1926-08-03 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF ME COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMED.., TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3RD, 1926. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Neiss, (I). The minutes of the regular Meeting of Jiily 20th, 1926, were approved as reaa. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 27th, 1926, were approved as read. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1057. Transferring 1,942.31 from the Electri Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Traver seconded -the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and :passed unanimously. Yr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1058. Requesting Railroad Commission to Grant the - Application of the Golden Gate Ferry Company." Mr. Traver seconded. the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that certified copies of Resolution No. 10/16, passed. June 15th, 1926, be forwarded to the Golden Gate Ferry Company and also to the Railroad Commission, Mr. Traver seconded the motion and the same carried unanimously. The following papers were filed: yi Report of Municipal Electric Light Plant for month of June, 1926. City Manager's estimated budget 1926-27. The following communications were received: From the Southern Pacific Company, containing acceptance of Resolution No. 1056 �f the '0 ncil passed on the 27th clay of July, 1926. Ordered filed. From the Key System Transit Company re installation of new tracks on Webster Street between Atlantic and. Santa Clara Avenue. The communication was ordered filed and after discussion Mr. Traver moved that the city manager and city engineer be in- structed to make a survey of the condition. of the Key. System. Transit Company's tracks in this city and to report back to the Council. The motion was seconded by 'Mr. Latham' and carried unanimously. Mr. Latharo moved that the city manager and city attorney investigate and report as to the status of the proposed bus line on San Jose Avenue to take the place of the present Key System Transit Com-eany's service. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble md carried unanimously. From City Attorney Locke relative to the vs. Dow et al. Ordered filed. of Central Pacific Railway Co. TCV From the City Planning Commission indorsing the reclassification of a oertain lot of land beginning at Tide Land Survey Stake No. 9, as listed on Table 2, Map 1 2 of salt marsh and tide lands on Bay :Tam Island, from a Residence District, 7ass i, to a Business District, Class V. Mr. Latham moved the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble, and carried unanimously. From the City PlanninP'. Commission recommending that a temporary permit be granted Mrs. Josephine Y. Smith at 922 Chestnut Street for the manufacture of candy in the basement of said building, the permit to be non-transferable and to be automatically cancelled upon any change of ownership of the property in duestion. Mr. Traver moved that a temporary permit be granted in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, seconded by Mr.. Latham, and on roll call carried unanimously. Applicationsfor a permit to sell soft drinks were received from M rii Catton, 1517 Park Street, and Jenny Wren Stores, Inc., 1200 Lincoln Avenue. Inasmudhoas both applications had received the approval of Chief of Police Wm. H. Wahmuth, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1059. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks". Mr. Traver seconded the motion, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 1 ,5 ]. 9 Aug. 3, 1926. A communion, ion from City Manager Hickok relative to communication of Alaska Packers' Association, dated July 27, 1926, re bridges across Tidal Canal. Ord-red filed. -rem the Alameda Improvement Club re granting of an exclusive :franchise of fifty years to the Key System Transit Company in tube across the estuary. After discussion Mr. Traver moved that the city attorney be instructed to gather informa- tion as to franchises and report back at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. The following ordinances came up for nassage and were read by the clerk: "Ordinance .No. . New Series. ReclassifYing Property. (S. side of Buena Vista Avenue, 167.94 ft. West of Park Street; Private School for Japanese.)" Hon. E. K. Taylor and Mrs. Paul Evans addressed the council in support of the adoption of the ordinance, and Mr. Frank W. Hooper in protest. After discussion, Mr. Traver moved the adoption of the ordinance as read, seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Noble, Trave Otis, (3). Noes: Councilman Latham, Absent: Councilmen Neiss. Council-President 'Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating Auction Sales and the Business of Aactioneering in the City of Alameda, Providing a License Tax or Tee thereon and Pre- scribing the Penalty for a violation of said Ordinance". Mr. Noble moved the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr, Traver, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. ' , N.S. Amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 227, N. S., 'Establishing Districts or Zones and. Regulating Therein the Use of Property, Height of Buildings, and. Required Open Spaces for Light and Ventilation of such buildings, and. Repealing Ordinances Nos. 144, 149, 185, 191, 197 and 210, New Series'." Mr. Latham moved the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Traver, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under provision of the charter: "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Automobile Oil and Service Station, Bay Farm Island)". "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Providing for the Erection of Traffic Stop Signs on Both Sides of Park Street and. Webster Street, and Requiring the Drivers of all Vehicles to come to a Pull Stop at Street Intersections be- fore crossing said streets." "Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section One of Ordinance No. 151, N. S. Entitled An Ordinance 'Establishing Fire Limits and Regulating the Construction of Buildings therein; also Repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict herewith' ., and Repeal- ing Ordinance No. 280, N. S." Claims against the General Departments amounting to e1018.43; Police Department e185.54; Fire Department,$25.40; Street Department,4840.83; Health Department,$90.5 Recreation Department,$205.89; Golf Course Fund, $2536.36; Store Department, $73.55; Social Service Department, e140.87; Health Center _Fund, $85.66; Electric Light Fund, . 4740.77; School Construction Pund, $100.00; Initiative Relief Fund, 1.2.50; East Bay Water Co. Payments :Fund, $3048.89; Pension ?and, 0944.00'having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times-Star YT TT TT Borle, C. A. TT Ti Brandt, Mr. Louis Burroughs Adding Machine Go . Costello, J. Cranston, A. R. Croll, 70 J. Fischer, C. F. Hickok, C. E. Johnson, S. T. Co. Lunt, George D. Otis, T'rank Padilla, C. D. Sengenberger, Mrs. L. Underwood. Typewriter Co. U. 3, Fidelity & Guaranty Go. Alameda Times-Star Alzina, Hap Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Company Kracke & Brunje Steinmetz, W. T. Cr. Revolving Fund Valiance Nursery The Labor Clark ?,3 Sons, N. Dietrich-Post Co. Empire Foundry Company Ford, N. O. Loop Lumber and. Mill Co. Oakland Blue Print Co. Powell -Bros., Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson l Company Robinson Tractor Company Standard Oil Company Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. TY IT TT TT Algeri, Mrs. C. Braun-Knecht-Heiman TT IT TT Orapenter, Dg.T. City Market Franke, Mr, P. Mazzini, L. Snow, William Warhurst, Dorothy Cant. Olive H. Cleaves, Vera H. Crane Company Hutchinson, J. W. Loop Lumber and Mill Company Mazzlnd, I. Merritt, 7, F. Y. E. L. Plant S44ith, Chas. Valiance Nursery Co. Winkler, Simon • Go. TT General De 's. Cleaninc, curtains Printing Advertising Carfare Services Services as rat trapper Inspection Rock Services Auto Upkeep Services Auto 7.4)eep Distilate Premium - firehouse Allowance Washing windows city hall Typing fees budget Rental Bond of W. E. Varcoe Total-- Police Department Print inc, Labor Flashlight System Gasoline Total- Fire Department. Sulp. Acid. Materials & supplies Lawn Seed Total- Street Department. Pipe Blueprint paper Gratings Envelopes Lumber Blue prints Materials Materials Caterpillar parts Gasoline Total - Health Department Laundry IT Services Supplies Transportation for July Hamburger Services rat trapper Oil stove Services in Laboratory IT 71 Total Recreation Department Services play-director (sub) IT Bushings Gang spray units Lumber for tables, Washington Golf cups and flags Filing saw Globes Repairs in Franklin lavatory Grass seed Vacation, gardener Total- Aug. 3, 1926 31.50 5.02 2.50 175.13 1.82 175.65 75.00 15.00 110.00 100.00 25.00 77.25 25.00 7.61 26.80 50.00 40.40 60.00 6.00 8.75 1018.43 28.00 ,60 137.24 20.00 185.40 6.47 15.93 3.00 25.40 2905.37 13.93 2.16 6.00 6.50 6.56 4.41 661.63 188.82 8.65 36.80 -0840.8 4.55 .69 3.00 1.67 11.41 35.00 .40 20.00 .25 6.00 7.41 90.58 6.00 27.00 .52 7.50 36.42 46.60 1.00 3.30 2.35 5.00 70.00 205.89 Labor Loupe, Jas. R. Byron-Jackson Pump Mfg. Co. U 77 TT 1/ TT TT IT It TT IT Loop Lumber and Mill Co. Standard Oil Company-- Crocker Co, H. S . Hickok, C. E.. Ala. City Soc. Ser. Bd. Central Shuey Creamery Donovan, Mary Eason, Bell Innes Cloverdale Dairy Konigshofer's Maxwell, Jennie Y. E. L. P. P. G. & E. Company Whitten's Store (Shoe) Golf Course Fund Spring Labor and material IT 11 11 71 Lumber Gasoline Store Department Supplies Stamps 11 Total - Total Social Service Department Alameda Sanatorium Certified Laboratory Products Collins and Kearns Flatow 83 Son, P. It 11 IT Houghton Mifflin Company Travers Surgical Company Money advanced • Milk Rent Milk Hose Rent Elec tricity Shoes Health Center Fund. Aug. 3, 1926 577.32 1.80 264.00 758.80 896.40 7.64 30.40 - 2536,36 23.55 50.00 73.55 17.21 52.65 25.00 5.00 19.44 4.28 5.00 2.59 4.58 5.12 Total - 140.87 Room and anaesthetic Carbon 'Dioxide and Cylinder Tire and tube Prescriptions Supplies Bklets. Sharpen Scissor Electric Light Fund. Alameda Times-Star American Brass F.; Colorer Supply Co. American Smelting and 2efining Co. Columbia Auto Sheet Metal Works Crane Company Dorward Pump Company East Bay Water Company Electric Storage Battery Co., The Fobes SuPY,ly Company General Electric Company General Electric Company Great -:;estern Power Company Kellogg Express Co. Key System Transit Company :/:ortick Manufacturin,7 Co. Loop Lumber Company Loupe, Jas. a.. Moore Dry Dock Co., The Oakland ..-Wlber Stamp Co. _Jampe Mfg. Company Roeblinp;'s Sons Co., John A. Triangle Parts Company deaver-,/ells Co. Weinstock-ncols Company Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Company Meyers, Henry H. Total- - Printing Supplies 11 Repairs Supplies and Labor Rent, 1414 Park St. Battery Supplies TT 11 Transformer rental Expressage Supplies Poles, Pike Lumber Auto supplies Pipe Railing - Repair dater Supplies Copper Wire Supplies School Co Total- - tractjon. Fund. Fee for preparing plans and specifications for new Lincoln School. Initiative Relief. Ala, City Soc, Ser. Bd. Money advanced 15.00 9.25 16.20 20.76 6.80 6.80 .85 85.66 283.90 3.76 54.92 2.25 226.49 159.98 60.00 13.30 313.11 36.,60 850.27 90.00 35.80 21.47 19.00 3.25 3.20 200.00 1.75 4.25 593.49 10.03 .90 10.48 33.91 708.66 - -3 3740.77 100.00 2.50 East Ba7 Vfate Ti T Ti "Pensions CO. s, Bay Water Co. Payrnents Fund. ?tth1ic Use Cha Additions for July, 1926 Pension Fund. Total - Aug. 3, 1926. 334.73 715.16 3,049.89 9 44.16 Er. Latham moved that the claims as listed be pai, seconded by Er. Noble aid on roll call carried unamiously. There being no further business to transact, the council adjourned to meet in regalar session Tuesday evening, Algast 17, 1926, at eight o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted