1927-05-03 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3RD, 1927. The meeting convened with Council-president Otis presiding at 8 o'clock. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss,, Noble and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The regular order of business of the council was suspended in order to permit Supervisor Wm. J. Hamilton to present the plans for the proposed Veterans' Memorial Building, which the County Board of Supervisors contemplated erecting in the_City of Alameda. Drawings and plans of the proposed building were then submitted and after discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the plans be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and the same carried unanimously. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 19th, 1927 were then read. Mr. Neiss moved that Paragraph 2, Line 10, pertaining to nominations of Vice-president be amended to read as follows:- "Mr. Calcutt placed in nomination Councilman E. R. Neiss. The _motion was seconded by Councilman Otis. Councilman Neiss.declined to accept the nomination." The motion to amend was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. Councilman Noble then moved that Paragraph 2 also be amended beginning on Line 15, to read aS follows: "The motion was seconded by Councilman Noble and thereupon the Clerk did cast the ballot declaring Councilman Latham elected as Vice- President of the Council." This motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and the same carried unanimously. 3.V Councilman Calcutt moved that the council proceed to the election of a president. This motion was seconded by Councilman Neiss and carried unanimously. The Chair was then relinquished to City Clerk, W. E. Varcoe, who called for nominations for Presi- dent and ex-officio Mayor. Councilman Otis then placed in nomination for President and ex-officio Mayor, Councilman E. R. Neiss. This motion was seconded by Councilman Calcutt. Mr. Neiss declined to accept the nomination. Mr. Neiss then placed in nomination for President and ex-officio Mayor, Councilman Frank Otis. Thos motion was seconded by Councilman Calcutt. No other nominations being offered, Councilman Noble moved that the nominations be closed and that the City Clerk be instructed to cast the ballot for Frank Otis as President and ex-officio Mayor, and A. Latham as Vice- president of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and same carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk cast the ballot declaring Frank Otis elected as President of the Council and ex-officio Mayor of the City of Alameda, and Councilman A. Latham as Vice-president of the Council. The chair was then resumed by President Otis. . Latham introduced andmoved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1137. Transferring $10,000.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1138. Transferring $5,829.03 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. 6.v/ Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of 7.V 12.1 "Resolution No. 1139. Awarding N. F. Justice $180.00 for Land for Street Purposes." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. The following papers were ordered filed: Oath of Office of Harold A. Miller, as member of the Board of Free Library Library Trustees. Oath of Office of J. B. Lanktree as a member of the Board of Education. Oath of Office of Hermann Krusi, as a member of the Board of Public Utilities. Report of Municipal Electric Light Plant for month of March, 1927. Communication, Veterans Welfare Board re cancellation of taxes. Mr. Neiss moved that the order of business be suspended and referred back to organization. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. Mr. Neiss then stated that he believed all appointive officials should be appointed with each reorganization of the council and therefore moved that C. E. Hickok be reappoint- ed City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. Mr Latham moved that Wm. J. Locke be reappointed City Attorney. The motion was .seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. Mr. Niess moved that W. E. Varcoe be reappoint- ed City Clerk. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. The following communications were received: From the Mayor, appointing J. B. Lanktree as a member of the Board of Education for a five year term from April 26, 1927. iL From the Mayor, appointing Hermann Krusi as a member of the Board of Public Utilities for a four year term from April 26th, 1927. 154/ From theMayor appointing Harold A.Miller as a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees., for a five year term from April 22nd, 1927. 16.'! From E. J. Probst, Superintendent of Recreation, inviting the Council to be present at the May Day Festival to be held in Lincoln Park on Saturday, May 7th. Mr. Latham moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 1 20.V/ 21. From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to automobile headlights and parking of autos in front of the High School. Mr. Latham moved that the matter of headlights be referred to the City Manager, also that the matter of automobiles priving with one headlight be investigated at the same time; that the portion of the letter pertaining to parking of automobiles on Central Avenue fronting the new High School,be filed. The motion was seconded by Mr.Neiss and carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission containing Resolution relative to joint development by the council's of the City of Alameda and Oakland of the San Antonio Estuary.Harbor. After dicsussion, Mr. Niess moved that this Resolution be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney and that they in turn ascertain the desires of the Planning Commission as to specific practical harbor development. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimous- ly. From Bradley Co., relative to rezoning certain property on the north- east corner of Morton Street and Lincoln Avenue. Ordered filed. From Mrs. Harriet Louis, requesting thirty days extension of time re dilapidated building, 1560 Buena Vista Avenue. Mr.Neiss moved that the com- munication be referred to the Building Inspector. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. In the matter of the reclassification of the lot situated on the west side of Benton Street, commencing fifty feet northerly from the north line of Encinal Avenue, Mr. Noble moved that further hearing be continued until the next regular meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 22.V Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1140. Resolution Favoring the Placing of Teachers' Salaries of the City ofAlameda on Same Basis as Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Etc." 24..V 25.4 26. 2 Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution.: Messrs. Weinmanr4 Traver, Sorenson, Bosshard and Lovey spoke in support of the Resolution. Upon roll call the Resolution was adopted and passed unanimously. Clerk: The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the "Ordinance No. 3a, New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Home of Truth)." Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance ,:as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series., Authorizing Sale of Fire-house Lot. (Chestnut Street.)" Mr.. Neiss moved that the Ordinance as:read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. "3-2(p- New Series. Authorizing Sale of Fire-house Lot. (Sherman Street.)" Mr. Latham moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Parking of Vehicles Around the High School Block.* Mr. Latham moved that action by the council upon this ordinance be postponed for two weeks for definite action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. In the matter of the reclassification of certain lands on Bay Farm Island, Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendations of the City Planning Commission be adopted as per their minutes of the meeting of April 27th and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers in connection therewith. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that an amount of $75.00 be allowed out of the Advertising Fund, payable to the Parent-Teachers' Assoication of this city, to be used for the advertising of the City of Alameda at the forth-coming National Parent-Teachers' Association Convention to be held in Oakland. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously. - Claims against the General Department amounting to $1140.14;- Police Depart- ment, $147.55; Fire Department, $89.51; Street Department, $2188.91; Health Depart- ment $115.20; Recreation Department, $264.37; Golf Course Department, $1369.21; Store Department, $721, -Council Relief Fund,$150.9L; Health Center Fund, $335.52; Electric Light Fund 4 ii+909.35; School Construction Fund, $6522,50; Pension Fund, $944.16; Initiative Relief Fund, $279.00; East Bay Water Payments Fund, $3001.96; and Compensation Insurance Fund, $172.99 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Ader, Leon H. Alameda Times Star American City, The Borle, C. A. Brandt, Louis Costello, J. Croll, F. J. 11 11 Hickok, C. E. Jnnkins, Co., C. J. Johnson Co., S. T. Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Selley, Esther Simeonson, E. R. Star Specialties Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda Shade Shop Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company Win-Flex Stretcher Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Associated Oil Company Cochran & Celli Encinal Press Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Steinmetz, W. T. Superbo Water Heater Co. Labor Associated_Oil Company 11 11 Clark & Sons, N. Empire Foundry Co. Hutchinson Co., Inc. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Robinson Tractor Co. Weule Company, Louis Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Bsichoff's Surgical House Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory Elster Printing Co. Kellogg Express Co. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Mulford Co., H. K. Municipal Electric Light Plant Patrick & Co. Security Drug Co. Slater Inc., U. M. Snow, William Warhurst, Dorothy General Departments. Money advanced Advertising Subscription Services-Assessor's office Rock Auto upkeep Expenses to Sacrarnento Auto upkeep Fastener Distillate Allowance as Mayor Gas Services Floor dressing Paper towels Total PoliceADepartment. Fire Curtains Repairs to motorcycles Gasoline Stretchers Repairing autos Gas Total Department. Gasoline Repairs Printing Recharging Gas Revolving Fund. Service two heaters batteries, Total Street Department. Gasoline 11 Sewer pipe Gratings Supplies Limber Repairs Lubricant Charts Total Health Department. Laundry Supplies ti Transportation Vaccine Virus Printing Expressage Hay and Barley AntiGtoxin Oiling and greasing car Signature stamp Ungentine Sheep Services Total 34.00 n.34 165.00 57.50 441.25 25.00 12.62 25.00 6.75 34.65 50.00 4.75 100.00 150.00 5.50 10.78 1140.14 5.00 32.34 30.00 32.00 47.83 .38. 147.55 13.00 8.00 6.00 5.08 41.54 12.89 ---- 3.00 89.51 1859.96 22.23 13.65 53.51 5.88 21.08 27.50 172.10 11.50 2188.91 9.76 4.80 5.45 35.00 1.80 8.25 .25 5.65 2. 94_ 6.01 1.10 3.30 2.00 5.00 23.89 115.20 Cain, M. California Mill & Lumber 00. Dietz Motor Co. Franklin, Helen S. Municipal Electric Light Plant Newcomb, Chas. A. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Valiance Nursery Recreation Department. Horseshoeing Lumber Parts Services . Repairs to pumps Paint and posters Gas Lime Trees Total Golf Course Department. Labor Associated Oil Company 11 Bishop Co., G. F. California Corrugated Culvert Co. Copenhaver, Fred Dietz Motor Co. High St. Coal and Feed Yard Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Valiance Nursery Crocker Co., H. S. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Lietz Co., The A. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Anderson, R. Caluctt, W. R. Eason, Bell East Bay Water Co. Fontaine, Henry Ford, Harry Maxwell, Jennie Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 11 11 II tl Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Sirola, A. Typewriter Guy Wayne & Co. Whitten' s Shoes Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. AlamedaSanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bischoff's Surgical House Brandon, Baxter B. Flatow & Son, P. fl It It if Houghton, Mifflin Co. Jacobs, Ida A. Lincoln Park Pharmacy Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schultz, Herbert D. Spunn, Beulah E. Strobridge, Inc. T. A. Travers Surgical Co. VOsburgh Hardware Co. ..ddreselognzTh Sales Co. Lund Co. Alameda Times Star American Smelting & Refining Co. Automotive Service Agency Baird, Ina M. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Banta, C. F. Gasoline tt Green mowers Supplies Money advanced Supplies tt Lumber Shrubs Total Store Department. Supplies Money advanced Drawing paper Total 0 6.00 37.60 2.04 0.00 48.55 3.50 8.18 2.00 120.00 6.5o $ 83r'.04 11.30 11.00 1:317.00 6745 1.30 15.54 1.25 40.93 65.40 $1369.21 Council Relief Fund. Gasoline Rent Garbage can Rent Water Rent Repairing shoes Rent Electricity Gas 11 Rental and tolls Repairing shoes Inspecting typewriters Rent Repairs Total Health Center Fund. 13.40 50.00 8.91 $ 72.31 $ 4.69 15.00 1.50 5.00 1.82 10.72 25.00 1.25 5000 9.3 5.04 15.96 1042 3.25 1.50 25.00 10.40 Care of children Operating room and Anaesthetic Service Printing Gasoline and oil Repairing sterilizer Repairing plate Supplies Prescriptions Booklets Subscription Choc Tonic Oil and grease Chevrolet Towel service Rental and tolls Glasses Revolving fund Bowl for dental unit Supplies ti Total Electric Light Fund. Sth pplies Premium Printing Supplies Premium Supplies Premium $ 150.94 $ 54.40 30.00 31.28 18.75 5.9 16.00 2.50 3.15 30.80 6.98 1.50 10.80 4.84 21.73 10.42 37.25 24.50 10.00 10.53 4.15 335.52 6.5o 23.54 19.65 35.52 3L.50 23. 4 53. 8 23.5L, Electric Light Fund (Contld.) Baxter Co., J. H. Poles (1' 404.00 Borkman & Wagner Supplies 3.7" Boyd, Ralph T. Premium 23.54 Clark, Herbert D. u 23.54 Crane Co. Supplies 10.11 Dietz Motor Co. II 14.92 East Bay Water Co. Rent 6o.oc Fobes Supply Co. Supplies 12.4 Fox, Geo. H. Premium 23.5,.. Fuller Co., W. P. Supplies 2.60 General Electric Co. 9 1704.16 Gilson Electrical Supply Co. If 490.93 II 11 II II II 383.89 , II II II tI II 61.20 Goggin & Co., G. E. Premium 23.54 Goggin, W.W. it 23.54 Grreat Webtern Power Co. Transformer rental 75.00 Hargrave, F. J. Premium 23.54 Hoover's Insurance Agency 9 23.4 Kellogg Express Co. Expressage 27.46 Kerr & McCandlish Premium 23.54 Loop LumberCo. Lumber 23.04 Lunt, Geo.D. Premium 2.5L McConnell, Rushton It 31..8 II II It 23.5 Mehrtens, Clifford G. II 23.54 Merchants Express & Draying Co. Expressage .50 Mulvany, John J. Premium 23.54 Neville, F. R. II 23.54 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas 219 Pal'affine Companies, Inc. The Paint 1.37 Powell Bros. Inc. Supplies 7.21 Rauber, R. J. Repairs 2.50 Ritchie, L. E. Premium 23.54 Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Supplies 231.04 Roeder, E. B. Premium 23.40 Shaw, E. M. II 23.54 Smith Hardware Co. Supplies 47.12 Standard Underground Cable Co. 11 1b4.30 Strauch, A. II 329.28 Tuttle, Jessie M. Premium 23.5L Walthall & Darnell It 23.54 Western Auto Supply Co. Supplies •75 Western Heavy & Hardware Iron Co. II 8.69 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. 11 89.63 Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Lumber 49.00 Ziel, F. • R. Premium 23.54 T otal $ 4909.35 School Construction Fund. Crandell, Ethel B. & Geo. T. Property for schools East Bay Title Ins. Co. Title Insurance 65oc.00 22.50 Total $ 6522.50 Pension Fund. Pensions 91.14.16 Initiative Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for labor 279.00 East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund. East Bay. Water Co. t 11 II II Extensions Ready to verve charge Total Compensation Insurance Fund. Alameda Sanatorium Hospitalservices Soares, J. D. Disability payment $ 653.25 2348.71 $ 3001.96 6o.6o 112.39 Total / 172.99 Mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, May 17th, 1927, at 8 o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted, \77-etty Clerk.