1928-06-05 Regular CC Minutes2.7 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 5TH, 1928. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. Mr. Latham moved that 1m. J. Locke be appointed City Clerk pro tem, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and president Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 15th, 1928 were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of June 1st, 1928 were approved as read. Mr. Latham moved that the regular order of business be deferred, seconded y Mr. Neiss and carried. Mr. H. S. Young, representing the San Francisco Bay Airdrome,Inc. addressed the Council urging the consideration of the advisability of establishing an air- port on tidelands owned by the University of California just west of Webster Street. Commander George A. Noville, Major Corliss Moseley, Captain Stanford E. Moses, Messrs. James A. Talbot, T. W. Thaden and J. J. Galloway also addressed the council in support of the project. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1258. Transferring $6500.00 from the Franklin Park Purchase Fund to the School Construction Fund." Mr., Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution,and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the ado tion of "Resolution No. 1259. ferring $2996.45 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 4.V' Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be authorized to execute the amended agreement between the City of Alameda and the County of Alameda respecting the support of the Social Service Board, supplementing the authority heretofore give by Resolution No. 1225, adopted March 6, 1928. Mr. Noble seconded the motion and it was carried unaniMously. The following papers were ordered filed; 5/ /Affidavit of publication of notice of hearing on Zone Ordinance. 607 Deed from Leon H. Ader, Tax Collector, to the City of Alameda, of a 10 ,foot strip of land in McKinley Park. 7o/ Report of Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of April, 1928. 8o/ Contract of employment of Carl Werner, architect for Municipal Electric Light plant office building. Litigation Report from East Bay Title Company showing ownership of 10 foot strips of land on Webster Street in the City of Alameda. 10.1 11/ filed. The following communications were received: From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager in re count of money. Ordered From the pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, re adoption of uniform building code. Ordered filed. 120/ From West End Merchants Association, in re bath-house park.Ordered filed. Long Beach, in at Washington 13•17 From the Alameda Housewives League in re bath-house at Washington Park. Ordered filed. 14r From the Alameda Woman's Improvement Club, in re bath-house at Washington Park. Ordered filed. 15./ Councilman Calcutt addressed the council re garding the dilapidated condition of the bath-house at'Washington park and objected to the retention of same. 16.v/ From the Encinal Yacht Club, in re oil on south shore of Alameda. Mr. Neiss moved that this matter be referred to the City Manager for investigation and action, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 17./ A report of the Bus Committee of the council was received and read in re routing of busses. Councilman W. R. Calcutt presented a minority report in regard to routing of busses. Mr. Noble moved that the report of the Bus Committee be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Neiss, noble and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Calcutt, (1). Absent: None. Further communications: 18.v/ From the Oakland Business District Association relative to the proposed bus routing. Ordered filed. 19.1 ?rom the Alameda Housewives League relative to routing of busses. Ordered filed. 20.1/ Mr. Neissmoved that the City Attorney be instructed to apply to the Rail- road Commission for an early hearing in regard to the routing of busses, in cooperation with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce and Key System Transit Company, seconded-by Mr. Latham and carried. 21. From the Alameda Housewives' League, regarding the distribution of "Shopping News" and handbills. Ordered filed. From the Draymens' Association of Alameda County protesting the passage of an ordinance prohibiting the delitery of the "Shopping News". Ordered filed. 23./ 7rom the Alameda Real Estate Board protecting the transfer of money from the City's advertising Fund to some other purpose. Ordered filed. 24.1( -From Building Inspector, E. H. Rogers, recommending a 90 day extension of temporary permit to Mrs. Truax, to occupy her garage at 1126 Park Avenue, as a dwelling. - Mr. Noble moved that the recommendation of the Building Inspector be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. 251 From the City planning, Commission relative to public hearings on the proposed amended zone ordinance. As this evening was the time set for hearingthe amended Zone Ordinance, Mayor Otis asked if anyone was present in the council chamber who wished to speak on the subject. No one appearing, Mr. Latham moved that the hearing be postponed to the next meeting of the Coancil to be held June 19, 1928, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. 261 -.Prom the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the property situated at 2255-2257 Central Avenue, from a Residence District, Class II,to a Business e District, Class III, permitting the use of the propertyy for medical bath purposes. Mr. Latham moved.that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. 27.1i From City Attorney, Wm. J. Locke, regarding applications for gratuitous licenses of Herman A. Reichardt, 2402 Lincoln Avenue, Alameda; Wm. P. Hodgkins, Hayward, California and Charles Peterson, 2909 Montana Street, Oakland, California, which had been presented to the council at its meeting of May 15. Ordered filed. 28./ Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1260. '..Protesting Increase of Pares between Alameda and San Francisco." 29, Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk presented an affidavit of Building Inspector E. H. Rogers, of posting and mailing notice to abate nuisance at 2611 Calhoun Street. Ordered filed. Building Inspector Rogers was present and reported to the council that since said notice had been posted,the buildings had been removed and recommendeUthatflitther proceedings be dropped. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the Building Inspector be adopted, seconded by Mr.• Calcutt and carried unanimously. 30. The Clerk present an affidavit of Building Inspector E. H. Rogers, of posting and mailing notice to abate nuisance at 2615 Calhoun Street. Ordered filed. Building Inspector Rogers was present and report ed to the council that since said notice had been posted, the buildings had been removed and recommended that further proceedings be dropped. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendations of the Building Inspector be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. 31.1 An application for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Peel Bros., 1205-B Lincoln Avenue. This application having received the endorsement and recommendation of Wm. H. Wahmuth, Chief of police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1261. Granting a permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 32.1 Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of the following; "In the matter,of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Resolution No. 1262. Appointing and Employing Burnett Hamilton Engineer of Work." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 33. A report was received from Mr. Hamilton, Engineer of Work, in the matter of the improvement of Webster Street accompanied by specifications for same. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of the following; "Resolution No. 1263. Resolution Approving Specifications". , VPicIR peennaed the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted tJ *V" 3,547 36. M141 1.1.1.U.1.-QUAW-CU daliu MU V& U.= e. uup Ij .1011 UL LiIi j. UULLI1 "In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Resolution 7o. 1264. Resolution of Intention No. 85, New Series." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter:- "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (2255-2257 Central Avenue. TV "Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing Districts or Zones and Regulating Therein the Use of Property, Height of Buildings, and Required Open Spaces for Light and Ventilation of such Buildings, and Repealing Ordinances Nos. 227, N. S., 319, N. S. and 338, N. S. " The following Ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: 37,V "Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the parking of Vehicles" on the Northern Side of Central Avenue Between Oak and Walnut Streets." Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No New Series. Amending Section 784 of the Municipal Code Relating to the Distribution of Handbills and Advertising Matter." Messrs. Cleveland R. Wright and H. S. Simcox, representing the San Francisco Shopping News; S. 7. Kellogg, representing the East Bay Shopping News; E. H. Hart, Secretary-Manager of the Draymen's Association of Alameda County; Miss Lightner, proprietor of Neptune palace Theater; O. G. Johannessen, Manager, American Distributing Company of Oakland; Mrs. Alice Caton, President of the Alameda Housewives League, Mr. Carl Scheithe , of the Park St. Merchants Associatiog and others addressed the council opposing the passage of the ordinance. Mr. B. Wedemeyer spoke in favor of the ordinance. After discussion, Mr. Noble moved that the ordinance be laid on the table indefinitely, seconded by Mr. Latham. Mr. Latham then withdrew his second to the motion, whereupon Mr. Neiss seconded the motion. Mr. Latham then moved that the ordinance be rejected. Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion and on roll call the ordinance was rejected by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Noble and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Neiss, (1). Absent: None.. 3,9.V/ "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying -4'roperty. (Industrial) Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 40. "Ordinance No. , New Series. Authorizing the Sale of Two Parcels of Real property to the University of California." Mr. Noble moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 41.V "Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing and Providing for a Lease of Three Hundred and Porty-six Acres of Tidelands on the Western Waterfront of the City of Alameda for Use as an Airport, Aircraft Factory and Aviation School, and Carrying on a General Aviation Business." Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, and Noble, (4). Noes: Council-president Otis, (1). Absent: None. 42 Mayor -Prank Otis filed the following objectlons giving "No" on the proposed orainance;- In opposing the proposed ordinance authorizing and providing for a lease of 346 acres of tide lands of the western waterfront of the City of Alameda for use as an airpost, aircraft factory, aviation school and carrying on a general aviation business, I wish it distinctly understood: easons for voting That I am not opposed to the location of an airport at the place selected, but am opposed to the terms of the proposed lease, for I do not believe them advantageous to the City of Alameda. Let me give a brief statement of what has happened and what is now proposed. 1. On July 19, 1927, this council unanimously adopted ordinance numbered 347 new series, in which it authorized and provided for a lease of 66 acres of land (being part of the land in the proposed new lease to the same parties, Chadwick Thompson and Virgil G. Skinner, as joint tenants). In due time the lease authorized was signed by all parties. 2. Thereafter the same parties applied for a lease of 346 acres of tide lands (embracing said 66 acres). After long and cardful negotiations, the terms were finally agreed upon, and an ordinance was adopted by this council on February 7, 1928, authorizing and providing for the lease, the terms thereof being fifteen years from January 1, 1928, with the option of an additional ten years upon terms and conditions stated. I voted against the ordinance giving as my reasons: "lst. The articles of incorporation of the Alameda Airport Inc. just read, show that the corporation is a 010,000, corporation with five subscribers for 0500. of the capital stock (0100. each) and therefore there is no apparent financial responsibility to sup-port the obligations of the lessees in the lease. 2nd. The lessees named in the lease are to assign the same to the corporation called Alameda Airport Inc., but in my judgment are released from all financial responsibility as soon as they do this, and ' there is no clause in the lease continuing such responsi- bility. 3rd. Under the lease, sub-tenants are not placed on the same basis as tenants and their rights do not terminate concurrently with those of the tenants but on the contrary they are accorded greater rights relating to improvements. 4th. The lessees have the right to abandon the lease at any time that they may desire. 5th. The new lease will cancel the present 66 acre lease, which, I believe, to be a good lease and substitutes more liberal terms. 6th. There is no provision that the lessees shall at their own expense take care of sewage and sanitary matters in accordance with the state and local health laws. Inasmuch as the city owns the land and is the lessor this expense would probably come on the city." 3. After the expiration of sixty days allowed by law for the ordinance to be in full force and effect, the lease was ready for signature and I, as mayor of the city, was prepared to sign. The lessees themselves were in the council chamber ready to sign. It was then discovered that there was an error in the publication of the ordinance which errn consisted of the course "south 73° 58' E." being printed "south 70 58' E." Just the "0" in place of "3". While it could be contended that the misprint was immaterial in that the course was further stated to be a line "parallel with and distant southerly 122.7 feet, measured at right angles from the center line through the South Pacific Coast Railway Company's right of way" and that the alleged error could deceiVe no one and therefore amounted to nothing, nevertheless the same parties proceeded to ask for a new ordinance on quite different terms from those agreed upon in the adopted ordinance. If the time limit for publication had elapsed and the provision was not mandatory but merely directory, then it was only necessry to republish the ordinance and the lease could in due time have been signed. Overlooking this point, however, may I not ask why the same ordinance should not be re-enacted in the same words and on the same terms as had been agreed upon between the city and lessees gnd then republished? Oh No It is proposed to enact an entirely different ordinance. Let as examine some of the differences. 1. The lease under ordinance 356 new series was to go into effect January 1, 1929, whereas under the proposed new ordi- nance the lease will not go into effect until one year from its execution. 2. Instead of a fifteen year lease with a right of renewal for ten additional years (25 years in all), the proposed lease will be for twenty-five years with a right of renewal for an additional twenty-five years (malting fifty years in all). 3. The original lease was limited to the purposes specified in the preamble, namely, "for the purpose of establishing, conducting and maintaining an airport and doing a general aviation business thereon; also for the manufacture and commercial use of aircraft as aid to commerce and mavigation; also, for the establishment and maintenance of a school of instruction in aviation;" whereas the proposed lease would authorize the use for such other purposes as may from time to time be permitted by a four-fifths vote of the council. It was a clause relating to other purposes than shipbuilding which got our city into trouble with the U. S. Government and has obstructed the return of Government Island to Alameda. 4. The lease under the ordinance already passed, provided for the payment of an annual rental of 012,000.00 in money (in all for 15 years $180,000.00) and also for $250,000.00 worth of reclamation work, structural and other improvements, whereas the proposed form provides for reclamation and grading of the entire property to a height of three feet prior to 1934, Unless said time be extended by the city. 5. The provision which defines improvements and specifies where they are to be made, has bee l stricken out of the new form. 6. The provision that the city might recapture the property after January 1, 1934, has been changed in the proposed new lease so that the time is extended to January 1, 1940. 7. A new provision has been added so as to exempt the leasehold interest from any taxes, and yet I understand that bonds are expected to be issued against this same leasehold interest. 8. The objections which I made tothe enactment of the adopted:ordinance 356, N.S. appear to be applicable to the proposed new ordinance. There are further objections which could be urged such, for instance, as that in the lease already adopted the cash rental at the end of fifteen years was then to be fixed by mutual agreement or arbitration, but not less than 012,000.00 per annum, whereas in the proposed lease it is fixed at 012,000.00 per annum for the whole twenty-five years. Nor is anything gained in deceiving ourselves or our fellow citizens by use of big figures, such as are made up by aggregating the rental for fifteen years or twenty-five years, so as to make totals of 0180,000.00 or A300,000.00. The real fact of the matter is that the money rental is fixed at just $12,000.00 per annum for over half a square mile of land. To pile up huge figures by multiplying the yearly rental by the number of years, does not make the amount to be received any greater. We must all recognize the fact that the airplane has come to stay; that it is rapidly gaining in public estimation and that suitable airports will be more and more in demand for its accommodation. We ought to realize that we have in the naval base site a surpassing location and that we should not lease the property for too long a period of time. Has not Alameda given away in the past enough of her properties and privileges without adequate consideration? " Councilman E. R. Neiss was on motion granted permission to leave the state for 90 days, beginning July 1, 1928. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 01205.41; Police pepartment, $635.96; Fire Department 0312.10; Street Department, 02870.04; Stealth Department, $397.29; Recreation Department, 01213.28; Golf Course 'Department, $1857.09; Store Department 83.74; Council Relief Fund, 277.18; Health Center Fund, 0165.83; Electric Light Fund, 03315.11; School General 7und, 0146.77; School Construction Fund, $1800.00; pension Fund, 01119.83; Initiative Relief Fund, 010.00; East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund, 02820.17; Compensation Insurance Fund, $12.50 and Street Improvement Fund 02713.07 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: , Leon H. Ader Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star American Law Book Co. Borle, C. A. Bradley, H. M. Burroughs Adding mach. Co. Croll, 7. J. Edling, Conrad Hickok, C. E. City Mgr. Hickok, C. E. City Mgr. Hickok, C. E. City Mgr. Hickok, C. E. City Mgr. General Departments Money advanced Towel service Wahhing curtains Advertising Supplies Bill Heads Volumes Services Insurance Premium Inspection - machines Auto upkeep Witness fees Inc. Expenses of bus Com. Auto upkeep Money advanced TV TV $22.50 7;23' 2.41 10.55 2.50 5.55 8.00 165.00 48.40 1.75 25.00 2.20 18.00 25.00 45.00 8.00 Gen,1 Departments Contld. Hunt & 'Camber Intil Mgrs. Assn. Johnson, s.T. Co. McConnell, Rushton 1iIunicips1 Elec. Light plant Oakland Blue print Co. Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Patrick & Co. Perata, Nick Powell Bros. Inc. Rogers, E. H. Seeley, Esther K. Simonson, E. R. Smith, Chas, Thorp, Vernor E. Underwood Typewriter Co. weber & Co., C.F. west Disinfecting Co. Alameda Repair supply Co. Alzina, Hap TT TV Associated Oil Co. Bischoff surgical Co. Deitz Motor Co. Morse Co., C. C. M.E.L.p. M.E.L.P. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Voxburgh Hdw. Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pac. Co. Bullard Co..E.D. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. Pac:.: Gas & Elec. Co. Steinmetz, W.T, Superb() water Heater Co. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Labor Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Clark & Sons, N. Dieterich Post Co. Dietz motor.Co. Dietz Motor Co. Dietz Motor Co. Empire Foundry Co. Furey, Harry D. Hutchinson Co. M.E.L.P. Oakland Blue print Co. Powell Bros. Inc Powell Bros. Inc Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Richfield Oil Co. Voxburgh Hdwe. Co. Repairing clock Supplies & Magazines Distillate Auto Ins. Lamps Blue Prints, etc. Allowance as Mayor Gas Moulding stamps Washing windows Bldg. materials Money advanced Services Services plumbing repairs - City Hall Screens Typewriter Examining maps, etc. Liquid soap police Department Window Glass Rep. motorcycles TT TV Gasoline Turniquets Ford car Sprayer Unit cells Repairing Ford Gas paint thinner Fire Department Glass lights Cotton waste Draeger bag, etc. Rechg. 3 batteries - Mar. 24-200 watt lamps Elect. Sta. #1-2-3-5 (Apr) Gas service (May) Supplies New tank Filing cabinet Street Department Tags Tags Sewer pipe Blueprint paper parts for Ford trucks TT TV IT IT TV IT TT TT Grating Rep. water pipes Asphalt patch Labor and battery Blue line prints Materials TV TT Extra Heavy Oil Supplies 4 3.50 19.70 71.14 195.93 4.20 11.80 50.00 5.64 3.33 39.60 26.76 1.66 100.00 75.00 29.65 64.50 79.25 18.00 8.66 41205.41 2.50 5.11 4.80 45.00 6.86 523.82 4.65 9.36 29.89 1.22 - 2.75 4635.96 8.75 18.25 15.80 1.50 14.02. 53.67 31.46 7.85 42.00 118.80 4612.10 2100.00 73.80 44.10 51.45 2.14 2.81 11.44 6.86 2.94 6.25 8.85 13.58 10.07 300.70 178.05 10.40 38.70 7.60 42870.04 Alameda steam Laundry Ass'n. Alameda Times-Star Bischoff's surgical House Brandt, LoUis Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. carpenter, T. D.V.S. Elster Printing Co. Ford, N.O. Hieronymus, A. M.D. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. mazzini, L. Mulford Co., H.K. Patrick & Company Snow, William Thorp, Vernor E. Visburgh Hdwe. Co. warhurst, Dorothy Cal. Mill & Lumber Co. Cook, A. W. Dietz Motor Co. Duarte, L. Ford, N.O. Holland, T. Kennedy, Gladys Koerber -Fuel & Feed Co. Kronke & Brampton Mazzini, L. M.E.I.P. M.E.L.P; Newcomb, Chas. A. Pac. Gas & Ele. Co. Probst, E. J. Roebke, H. W. Schaefer, Victor L. Skelly, Sam Vosburgh Hdwe. Co. Labor Associated Oil Co. Dietz Motor Co. Dietz Motor co. Dietz Motor Co. Hally & Co. Loop Lbr. & Mill Co. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. Oakland-Calif. Towel Co. Patrick & Co. Parryman's Cash Grocery Skelly, Sam Smith, Chas. Vosburgh Hdwe. Co. Womack, J.D. Crocker Co. Inc. H.S. Eugene Dietzgen Co. Hickok, C.E. City Mgr. Newcomb, Chas. A. gellerbach paper Co. Alameda Bootery Ala. City Social.Ser. Board Ala. Vulcanizing Works Benson, Martin E. Camica, G. Central Shuey Creamery Dodge, F.A. Co. East Bay Water Co. Filipelli Bros. Heuer, Gabrielle Health Department Laundry Vaccination cards supplies Services Supplies Transportation Exp. printing TV Transportation wheat Hay Basin Supplies pencil Sharpener Services Guinea Pig Pens Earthen Bowls Services Recreation Department Shingles & Shavings Paint & Varnish Ford Coupe Rent - harrow 1500 Programs Services - gardener Services Fertilizer Rent of tent Supplies Repairs to mower, etc. Power Paper Gas Misc. Music - May Festival First aid supplies Misc. parts Belt for pump Golf Course Department Gasoline Supplies Ford truck Supplies Robbery insurance Lumber Lamps Elect. Service Towel service Enamel signs Supplies Supplies Plumbing repairs Supplies Ignition points Store Depa Supplies paper Stamps Supplies Supplies Council Re " f Found Shoes Moving Gas & Oil Rent Rent Milk supplies water Repairs - shoes Rent 612.62 14.20 6.15 34.60 18.67 35.00 27.25 25.00 15.00 4.50 1.25 101.04 1.25 5.00 77.00 1.00 17.76 0397.n 93.01 3.75 619.46 4.00 18.00 65.00 39.00 175.50 4.00 27.00 31.37 32.57 6.28 3.10 18.39 58.50 3.20 4.40 6.75 0.213.28 818.63 32.40 13.39 816.50 1.20 20.00 39.36 8.40 4.12 11.85 1.80 1.00 70.14 7.50 8.95 1.85 n7517:07 12.29 3.02 50.00 13.09 4.44 83.74 14.13 10.00 5.85 15.00 20.00 25.51 25.27 7.21 3.50 21.00 10 • 47 9 Kessler, Rev. Geo. Kreig Co. J.J. Maxwell, Jennie M.E.L.P. Newcomb, Chas. A. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Seagrave, Frank E. Spunn, Beulah E. Typewriter Guy Western Dairy . Alameda Times-Star Ala. Vulcanizing works Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. Nat'l Committee for mental Hyg. pittsburg water Heater Co. Strom Electrical Co. IV TT 11 Travers Surgical Co. Addressograph sales Co. Alameda Times-Star Baker, C.C. Baker, Hamilton & Pac. Co. Baxter, J. H. & Co. California Mill & Lbr. Co. Chicago Rubber Stamp & Pr. Co. City of Alameda - Store Dept East Bay Water Co. Fuller, T.P. & Co. Gilson Electrical Sup. Co. Great Western power Co. Hicks, W. Wesley Kellogg Express Co. Pacific Gas & Elec Co. Reno Co. L.G. Roebling's Sons Co. A; Security Drug Co. Smith Hdwe Co. Southern pacific Co. Standard Underground Cable Co. Stiles, L.D. Triangle Parts Co. weaver-wells Co. western Auto Supply Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Wilkins, J.H. Wood Lumber Co„ E.K. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. A.J. & Catherine A. Andronico Pensions Hasey, Mrs. H.L. E.B. water Co* TT TT TT It Stowe, Dr. 0.P. Hutchinson Co., Inc. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Council Relief Fund - Cont'd Rent Clothes Rent Light serv. Supplies - school Gas Shoes Money adv. Munson Inspection services Milk Health Center Fund Cards Oil & Gas Lawn Dressing Service Service Fuses & Labor Pamphlets Gauzes Batteries Repairs Supplies Electric Light Fund Supplies Printing Dies Supplies Poles Meter Box Badges Stationery Rental 1414 Park St (May) Supplies Supplies Transformer rental (May) Repairs Supplies Gas Auto Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Lease audit Supplies painting Supplies Auto Supplies 11 IT Supplies Prem. Ins. Policy Cross arms School. General Fund Fuel (elect) Light School Construction Fund Lot adj. Haight School Pension Fund Initiative Relief Fund Rent Fwd - $147.47 12.40 5,00' 11.08 .70 12.03 6.05 52.50 3.00 11.95 $2717.18 East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund Water main extensions public use chg for May Compensation Insurance Fund. Witness fees Street Improvement Fund Street work Lumber 17.70 4.15 3.25 120.60 1.00 3.40 3.00 1.00 .75 4.75 6.23 $16b.83 6.51 260.76 200 40.15 642.10 5.00 7.00 11.95 60.00 81.50 693.70 75.00 6.00 2.85 1.41 .75 478.39 4.00 13.36 5.00 71.20 100.00 6.89 2.76 1.14 680.69 29.00 26.00 3315.11 61.50 85.27 q 146.77 11E199_121 - 1- 8-uo:au $1119.83 10.00 461.52 2358.65 02820.11 12.50 $2709.75 3.32 $271Z.0/7 Mr. Calcutt moved that the Claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Coniicil adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, June 19th, 1928 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk pro tem.