1927-07-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF ALAIvUA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 19TH, 1927. The meeting onvened at 8 o'clock with Council president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble. and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 5th, 1927 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeti ng of July 12th, 1927 were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1156. Transferring $2,768.71 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2.V Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption o 6. 7. 9. 10.1 121 14.1 16. 1 17d "Resolution No. 1157. Accepting Dedication of an Extension of Clay Street and Consenting to the Recording of the Deed." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1158. Declaring Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of a Lot for School Purposes." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. IN • The following papers were filed: Bond of Leander Johnson as House Mover. Demand for incidental expenses under Resolution of Intention, No. 81, Forty-eighth Annual Report of the Alameda Board of Free Library Trustees. Affidavitof publication of Notice of Right to Appeal, re weeds. Deed to City of Alameda from Crandall, et al., school property. Deed to City of Alameda, from Clark, et al., school property. The following communications were received: From Mr. Wm. R. Calcutt, requesting that the City Manager be instructed to devise ways and means of constructing 3Ray Island Avenue, from ?earl Street to connect with the location of the new Bay Farm Island Bridge. Mr. Calcutt moved that the City Manager comply with the request, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimoubly. From City Manager Hickok relative to the request of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference for a contribution of $100.00. in preparing a uniform building code for Pacific Coast cities. Mr. Calcutt moved thgt the City Manager be instructed to notify the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference that the city is prepared to contribute its quota not to exceed $100.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting information relative to street work in the West End. Mr. Noble Moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advise them in the premises. The motion was seconded by Mr Calcutt and carried. From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting the council to petition the County Board of Supervisors to furnish new quarters for the Tax Collector and Assessor for the County. On motion of Mr. Calcutt, seconded by Mr. Neiss the communication was ordered filed. From the Alameda Improvement Club relative to the need of providing a special fund for the purpose of combatting attempts on the part of piblic service corporations to increase rates. Mr. Latham moved that this communication be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be considered when preparing the budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. From the East Bay Regional Plan Association, requesting the council to pass a Resolution pertaining to zoning. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. From Mr. B. W. Linderman, relative to the approach on the Alameda side of the Bay ?arm Island Bridge. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney to report back. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. From Assessor F. J. Croll containing assessment figures for the year 1927. Ordered filed. From Albert G. Burns, protesting the rezoning of Central Avenue, between Broadway and Park Street. Ordered filed. 194 From the Alameda Federation of Parent-Teachers Association, thanking the Council for recent appropriation to the National Convention held in Oalrlaad. Ordered filed. 20/ From the City Manager, containing an estimate of costs,together with preliminary plans and specifications, re widening of Park Street. Mr. Neiss moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary papers for the widening of Pax Street.The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. From City Attorney Locke, re replacement of bridges over the Estuary. Order- 22./ ed filed. From El. A. Johnson, requesting permission to move two houses 'recently rarchased from the Belt Line Railroad. Upon the recommendation of City hianager Hickok, Mr. Latham moved that the request be geanted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. From Earnest L. Thompson, requesting permission to move a house recently purchased from the Belt Line Railroad. Upon the recommendation of City Manager Hickok, Mr. Neiss moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 24. From the Housewives League, relative to the reclassification of property owned by Mr. Allen on Bay Farm Island. Mrs. Alice Caton, president of the House- wives League was present in the Council Chamber and the situation was fully explained to her, she being the interested party. The communication was ordered filed. 2611 // 27.v 28./ From the Housewives League, requesting information as to the recent appropriation of 0250.00, to the Business and Professional Women's Club, Mrs. Fred Malley, the Secretary, addressed the Council relative to same and after the matter had been fully eleplained to her the communication mas ordered filed. From the North Side Protective Club, relative to the matter of publicity of proceedings of the meetings of the council. Mr, Latham moved that the communi- cation be referred to the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to consider in the preparation of the coming budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. An soplication for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from the Mutual Stores, Inc. 1405 Encinal Avenue. Inasmuch as this had received the approval of Chief of Police, Wm. H. Wahmuth, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1159. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Neiss sec nded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and rassed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (4).. Noes: Councilman Calcutt, (1). Absent: None. The following Ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series. Relcassifying Property. (Lot, North side of Central Ave. 261 ft. W. of Broadway) (Garage) Mr. Noble moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Neiss. Mr, Daniel Knox, representing Mr. McKenzie, wished to be placed on record as challenging Mr. Noble's vote on the grounds that he was the President of the Alameda Community Hotel Corporation. The ordinance as read was then adopted by the following vote: Ayes': Councilmen Latham, Niess and Noble, (3). Noes: Councilman Calcutt and Council president Otis, (2). Absent: None. 29A/ An Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Deposit of Sewage on Tidelands, and Requiring Arks, House-Boats and Other Structures situated on Tide Lands to Connect with the Sewer System of the city." Mr. Latham moved that further consideration of the passae of this Ordinance be postponed until the second regula± meeting in September. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and the saipe carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1U 660.52; Police Department, 0120.18,; Fire Department, 0184.29; Street Department, .5035.15; Health Department, $203.06; Recreation Department, 0274.71; Golf Course Department, 1,068.24; Store Department, 09.42; Council Relief 476.95; Health Center Fund, 0269.00; Electric Sight Fund, 011,181.82 and Initiative Relief Fund 0237.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Departments. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star TV TV TV Alameda Vulcanizing Works Duplex Percolator Co. TV TV TV East Bay Water Co. Hally & Co. McConnell, Rushton Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. TV TV it It TV Recorder, The Schaffer, William Seeley, Mrs. Esther Shur-Seal Manufacturing Co. Teague, H. S. Western Union Towel Service Advertising ordinances Copies of ordinances Gas Rental of percolator TV TV TV Water Premium on bond " - auto insurance City lighting Gas Rental and tolls TV TV TV Subscription Services Services Supplies Premium Telegrams Total Police Department. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company California State Auto. Assn. Duplex Percolator Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. American Rubber Mfg. Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. East Bay Water Co. ,Lewis, R. E. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. Labor Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Clark & Sons, N. Dietz Motor Company TV TV TV East Day Water Co. Empire Foundry Co. Engineering News Record Heafey-Moore Co. TV TV TV Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tell Co. Powell Bros., Inc. TV TV TV Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Robinson Tractor Co. Siegler, Louis Vosburgh Hardware Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bollinger, L. F. Brann-Knecht-Heimann Co. City Market Cutter Laboratory Encinal Coal & Ice Co. Duplex Percolator Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rucker-Fuller Desk Co. Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Warhurst, Dorothy Gas and tube repairing Gasoline Traffic signs Rental of percolator Gas Labor and attendance Rental and tolls Broom Telegram Total Fire Department. Linen and towel service Hose Waste Water Hose Labor and attendance Gas Rental and tolls Total Street Department. Adtertising Gasoline TV Sewer pipe Supplies It Water Catch basin Subscription Road Oil It ft 1 Ford Battery Services Materials TV TV Supplies Repairs Supplies Total - Health Department. Laundry Printing Gas Services Supplies Bacon rind Vaccine Ice Rental Rental and tolls Files Lamp Mouse traps Services Total - 7.00 23.32 2.50 2.70 3.00 12.00 23.75 6.00 8.34 2604.89 5.99 13.80 14.60 21.00 25.00 29.03 7.50 12.50 8.34 660.52 3.92 18.75 29.20 3.00 1.14 50.00 12.22 .45 1.50 120.18 50.00 2.16 16.22 25.82 2.75 53.60 32.79 .95 184.29 A ip 2207.62 17.11 18.37 17.25 6.17 8.74 1.53 13.91 16.17 5.00 924.79 790.87 10.00 2.60 278.66 629.65 62.26 .20 21.15 3.10 5035.15 1.52 17.50 8.76 1.00 57.50 .90 .88 6.65 3.00 5.25 89.88 .24 .30 9.68 203.06 Recreation Department, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Campe, Henry Crane Company DiVecchio, Lucille East Bay Water Co. TT If TT -Franklin, Helen S. Mazzini, L. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Standard Oil Company Strom Electridal Co. VosbUrgh Hardware Co. White Bros. Winker, Simon, Jr. Zellerbadh Paper Co. Golf Labor Alameda Cyclery Alameda Welding Works Associated Oil Company Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Dietz Motor Company TT Heafey-Moore Co. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Pacifdc Tel. & Tel. Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. West Disdnfecting Co. Crocker ., H. 5, Gasoline Cycol Horse feed Pipe and fittings Services Water Services Supplies Pump Rod Repairs Supplies Rental Lime Zerolene Battery Parts and repairs Lumber Services Supplies Total Course Department. to pump Repairs and keys for desk Welding Gasoline Supplies VT Repairs and supplies Supplies Services Money advanced Rental and tolls Supplies tt Total - Store Department, Supplies Council Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Alameda Vulcanizing Works Anderson, R. Eason, Bell East Bay Water Co. Maxwell, Jennie Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TI 7! If Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reis, Antone Money advanced Gasoline Rent TT Water Rent Electricity Gas Rental and tolls Rent Total Health Center Fund. Alameda County Tuberculosis Assn, Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Alameda Vulcanizing .Works Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Flatow & Son, P. IT TT IT ft Hittenberger, Emil Jacobs, Ida A. Lincoln Park Pharmacy Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schultz Herbert D. Care of children Room and attendance Towel service Gasoline Laundry service Supplies tt TT Subscription Supplies Rental and tolls Glasses Total Electric Light 'urid. Baker,. Hamilton, & Pacific Co. Board of Public Utilities Dietz Motor Co. East Bay Water Co. Gamewell Company General Electric Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co, Line Material Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. TT Y1 If fl Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Red Cross Germ-Pr of Tel. Co. Supplies Incidental expenses Supplies Water Supplies ” Electric current Supplies Gas Electric current Rental and tolls Rental 17.35 5.85 14.50 4.38 18.00 37.04 49.60 24.00 10.00 .61 7.59 1.00 .50 2.00 3.65 2.50 3.60 9.55 50.00 12.99 274.71 821.14 7.00 10.00 15.00 1.46 17.16 44.08 11.43 45.00 70.00 9.04 8.18 8.75 4 1068.24 9.42 59.74 4.30 15.00 5.00 2.92 5.00 .52 13.07 34.63 11.77 25.00 176.95 66.00 30.00 20.42 8.42 24.00 38.25 24.00 7.00 3.00 5.40 11.76 30.75 269.00 23.64 20.19 10.00 9.49 22.33 391.27 304.40 9678.72 20.58 2.28 347.40 42.30 3.15 Electric Light Pund (Cont'd.) Smith ,Hardware Co. Supplies 31.97 Standard Oil Company . Gas 55.05 Thompson-Chevrolet Co. Supplies 6.43 Triangle Parts Co. If • 5.11 Typewriter Service Co. Inspections 4.00 Western Auto Supply Co. Supplies 9.02 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. " 20.08 ft ft Pt If It If 112.50 Wood Lumber Company, E. K. ft 58.80 Zellarbadh Paper Co. ff 2.91 Total - _ 181.82 Initiative Relief found. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for lab $ 237.00 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that the Council take a recess for one hour. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and same carried unanimously. Upon reconvening all members of the Council were noted present. 31.1 The following Ordinance came ap for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing and Providing for a Lease of Sixty- six (66) acres of Tidelands on the Western Water- front of the City of Alameda for Use as an Airport Aircraft 2actory and School, and Carrying on a General Aviation Business." Mr. Calcutt moved the adoption of the ordinance in amended form as read by the Ole seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Calcutt moved that inasmuch as the lessees were anxious to begin work immeidately upOn the improving of the lands affected by the above ordinance that the council grant them permission to commence work immediately upon their own responsibility. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, August 2nd, 1927, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, -