1927-06-21 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 21ST, 1927. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. Mr. Latham moved that Hazel D. Tearle be appointed City Clerk pro tem in the absence of W. E. Varcoe, City Clerk, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 7th, 1927 were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of June 14th, 1927 were approved as read. 1.v' A communication was received from Councilman E. R. Neiss, relative to his vote on the Resolution approving application of City and County of San Francisco for a permit for San Francisco Bay Bridge, whichwas passed by the Council at a special meeting held June 14th, 1927 and on which he voted "No", and that after reconsidera- tion he wished to change his voted to "Yes". Ordered filed. 2./ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1149. Transferring $606.01 from the Compensation Insurance Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were ordered filed: , Continuation Certificate on bond of James W. Price, M. E. L. P. 4.1 Continuation Certificate on bond of Edward J. Simon, M.E.L.P. 5.V of Assessments on Blanding Avenue improvement. 6./ Mr. Latham moved that Mr. Neiss be granted a 30 day leave of absence from the State, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. The following communications were received: From the cleaners of Alameda, requesting the revocation of the present license fee of $10.00 per year for those engaged in the dry cleaning business. Mr. E. H. Hughes and W. H. Catton, representing the Cleaners addressed the council in support of the request. After discussion. Mr. Noble moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for investigation, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 8./ the Board of Education , re cancellation of taxes on property acquired for school purposes, alid,rdqueating that same be removed from the city tax rolls. Mr. Neiss moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 9.V" From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce,thanking the council for use of offices in the City Hall. Ordered filed. 104/ filed. 11 a 12/ From Sheet Metal Contractors Association, re building code. Ordered From the Railroad Commission of the State of California, giving notice of hearing of application No. 13795 of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company regarding rates. Mr. Latham moved that this matter be referred to the City Attorney with instructions to keep the city council advised in the matter, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. From Fernside Home 0wiers Association, suggesting that boulevard stop signs be placed at the intersections of Santa Clara Avenue and Gibbons Drive,and, Versailles Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that this matter be referred to the City Mzinager to make a survey as to the need of such signs and report back to the council, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. 13.1/ From City Manager Hickok, re commending the denial of the request of Harry Hood to move a house from the vicinity of the Bay Farm Island Bridge to the southwest corner of Peach and Clay Streets. Mr. Noble moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted and the request denied, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 14.7 From City Manager Hickok, recommending that the request of E. A. Allen of 842 Cedar Street, to hate the city repair at its expense the driveway into his premises, be denied. Mr. Neiss moved that the report be received and the request denied, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 15.V- From Nancy Stephens, 1568 Pacifio Avenue, requesting permission to move a house situated at 1815 Grand Street to a lot on the East side of Hibbard Street, between Pacific and Buena Vista Avenues. On the recommendation of the City Manager, Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 16.V From Capt. C. Thompson, relative to the establishment of an airport on tidelands in West Alameda. Capt. Thompson was present and addressed the council explaining his proposal. Mr. Neiss moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer for full investigation and report back to the Council, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. 17 18. A hearing was held on the reclassification by the council on its own initiative of the property situated on the west side of Benton Street, 50 feet northerly from Encinal Avenue from a Business District, Class V, to a Residence District, Class II. There being no objections filed to said reclassification, an Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Benton Street) introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. A hearing was held on the reclassification of the lot situated on the north side of Central Avenue, approximately 261 feet west of Broadway from a Residence District, Class I, to a Business District, Class V, permitting the erection of a garage thereon. A communication was read from the City Planning Commission recommending the denial of the petition. Mr. Calcutt spoke at length in opposi- tion to the encroachment of business into residential districts and stated he was opposed to the granting of the request. Mr. Otis stated that he agreed with Mr. Calcutt's remarks and that he would vote "No" on the reclassification of the property requested. Mr. George Chambers, Mr. S. F. Walthall and Mr. Asa French spoke in favor of the reclassification. Mr.. R. P. McKenzie, Dr. Wm. Pierce and Mr. George Stewart spoke in opposition to the reclassification. After further discussion, Mr. Noble moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be disapproved, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Neiss and Noble, (3). Noes: Councilman Calcutt and President Otis, (2). Thereupon an Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Lot N. side of Central Avenue, 261 Ft. west of Broadway, Garage.) was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 19 The communication from the Alameda Real Estate Board, relative to the re- classification of both Santa Clara and Central Avenues, between Park Street and Broadway to a business district, which was presented at the last meeting of the Council came up. Mr. Neiss moved that the request 6f the meal Estate Board be denied, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 20.E The communication from Mr. E. M. Shaw, opposing reclassification of both Central and Santa Clara Avenues, between Park Street and Broadway to a Business District, was ordered filed. 21.E An Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Amending Section One of Ordinance No. 294, N. S., entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use or Occupation of the Public Streets for Business Purposes "." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: 22.E "Ordinance No. New Series. Providing that Multiple Dwellings of Class II when of Steel Frame or Reinforce Concrete Con - struction may be Seven (7) Stores and a Basement in Height." 23 24 .1 Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. -=- New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Church)." Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. )1536 Burna Vista Ave.)" Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 26. 27. 28. "Ordinance No. .2 New Series. Amending Section 1 or Ordinance No. 195, N. S., "Pro- viding for the Regulation and Licensing of Airplanes, Seaplanes, Hydroplanes, Balloons and other Aircraft in the City of Alameda," so as toe require all Air- craft Whether Housed in the City or Elsewhere to be Subject to the Regulations of said Ordinance No. 195, N.S." Mr. Latham moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Neils and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Relaassifying Property. (Bay Farm Island, Class VIII.) Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. 342), New Series. Reclassifying Property. fBay Farm Island, Class IV)" Mr. Noble moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Deposit of Sewage on Tide Lands, and Requiring Arks, House-Boats and Other Structures situated on Tide Lands'toConnect With the Sewer System of the City." Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance lay over until the second meeting of the Council in July, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $3411.31; Police Department, $283.11; Fire Department, $412.10; Street Department, $3420.33; Health Department, $824.64; Recreation Department, $629.47; Golf Course Department, $6107.71; Store Department, $32.87; Social Service Department, 297.24; Health CenteriFund, $253.80; Electric Light Fund, $11,065.28; Initiative Relief Fund, $309.00; East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund, $598.43; and Compensation Insurance Fund $1.75 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Land Company Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star 11 17 11 Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Co. Bradley, H. M. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Dodd & Co., P. J. Elster Printing Co. Hally & Co. Howen, T. Jackson, Lee A. Letterhead Corpora ion, The Municipal Electric Light Pit. Municipal Electric Light 71 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schaefer, William Sheehan, J. E. Thorpe, Mrs. Vernor E. Walthall & Darnell General Departments. Premium Towel service Advertising Printing Gas for May, 1927 Stove Dist Premium Maintenance Mailing tubes Insurance premium Printing Printing cards Premiums Premium Taxes paid in error Manuscript covers Printing Repairs to starter City Lighting Lamps Gas for city hall Rental and tolls Services Typewriter Money allowed for advertising Premium Total Police Department. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Co. Bass-Heuter Company East Bay Service Co. Jensen, R. J. Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 Noy, R. H. O'Brien, W. B. Pacific Telephone Co. Parsons's Bakery Smith, F. J. Tubes and repairs Gasoline Traffic paint Fan belt Use of launch Repair cars Labor and attendance Cracklings Signs Telephone Bread Meals city jail Total - VOID WO 9701, 20.00 7.00 7.91 7.50 4.32 16.50 40.40 7.20 1.29 20.20 20.50 8.00 92.72 184.62 6.48 17.14 29.75 2.55 2,768.71 4.20 5.04 28.88 25.00 35.00 30.00 20.20 $3,411.31 4-P 4.73 18.75 61.70 1.00 30.00 16.50 50.00 2.15 22.50 13.78 2.00 60.00 283.11 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Associated Oil Company It IT tT Brunje, B. H. Gardner, U. S. Loop Lumber & Mill Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant 71 TI ►T 1I 7, 7T 7T IT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., The Typesetting & Type Foundry Co. Steinmetz, W. T., Cr. Revolv. Fd. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Clark & Sons, N. East Bay Water Co. Heafey, Moore Co. IT 17 rt Lee, Samuall Leitz Co., The A. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. 71 7► TT Rhodes - Jamieson & Co. Robinson Tractor Company Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Vulcanizing Works Flatow & Son, P. Municipal Electric Light Plant 71 ►T 17 77 IT IT 11 TI TT Pac. Tel. & Tel. Compa Schaeffer, Victor L. Smith;'' ='Chas: (Plumber ) Wgrhurst, Dorothy Zellerbach Paper Company Alameda Vulc. Works Cleaves, Vera H. Crane Co. Consumers Ice & Coal Co. Dietz Motor Co. diVecchio, Lucille Drews, E. C. Franklin, Helen S. Hutchinsnn & Co. 71 IT 11 71 TT Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant 7? T1 77 IT 71 11 TT T1 Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Skelly Hardware Vallance Nursery Co. Winkler Jr., Simon Labo Alameda Times Star Associated Oil Co. 77 17 it 7, 77 77 Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bischofft s Surgical House Byron - Jackson Pump Co. Calif. Cotton Mills Central Savings Bank of Oakland Assg, Fay Farm Island, Inc. Crocker Co., H. S. Dietz Motor Company Dietz Motor Company Hamilton, Burnett Lena, N. Department. Linen service for May Gasoline 1f Scalp. Acid White Lead & Turpentine Balance due on lumber Step- ladder Rep. and light switches Recharging batteries Labor and Materials Ga s Phone service tolls Fire Prevention pamphlets Material and Supplies Total Street Department. Gasoline Sewer Pipe Water used during May Road Oil 11 11 A/c huilding platform Bay Sta. New shoes for tripod Lumber Services during May Materials IT IT Parts and tools Total Health Department. Emergency Hospital Laundry Service Serv. San. Insp. car Supplies Car serviced. Sanita.c t Insp. Chev. Car. " Rep. Chev. Car. 71 3 Lamps Telephone bill Hospital Cotton Service on Water Heater Services Mailing Cases Total - Recreation Department. Gasoline Sub. Play Director Well Casing Fertilizer Parts for Ford starter Sub. Play Director Sharpening Saws Play Director, vacation work Rent of water cart Surfacing walk Lincoln Park Oil, faucet, tape, etc. Repairs to pumps, raising flag pole Line. Fuses Repairs to pump, Jackson Park Gas Telephone service Hardware Seed Gardener, vacation work 11 OW Total Golf Course. Department. Printing Gas Gas Gas Hose Waste Can Supplies Towels Rental of land, Bay Farm Island Waste Basket Spark plugs, etc. Supplies Money advanced Use of Tractor 50.00 15.00 11.00 6.33 7.50 1.00 3.00 7.10 2.50 242.51 28.63 .95 20.00 16.58 412.10 ,086.51 15.78 51.45 13.50 265.58 445.71 12.00 5.00 23.08 2.65 206.45 196.18 86.08 10.36 3,420.33 4.80 750.00 4.55 9.35 3.00 12.38 4.50 .60 5.38 3.30 1.75 7.41 17.62 824.64 12.68 9.00 26.50 42.00 3.20 30.00 10.25 36.00 10.00 295.60 7.75 50.77 .20 12.54 4.47 2.66 4.85 1.00 70.00 629.47 965.78 4.00 16.50 16.50 15.90 19.00 4.50 41.11 12.74 4,423.68 3.72 6.40 4.59 .40 78.75 Minoggia Bros. Oakland. Spring Works O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. IT TT 11 TT ft Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Richfield Oil Co. of Calif. Roberts Implement Co. Serio, S. L. Skelly, Sam. Standard Oil Co. T1 IT 71 Valiance Nursery, The Western Auto Supply Co. West Disinfecting Co. Crocker Co., H. 8. 71 ' It 11 11 TT 71 Plumbing and Fixtures Spring Steel sign Signs Rental and tolls Monterey Sand Oil Supplies Mower Supplies Cup Grease Fly Spray Plants Supplies Euchrelyptum Total - - - Store Department. Supplies AIM 0943, Total - - - Social Service Department. Ala. City Social Service Board Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works East Bay Water Co. Ty 77 71 TT Fontaine, Henry Ford, Harry Hermann Furniture Co. Krieg Co., J. J. Konigshofer's Mun. Electric Light Plant Nations, Isabelle Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. Pac. Tel & Tel Co. 6antos, Mrs, A. Seagrave, Frank E. Stone Co., E. B. & A. L. Togs Whitten Shoe Store Wood, Mrs. E. R. Ala. Co. Tuberculosis Assn. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Vulcanizing Works Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Bischoff's Surgical House 71 77 Flatew & Son, F. 7T TT 11 Germo Mfg. Co. Oakland California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reid Bros. Rucker-Fuller Desk Co. Smith, Charles Travers Surgical Co. Money adv. for clothing Books Gas and Oil Water 11 Rent Repairing Shoes Balance, Furniture Sweaters Supplies Electricity Rent Gas Bill Money adv. for clothing Supplies Rent Cap Shoes Rent .41 0.11■ 001, N. SOO 10731g 37.50 50.00 8.13 19.95 39.05 14.40 45.00 133.34 4.00 7.18 5.00 8.95 11.25 OW MO 6,107.71 Total - - - ------ Health Center Fund. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Board of Public Utilities Boyd, Ralph T. City of Alameda (Store Dept.) Great Western Power Co. Jefferson Glass Co., The Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Thompson Chevrolet Co. United Iron Works United States Fidelity & Guar. Co. Care and Maintenance, Del Valle Operating Room & Anaesthetic Gasoline and Oil Services Diathermy Tin Corset Prescriptions Supplies Sani-Kleen Services Telephone calls Screens Letter file Plumbing repairs Supplies Total - rio Light Fund. Towel service Incidentals for May Bond Stationery Electric current Freight Electric current Phone service Cement work Auto supplies Fire Alarm Equipment Premium on bonds Total - - Initiative Relief Fund. Alameda Social Service Board Money advanced for labor East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund. East Bay Water Company . Extensions .61 40111. MP AM. 0107 2.45 22.05 8.37 32.87 10.00 18.70 4.45 7.01 3.89 12.50 1.45 14.50 29.05 27.76 3.51 1.96 25.00 .28 11.58 7.00 50.95 31.50 1.50 18.65 16.00 $ 297.24 74.40 15.00 7.35 4.70 1.80 8.90 49.78 3.45 2.00 24.64 11.58 17.60 28.80 2.80 1.00 - - - -$ 253.80 200 16.39 25.00 13.55 9364. 44 859.61 560.10 43.68 34.00 2.01 139.50 5.00 - $ 11065.28 309.00 598.43 Flato Sons, Compensation Insurance Fund. Prescription $ 1.75 Mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr.Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, July 5th, 1927, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk pro tem.