1927-08-02 Regular CC Minutes1., 4,V 6.V REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2ND, 1927. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noble, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of July 19th 1927 were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1160. Transferring $2,604.89 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1161. Transferring $900.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." • Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1162. Accepting Dedication of an Extension of Clay Street and Consenting to the Recording of the Deed." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were filed: Oath of Office of J. E. Stewart as special police officer. Bond of D. J. Sueell, as housemover. City Manager's estimated budget for 1927-28. The following communications were received: 7W From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to beach at Washington Park. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and that at the same time he investigate the matter of the removal of the bath house, to report back to the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. From the Alameda Improvement Club, re publishing budget, after the tax rate has been fixed. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be filed, seconded by Mr. Caloutt and carried. 9/ From City Attorney Locke, relative to title of approach to Bay Farm Island Bridge. Ordered filed. 10. A letter of thanks was received from the Business and Professional Women's Club of Alameda. Ordered filed. 11/ From Mrs. George D. Baird, relative to proper traffic signs at Gibbons Drive and Santa Clara Avenue. City Manager Hickok stated signs had already been ordered to take care of the condition referred to. Mr. Calcutt moved that the City Manager be instructed to so advise Mrs. Baird, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. (12.) From the City Manager's Association inviting the council to attend the \---/ 14th Annual Convention of the International City Managers' Associatioh. Ordered filed. 13/ From City Manager Hickok, containing estimated cost for the extension of Bay Island Avenue. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be referred to the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 14.V From the City Planning Commission, relative to Bay Island Avenue extension and streets in east end of Alameda. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be re- ferred to a meeting of the committee of the whole, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 151 The Clerk stted that he was in receipt of affidavits of mailing and posting notices re removal of dilapidated building at 3214 Washington Street. Ahcommunica- tion was received from Hon. R. B. Tappan requesting postponement of the hearing for two weeks. Mr. Neiss moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 16/ The following ordinance came up for'passage " Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles Around the High School Block." Mr. Latham moved that action by the council on the adoption of this ordinance be postponed until the regular meeting of the council to be held September 6th, 1927. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 18. Messrs. Strom and Merrill Robinson, representing the Bridge Committee of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, addressed the council requesting that some action be taken regarding the replacement of the estuary bridges. A statement was made by City Attorney Locke relative to provious efforts by the council. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor forward a telegram to Major - General Deakyne, calling his attention to the necessity of immediate repair or replacement of the bridges referred to. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham then introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1163. RE Estuary Bridges." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Thereupon President Otis, in conformity with the Resolution appointed Councilmen Neiss and Calcutt to serve with City Attorney Locke, as such Committee. City Manager Hickok called attention of the council to the work of various employees relative to the repair of the levee protecting Bay Farm Islari , which threatened destruction of a large portion of the Golf Course. Mr. Neiss then introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1164. Commending Various Employees." WHEREAS, on the night of Tuesday, July 26, 1927, a portion of the levee or dyke protecting Bay Farm Island broke away on account of an extraordinary high'tide, which threatened to inundate a portion of the island and the Municipal Golf Course belonging to the city, and WHEREAS, employees of the street, department park depart- ment and the municipal golf course to the number of approximately 60 employees immediately took hold of the matter and worked incessantly from seven o'clock in the morning until midnight and until the break in the levee was repaired and the golf course saved, now therefore be it. RESOLVED, that the council of the city of Alameda, for and in the name of the people of the city take this opportunity and means of formally thanking the employees of the city for their devotion and loyalty. RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes. Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Y20 « Mr. Neiss moved that the Council meet as a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of budget discussion, Tuesday evening, August 9th, at 7 o'clock, in the office of the City Manager. The motion.was seconded by Mr. Latham and same carried unanimously. Mrs. Emma Burke, addressed the council relative to a deficit in the Xmas tree fund and requested the council to assume this indebtedness. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 21.' Claims against the General Departments amounting to $1306.87; Police Department, 63.40; Fire Department, $31.15; Street Department, $2145.49; Health Department $182.64; Recreation Department $194.15; Golf Course Department, $904.29; Store Department, $43.48; Council Relief Fund, $42.58; Health Center Fund, $56.47;.Electric Light Fund, $7882.92; Pension Fund, $944.16; Initiative Relief Fund, $245.00; East Bay Water Company Payments,Fund, 42947.81; and Compensation Insurance Fund, $123.56 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Land Company Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Times Star " If If H IT TT 1T TT II IT II II Borle, C. A. Boyd, Ralph T. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Clark, Herbert D. Crooker,Co., H. S. Goggin, W. W. Hickok, C. E. Hoover Real Estate Agency Johnson Co., S. T. Klitgaard & Valleau Mulvany, J. J. Otis, Frank Roeder,:E1izabeth Royal Insurance Co. Ltd. Sengenberger, Lizette General Departments. Insurance premium Keys and repairs Printing n Advektis ing II Printing Services Insurance premium Maintenance contract 11 n Insurance premium Supplies Insurance premium Auto upkeep Insurance premium Distillate Insurance premium TT " Mayor's Allowance Insurance premium Services $ 580.19 8.60 2.10 4.75 17.40 19.10 102.77 88.00 165.00 8.60 9.45 10.00 16.20 3.38 8.60 25.00 25.80 29.40 8.60 8.60 50.00 8.60 8.60 40.00 Shorney, G. H. U. S. Fidelity & Guar. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company Associated Oil Company Seagrave Corporation Steinmetz, W. T. Labor Associated Oil Company Clark & Sons, N. Cobbledick-Kibbee Glass Company Haynes, M. Irvine & Jachens Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Oakland Blue Print Co. PowellBros. Inc. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star TV TV American Railway Express Co. Bischeff's Surgical House Bollinger, L. Brandt, Louis Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory Ford, N. O. /t 11 If Hickok, C. E. City Manager Martin, J. Snow, William Warhurst, Dorothy diVecchio, Luccille Franklin, Helen S. Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Piatt Photo Company Winker, S. " " Jr. Labor Associated Oil Company Dietz Motor Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. National Cash Register Co. Stephen Smith Co. Crocker Co., H. 5. Alameda City Social Service Bd. Anderson, R. Eason, Bell East Bay Water Co. Maxwell Jennie Pacific Gas & Electric Co. TT If IV TV TT General Departments (Contld.) Insurance premium Bond premiums Paper towels Total Police Department. Tire and repairs Gasoline Total Fire Department. Gasoline Supplies Material and supplies Total Street Department. Gasoline Sewer pipe Glass for street signs Tools sharpened Zinc street signs Lumber Prints Sidewal k repair Total Health Department. Laundry Printing IT Expressage Needles Services TV Transportation Vaccine virus Printing Guinea pigs Services I/ 11 $ 8.60 38.75 10.78 01306.87 $ 24.65 38.75 $ 63.40 $ 24.00 3.00 4.15 $ 31.15 Totak Recreation Department. Services TV Supplies Gas Films and Prints Money advanced for seed Services Golf Course Department. Gasoline Supplies Lumber Supplies TV Total Total Store Department. Supplies Council Relief Fund. Money advanced Rent TV Water Rent Gas 11 Total 01951.00 112.22 14.68 20.00 18.75 16.25 5.49 3.60 3.5 0 $2145.49 0 3.41 38.90 8.15 .40 4.00 1.00 35.00 35.00 .88 11.00 13.50 12.00 5.50 5.00 8.90 $ 182.64 $ 27.00 45.00 37.47 4.66 4.52 10.50 65.00 4 194.15 $ 757.00 58.30 2.70 56.91 16.40 12.98 $ 904.29 $ 43.48 $ 6.22 15.00 5.00 4.19 5.00 6.37 •80 $, 42.58 AlamedaRug Works Hittenberger, Emil J. Oakland - California Towel Co. Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Health Center Fund. Cleaning rug Arch supports Service Inspecting two typewriters St pplie s Total Electric Light Fund. Alameda Times Star Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Baxter & Co., J. H. Borman & Wagner City of Alameda (St. Department) Dietz Motor company General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. " tr rr tt Hanjes Co., Robert H. Oakite Products Co. Inc. Pacific Tel. & Tell Co. Oakland Blue.Print Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Security Drug Co. Smith Hardware Co. Standard Oil Company Standard Underground Cable Co. Strauch, A. United Iron Works Weaver -Wells Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Woolman, A. E. Pen ions Printing Supplies tt 3.00 8.00 20.17 1.50 23.80 56.47 $ 66.00 48.59 1290.30 " 5.25 Digging ditch 57.10 Supplies 15.19 " 3681.94 293.30 264.88 Electric transformer rental 63.04 75.00 Supplies 79.88 " 33.50 Rental 21.30 Blue prints 3.96 Cement work 361.00 Supplies 159.49 Sulphuric Acid 3.60 Supplies 16.39 Services of "Benecia" 73.05 Supplies 579.80 246.96 Lamp post boxes and covers 51.00 Supplies 10.86 19.40 14.10 Rags 33.06 Meters 307.48 Envelope Sealer 7.50 tt ft t[ It Total Pension Fund. Initiative Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for labor East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund. Extensions Ready to serve charge Total East Bay Water Co. ft It tt ft Compensation Insurance Fund. Hittenberger, Emil J. Brace for L. Wendland Soares, J. D. Diability payment Total 7882.92 944.16 245.00 598.43 2349.38 2947.81 15.50 108.06 4 123.56 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no farther business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, August 16th, 1927, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,