1927-11-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, 1927. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Council-president Otis presi ding. In the absence of City Clerk, W. E. Varcoe, Mr.. Latham moved that Wm. J. Locke be appointed. City Clerk pro tem. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. The roil was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 18th were read. Paragraph 10 of the minutes were, amended to read as follows: "Mr. H. M. Bradley addressed the council on behalf of the Real Estate Board requesting that the students of the Alameda High School be granted a gratuitous building permit for the erection of a building in the Fetnside Tract, this building to be built under the supervision of the School Department. City Attorney Locke ruled that inasmuch as this was a semi-public enterprise the council could grant such gratuitous permit, theretpon Mr. Latham moved that the permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Noble and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Neiss, (1). Absent: None." The minutes.as amended were then approved. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1190. Fixing Salaries of the following employees of the City of Alameda, to 'wit: VisAting Nurse, Assistant Nurse, Stenographer and Dental Nurse of the Health Center, and Social Service Worker of the Social Service Board." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2./ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1191. Transfdrring $2,864.27 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The matter of the dilapidated building at 2241 Pacific Avenue came up. Fire Chief, W. T. Steinmetz, was sworn and testified that the building was a fire hazard and a menace to the neighborhood; plumbing fixtures had been removed and it was possible for dissolute charactersto make a rendevous of the building. Building Inspector, E. H. Rogers, was slkdrnand concurred with the statements of Fire Chief Steinmetz, adding that neighbors reported that lights had been seen in the building at night.. Mr. E. M. Shaw, agent of the owner, was present and stated to the council that he had endeavor- ed to get in touch with his client but had been unsuccessful in so doing. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1192. Declaring building at 2241 Pacific Atenue to be a Public Nuisance." • Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were received and filed: Title insurance policy on school property, Franklin Park. Report and maps, Hudson, re Estuary bridges. Oath of office, W. C. Johnson as police officer. Oath of office, Carl Zoller as Special police officer. , Affidemit of publication of Notice of City Ta3tes." Report of Municipal Electric Light Plant for September, 1927. The following communications zero received: From the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco regarding traffic meeting at Los Angeles. Ordered filed. From the National Audit & Appraisal Co. re audit of books. Ordered filed. 13.V From the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, re crossing at Webster Street. Ordered filed. 14. From the American Dredging Company requesting permission to deposit dredged materials on Tracts 39 and 45. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that this matter be referred to the City Manager for report at the next meeting of the council, seconded by Mr.'Noble and carried. 15.V From the Alameda Improvement Club, re zoning at northwest corner of Ninth Street and Central Avenue. Ordered filed. 16.1 From theAlameda Imprevement.Clul, re crossing of the Belt Line Railway on Webster Street. Ordered filed. 17."/ 18.V 190/ Mr. R. B. Chaplin addressed the council requesting a temporary permit to use the lot on the southeast corner of Buena Vista Avenue and park Street as an auto salesroom, during the construction of a building for such purpose on the s.w. cor Everett _St. &:Santa Ciara.Mr.Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. A petition was received from Martha A. Linderman, et al, requesting that the extension of Central Avenue, east of Fernaide Boulevard be closed to public use as a streetand the title of said street be restored to the original owner, Isabel C. Linderman. Mr. Latham moved that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for report back to the council, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. A petition was received from the Waterside-Thompson Improvement Club requesting the council to enact legislation to prevent the construction of rear 'houses on lots in Residence District, Class I. Mr. Roy Bishop was present and explained the desires of the Club. Mr. Wm. Knapp, president of said club, also addressed the council. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that a committee consisting of the city manager, city attorney, one memter of the council and Mr. R. W. Kearney, attorney for the State Housing Commission, be appointed to act with the city planning commission ih preparing amendments to the present zoning ordinance. Mr. Neiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Mayor Otis thereupon appointed Mr. George H. Noble to serve on said committee. 20.V The following ordinance came up for passage: 21. "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles Around the High School Block." Mr. Calcutt moved that action on the above ordinance be postponed to the regular meeting of the council to be held January 3rd, 1928, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. The following ordinance came up for passage:and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying property. (Southwest corner of Santa Clara Ave. & Everett St. (Garage) Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 221 The following ordinance came up for passage: 23. "Ordinance No. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Deposit of Sewage on Tidelands, and Requiring Arks, House-Boats and Other Structures situated on Tidelands to Connect with the Sewer System of the City." Mr. Latham moved that action on the above ordinance be postponed until the regular meeting of the council to be held January 3rd, 1928, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. Mr. Noble moved that steps be taken by the council to reclassify on its own initiative, Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Estuary to a Busiress District, Class V, and from Encinal Avenue to San Jose Avenue to a, Business District, Class III, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 24.V Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of 2 "Resolution No. 1193. Permitting Transfer of License Agreement to the Great Western Power Company." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. J. B. Kahn, Superintendent of the Municipal Electric Light Plant, address- ed the council suggesting that a communication be addressed to the Board of Super- visors of Alameda County soliciting the funtiShing of electricity for the operation of the Estuary Tube. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the Clerk address such communication to the Board of Supervisors, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 26.\J Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of ."Resolution No. 1194. Authorizing Execution of a Joint Agreement with other East Bay Cities for Resisting Application of the Telephone Company." Mr., Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amouiitin to $1070.52; Police Department, $422.53; Fire Department $544.82; Street Department, 0440.88; Health Department $1330.50; Recreation Department, 355.43; Golf Course Department, $2425.67; Store Department $ 8111.07; Council Relief $267.24; Health Center Fund $1000.05; Electric Light Fund, 05225.74; School General Fund, $210.14; Pension Fund, $944.16; Initiative Relief Fund $292.00 and Compensation Insurance Fund $168.24 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star IT . IT II TV IT TT TV TT TT TT TT IT TT If TT IT TI TT Alameda Vulcanizing Works American ?rust Banta, C. 7. Duplex Percolator Co. Elster Printing Co. Encinal Press Hickok, C.E. IT TV IT Inter-City Express International City Manager s Assn. Johnson Co., S.T. Municipal Electric Light Plant. Otis, ;Prank Patrick & Co. Recorder Printing & Pub. Co. Remington and Business Service Schmidt, Edna B. Security -)rug Co. Seeley, Esther U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Varcoe, W. E. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company Collins & Kearns Crocker Co., H.S. Duplex Percolator Co. Emmons Tire & Battery Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT American Brass & Copper Supply Co. American Laa7rance 7ire Engine Co. Associated Oil Company Baston Tire & Supply Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TT ft TT TV IT TV TV TT TT Seagrave Corporation Steinmetz, W. T. Thorp, Vernor E. IT IT IT TV IT TV Labor, Associated Oil Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Clark & Sons, N. If TT TT TT Dietrich Post Co. Dietz Motor Co. East Bay Water Co. Haynes, M. General Departments. Repairing desk lock Towel service Advertising Copies of ordinances TT TV TV Advertising ordinances Printing TT Advertising ordinances Gasoline Rent of Safe Deposit Box Commission-Sale of real property Rental of percolators Printing TT Incidental expenses Auto upkeep Subscription Annual dues Fuel Oil Electricity Mayor's Allowance Stamp and cleaning Book Flexlfile Services Acid Services Premium Auto upkeep Towels Total. - 0 2.00 7.00 53.32 2,'50 5.95 193.50 121.95 177.95 43.05 3.40 20.00 60.00 20.00 41.50 19.75 7.04 16.09 7.50 15.00 23.63 62.82 50.00 1.88 10.00 4.50 22.50 .50 27.50 30.00 8.91 10.78 070.52 Police Department Greasing and repairing motorcycles 42.74 Gas 21.25 Tire & tube 24.48 Index book 2.40 Rental to percolator 4.00 Motorcycle Oil 12.50 Labor and attendance Flashlight system 50.00 Painting and repairing cars 265.16 -Total - - Fire Department Supplies Parts Gasoline Tires Labor and attendance Alarm System Thermostat Recharging batteries Electricity Lamps Parts Revolving Fund Repairing platform Street Department Gasoline Street Brooms Pipe Blue print paper Supplies and parts Water Work done on tools Total - - $422.53 15.78 1.50 8.50 329.84 84.69 .60 2.00 37.94 37.67 1.00 16.55 8.75 8544.82 1894.95 48.96 54.88 13.10 52.41 2.16 10.12 5.43 37.50 Heafey-Moore Co. Hutchinson Co., Inc. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. 71 II fT TV TT MUnidipal Electric Light Plant Powell Bros., Inc. TT IT Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Road Oil Asphalt patching Lumber Lumber and stakes Work done on machines Materials TV TV Supplies Health Department Alameda Printing Co. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Thompson-Chevrolet Co. - Bank of Ala. Branch of American Trust Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. City Market Cutter Laboratory TV 11 Duplex Percolator Co. Encinal Coal & Ice Co. Hickok, C.E. City Manager Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. TT T1 if IT ft Koupas Bros. Martin, J.A. Mulford Co., H.K. !I TT IT If TT Ti IT II Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Security Drug Co. Snow, Williams Sousa, W.S. Templeton, Kathryn Thompson-Chevrolet do. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Warhurst, Dorothy California Wire Cloth Co. Encinal Press Franklin, Helen S. High Street Coal Yard Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. More & Co. C.C. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT IT TT if Powell Bros., Inc. Sherwin-Williams Co. Skelly, Sam Starr, C.C. Vosburgh Hardware Co. 11 IT TT Labor Associated Oil Company Bankhead & Son, J.W. Becker, 7. Collins & Kearns Dietz Motor Co. Empire Foundry Co. Farrell, Louis J. Hill, Hubbell & Co. Hutchinson Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant TI If TT if Oakland California Towel Co. Pioneer Compost Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Sevin-Vincent Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Total Printing Emergency hospital service Laundry Gas and Oil Rat traps Chevrolet Coach Supplies Chopped Beef Vaccine Virus Rental of percolator Ice Money advanced for pigs Alfalfa Barley Supplies Services Diphtheria toxin anti-toxin Ti TT 11 if TV TV TV If Rentals and tolls Supplies Services Services TV Servicing car Forks Services Recreation Department Fence Baseball permits Services Fertilizer Curbing Lumber Grass seed Fuses Electricity Lime Paint and linseed oil Supplies Repairs Valves Supplies Golf Course Department Total Total Gasoline Service and sand pumping Fertilizer Tube Automobile supplies Grating Furnishing and installing pipe Repairs to tank Screenings Lumber Nails Recharging battery Electric Light and power Towel service Mineral Compost Materials Seed Supplies Total - $ 1260 22.36 23.34 31.11 26.33 283.63 215.60 580.05 9.35 $3440.88 9.00 450.00 11.80 7.40 3.33 706.00 9.81 1.25 3.53 1.76 4.00 6.20 12.00 4.00 2.10 2.00 15.00 4.80 3.00 2.40 5.37 3.75 5.00 5.00 40.00 1.75 .50 9.75 $1330.50 35.39 17.50 33.00 19.50 7.85 31.84 2.20 .40 93.66 2.00 78.21 11.45 19.50 5.55 7.38 766.03 10.37 105.00 300.00 3.15 11.96 .98 167.40 37.50 60.00 56.06 8.20 .50 301.05 14.85 299.30 134.62 144.20 4.50 Crocker Co., H.S. tT IT TT IT Kronke-Brampton Co. Hickok, C.E. CityTnManager Camica, G. Central Shuey Creamery Dodge Co., F.A. East Bay Water Co. Fontaine, Henry Kelly, Mrs, G. Earle Konigshofer's Municipal Electric Ligh Pacific Gas & Electric Piedmont Cleaning & Dye Rosenthal & Co., H. Seagrave, Frank E. Smith, lirs. E. B. Togs Weatern Dairy Whitten Shoe Store Store Department Supplies IT Flags Money advanced for stamps Council Relief Fund Plant o. ng Works Rent Milk Supplies Water Rent Rent Supplies Electricity, Gas Cleaning Supplies Shoes Rent Supplies Milk Supplies Health 'enter Fund Alameda. Sanatorium Bank of Alameda Branch, American. Tr. Dewar & are Jacobs, Ida A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Travers Surgical Co. Typewriter Guy Addressograph Sales Co. Air Reduction Sales Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific 00, Baxter & Co., J.H. Borkman & Wagner Burroughs Adding Machine Co. East Bay Water Co. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Hanes Co., Robert H. Oakland Rubber Stamp Co. Oakland Spring Works Paraffine Companies Reno Co., L.G. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. ;Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Security Drug Co. Standard -Fence Co. Standard Underground Cable Co. Triangle Parts Co. Weaver-Wells Co. -:estinghouse E. & M. Co. Wood Lumber Co. ellerback Paper Co. Muiiicioal Electric Light Plant IT TT Pensions Total - Total - Room and attendance Chev. Coach Thermotax Machine Subscription Electricity Supplies Inspecting three typewriters Electrid Light Fund Supplies Poles Supplies Paper Rental Supplies IT Rental of transformers Oil Nev bands on dater Auto repairs Supplies TT Coal Supplies Wire Guards Supplies IT IT Cross arms Toilet paper School General Fund Electricity Pension Fund Total Total Total - 3.61 5.14 52.32 50.00 111.07 • 20.00 59.87 18.25 9.77 25.00 5.00 4.51 3.20. 10.55 1.50 4.50 22.75 60.00 4.50 11.12 6.72 $267.24 5.00 691.00 264.10 5.00 30.60 2.10 2.25 - 1000.05 17.89 6.96 88.87 503.80 9.60 4.65 60.00 2339.66 640.54 75.00 40.50 1.50 19.40 27.73 15.00 17.00 445.03 6.50 18.82 105.30 3.07 10.12 607.84 156.80 4.16 $5225.74 153.32 56.82 210.14 • 944.16 Initiative Relief 7und Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced for labor 292.00 Compensation Insurance Fund Alameda Sanatorium X-rays 10.00 Alameda Sanatorium Hospital services - Wm. Dunsmore 39.50 Soares, J.D. Compensation 103.74 Stowe, M.D. O.P. Services to W.J. Toaspern 15.00 Total 168.24 M. Lathammoved that the claims as listed be paid. Seconded by Mr. Noble, and on roll-call carried unanimously., There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, Nov. 15, 1927, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk, pro t