1926-06-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0]?ALAMiDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 15TH, 1926. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the meeting of June 1st 1926, were approved as read. 14/ Councilman Latham suggested that the matter of the further hearing of the Golden Gate Ferry Company, be resumed at this time. There being no objection, such was the order. 24, The Council was then addressed by Messrs. Weinmann, Sales, Tibbitts, Dr. Pierce and Devlin, who requested the Council's endorsement. After discussion, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1046. Endorsing Application of Golden Gate Ferry Company." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were ordered filed: 3.V Continuation Certificates on bonds of Edward J. Simon and James W. Price, M. E. L. P. Affidavit of Posting Notice of Improvement, under Resolution of Intention, No. 80, New Series, re change of grade of Webster Street. Contract and bond, Rhodes-Jamieson Co., re furnishing crushed rock. 6./ Contract and bond, Powell Bros., Inc., re furnishing screenings. 7.4 Contract, Clopton Wrecking Company, re wrecking firehoJse, East End. a./ Copy, Order of Dismissal, Railroad Commission, re application Alameda Belt Line for construction of tracks, etc. The following communications were received: From Walter H. Cramer, requesting reappointment as Auditor under same terms as before. Mr. Latham moved that Mr. Cramer be continued on in the service of the City, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. 10.1/ From Peat, Marwisk, Mitchell & Co., offering services as accountants. The communication was ordered filed. 11.V Two communications from the North Side Protective Club, protesting the laying of railroad tracks or the operating of trains on Grand or Hibbard Streets, at any point south of the southerly line of Eagle Avenue. Mrs. F. J. Malley and others addressed the council pertaining to the communications. The communi- cations were ordered filed. 12.V/ From the Alameda Womans Improvement Club, protesting the proposed chang- ing of car stops of the Key System Transit Company. Mr. Neiss moved that they be advised that the council had already opposed any change being made in the present service. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 13.11 From the Southern Pacific Company, requesting permission to improve at its own expense, with an oil macadam pavement, both sides of that portion of Main Street at present unimproved, extending from the northerly line of Pacific Avenue to the northerly line of Maple Street. Mr. Traver moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 144/ From Mrs. Catherine Viers, requesting permission to move a two room ark now situated on Harrison Avenue, to the rear of the lot on the south side of Buena Vista Avenue, between Oak and Park Street. Mr. Noble moved that the appli- cation be denied, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 15.1 From the Alameda Non-Partisan Club, containing Resolution, re transpor- tation problems. Ordered filed. 16a From the Alameda Womans Improvement Club, endorsing the Golden Gate Ferry Company's application. Ordered filed. 17d Legal opinion of City Attorney Locke, relative to status of the property of Mr. A. L. King, adjoining gas station of Associated Oil Company, at Central Avenue and Sherman Street. Ordered filed. 18.V From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the property situated on the north line of Central Avenue, distant 350 feet west of Oak Street, thence westerly forty feet, from a Residence District, Class II, to a Business District, Class III, in order that a building to contain professional offices may be constructed thereon. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, providing that a set-back line of at least 19./ 20./ 21. 22.v/ 23. 24. 25.V twenty feet from the property line be established. The motion was seconded by Mr. Traver and the same carried unanimously. ',Prom the Scandinavian-American Club of Alameda, endorsing the Golden Gate Ferry Company's application. Ordered filed. From Powell Bros. Inc., in which they advise they contemplate building on property now owned by them at the foot of Oak Street, which will do away with the present unprotected portion of the sea-wall at the south end of Park Street. The communication was ordered filed. Applications for permit to sell sfot drinks were received from A. Paras, 1319 Park Street, and. Jessie Chiapetto, 900 Lincoln Avenue. Inasmuch as both of these applications had received the recommendation of the Chief of Police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1047. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. In the matter of the hearing in the abatement proceedings against 2331 Lincoln Avenue, after discussion, Er. Latham moved that the matter be postponed until the next regular meeting of the council, to be held July 6th, for trial. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. Hon. L. R. Weinmann, representing Mr. McCann, the owner, requested to be advised upon the return of City Attorney Locke, from his annual vacation, if the proceedings would be held under the present ordinance, or under State law. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1048. Ordering the Change and Modification of the Grade of a Portion of Webster Street." Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll adopted and passed unanimously. The following Ordinances were introduced and laid over under of the Charter:- Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing Annual Vacations for City Officials and Employees." Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Lot, North Side of Central Ave. 350 Ft. West of Oak Street.) call it was a provision 26.V An application was received from the American Dredging Company, requesting permission to deposit approximately 350,000 to 400,000 cubic yards of dredged material on the University of California Tract, as shown by Map attached to the application. Mr. Traver moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager with the request that he ascertain if the dredged material cannot be placed upon the Naval Base site, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. Mr. Neiss moved that Fire Chief Steinmetz be allowed a sum of 4350.00, for the purpose of attending the Fire Chiefs' Convention to be held at Fresno and New Orleans. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and after discussion, carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble and Traver, (4). Noes: Council-president Otis, (1). Absent: None. Claims against the General Departments, amounting to $2568.15; Police De- partment, 736.87; Fire Department, $4980.93; Street Department, $7358.24; Health Department, $259.55; Recreation Department, 002429.11; Golf Course Fund, 08352.27; Store Department, $54.07; Electric Light Fund, 013,089.49 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: 27.‘/ .Labor Alameda Chamber of Commerce Adams, C. C. Alameda Furniture Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star IT TT If !I IT TV TV If TV If TT TV TV TV TT IT TV General Departments. 31.50 Community Advertising 65.00 Insurance premium 26.80 Carpet 190.40 Towel service 7.00 Advertising and cards 37.08 80.02 Copies of ordinance 7.90 Printing 11.10 Brief 56.45 Printing 26.10 " 14.00 If Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bancroft-Whitney Co. Bradley, H. M. Calif. State Auto. Assn, Clark, Herbert D. Crocker, H. S. Co. East Bay Water Co. Edwards, W. B. Franke, Mr. Hoover's Horn Products Co. Johnson Co., S. T. TT TT ft 1f TT 11' TT TT Lee, Samuel Municipal Electric Light Plant TV TV TT TV TT TT TV TV TT O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Patrick & Co. Schaffer, Wm, Schaefer, Victor L. Smith, Charles Tyyewriter Guy Van Pelt, J. W. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Walthall, S. F. Western Construction News Zellerbach Paper Co. TT TT Times-Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alzina, Hap Collins & Kearns Kellogg Express Municipal Electric Light Plant TV TT TT TT TV TV TV Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Pacific Telephone Co. Perkins, Dudley Piatt Photo Supply Co. Standard Oil Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hdw. Company Western Union TT Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. Alameda Furniture Co. Boyle Manufacturing Co., Inc. Central National Bank of Oakland East Bay Water Company Furey, Harry D. TV TT TT TT TT IT Fred Guy & Young Co. Kracke & Brunje Municipal Electric Light TV TT IT TT TT TV TV TT 11 Plant TT TT TV Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Company Superior Tile & Products Co. Werner, Carl Western Union Telegraph Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Calif. Mill & Cabinet Co. Clark & Sons, N. East Bay Water Co. Hamilton, Burnett Heafey-Moore Company TT TV TT TT TT TT Hutchinson Company General Departments, (con.) Gas and repairs Vol. 25, Cal. Jurisprudence Premium insurance on fire house 1 Redflex Signal Premium insurance on firehouse Book Case Water city hall & fountains Premium insurance on firehouse Services as Rat Trapper Premium T. N. T. Cleaner Distillate Oil Distillate Repairing bench Repairs City lighting month ending May 31,'26. Spotlight Lamp Sign Gas, City Hall Rental and tolls 1 Stamp pad ink Services Barium Carbonate Installing plumbing in city jail Typewriter inspections Painting laboratory Bucket Premium insurance on firehouse Subscription Bags Total Police Department. Printing Repairing auto tubes, etc. Repairing motorcycles Tires, tubes, repairing Package to L. E. Sperry Mogul Lamp Repairing Autos Labor & Bay Farm Island Cable Gas Telephone Labor & filling battery Photo supplies Gasoline Inspecting Typewriters Twine & Brushes Telegram Total Fire Department. Linen service for May Library table, chairs, etc. Water Pails Final payment on contract, a/o Dinnie Con.Co. Water Change leader pipe Repair pipe in bathroom " Sewer Sta. #5 Inspecting typewriter Bicar. Soda Labor and cost Bay Farm Island Cable Labor and material, conduits Heater, fire alarm cable, etc. Battery recharges Gas Phone tolls & service Gasoline Extra charge for tile in Bathroom Sta. #5 Architectural services Sta. #5 Clock rental for June, 1926 Total Street Department. Gas and tube repairs Lumber Sewer pipe Water used during May Money adv. a/c Durant part Road Oil Delivered IT TV TT TV u TV Order 3739 a/c intersec. and Park St. at Bay Is. Ave. 41) 1.? 18.01 12.00 26.80 17.00 13.40 26.46 23.51 26.80 20.00 13.40 12.00 69.32 5.78 40.95 4.50 2.60 2127.89 74.31 1.10 6.00 5.42 13.14 1.00 25.00 3.55 277.00 9.75 94.00 1.15 40.20 2.00 .76 3568.15 42.20 44.78 14.76 94.01 .35 3.90 4.20 498.57 .86 11.69 .75 2.95 20.00 4.50 1.85 1.50 736.87 50.00 96.00 2.69 2192.75 22.02 2.00 8.75 6.00 2.25 12.25 468.57 1086.83 545.11 34.08 27.56 .85 16.00 43.50 341.97 1.75 4980.93 2347.50 27.29 23.60 51.45 14.23 .80 669.87 895.12 338.16 319.20 Lena, N. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. u u 11 71 71 7, u IT 71 Rhodes-Jamieson & Company u “ u 11 Richfield Oil Company Siegler, Louis Standard Oil Company Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. 11 71 TT Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. If TT 77 77 Alameda Times Star IT Algeri, Mrs. Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 71 IT TT 11 If Bollinger, L. F. Buben, Zdenka Camel, E. Geo., M.D. Crocker Co., H. S., Inc. Cutter Laboratory, The Ellis, James A., M. D. Encinal Coal & Ice Company Hickman, George W. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Maher, Helen Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. Sanders, R. a., M. D. Strom Electrical Company Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Warhurst, Dorothy Alameda Vulc. Works Cain, M. Campe, J. H. Cleaves, Vera H East Bay Water Co, u ir Tf Gardener, U. S. Heafey Moore Co. TT 11 T1 Lena, N. Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant IT ft If Ulll ( J. 1 • ) Order 3737 for replacing wall at Hawthorne St. Repairs to Ford Truck Services during May Materials Medium Oil Repairs & sharpening tools Gasoline 11 Services Mar., Apr. and May Supplies 11 Total - --- Health Department. Laundry Job #5719 Milk Scoring Contest Services Express chgs. & insurance. Still. 11 Tt TT IT Dishes kbottles Dressing Jars Services Money adv. for gasoline Emergency calls Binder strips Vacine Emergency call Ice Soap Alfalfa, Barley & Hay Money adv. for Mrs. Tritzmaker Chev. General overhauling May telephone bill Emergency calls Battery and repair phones Inspecting typewriters Galv. Iron Services in Laboratory Total - Recreation Department. Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Piatt Photo Co. Standard Fence Co. Stumpf, M. Typewriter Guy Valiance Nursery Co. Vosburgh HardwareCo. IT It It 11 Winkler, i on, Jr. -------- Tas., tube and repairing Horse shoeing Hay and Straw Services sub. play director Water 11 %1) Creosote and gasoline Grading, etc. Basket ball court at McKinley Park Resurfaceing courts at Lincoln Park Basket Ball Court at Washington Park Rent of watering cart Curbing Buena Vista & Walnut St. Bibbs Black Paint Gears, lights and paint Gas, Washington and Lincoln Pks. Telephone Films and prints Fence Repairs to gloves & balls Typewriter inspection Seed Scythes & Faucets Bushings Brushes and tape Services as gardener vacation wk. Total - Golf Course Fund. Labor Bay Farm Island, Inc. Rent of 122.88 acres of land. East Bay Water Co. Pipe fittings Hamilton, Burnett Money adv. for Oil Heavey-Moore Co. Use of team on golf course Mercantile Trust Co., a/c Stephen Smith Co., Amount due sprinkler Standard Oil Co. Gasoline Vosburgh Hardware Co. Bolts Total =I? 600.00 62.03 3.18 193.21 214.95 318 18 239.45 466.24 452.58 35.50 14.40 24.80 32.80 2.25 7.85 3.60 3 7358.24 4.76 5.98 8.00 5.38 5.75 78.25 1.36 5.60 1.00 1.10 15.00 2.12 2.00 2.50 5.65 15.70 9.80 5.00 18.96 5.20 40.00 6.60 4.50 .50 8.84 259.55 13.96 4.00 15.50 27.00 39.16 4.48 3.75 552.50 480.05 160.00 27.50 368.00 2.00 18.75 148.04 5.23 2.30 5.64 435.00 5.90 2.25 9.50 28.70 1.10 3.80 65.00 0 2429.11 475.63 3332.89 6.72 5.13 15.00 4500.00 16.00 .90 (!,L 83.52.27 H. S. Crocker Co. TV TT if TT If TV TV Hickok, C. E., City Manager Alameda Times-Star American Smelting & Refining Co. Baston Tire & Supply Co. Board of Public Utilities Thomas Day Co. East Bay Water Co. Fobes Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Kellogg Express Co. KTP-F Electric Co. Newcomb, Charles A. O'Brien, W. B. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Ritchie, L. E. Siegler, Louis Standard Oil Co. Thompson-Chevrolet Co. Typewriter Service Co-. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Store Department. Inv. 42048 Thumbtacks Envelopes Money adv. for stamps Total Electric Light Fund. Printing Copper Wire Auto supplies Incidentals for May Fixtures Water Supplies Electric Energy Expressage Switch Stationery Lettering auto Electric Current Material Premiums on bond Door frame Gasoline Auto Supplies May inspection and ribbons Hard are Supplies Total • 9 9 .45 1.37 2.25 50.00 54.07 40.65 677.77 38.50 25.26 216.00 2.11 91.77 11366.52 1.20 87.12 .25 6.00 350.90 16.61 5.00 4.75 15.20 4.00 4.00 5.30 130.58 13089.49 Mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed. be paid, seconded by Mr. Noble aid on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, July 6th, 1926, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, Cit e k.