1926-10-05 Regular CC Minutes2./
The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Council-president Otis.presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President
Otis (5), were noted present. Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 21st 1926 were approved
/ as read.
Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1067.
Transferring $6,281.25 from the Electric Light Fiend
to the Interest and Redemption Fund."
Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adoptea
and passed unanimously.
Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1068.
Transferring 62,553.41 from the Electric Light Fund
to the General Fund."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was
adopted and passed unanimously.
Mr. Traver introduced and moved the adoption of
,"Resolution No. 1069.
Transferring $10,000.00 from the Electric Light nd
to the General Fund."
Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt-
ed and passed unanimously.
Mr, Noble introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1070.
Fixing Salary of the Head Gardener of the
Park Department."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll oall it was adopt-
ed and passed unanimously.
Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1071.
Requesting the Board of Education to Hold Up the
Claim of the Crown Electric Company."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt-
ed and passed unanimously.
Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1072.
Establishing the Grade of Blanding Avenue Between
the Eastern Line of Broadway and a Point 266.73
Feet Easterly Therefrom."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt-
ed and passed unanimously.
Mr, Traver introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1073.
Establishing a Six Foot Sidewalk on Blanding Avenue."
Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and pnc)sed unanimously.
Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1074.
Instructing the Attorney to Prepare a Resolution
of Intention for the Improvement of Blanding Avenue."
Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and passed unanimously.
Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No2: 1075.
Authorizing a Contract with the Alameda Sanatorium on
South Shore to Furnish Emergency Hospital Facilities."
Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and passed unanimously.
10.1 Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1076.
Directing City Attorney to Cast Vote of City of Alameda
for Election of City Manager Hickok as member of Board
of Directors of the Bay Farm Island Reclamation District."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and passed unanimously.
The following papers were filed:-
Communication from City Attorney Locke relative to condemnation proceedings,
City of Alameda vs. Daggett et al, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Final decree, condemnation proceedings, City of Alameda vs. Daggett, et al.,
Oath of office, Edwin J. Symmes as member of the City Planning Commission.
Bond of H. B. Henderson, as house mover.
The following communications were received:
From the Mayor, appointing Edwin J. Symmes as a member of the City Planning
Commission. Ordered filed.
From the West End Merchant's Association, requesting that a parking limit
of one hour be placed on Webster Street, from Central Avenue to Atlantic Avenue.
Mr. Neiss moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary
ordinance covering, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried.
From the North Side Protective Club, requesting that stop signals be
placed at the terminus of all blind streets. Mr. Latham moved that the communication
be referred to the City Manager with power to act, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried.
From the Board of Education, re making school survey. Ordered filed.
From the City Planning Commission recommending a three year temporary
permit be granted on the petition for the reclassification of the property situated
on the north side of Pacific Avenue, between 2nd and 3rd Streets, and known as Lot
6, Block 19, Woodstock Tract, pernitting the erection of a garage and service
station. Mr. Traver moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission
be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously.
From City Attorney Locke, re refund of $18.75 collected by License
Collector. After disussion, Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1077.
Refunding $18.75 to Frederick W. Johnson for
an Unused License."
Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and passed unanimously.
21.si From the City Engineer, relative to storm drainage at Pacific Avenue and
Fifth Street, through the Ghiglione property. Ordered filed.
22.)/ From F. F. Correia of the Alameda Land Company, requesting permission to
move houses at 2261-2263 and 2265 Alameda Avenue. Mr. Neiss moved that the request
be referred to the City Manager with power to act, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried
2 . Applications for permit to sell soft drinks were received from Mrs. Julia Blake
and Mr. Endre Nielsen. Inasmuch as both applications had received the approval of
the Chief of Police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 1078.
Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks."
Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and passed unanimously.
Plans and specifications for the proposed Municipal Golf Olub House were
submitted and Mr. Latham moved their adoption, also that the Clerk be instructed to
advertise for bids covering construction of same, seconded by Mr. Traver and on roll
call carried unanimously.
Mr. Noble moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for
various automobiles allowed in the 1926-27 budget. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Neiss and carried.
Mr. Traver moved that the property on the northeast corner of Central Avenue
and Walnut Street be purchased at a price not to exceed $17,000 for the purpose of
erecting a memorial building thereon, and that the city pay the first installment
of 1926-27 taxes about to become due. The motisal was seconded by Mr. Latham and on
roll call carried unanimously.
Mr. A. C. Zeane,a member of the City Planning Commission, was present and read
to the council a statement as to its various activities. After discussion, Mr.
Latham moved that the council meet with the City Planning Commission at a meeting
of the Committee of the Whole to be held Tuesday evening, October 12th at 8 o'clock
P. M., for the purpose of discussing the different matters contained therein. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Traver and carried.
28. Mr. August Freese addressed the council relative to the condition of the
runway to the beach at Washington Park. After discussion, the matter was referred
to City Manager Hickok for investigation and report back to the city counil.
29.x' Councilmen Traver called attentioh to the condition of Encinal Avenue, from
Park Street to Chestnut Street, between the tracks of the Southern Pacific Company.
After discussion, the matter was referred to the City Manager to endeavor to
have the street repaired.
The following ordinance was introduced and laid over under a provision of
the charter:-
"Ordinance No.
New Series.
An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles on the
South Side of Central Avenue, between Walnut and Oak
Mrs. Charles Moody was present in the council chamber and protested the ssage
of the ordinance, on behalf 'of the Adelphian Club. Mr. August Freese addressed
the council in support of its passage.
Claims against the General Departments amounting to $281.15; Police
Department, $8.40; Fire Department, $$42.55• Street Department $2379.52; Health
Department 4$101.61• Recreation Department $217.85; Golf Course Department $704.07;
Store Department $18.34; Council Relief Fund, $159.53; Electric Light Fund
4$18,246.90 and the Pension Fund, $944.16 having been approved and audited by the
proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:
Ader, Leon H.
Crocker Co., H. S.
Hickok, C. E.
Ti rr " City Manager
McConnell, Rushton
Otis, Frank
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Frost, H. G.
Owens, M. H.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Calcutt, W. R.
Clark & Sons, N.
Pacific Tel. & 'Tel. Co.
- Alameda Steam Laundry Assn®
it if
Camel, M.D. Geo. E.
Carpenter, Dr. T.
Koerber Fuel & Feed Co.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Show, William
Waite, Mrs.
Warhurst, Dorothy
Benton, Wanda
Cant, Olive H.
Cleaves, Vera H.
Crane Co.
East Bay Water Co.
Gardner, U. S.
Hamilton, Helen
Pacific Tell. and Tel. Co.
Starr, C.C.
Winkler, Simon Jr.
General Departments.
Money advanced
Auto upkeep
Expenses to Convention
Premium on auto ins.
Allowance as Mayor
Total - -
Police Department.
Rental and tolls
Fire Department.
Rental and tolls
Total -
Street Department.
Sewer pipe
Rental and tolls
Total -
Health Department.
Rental and tolls
Total - - --
eation Department.
Services $ 33.00
" 33.00
Well casings 30.92
Water 3.03
Paint 1.10
Services 3.00
Rental and tolls 2.30
Lineman's Belt 7.50
Services 65.00
$ 42.55
j262. 50
- - - °48 02
- - - - $ 101.61
Total -- - - - -- _ -$ 217.85
Golf Course Department.
Labor 704.07
Store Department.
Crocker, Go., H. S. Supplies
IT ff TT
Kellogg Express Co.
Kronke-Brampton Co.
Council Relief Fund.
Central Shuey Creamery Milk
Chandler's Express & Furniture Co. Moving
Eason, Bell Rent
Fontaine, Henry If
Krieg Co., J. J. Supplies
Municipal Electric Light Plant Electricity
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas
0 ft If It ft 0
Seagrave, Frank E. Shoes
V,hitten Shoe Store u
Electric Light Fund.
Alameda Times Star Printing 104.50
17 II II Supplies and printing 16.45
Addressograph Sales Co. Supplies 20.26
American Brass & Copper Supply Co. If 420.52
American Smelting & Refining Co. 17 177.21
Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. " -'2.28
American Smelting & Refining Co. If 95.62
Borkman & Wagner ft 6.84
Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Vaintenance of machine 5.55
City of Alameda (Store) Supplies 32.94
Commercial Acetylene Supply Co. 11 6.74
Crane Co. 0 156.65
Dietz Motor Company If .80
East Bay Water Co. Water 3.12
II IT If ft Rent 60.00
Fish, M. H. Labor and material 848.83
Fobes Supply Co. Supplies 181.40
It 0 VI 68.97
" " TT IT 228.50
Puller & Co., W. P. TT 3.50
,f 7! 7! ft n II 14.91
Gamewell Co., The ty 59.63
General Electric Co. IT and credit 3254.11
If " 0 Transformers, etc. 3383.86
0 0 Supplies 37.65
Gilson Electrical Supply Co. If 142.72
'Great Western Power Co. Rental of transformers 75.00
Gunn Carle & Co. Steel 153.00
Hanjes-Bormann Co. Supplies and credit 46.46
Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 2.95
Linde Air Products Co. Oxygen 2.04
Lisle Mfg. Co. Supplies 38.95
Loop Lumber Co. 11 47.61
Moore Dry Dock Company Fabricated Steel roof 197.00
Oakland Blue Print Co. Map s 4.83
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 2 int. in sale of poles 415.80
Powell'Bros., Inc. Sand 3.43
Red Cross Germ Proof Tel. Co. Rental of mouthpieces 3.15
Reichel & Bredhoff Contract 5250.00
11 If II Labor and material . 814.00
Roblings Sons Co., John A. Copper wire 213.53
Smith Hardware Co. Supplies 12.55
Standard Underground Cable Co. IT 573.54
Stiles, L. D. Spray painting 100.00
Strauch, A. Heaters 507.64
Typewriter Service Co. Inspection and supplies 4.00
Vosburgh Hardware Co. Supplies 16.75
Weaver-Wells Co. If 26.15
Western Auto Supply Co. It 3.84
Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. ft 9.75
IT " 0 0 0 0 if 53.89
Westinghouse E. & M. co. If 337.48
Total - - - 18246.90
Pension Fund.
October 5th, 1926.
Mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and
on roll call carried unanimously.
There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in
regular session, Tuesday evening, October 19th, 1926, at 8 o'clock P. M.
Respectfully submitted,