1926-09-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1926. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 17th, 1926 were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of August 24th, 1926 were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1060. Transferring $2,658.77 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1061. Transferring $618.75 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were filed: 31V Oath of Office of Oscar Gaunt as Special Police Officer, Municipal Golf Course. 4.V1 Oath of office of C. Aleathe Fritsch, as Play Director, Recreation Department. 5. Affidavit of Publication, Notice to Tax Payers, re Board of Equalization meeting. 6./ Continuaion Certificate on bond of Walter J. Plummer, Municipal Electric Light Plant employee. 7. Report of Municipal Electric Light Plant for month of July, 1926. Bond of J. H. Luthge, as House Mover. The following communications were received: From S. R. Hackett, requesting permission to move houses from 1511 and 1623 Buena Vista Avenue. On the recommendation of the City Manager, Mr. Traver moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 0• From Tony Ratto, requesting permission to move a house at 1811 Grand Street, to a vacant lot situated just south of the dwelling known as 1712 Minturn Street. Upon recommendation of the City Manager, Mr. Noble moved that permission be granted seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. From East Bay Property Owners Council re extension of park facilities. Ordered filed. 16. 17.7 From Joint Alameda County, 9th of September Committee, requesting Mayor and members of the Council to participate in parade at Sacramento on September 9th. Ordered filed. From Albert Picard, presenting proposal for the exclusive privilege of garbage disposal in the City of Alameda. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager for further investigation and report back to the council, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. From Hon. Frank D. Stringham, Mayor of Berkeley, containing copy of Reso- lution passed by the Council of the City of Berkeley, endorsing application of the Golden Gate Ferry Company to maintain an automobile ferry between Alameda and San Francisco. The communication was ordered filed. City Manager Hickok stated that the request for the passage of such resolution did not eminate from him and wished to be so recorded. From the City Plaxniing Commission, recommending the reclassification of the southeast corner of Pacific Avenue and Main Street, from a Residence District, Class 1, to a Business District, Class V, Mr. Traver moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission, recommendating the reclassification of the property situated at the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Ninth Street, from a Residence District, Class I, to a Business District, Class V. Mr. R. Scott Baum, the petitioner, was present in the council chamber, and stated that it was his intention to use the property solely as a gasoline and oil station. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. From City Manager Hickok, containing report of City Engineer, as to the condition of the tracks of the Key System Transit Company. Mr. Traver moved that the communication and report be filed and that the City Manager be instructed to ascertain if permanent construction could not be made in connection with all futuro repairs. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Applications for permit to sell soft drinks were received from the Mutual Cream- ery Company and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. Inasmuch as these applications had received the approval of the Chief of Police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1062. ing a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of an application for a permit to sell soft drinks, signed by A. C. Manderscheid. To this application was attached a communication from Chief of Police Wahmuth, in which he refused to approve or recommend the application. City Manager Hickok also recommended that the loplication be denied. Upon the recommendations so made, Mr. Traver moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 2G0/ In the matter of the further hearing of the location of a primary school in the vicinity of Franklin Park, Marshal L. Lovey filed with the Clerk, on behalf of Mrs. W. R. Cluness, a communication offering the property at 900 Union Street for a price of 018,000. Messrs. Palmer and Wright again addressed the council in opposition to the establishment of a school in the vicinity mentioned. Messrs. Agnew, Pye and Jase Eschen, addressed the couth favoring the establishment of such a school. President Otis stated that the matter was in the hands of the Committee of the Whole and would remain their for further 'consideration. Mr. Neiss moved that the Board of Education be instructed to furnish the council with the necessary statistics, showing the need or necessity for such a school in the vicinity of Franklin Park. The motion was seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. 211 Mr. Neiss called attention of the council to the new routing of No. 9 car and stated that many citizens had complained as to the round-about route and length of time now consumed between Alameda and Oakland, and requested the City Manager to confer with the Key System Transit Company, in an endeavor to have this corrected. 224' The matter of the petition previously referred to the Committee of the Whole filed by various employees, asking for a retirement pension system for old officials and employees, was, upon motion of Mr. Neiss, seconded by Mr. Traver, referred to , the City Manager for investigation and report. 23/ Mr. Latham moved that Mr. Hermann Krusi be granted a ninety day leave of absence to leave the State, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. The following Ordinances were introduced, and laid over under a provision of the Charter:- 24./ 26, "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the Construction and. Maintenance of Establishments for Dry Cleaning." "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Southeast corner, Pacific Avenue and Main Street, Gasolihe and Oil Service Station)" "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Northwest corner, Central Avenue and. Ninth Street, Automobile Service Station.)" "Ordinance No. N.S. An Ordinance Regulating the Construction and maintenance of Estblishments for the purpose of Conducting Musical Dramatic or Theatrical Shows in the City of Alameda, and. Prescribing the License Tax Therefor." "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles on the High School Block and on the face of the four blocks Fronting Thereon." Claims against the General Departments amounting to $934.79; Police Department 164.10; Fire Department, 213.25; Street Department, $2686.95; Health Department, 320.65; Recreation Department, $484.74; Golf Course Department, $644.92; Store Department, $28.93; Council Relief Fund, $269.69; Health Center Fund, $202.34; Electric Light Fund, $15,284.84; Pension Fund, $94416 and. Initiative Relief Fund $46.00, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. TT 11 TT 11 Alameda Times Star TV TV TV Amerian Law Book Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bradley, H. M. Brandt, Louis Carlisle & Co., A. City Market General Departments. 31.50 Towel service , 7.00 7.00 Advertising Ordinances 43.19 Dockets 95.00 Research manual 10.00 Gasoline and oil 10.23 Premium 25.00 Services- Rat Catcher 69.00 Post Binder 8.71 Meat for rat poison 3.60 TV If Croll, T. J. Duplex Percolator Co. East Bay Water Co. Elfers, Mrs. Margaret Tischer, C. T. Flatow & Son, P. Guy & Young Co., Fred Hickok, C. E. City Manager Johnson Co., S. T. Lunt, George D. O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. TT TT TT Tt 11 Otis, Frank Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schaefer, Victor L. Sperbeck, George Stewart Mantel & Tile Co. Traver, C. L. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alzina, Hap TT IT Bass-Heater Co. McCamman, W. J. Pacific Tel. & TeL 11 TT TT andard Oil Company TT Strom Electrical Co. Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Co, 11 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, TV TV TV 77 American' Rubber Mfg. Co, Baker, Hamilton &.Pacific Co. East Bay-Water Co. Guy & Young Co., :Fred Garratt-Oallahan Co. Idorelands Sales Corporation Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Company TT Steinmetz, W. T. Standard Oil Company Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Clark & Sons, N. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Oakland Blue Print 0o, Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard. Oil Company 11 11 11 TT Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Algeri, Mrs. Mary Blschoff's Surgical House TT TT 71 Bollinger, L. F. Bann-Knecht-Heimann 77 11 TV Go. TT Carpenter, Dr. T. Central City Chemical Co. Collins, Florence Crum, M.D....Howard C. Cutter Laboratory 71 TV Duplex Percolator Co. Ulatow & Son, P. Hieronymus, Dr, Arthur General Departments (Cont'd.) Auto upkeep Rental Water Services TV Soap Typewriter inspection Auto upkeep Expenses to Convention Fuel Oil Premium Lettering on door- Board Signs Allowance as Mayor Rental and tolls Barium Carbonate Carfare to S. F. Repairs Expenses to Convention Total - Police Department. Laundry Printing Gas and repairs Repairing motorcycle Supplies White paint Directory Rental and to Gasoline Lamp cells Inspecting typewri -Boiled oil Total - Tire Department. Linen service Supplies Cotton waste Water Inspecting typewriter Metal shine Supplies Rental Gasoline Revolving Fund Gasoline 000 Total Street Department. Gasoline and tube repairs Sewer pipe Lumber Prints Rental and tolls Gasoline TT Typewriter inspection Supplies Total - Health Department. Laundry Gas and oil Services Luer syringe Supplies Substitute Bacteriologist Lens paper Supplies Transportation Fumigators Clerical services Services Vaccine Service Supplies Expenses to Convention $ 12.50 11.00 24.27 64.00 119.25 1.40 8.25 25.00 140.14 18.11 20.00 15.00 57.00 50.00 13.47 3.50 .52 3.50 37.65 934.79 9 .61 18.60 28.64 10.20 3.50 11.75 10.00 9.45 3.90 20.00 20.00 17.5C 6.75 3.20 164.10 50.00 50.00 15.60 20.87 24.31 2.25 12.28 1.52 .75 8.00 8.00 3.67 16.00 - 9 213.25 $ 2445.62 20.63 20.72 62.52 10.50 4.08 34.40 42.40 34.40 2.25 9.43 2686.95 5.50 2.03 1.88 3.60 1.00 62.50 1.32 2.77 35.00 95.96 2.50 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.90 37.95 Kellogg Express Konigshofer's McMaster, Dorothy Mulford Company, H. K. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tell Co. Security Drug Company Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Waite, Mrs. Warhurst Dorothy Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company California Wire Cloth Company Cant, Olive H. Cleaves, Vera H. diVecchio, Lucille East Bay WaterCo. Grimmett, Chester a. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Merritt, F.T. Messinger, L. H. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schaefer, Victor L. Security Drug Co. Standard Oil Company Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co. West Disinfecting Company Winkler, Jr., Simon Labor American Railway Express Co. Bowser & Co., S. 2. Loupe, Jas. R. 71 11 TV 77 TV Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Company of Cal. -11 u u u Western Auto Supply Co. Crocker Co., H. If TV If Dietrich-Post Co. Patrick & Co. 5. If Health Department (Cont'd.) Express charges Supplies Money advanced Toxin Antitoxin Lamps Rental and tolls Mercurochrome Typewriter inspection Supplies Cleaning hospital Services in laboratory Total Recreation Department. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Central Shuey Creamery Co. Chandler's Express & Furniture Co. Donovan, Mary Eason, Bell East Bay Water Co. Innes-Cloverdale Daity Konigshofer's Krieg Co., J. J. Larsen, Mamie Municipal Electric Light Plant 17 TV TI TT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. TT TT 11 TT Pacific Tel. & Tel.Co. Schafer, J. Seagrave, ?rank E. Sirola, A. Whitten's Shoes Store- TT IT IT Gasoline Cycol Wire netting Services If Water Athletic supplies Lumber Filing ald setting saw Services Fuses Rental and tolls First aid supplies Zerolene Typewriter inspection Lock and keys Rubber cement Euchrelyptum Services Total, - Golf Course Department. Expressage Hose Spark plug Supplies Grip grind compound Rental and tolls Gasoline TT ?an Belt Total - Store Department. Supplies If Tracing cloth Stamps Total Council Relief Fund. Gas and oil Milk Moving charges Rent Water Milk Supplies 11 Rent Electricity TT Gas TT Rental and tolls Rent Shoes Repairing shoes Repairs and shoes Shoes .50 9.70 3.00 6.53 .68 5.00 1.00 4.50 1.50 2.50 10.83 $ 320.65 tip 10.92 5.85 40.78 18.00 36.00 6.00 28.21 15.50 91.97 1.50 27.00 .45 2.40 24.90 4.40 6.53 2.25 3.85 .48 92.75 65.00 e 484.74 $ 576.56 2.97 6.88 2.16 .64 .30 3.93, 15.20 19.84 16.00 .44 $ 644.92 .62 3.40 24.02 .89 28.93 5.25 39.78 11.00 25.00 5.00 1.82 16.75 2.70 43.95 32.00 4.36 2.21 8.47 3.90 11.26 25.00 19.20 2.50 6.60 2.94 Total $ 269.69 Alameda Sanatorium Tt TT Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bischoff's Surgical House Fisher, W. J. Flatow & Son, 1),: IT TT TT Tr Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Strom Electrical Co. Travers Surgical House Typewriter Guy Addressograph Sales Co. Bankhead & Son, J. W. Baxter & Co., J. H. Borkman & Wagner Coffield Tire Protector Co. Dorward Pump Co. East Bay Mater Co. -;'ageol Motors Co. 7ish, E. H. 'Pobes Supply Co. Gamewell Company, The General Electric Co. TT Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Kellogg Express Co. Loupe, Jas. R. Moore Dry Dock Company Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ritchie, Mrs. L. E. Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Smith Hardware Co. Strauch, A. Thompson-Chevrolet Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Wec,tern Auto Supply Co. 'I% Western Heavey Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Pensions September 7th, 1923. Health Center PuA. Operating room, etc. tT Laundry Gas and Oil Card tray and guides Repairing plate Supplies TT Rental and tolls Supplies Repair sterilizer Repairs Inspecting typewriters Total - - Electric Light Fund. Supplies Repairing well Cedar poles Supplies Supplies Casing guides Rent Truck Extension to office at plant Supplies and credit Tr Rental of transformers Drayage Supplies Steel Gas 1/2interest in poles Premium Supplies and credit t, • TT Bulbs_ Supplies Pension -Fund. and credit 30.00 51.00 15.87 15.87 6.08 1.50 6.10 47.30 11.25 1.62 12.50 1.75 1.50 202.34 $ 54.50 76.00 542.50 2.25 40.50 19.52 60.00 2543.00 191.58 216.35 32.38 5348.51 627.00 912.42 90.00 .25 6.58 525.00 2.00 160.30 2.50 259.77 178.36 .66 .90 4.50 10.82 3189.44 147.00 Total - -$ 15284.84 Initiative Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced. 944.16 46.00 Yt.) Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded -by Mr. Traver and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, September 21st, 1926. Respectfully submitted, esiding Officer of the Goanoll. City Clerk.