1926-04-06 Regular CC MinutesREULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TU7,SDAY EVENING, APRIL 6 1926. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock p. m. with Council-president Otis presidinc. Owing to the absence of W. E. Varcoe, City Attorney Wm. J. Locke was mously unpainted to serve a clerk pro tom. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, were noted present. Absent, none. The minutes of the regular megtin:g of larch 16, 1926, were read and approved The minutes of the special meeting of March 1926, were read and approve. The minutes of the special meeting of March 25, 1926, were read and approved as read. ead. as read® 'Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1016. Transferring 4)2,531.2.5 From the Electric Light Fund to the Interest ana Redemption Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2.V Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1017. Transferring )3,168.66 From the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr, Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 3.V Mr. Traver introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution. No. 1018. Permitting a Spur Track at the intersection of Clement Avenue and Oak Street." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1019. Ordering unclaimed bail deposits with the Chief of Police amounting to 134.00, to •be placed in the General Fund of the City." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution. No. 1020. Authorizing Treasurer to Invest Surplus Money in Bonds." wr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution. and an roll call t wasAadopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1021. Authorizing Quitclaim Deed to M. Hollested." Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted / and passed unanimously. Mr. Traver introduced and moved the acloption of "Resolution No. 1024. Providing for Agreement with Architect." Mr.. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1023. Authorizing Quitclaim Deed to New Extension of Concordia Street north of Buena Vista Avenue." Mr. Traver seconded the Motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously.' 9.V le*/ 11. ./ 151 16.v/ The following papers were ordered filed: Continuation certificate of the bond of A. D. Goldsworthy of the Municipal Electric Liit Plant. Continuation cortifi,ate of the bond of H. P. Wichman of the Municipal El ctric Light Plant. Oath of Office cf R. N. Harvey as Assistant Secretary of the Board of Public Utilities. Copy of Resolution of the Oakland City Council in re H. R. Bills Nos. 16 and 485. Report of the Municipal Blectric Light Plant for the month of February, 1926. Contract with Stephen Smith & Co. for instaiii ng a sprinkler system in the Municipal Golf Course. Easement for sewer in the Fernside Tract. The following communications were received: Prom Chief of Police W. H. Wahmuth regarding a Chinese lottery eonthiced a 2331 Lir.. oln Avenue. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adopt on of "Resolution No. 1024. Declaring the Existence of a Lottery Nuisance at 2331 Lincoln Avenue." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Rescaution and on roll call it was adopued and passed unanimously. From the Mutual Crem'y, rnakin� app lication for permission to sell soft 'drinks at 1901 Eneinal Avenue, and From Boone Bros., making application for permission to sell soft drinks at 475 Central Avenue. Thereupoi dr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1025. Granting Permits for a License t Soft ,Drinks." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 19.7 20./ 21. v From the Carmsl-San Simeon State Highway Association, requesting the ado:Orli:as of a resolution. for the compaetion of several important links in what is generlly known.. as the Pacific Shore Line Route. The resolution was numbered 1025-A. MT. Noble moved the adoption of the resolUtion, seem:Tided:by Mr. Neiss, and on roll call carried unanimously.„ 22.4( From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager, rcTorting tha -on. March 20, 1926, they had counted the meney in the treasury and found the amount to correspond with the Auditor's books. Ma S Latham moved that the communicatien be filed seConded by Mr. Traver, and carried unanimously. 23.V/ From tie War Departmant in. reference to the hico drawbridges over 'the Tidal Canal at Park Street, Pruitvale Avenue and High Street respectively. T.JT Latham moved as the sense of the Council that the three prestmt drawbridges should be replaced by three bascule bridges, seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll all carried unanim6usly. Mr. Noble moved. that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to attand the meeting on May 5th, 1920, at the Oakland City Hall, and object strenuously to the permanent removal of any of the three bridges, seconded by Mor. Neiss, and on roll call carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the properly situated on the south side of Buena. Vista Avenue, about one hundred feet east of Jay Street, thence easterly twenty-five feet, from a Residence District, Class 1, to a Business District, Class III, for restaurant purposes. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Traver and on roll call carried unanimously. • From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclasaLfication of Lots numbered 1 to 7 inclusive, and Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 3 as per map of part c the Hays end. Caperton property, in .-the Town. of Alameda, filed April 9th, 1873, from a Residence District, Class II, to a Business District, Class III, for the purpose of constructing a hotel and stores thereon. Mr. Traver M070a the resommendatlon. of Use City Planning ommission. be adorte 7 econded by MT. Latham, and on roll call carried unnmously* From the Auditor and Treasurer, recommending that unclaimed redemption funde in. their hands be derosited in the General Fund of the city. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be referred back to the -ridemption Clerk and the City Treasurer with the request that the COuncil be given more information as to the amounts of the unclaimed redemption. funds, seconded by Mr. Traver and or . roll call carried unanimously, 25.7 From Harry Young, relative to ark on the street in the neighborhOod of the Bay Farm Bridge and sugp;esting that they to allowed to remain, especially the one which was occupied by an invalid. Mr. Latham moved that all the other arks except the ono occupied by the invalid be removed and that the City Physician be real to visit the sick man and report on his condition to the Council, seconded by Mr. Neiss, and on roll call carried unanimously. 2 From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, enclosing a resolution adopted by the Board. of Directors of that organization on March 26, 1926, regarding the establishment ofHautomobile ferry service between, Alameda and San Francisco. Upon motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Traver, the,'communication was ordered filed. 27.1 From John W. Leis Or 501 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, regarding' the automo- bile ferry service and other railroad matters. Upon motion of Mr. Noble, seconded by Mr, Neiss, the communication was ordered filed. 28.V" From Walter G. Tibbitt , regarding the automobile ferry service between San Francisco and Alameda. Upon motion of Mr. Noble, seconded by Mr. LathaM, the communi tion was ordered filed. 29.1 From the Southern PUCTIfIC CoMpany, explaining the position of the company with reference to the proposed automobile ferry service. Upon motion, of Mr. Neiss, seconded by H Mr. Latham, the communication was orderedfiled. 1 30.1 From Harriet Gill, Secretary of the Alameda Women's Improvement Club, a communi- cation addressed to Mr. Hickok, protesting against the proposed railway tracks in Buena Vista Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Noble, seconded by Mr. Traver, the communication was ordered filed. 31.V From the Alameda Improvement Club, prote sting against placing the tracs in the center of Buena V]sta. Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Neiss, the communication was ordereC, iiled. 32.V From tie Alameda Improvement Club, suggesting cendermation procoodings against the Alaska Packers' property for an oortension of the Belt Line Ra13way, and suggesting that the belt 1e run through the Alaska Packers' property instead of along Buena Vista Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Traver, seconded by Mr. Neisc, the communication was ordered f'led _Li . 331 From the City Planning Commission, enclosing a resolution adopted March 31, 1926, by the Commission, requesting that the City Council refer to the City Planning Commission for consideration, report and advice, the proposition to use Buena Vista Avenue for rail- road purposes. Upon motion of Mr. Neiss, seconded by Mr. Latham, the communication was ,rdered filed. 34. From R. H. Creese, notifying the Council that he had granted the Yellow Cab Co. permission to maintain a cab stand in front of his premises at 1410 Webster Street. Upon motion of Mr. Traver, seconded by Mr. Noble, the communication was referred to the City Attorney for a report. 35.1 From Mr. D. J. Sueell, requesting permission to move a building situated on the west side of Grand Street between Eagle and Clement Avenues to a new location en the south side of Pacific Avenue. City Manager Hickok reported that he had examined the building proposed to be removed and found the condition of the building vas such that he did not believe public interest justified its removal. On motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Neiss, the application to move the building was denied. 26. From the Hutchinson Co., requestinorr permission to improve Madison Avenue from Peach Street to Market Street under private contract. City Engineer Hamilton reported that the owners of abutting property who, would be required to pay for the improvement had 11 signed up and he recommended granting the permission. Upon motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Noble, the petAtion was granted unanimously. 37.V Mr, Latham moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing grass seed for the Municipal Golf Course. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 38.V A Bill entitled 39. "A Bill For Ordinance No. 30</. , New Series. Reclassifying Property (2204-6 Buena Vista Ave.)" came up for passage and was read by the clerk. Mr. Ileles moved that the ordinance as read be adopted,. seconded by Mr. Latham, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. J07, New Series, Reclassifying Property (Business-Undertaking Parlor)." came up Lor passage, and was read by the clerk. Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 40. 41./ A Bill anti tl "A Bill For Ordinance No , New Series. Reclassifying property. (Northwest corner. of Central Avenue and Broadway)". was introduced and laid over under the provision of the charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Properi. (S. side of Buena Vista Ave. 100 ft. east of Jay St. " was introduced and laid over under the provision of the charter. 42.V/ A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance authorizing, and directing the execution of an agreement between the City of Alameda, a Munici-oal corporation or the one hand, 9,nd the Viestern Pacific Railroad Company, Tao. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 0 ompan7, and Alameda Belt Line, rail- road corricratiens, or the other AmendinF and Modif7irg the agreement dateC, December 15th, 14, between said City of Alameda and the two railroad companies fir2t above named, the execution of which oJz:reement by said oily was authorized and directed by ordinance No. 259 (Yew Series), by changing the provisions of saidareement with relation to the route of that portion of the railroad to be constructed by Alameda Belt Line between a point in the Existing Track of Alameda Belt Line on Clement Avenue near Minturn Street, and the westerly line of -;iebster Street, so as to eliminate all requirements that any part of the Railroad to be Constructed shall be Located on the Sidewalk area of Buena Vista Avenue, and so as to Provide that in so far as said railroad is to be located on and along said. Buena Vista ;venue it shall be constructed, along the Center Line thereof." was introduced and laid. over under the provision of the charter. 43.V A Bill entitled 44. "A Bill Far Ordinance No. , New Series. An Ordinance Amendint, Sections 1 and 4 of Ordinance No. 273 (New Series) entitled 'An Ordinance Granting to Alameda Belt Line, a Railroad Corporation, and its Successors and Assigns the Right to use Portions of Certain Streets, Highways and. Properties within the City of .Alameda for the purpose of the Acquisi- - tion, Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a Belt Line Railroad to Serve the Industrial Area and Waterfront of said City of Alameda, and the Right to Acquire, Construct, Maintain and Operate SuchBelt Line Railroad upon, along and across Designated Por- tions of said Streets, Highways and. Properties', Adopted and. Passed by the Council February 3rd, 1925." was introduced and 1,,id over under the provision of the charter. The following communications Were then received out of order: One from the Alameda Housewives' League, another from the Scandinavian American Club, and another from certain property owners residing in the vicinity of Buena Vista Avenue, protesting against the use of the center of Buena Vista Avenue for railroad tracks. Mr. Neiss moved that the comrnunications be filed, seconded by Mr. Traver, and. carried. The following matters were then taken up out of order: Messrs. Lunt and Hargrave discussed with the Council the matter of acu1ring the two lots on the corner of Central Avenue and Walnut Street for a Memorial Hall, ,,but without reaching any decision. 46, V City Manager H ickok requested -that Councilmen Traver and Noble be asked to accompany Fire Chief Steinmetz and himself and examine a lot on Pacific Avenue 217 feet westerly from Webster St. as to its suitability for a firehouse. 47. The City Manager then submitted a report on the cost of widening Park Street - Mr... Latham moved that the report lay over until the next meeting for further considera- jtiOn, seconded by Mr. Miss and carried unanimously. 48.1 Mr. Latham then introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No.1026. Resolution, of Intention No. 80, New Series. To Change the Official Grades of that Portion of Webster Street lying between the Segregation Line and the Estuary." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted alad passed unanimously. 49. City Manager Hickok reported the result of a conference with MrP .Bert Powell regarding the Monette case. The council took no action. 50. The City Manager then recommended the installation of some water mains in the vicinity of the Boyle Manufacturing Co. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the City Manager regarding such improved service be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 51./ The matter of a Memorial Hall was again taken up for further consideration, whereupon Mr. Reiss moved that the Memorial Hall Committee be requested to report to the Council regarding the matter of a suitable site, seconded by Mr. Traver and on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1720.48; Police Depart- ment, 0..81.67; Fire Department, $7,613.46; Street Department, ;42952.77; Health Depart- ment, $213.66; Recreation Department, $1056.43; Golf Coarse, 43763.66; Store Department, q80.07; Council Relief Fund, $164.62; Health Center Fund, $319.78; Electric Light Fund, $7363.94; Pension Fund, 044.16;and E'ast Bay Water Co. Payments Fund,0133.70, having been approved were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Ader, Leon H. Alameda Furniture Company Alameda Times Star If Alameda. Trim Shop Alameda Vulcanizing Works Borle, C. A. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Costello, J. Crocker Co., H. S. TT IT IT Croll, T. J. Fischer, C. T. Grinton, Alec Hickok, C. E. Johnson Co., S. T. Jones P',3 Co., Ed. Klitgaard & Valleau Oliver, dm. Otis, Frank Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rankin, Rankin, im. IT ff Santa Clara Ave. Cyclery Seebeck, George Seeley, Esther Standard Oil Co. Tribune Publishing Co. Alameda Cyclery Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bancroft-lhitney Co. California Animal Products Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Manuel, A. Municipal Electric Light P lan Pacific Tel. Cc Tel. Co. Perkins, Dudley Perryman's Cash Grocery Standard Oil Co. IT IT 1T II trom Electrical Co. General Departments. Money advanced P. O. Box rent Repairs to shades Printing Advertising ordinances Repairs to top Gasoline Services - Assessor's office 1 ribbon Red Rock Desk trays Pencil Sharpener Transportation Services - Asst. Bldg. Inspector Memo pads Auto upkeep Fuel 0 il Lenses Premium on surety bond Services - Mosquito extermination Mayor's Allowance Rental and tolls Services-Mosquito Extermination IT Rat Trapper Carfare Keys Services - Assessor's Office I/ Gasoline 1926 Year Book ft 11 44.50 1.50 11.95 12.50 21.38 8.00 8.00 15.97 1.50 735.00 4.17 1.23 12.50 128.25 1.60 25.00 61.17 39.00 5.00 62.50 50.00 14.83 5.00 20.00 1.06 .75 116.12 100.00 12.00 200.00 Total 1720.48 Police Department. Lock and labor Tube repairs and change Books White cards Supplies t Flashlight cells Telephone Repairs to motorcycle IT (liGoal Oil Gasoline IT TT IT IT TT Push button and wire Total - 10.00 3.84 22.50 8.00 8.82 8.70 7.56 8.30 12.40 3.75 19.50 1.05 20.00 20.00 20.00 7.25 181.67 Dinnie Construction Co. Ford, N. O. ;71uller Brush Co., The Koerber Fuel & Feed. Co. Martin & Conray Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric 0 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Seagrave Company, The Standard Oil Company TT If TV Van Pelt, J. W. Fire Department. 1st Payment on contract Printing Bowl brushes Coal Storage battery Lamps Gas Rental and tolls Supplies Gasoline TV Painting interior of Station Total Street Department. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. Clark & Sons, N. IT TT TT Engineering & Publishing Co. Haynes, M. Heafey, Moore & McNair Kondgshofer's Levenson Company Lietz & Co., The A. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. VT TV /T TV TT Moreland Sales Corp. Oakland Blue Print Co. Oakland Building Mater Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Sanborn Map Company , Standard Oil Company TV TV TT FT If TV Gasoline Parts Sewer pipe TV IT Subscription Parts Road. Oil ts Brooms Supplies Lumber TV an Belt Maps 1 Co. Birds eye screenings Materials Correcting insurance map Gasoline Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Tr TT TV V1 Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Algeri, Mrs. Bernal, Gus Bischoff's Surgical Ho se TT TV TT TV IT IT Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. If IT TV VV If TV TV If TT TV TV IT TV TV TV TT Camel, Dr. Geo. E. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory, The Encinal Coal & Ice Co. Flatow & Son, P. IT IT It TV Koerber Fuel & Ice Co. McMaster, Dorothy Mulford, Co., H. K. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rosenthal & Co., H. Schaefer, Victor L. Security Drug Co. Snow, Bill Warhurst, Dorothy Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Benton, Ganda Cain, M. Calcutt, B. R. IT TV IT Cant, Olive H. Federal Lumber Co. TV TV TV TV TV TT If TI Mazzini, TT It TV TI Heal TV TV Total ;h Department. Sharpen two scissors Laundry TT Printing Tube repair and change Services Honing razors Supplies TV T/ TV TT IT TV Emergency hospital services Transportation Vaccine virus Ice Liquid Soap Formaldehyde Alfalfa Money advanced Diphtheria anti-toxin Rental and tolls Muslin Gauze Safety razor blades Services IT Paper towels Total Recreation Department. Repairs Repairing tube and gasoline Services Horseshoes Bolts Tools Services Sawdust Lumber IT TV TT Athletic supplies 'IP 6528.87 12.50 8.70 14.00 75.20 16.64 17.53 1.15 33.87 8.00 32.00 865.00 7613.46 2130.49 24.78 8.87 57.49 32.93 2.00 13.24 217.39 15.00 97.31 2.40 3.72 48.97 .88 6.86 111.94 105.70 24.00 13.60 19.20 16.00 2952.77 .30 3.93 4.48 12.25 3.20 5.75 1.00 14.18 1.57 7.20 3.09 6.97 6.07 1.04 7.38 5.00 35.00 13.00 5.55 1.40 10.50 4.00 .75 3.28 5.73 3.00 16.80 .85 5.00 14.61 10.78 213.66 12.40 13.90 48.00 2.00 .35 7.75 45.00 1.25 5.25 19.62 3.95 6.75 90.98 Morse & Co., If 11 II ft Tf TT 0. ft fT C. ft ft Municipal Electric Light Plant O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Paragon Chemical Co. Patterson-Willians Mfg. Co. Ricchel & Bredhoff Labor East Bay Water Co. Hamilton, Burnett Heafey, Moore & McNair Johnson Co., S. T. Morse & Co., S. C. Oakland Blue Print Co. 11 If TT TT Standard Oil Co. TT ft Smith & Co., Stephen Crocker & 11 u Hickok, Co., IT It TT ft C. E., u City Manager Recreation Department (con'd. Seed Hose Seed. Paint Sign on door Rental and tolls Chemical spray Safety climbing trees Wingwall and steps, Washington Park Surfacing sea wall Total 4 1036.43 16.60 1.10 .50 6.25 5.00 2.30 36.98 80.50 540.00 90.00 Golf Course. Repairing water main Money advanced Use of team 011 Standard spray Blue prints Gasoline 1st payment on sprinkler system Total Store Department. Council Alameda Scavengers Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Cardinet Cleaning & Dyeing Co. Eason, Bell Bros. Innes Cloverdale Dairy Konigshofer's Losee, E. E. Maxwell, Jennie Mazzini, E. McCorkel, Claire Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Seagrave, Frank E. Spunn, Beulah E. ';ihitten's Shoe Store Health Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn, Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Vulcanizing Works Flatow & Son IT u IT Hughes, .Geo. A. Hunt, Grace M. Lincoln Park Pharmacy Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Public Health Center of Strom Electrical Co. Typewriter Guy Mimeo stencil Erasers Supplies Money advanced for stamps Total Relief Fund.- Service Gas and oil Cleaning Rent Shoes Milk Supplies Rent 11 Expenses to Sonoma State Home Electricity Gas Rental and tolls S hoes Money advanced Shoes Total Center Fund. C are and maintenance Operating room Gasoline and, oil Prescriptions Supplies Dentures Psychological examinations Choc. tonic Rental and. tolls Ala. Co. K-Rays Repair sterilizer Inspection of typewriters Adams, C. C. Addressograph Sales Company Baker-Joslyn Co. Barber Co., Edgar Beloof, R. E. Boyd, RalPh T. If IT Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Chavez products City of Alameda (Store Dept.) Crane Co. Total Electric Light Fund. Premium on policy Supplies It Painting Bond premium Maintenance -Transformers Supplies 571.25 67.97 1.03 690.00 40.43 10.00 4.05 7.20 8.80 12.80 2350.13 3763.66 tip 3.92 .80 7.40 17.95 50.00 80.0'7 2.50 4.35 1.00 5.00 7.70 18.16 6.90 25.00 5.00 14.00 5.13 1.69 6.03 13.13 13.90 10.75 24.38 164.62 67.20 25.00 34.28 50.25 5.33 53.00 20.00 5.40 13.12 43.10 1.60 1.50 319.78 2.50 13.13 131.42 14.00 378.00 20.70 9.90 5.55 600.00 8.64 59.08 Electric Light Fund (con.'d.) East Bay Water Co. Rent iP 60.00 8 Clark, H. D. Bond premium 19:90 Fish, M. H. Labor and material 397.20 Fobes Supply Co. Supplies 387.89 IT If TT 218.32 TT TT IT 304.82 TV TV n 861.34 IT TV If Fuller L7,3 Co., W. P. IT General Electrical Company TV Gilson Electrical Supply Co. IT Graybar Electric Co. IT Great Western Power Co. Rental of transformers Hanjes-Bormann Co. Supplies Kellogg Express Co. Drayage Loop Lumber an Mill Co. Supplies Loupe, Jas. R. II Osborne, A. E. If Pacific Tel. &3 Tel. Co. Phones Paraffine Companies, The Supplies Postal Telegraph Sales Co. 1/2 cost of setting poles Powell Bros. , Inc. Cement Riechel & Bredhoff Repairs Ritchie, Mrs. L. E. Premium on policies Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Supplies Standard Oil Company Gasoline Standard. UndergrounA Cable Co. Supplies Thompson-Chevrolet Co". TY Weinstock-Nichols Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. If Weaver-Wells Co. n estinghouse, E. & M. Co. TY Wickman Glove Factory If Pensions East Bay Water Co. TV TT TV TT Total - Pension Fund. East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund. Water main extensions Public use charge Total - 3.00 1242.52 409.56 20.70 90.00 43.71 .78 3.50 1.99 1.70 42.46 24.99 626.55 4.41 36.00 6.25 518.74 70.40 181.96 .85 . 64 16.61 . 45 512.86 10.92 7363.94 944.16 799.07 2334.63 3133.70 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact,, the council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, April 20, 1926, at 8 o'clock p. m. Respectfully sub City rk pro tem.