1929-01-02 Regular CC Minutes3 • •• REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF a:1-E CITY OF ALAMEDA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2ND, 1929. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock p. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Neiss, Noble and President Otis (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Latham, (1). Councilmen Calcutt requested that the regular order of business be suspended in order to permit Assessor 7• J. Croll to answer various additional questions per- taining to taxes on the University of California airport site. After discussion, mr. Calcutt moved that the City Manager be instructed to ascertain from the Univer- sity authorities what their attitude would be in case an amendment was introduced at the next session of the state legislature pertaining to taxation of property owned by universities but not used by them for educational purposes; would they oppose such an amendment or favor it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and same carried unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1318. Transferring 2500.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Compensation Insurance ,Fund." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Re ution uo. 1319. ng e3775.04 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Noble esecnded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was ,adoleted and passed unanimously. 4. Ter. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1320. Adopting Plans and Specifications. (Washington St.)" Yr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Weiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1321. Resolution of Intention‘ Ne. 88, New Series. (Washington Street)" Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were filed: Continuation certificate, bond of •Edith Aneerson, M.E.L.P. Finding and Award, Mrs. Rachel McDonald, etal v. City of Alameda. 8.\/ Decision of City Attorney Locke, re continuing -payments of public use charge to east Bay Municipal Utility District. The following communications were received; From the mayor, appointing Harry P. Stow as a member of the City Planning Commission, for the term ending December 31, 1933. 10.1 From City Manager Hickok, recommending payment of 01650.00 to the Iast Bay cities Rate Department, for conducting the case of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's application for raise of rates. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the city Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 11.4 From Assessor F. J. Croll concerning taxation of land of the University of California. Ordered filed. 12. From City Attorney Locke, rendering legal opinion upon the petition received and signed by Alameda physicians requesting exemption from parking limitations of one hour. Mr. Neiss moved that the communication be filed and the City Manager be instructed to notify the physicians as to the opinion rendered. The motion Was seconded by mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. 1 From the League of California Municipalities, requesting endorsement of a Prorosal for a state research, re sewage disposal. Mr. Uelcutt moved that the matter be continued until the next regular meeting of the on uncil, seconded by :Tr. Noble and carried. 14. Building Inspector Rogers reported that the dilapided building, 1252 Hawthorne street, was now removed and requested that further proceedings in the matter be ,dropped. Mr. Noble so moved, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. A number of plumbers were present in the council chamber to discuss the adoption of a model plumbing mode. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the matter be laid over until the next meeting o the council and that the City ettorney 16.V 17. 18.v be instracted to fill in all blanl.: spaces in the code after conference with the plumbers for submission at the next regular meeting of the council. The motion was seconded, by mr. Calcutt and carried unanimously. The following ordinances were introdu ced and laid over under a provision of the charter: "Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Installation of plumbing as Printed in book form in the California plumbing Code." "Ordinance No. New Series. Repealing Sec. 15 and Amending Sections 7, 16, 17, 26, 28 and 30 of Ordinance No. 370, N. S. Commonly Known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City." "Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 62 and 83 of the Municipal Code Relating to Delinquent Taxes and the Penalties for Redemption." Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1708.13; Police Depart- ment 52.62; ire Department, 90.21; Street Department, 1977.80; Health Department, 99.73; Recreation Department, '101.16; Golf Course Department, 079.99; Store Department, 2,2.3; Electric Light Alnd, 14,909.60; Pension :Fund, 0_191.08 and Compensation Insurance Fund, 5150.00 haiing been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the clerk as follows; Labor Alameda Chamber of Commerce TT IT TT rT IT TT TT Ader, Leon H. Alameda Times Star TT IT TT TT IT TT Bancroft-hitney Co. Bickford, Isabel Hickok C. E. IT IT IT Johnson Co., 3. Otis, 7rank patrick & Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. ni • TT IT TT Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company California Mill Lumber Co. Koerber Tuei a3 Feed Co. pacific Gas Electric Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Associated 011 Company California 11:111 Lumber Co. Collins e?,, Kearns Corbett F,; Langenheim, Inc. Kronke-Brampton Co. Labor Associated Oil Company Chanslor i Lyon Stores, Inc. Dieterich-Post Co. 7rench Co., J.E. Hamilton, Burnett Oakland Blue Print Co. Hutchinson Co., Inc. Richfield Oil 'Company United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardware Co. General Departments. Tube dedication expense }Polders I I Money advanced for P. O. Box rent Envelopes Binding book Advertising Book Services Expenses Auto upkeep Rebricking boiler Mayor's allowance Brass sign Twine "21bre seat Total - Police Department. Motorcycle tire, repairs Gasoline Lumber Coal and kindling Gas Brush 7ire Total Department. Gasoline Lumber Tire and tube Cleanser Canvas cover Total - Street Department, Gasoline parts for Dodge Car Tic-id books. parts for Dodge car Money advanced Blue print patches Oil. Repairs Supplies gag tal er 6, 183.00 288.09 676.00 304.00 1.50 16.25 6.50 50.00 20.00 30.00 '7.11 25.00 44.38 50.00 4.40 1.40 .50 5 1708.13 10.75 21.25 8.70 11.05 .47 .40 52.62 17.00 16.44 25.30 18.87 12.60 90.21 1595,75 59.50 4.28 2.40 4.09 1.55 1.55 41.04 38.34 95.00 31.30 1677.80 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Benemelis, Harry Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Tom Collins T(earns Hieronymus, Dr. Arthur v:oerber Fuel Teed Co. Hodgkins, Kathryn Kennedy, Gladys Koster, W.H. Municipal Electric Lip Ljht plant poll Bros., Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson c7, Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Labor Associated Cil Company Byron-Jackson pump Co. Oakland-California Towel VosburFh Hardware Co. West Disinfecting Col cker co., H. S. Addressograph Sales Co. Alameda Times Star American smelting Refining Baker, Hamilton pacific 0o. Ballinger (°,3 Co., W.A. Baxter Co., J.H. Baxter, Robert Y. 1offitt & Towne California Bridge ,f?, Tunnel Co. Castolene, Inc. Crane Co. Devereux-Ghevrolet Co. Dietz Motor Co. East Bay 7altril' uo. Fuller 2; Co., t1 rt 11 tt TT Gamewell Company General Electric co. . Gilson Electrical supply Co. TT TT IT TT Graybar Electric Co. Hanjes Co., Robert J. 1:ellogg Txpress Co. L7011 Metal products Co. Canand Rubber Stamp Co. O'Brien Sign Co., J.B. pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. powell T3ros. Inc. Riechel Bredhoff Ritchie, L. E. Roberts ManuD;cturiug Co. Roeblings Sons Co., J. A. Southern pacific Co. standard underground cable Co. Stuart, J.L. United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardwar E Co. 7agner Bros., leaver-:iells Co. ft If Jells Van Stoarge co. 'Jerner, Carl TT TT Wesix, Inc. Western Auto supply Co. westinghouse E. 16c M. Co. yawman Erbe Mfg. Co. Zellerbach paper Co. Health Department.- Laundry Services Supplies Transportation Tube Transportation Hay and Barley Services Rear Total - Dep art merit Services-Play Director TT Gardener Heater materia IT Repairs and parts for pump Total - Course Department. Gasoline Repairs to rump and motor Towel service Surplies Total Store Department. Supplies Electric Light Fu Supplies Printing, etc. o. Solder and lead pipe steel Waste Poles Refinishing furniture paper towels, etc. Supervision, etc. Tube supplies TV tr TV Rent Brushes Windshield dire Alarm boxes Transformers Supplies Lamcs Supplies TV Draying steel shelving Bands Lettering autos Gas Poles supplies Cement work Premium on bond Fixtures_ Coils Leases Lead, etc. Supplies Castings supplies Hauling Delivery car Cabriolet Cartage painting Architectural services Heater supplies Meters Office furniture Supplies Total 4.69 5.00 15.22 35.00 3.25 15.00 12.20 9.37 99.73 30.00 30.00 15.62 11.41 5.78 8.35 101.16 585.75 17.86 120.75 13.49 19.87 22.28 779.99 0 15.15 61.55 173.99 10.99 32.25 505.00 375.00 17.64 496.75 35.90 6.79 .95 1.69 60.00 6.33 3.75 1645.60 2730.63 484.20 260.89 10.83 58.43 5.43 123.45 1.50 15.00 2.26 9.52 1.42 63.00 2.50 636.25 343.95 10.00 1176.00 23.93 304.50 24.15 13.00 1000.00 983.00 31.25 700.00 817.50 52.92 8.70 787.04 576.30 2.72 14909.60 19. Pension :Tuna. Pensi hs S 1181.08 Compensation insurance 7,ilund. Award- re Robt. McDonald McDonald, Mrs. Rachel 5150.00 Mr. Calcutt moved that the claims as listed be paid, with the exceptionodf three items to the Chamber of Commerce, in amount of 288.09; '(376.00 and '304.00, and that the payment* of these claims be laid over for further consideration. The Totion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. Councilman Neiss rendered a verbal report on behalf of the Transportation Committee stating that a motion prevailed at a meeting of committee that an expert traffic engineer be employed to make a survey .of the transpor tation pro- blem in the city of Alameda. City Manager Hickok stated thnt any elligible applicants had been considered, but if an engineer was to be employed he recomMended r. 1-1• - Butler, of SanH7rancisco at a fee of ri5.00 per day; the maximum amount for the entire service not to be in excess of 1500.00. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting of the council, due to the absence of Councilman lathaci. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and same carried unanimously. city manager Fickokstated that he and Chief of Police Wahmuth had investi- gated the request of mr. Dean S. Donaldson, that High Street be made a boulevard stop for its entire length and recommended that nothing be done relative to this request at this time. Mr. Calcutt moved that the recommendation of the City manager be adopted, and that Mr. Donaldson be so notified. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, January 15th, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,