1927-02-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15TH, 1927. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 1st, 1927 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of February 7th, 1927, were approved as read. The following papers were filed:- Affidavit of publication of Election Proclamation. 2.e OathL of Office of Lochiel M. King, as member of the City Denning Commission. 3.V Title insurance policy on Strehlow property, Washington Park. 4./ Deed, R. C. Strehlow and Olive Benedict Strehlow to City of Alameda, re Washington Park. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 6.i 7.■/' 8/ 9.V "Resolution No. 1118. Resolution Cancelling Taxes. (Re Washington Park)" Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following communications were received: From R. G. Craven, protesting parking of automobiles on Central Avenue opposite the High School, Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be referred to a meeting df the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. From the Alameda Housewives' League re cleaning up of beaches. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager to report back upon at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting information pertaining to a communication dated September 17th, 1926, relative to a proposed amendment to the city charter. The City Clerk advised the council that he was in error in advising the Improvement Club that the communication had been referred to the Committee of the Whole, but that the said communication had been read and filed. Mr. Latham moved that the City Clerk so advise the Alameda Improvement Club, seconded by Mr. Traver and carried. From the City Planning Commission, recommending the adoption of the re- commendations of the City Manager, relative to the zoning of Bay Farm Island. After discussion, Mr. Neies moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary papers and advise the council as to the legal procedure, to be sub- mitted to the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole and that due publicity be given as to the intention of the council to proceed with such rezoning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham then introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1119. For Zoning Bay Farm Island." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. From E. F. Heaney, requesting permission to run a dancing academy in the Tisdale Building, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Noble moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. In the matter of the hearing of the delapidated building owned by Mrs. Harriet Lewis, 1560 Buena Vista Avenue, Building Inspector Rogers addressed the council and stated that the building was falling down, was unfit for habitation and a fire hazard and there were indications of rodents throughout. Sanitary Inspector Maillot reported to the council that the front yard was filled with garbage and the plumbing was not in a sanitary condition. Mrs. Lewis was present and addressed the council-in the matter. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the city proceed to clean up the place upon Mrs. Lewis' promis to keep it clean and that the matter be continued to he next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham then moved that the City Manager and City Attorney endeavor to work out a plan for the permanent correction of these conditions. The motion was seconded be Mr. Traver and carried unanimously. Applications for a permit to sell soft drinks were received from Isabella J. Brock, 2254-A Alameda Avenue; Flemming & Hennessy, 1410 Encinal Avenue and Martin & Martin, 1431 Webster Street. Inasmuch as these applications had received the endorse- ment of Chief of Police Wahmuth, Mr. Traver introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1120. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Sfot Drinks." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 1 . The following Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Lot B, Block 4, Alameda Park Homestead.) Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Traver and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following voteL- Ayes: Councilmen Neiss, Noble and Traver, (3). Noes: Councilman Latham and President Otis, (2). Absent t None. 14. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1121. Abolishing the Office of Lieutenant of Police, and Substituting in Lieu thereof the Office of Captain of Police, without Increase of Salary." Mr. Traver seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unaniMously. Mr. Traver introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1122. Providing That the Officials of the Fire Department Known as "Chiefs Operators" be Given the Rank and Salary of Captain." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted ,and passed unanimously. 16. Councilman Noble moved that the council upon its own initiative take the necessary steps to reclassify back into a Residence District, Class I, that certain piece of land situated on the west side of Benton Street commencing at a point 50 feet northerly from the north line of Encinal Avenue; thence northerly 94.70 feet; thence westerly 145.7 feet more or less; thence southerly 103.90 feet; thence easterly 10 feet; thence northerly 40 feet; thence easterly 131 feet more or lees to the point of beginning, this property being at present in a Business District, Class V. The reasons given for the reclassification being to prevent the encroach- ment Of business into a residential district. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried unanimously. A communication from R. N. Schmith, requesting that the Southern Pacific Company be requested to install wigwag signals at Encinal Avenue and High Street was presented by the City Manager and after discussion, Mr. Traver moved that the City Manager be instructed to request the Railroad Company to make this installation, if they refused han to reuest the State Railroad Commission to compel such installation. The motion as seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 16," Mr. Latham moved that the City Nanager and City Engineer make a survey as to install ation of necessary wigwags throughout the city and to report back at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $7,712.72; Police Department, -403.87; 2ire Department, 4693.70; Street Departnent, 42609.87; Health Department, v537.65; Recreation Department, $121.43; Golf Course Department, $463.41; Store Depart- ment $54.67; Council Relief Fund, $176.96; Health Center Fund, 4149.51; Electric Light Fund, 22,822.07; School Construction Fund 41270.20; Initiative gelief Fund, 4143.00 and Compensation Insurance Fund amounting to $122.31 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Departments. Adams, C. C. Premiums - Burglary Insurance Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Towel service Alameda Times Star Printing IT IT TT Advertising - Election Officers If IT Tt Assessment rails TT TT II Advertising - Election Alameda Vulcanizing Works Gasoline Barid, Mrs. Ina M. Premium Boyd, Ralph T. TT Brandt, Louis Services City Market Meat Clark, Herbert D. Premium Daniels, Elizabeth Services East Bay Water Co. Water Elster Printing Co. Printing Fox, Geo. H. Premium u u u IT Encinal Press Printing Goggin, W. W. Premium Hargrave u Hickok, C. E. Incidental expenses Holum, Mabel J. Services Hoover's Heal Estate Agency Premium Hunt & Kamber Repairs to Clock Johnson Co., S. T. Stove all Klitgaard & Valleau Premium Mehrtens, H. G. " Mowbray, A. H. Services Mulvany, J. J. Premium tr It IT It Municipal Electric Light Plant City lighting 228.63 7.00 82.30 140.00 518.00 211.80 5.58 32.40 11.25 95.00 1.20 48.60 25.00 15.41 41.00 5.00 32.40 24.00 32.40 16.20 5.60 47.50 32.40 3.25 48.83 32.40 32.40 200.00 40.50 33.60 4821.38 General Departments (Contrd.) Municipal Electric Light Plant Neville, P. a. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. TT TY TT It TT Patrick & Co. Ritchie, Mrs. L. E. Roeder, Mrs. Elizabth Shaffer, William Schmidt, Edna Shaw, E. M. Smith, Charles Smith & Co., Stephen Teague, H. S. TV TI Tuttle, Jessie M. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Brandt, 4. C. California State Automobile Assn. C0-1.1ins & Kearns Lipp Lumber & Mill Co. Municipal Electric Llght Plant Noy, R. H. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Piatt Photo Company Richfield, 011 Company Smith, . J. Standard Oil Company Strom Electrical Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Campe, Henry East Bay Water Co. Furey, Harry D. Johnson Co., S. T. Municipal Electric Light TT fir IT IT Pacific Tel. IT TV IT IT & Tel. Co. TV TV TV Western Union Tel, Co. ant TV Oiling and greasing car Premium Rental and tolls TV Stamps Premium TT Services Services Premium Repairs to plumbing Installation of pie Premium TT TV 11 Total Police Department. Repairing tubes, etc. Traffic signals Signs Tire Lumber Labor and attendance Cracklings Rental and tolis Supplies Oil Meals Gasoline Supplies Total - e Department. Towel and linen service Coal Water Repairs Distillate Labor and attendance Lamps Painting auto Rental and tolls Installation of cord Clock rental To Street Department. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. Clark & Sons, N. East Bay Water Co. Heafey-Moore Co. Irvine & Jachens Loop Lumber & Mills Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. TT IT TV Rhodes-Jamieson & Go. IT TV II TT Siegler, Louis Standard Oil Company Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn.., Alameda Vulcanizing Works Cutter Laboratory Encinal Coal & Ice Co. TT TV 11 TT TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Prising Col, Inc. Geo. W. Typewriter Guy Alameda Vulcanizing Works Camne, Henry Gasoline and tube repairs Parts for roller Pipe Water Road Oil Street Signs Lumber Repairs Services Materials TV TV Repairs Gasoline Total - Health Department. Emergency hospital se vice Laundry Gasoline Vaccine Hay Ice Rental and tolls Jalco Tester Repairing typewriter Total Recreation Department. Gasoline Hay 2.02 24.30 10.14 6.25 1.35 16.20 40.50 25.00 22.50 32.40 8.80 286.48 227.48 72.90 40.50 25.00 -$ 7712.72 24.43 9.35 24.00 10.67 14.85 124.54 2.25 11.30 2.07 39.05 97.20 18.75 25.41 403.87 50.00 17.00 22.53 6.00 16.54 462.93 2.70 112.30 .96 •1.00 .75 693.70 9 1644.12 25.16 15.15 67.91 7.30 268.25 10.00 25.94 38.05 2.40 100.97 134.44 12.43 206.00 11.25 40.50 -9 2609.87 450.00 .67 7.19 1.80 3.25 4.35 4.97 52.92 12.50 537.65 9.54 13.00 Camper & Baugh Dietz Motor Company East Bay Water Co. TT TT If TV Franklin, Helen S. Gott, A. O. Mazzini, L. Pacific Tel. & Tell Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Skelly, Sam Standart J. W. Labor Municipal Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Plant Crocker Co., H. S. Hickok, C. E. City manager Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baugh, Jim Carl, Mrs, Max Eason, Bell 7ast Bay Water Co. Fontaine, Henry Konigshofer's Larson, Y. Maxwell, Jennie Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parodi, D. Rowe, A. Seagrave, Frank Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn, Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works ilncoln Park Pharmacy Oakland California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pittsburg Water Heater Co. Rosenthal & Co., H. Alameda Scavengers Assn. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Board of Public Utilities City of Alameda Store Dept. East Bay Water Co. Fobes Supply Co. Gamewell Co. TV 11 General Electric Co. TV TV TI TV TV TV Great Western Power Co. TV TV TV TV Hanes-Bormann Co. Inter-Urban Express Corporation Kellogg Express Co. Konigshofer's K-P-F Electric Co. Merchants Express & Draying Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reno Co., L. G. Standard Oil Co. Pacific Metal Products Co. Typewriter Service Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Recreation Department (Oont'd.) Casing Lens and Fan Belt Water TV Services Repairs to star Supplies Rental and tolls Fire brick and sand Brush Saw filing Total - Golf Course Department. Repairs Rental Total - Store Department. Supplies Money advanced Total - Council Relief Fund. Gasoline and Oil Coal Oil Stove Rent TV Water Rent Supplies Rent TV Electricity Gas Rental and tolls Rent TV Shoes Health Center Fund. Care and maintenance Service Gasoline and Oil Choc Tonic Towel service Rental and tolls Service Towels Total - Electric Light Fund. Service Towel service Incidentals Supplies Water Fuses Fire Alarm equipment TV ft TV Supplies u TV ,Electric current Laying cable Tubes Freight Expressage Cheese cloth Supplies Expressage Electric current Rental Supplies Gasoline Supplies Typewriter inspection Supplies Total - $ 7.95 .52 2.92 15.42 24.00 .50 1.25 2.30 30.46 10.42 3.1 121.43 428.26 27.15 8.00 463.41 4.67 50.00 54.67 4.48 1.50 26.00 5.00 1.35 25.00 4.05 16.00 5.00 8.20 23.23 10.35 30.00 7.00 9.80 - $ 176.96 5 9 54.40 23.73 5.03 17.55 21.05 10.35 12.00 5.40 149.51 4.50 7.00 14.58 9.35 4.18 7.72 158.80 30.82 3714.28 3146.56 2608.87 12103.34 87.44 3.92 .80 4.00 8.00 87.12 .30 543.30 41.34 6.31 87.75 126.54 4.00 11.25 - $ 22822.07 East Bay Title Co. Cooper, E. H. Gouveia, Frank Harris, M. A. McKena, J. E. Mobley, J. P. Montelius, D. W. Pierce, S. E. Tavano, A. School Construction 7und, Real Property Services u f 1 TT Total - Initiatve Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for labor Compensation Insurance Fund. Flatow & Son, P. Municipal Electric Light Plant Security Drug Co. Stowe, Dr, 0. P. Bandar4es In re J. D. Soares Prescription Consultation Total - 1100.00 10.00 21.25 18.00 11.25 27.50 27.50 27.50 22.20 1270.20 143.00 .50 108.06 1.2,5 12.50 122.31 Mr. Niess moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll call carried unanimously. There bein,g no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, March 1, 1927 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted