire hose Battery boxes Screenings Coal Kitchen cabinet Gas Hand cleaner Gasoline n 11 Revolving fund Monogram oil pyrene liquid Total Street Department. Pipe It n printing Concrete gutter n n Lumber 11 If Screenings Maps Gasoline n Subscription Total - - - - - Health Department. Keys Laundry n 44.50 .25 200:00 16.15 24.44 88.00 5.35 107.95 5.90 7.50 5.55 '9.45 11.85 284.25 414.50 9.31 92.12 38.00 5.00 111.00 25.00 4.90 3226.20 86.45 .75 17.50 50.00 6.66 12.50 10.50 7.50 74,75 34.80 100.00 5138.58 2.50 2.50 11.15 2.80 .33 1.00 18.75 18.75 57.78 900.00 56.00 5.00 14.00 72.00 11.35 2.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 8.79 36.96 24.00 1160.60 $ 2076.25 12.01 157.51 8.23 13.25 453.00 690.00 4.15 .56 4.00 69.67 1.80 16.54 16.50 13.50 2.00 $ 3583.93 .75 6.81 5.29 Bischoff's Surgical House Braun4Knecht-heimann Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory High Street Coal, Wood & Feed Yard Merchants Express & Draying Co. Snow, 'William Waite, W. Warhurst, Dorothy Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Trimm Shop Calcutt, W. R. California Mill & Cabinet Co. TV e 11 IT TV Campe, J. Henry Cant, Olive H. Crane Co. Federal Lumber Co. Gay, A. T. Mazzini, L. Muhicipal Electric Light Plant Powell Bros., Inc. Randall, Margaret Tyler, Florence Zellerbach Paper Co. Labor California W Gay, A. T. Heafey, Moore & McNair Oakland Blue Print Co. Standard 011 Company Cloth Co. rt TV Stone Co., E. B. & A. L. Crocker Co., H. S. Arnold, A. E. Central Shaey Creamery East Bay Water Co. Konigshofer's Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. TV P1 19 11 TV Tucker's Cleaning & Dyeing Works Whitten's Shoe Store Alameda Co. Public Health Center Alameda Co. TuberculOSia Assn. Alameda Sanatorium Calcutt, W. R. Crocker Co., H. S. Hittenberger, Emil J. Levy, E. H. Traters Surgical House Typewriter Guy Adams, C. C. Addressograph Sales Co. City of Alameda (Store Dept.) Dick & Co., E. C. East Bay Water Co. 9 TV Electric Storage ,Battery Co. Hanjes7Bormann Co. Fobes Supply Co. Gamewell Co., The General Electric Co. Health Department ont'd.) Supplies 9 Transportation Vaccine Barley Services TV TV Total Recreation Department. Parts for lawnmower Repairs Washers Lumber TV Hay and straw es Stair f ttings etc. Lumber Repairs Supplies Fuses Cement Services TV Toilet paper Total Golf Co e. Supplies Repair tools Rental of teams Blue prints Gasoline TV Rent of team Total Store Department. Supplies Council Relief Fund. Milk TV Water Supplies Electricity Gas Cleaning Shoes Total ------- Health Center Fund. Services Care and maintenance of children Operating Room Supplies T1 Ant Poison Services Inspection Total Electric Light Fund. 1.10 19.26 35.00 1.00 1.80 .35 5.00 3.54 8.05 87.95 7.80 .35 3.75 23.50 27.80 8.80 3.00 60.77 5.98 7.25 18.95 .30 1.55 21.00 42.00 47.04 $ 279.84 45.50 371.13 11.91 44.45 542.00 6.30 15.00 8.25 10.00 $1054.54 .64 63.83 51.82 1.92 14.17 5.54 11.90 5.20 17.12 9 192.87 1.50 56.40 26.00 1.20 .80 8.00 6.00 1.15 1.aa Premium on policy Addressograph plates Supplies Repairs Rent Water Supplies Oil Supplies TV TV TV $102.55 $ 45.00 6.13 7.62 6.88 60.00 2.78 67.44 41.34 544.56 585.00 1838.09 103.33 Electric Light Fund (Cont'd.) Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Hayes Auto Shop Kellogg Express Co. Loop Lumber& Mill Co. Loupe, Jas. R. Missouri Paint & Varnish Co. Oakland Bank (Trust Department) Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reese Ink, Carbon & Ribbon Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Smith Bros. Security Drug Co. Standard Oil Company Strauch, A. Typewriter Service Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. lt II ft TT 11 Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Crane Co. Hunter & Hudson Lunt, Geo. D. Randlett, E. A. Street Department, City of Alameda Pensions Alameda Social Service Board Municipal Electric Light Plant test Bay Water Co. TI n ft Supplies Rental of transformers Supplies Drayage Supplies Paint Refund deposit - lamp posts PhOnes Typewriter inspections Lamps posts Copper Wire Supplies Acid Gasoline Heaters Cleaning typewriters Supplies Supplies • Total School Construction nd. Pipe Plumbing Arbitration Appraisal of property " " n Survey Total Pension Fund. 389.93 90.00 38.25 20.00 11.43 8.92 230.10 10000.00 40.00 -4.00 1616.00 263.28 9.25 .36 50.25 61.74 15.00 83.18 148.90 13.33 269.50 $ 16671.77 Initiative Relief Fund. Money advanced for labor Industrial Railroad Fund. Clerical work East Bay Water Company payments. Supplement charge Extensions Public Use charge Total 167.10 51.80 10.00 10.00 8.00 246.90 944.16 144.00 60.00 72.32 703.75 2326.41 3102.48 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, February 16th, 1926, at 8 o'clock F. M. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.