1929-01-15 Regular CC Minutes3.1 101 12.v 13.%,/ REGULAR MEETING Oilo THE COUNCIL 01? TIE CITY 02 ALALEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15TH, 1929. • The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and Presi dent Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 2nd, 1929 were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1322. Instructing City Clerk to Publish Notice of Election." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1323. providing for Election officers." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were filad: Oath of office of parry F. Stow as member of the City Planning commission. Affidavit of publication of Resolution of Intention No. 88, N. S. Balance Sheet for month of November, 1928, Alameda Belt Line. Lease, City of Alameda to County of Alameda, re Veterans Memorial Building site. The following communications were received: From City Manager Hickok, re levying of taxes on municipally owned public utilities. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the City Attorney and City Tanager use every endeavor to defeat the proposed bill, introduced by Assemblyman Scudder. The motion was seconded by mr. Noble and carried unanimously. After further discussion, Mr. Calcutt moved that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution protesting the passage of the bill. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 1rom City Manager Hickok, containing statement from the Regents of the university of California as to their attitude regarding a constitutional amendment requiring the University of Califoinia to pay taxes on property not used for educational purposes. The communication was filed. From the North Side Protective Club, re condition of street at the corner of Mulberry Street and Clement Avenue, Mr. Calcutt moved that the communication be referred to the City Engineer for action, seconded by mr. Noble and carried. From the North Side Protective Club, re condition of railroad track crossing at Eighth Street and Pacific Avenue. Mr. Neiss moved that the communi- cation be referred to the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. 7rom the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of both sides of iebster Street, north of Eagle Avenue to the Segregation Line, from Zone V to Zone VII. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted and that the Council proceed of its own initiative in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and same carried unanimously. prom the "lest End Boosters Club, re employment of transportation expo . Ordered filed. rt A petition was received from various residents requesting the removal of the dilapidated building at 467 Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Noble moved the petition be referred to the City manager and Building Inspector for investigation, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 14.V 7rom Building Inspector Rogers, requesting approval of zone changes from Class I to Class II, made since November 19, 1928. Mr. Noble moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 15. From E. J. Probst, Chairman pro tem, re employees retirement system. Mr. Calcutt moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, and City Manager, to report back at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 16. 'Prom the American Dredging Company requesting permission to deposit dredged material on Tracts 32, 39, and 45. Mr. Latham moved that permission be granted in accordance with the request seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 17.1 Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 18. 19. 20. "Resolution No. 1324. Re Sewage Disposal Research. Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinanae came up for passage and was read by the Clarke- "Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 62 and 83 of the Municipal Code, Relating to Delinquent Taxes and the penalties for Redemption." Mr. Noble moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. //Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimoftsly. The following Ord inam es came up for passage: "Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Installation of Plumbing as Printed in Book IPorrn in the "California plumbing Code." After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that passage of the ordinance be postponed until the next meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Ur. Noble and carried unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Repealing Sec. 15 and Amending Sections 7, 16, 17, 26, 28 and 30 of Ordinance No. 370, N.S. Commonly Known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City After discussion, the passage of this ordinance was postponed or meeting of the Council pending report from the City Planning Commission. 21/ E. H. Levy addressed the council relative to children playing baseball and kindred spirits upon the streets of the city. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be instructed to prepare an ordinance prohibiting the playing of games upon the streets. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and same carried unanimously. 22. Mr, Robert E. Taylor addressed the council relative to the action taken upon the reclassification of the southwest corner of Pearl Street and Encinal Avenue, stating that new evidence had been obtained,and requested a rehearing in the matter. Mr. Neiss moved that Ur. Taylor Tpear before the next meeting of the City Planning Commission and there state the reasons for such rehearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and same carried unanimously. 23.1/ Mr. Calcutt moved that Mr. H. G. Butler be employed by the City of Alameda at a maximum fee of :1500.00, for the purpose of investigating the transportation problems of the city, but that this report should not in any manner include municipally awned or operated bus lines. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham. The Council was addressed by Mr. J. N. Desch, A. R. Linn and A. Teldhammer and City Attorney Locke. After discussion, the roll was called and the motion carried unanimously. 24. Mr. Latham moved that in order to have the council definitely on record relative to the proposed street improvements, that Buena Vista Avenue, from :iebster Street to park Street and Santa Clara Avenue, from Jebster Street to High Street be paved, and that Park Street from the bridge south to San Jose Avenue be widened. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. 25.11 City Manager Hickok called attention of the council to the fact that the contract with the Alameda scavengers Association was about to expire and recomeended that same be renewed for a five year period for a consideration of ;1500.00 per year to the city. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the City Manger be adopted and the Mayor authorized to Sign a contract in accordance with the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Claimsagainst the General Departments amounting to 3336.37;,police Department 160. 91; Tire Department, 02881.23; Street Department, 02155.73; Health Department, :g36.78; Recreation Department, 01755.51; Golf Course Department, 0725.00; Store Department, 0104.74; Social Service Department, 0353.83; Electric Light 7und 021,653.70; School Construction 7und, 27.50; School General Tund, 0398.20; Initiative Relief elund 0131.00; East Bay Municipal Utility District payments Fund, 02704.51 and Compensation Insurance Tund, 07.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Chamber of Commerce ft 11 It It fl Tt Alameda Times Star Alameda steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bancroft-Whitney Co. Banks Law publishing Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. TT 11 ft ft Callaghan & Co. East Bay Cities Rate Dept. East Bay mun. utility District Hamilton, 3. Johnson Go., S•T. Kronke-3rampton Co. Otis Elevator Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schaffer, William schmiat, Edna Smith, Charles. U.S.7i6elity & guar. Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Acme poultry Products Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda vulcanizing Works Associated Oil CoMpany Collins & Kearns Gardner, U.S. Municipal Electric Light Plant pacific Coast shriadded Wheat Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Smith, F.J. western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. tssociated Oil Compang East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Fayen, Jas. D. Johnson Co., S.T. Municipal Electric Light Plant pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Steinmetz, W. T. Fire Chief Swanstrom, Geo. western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Baker-Hansen Mfg. Co. Columbia Auto Sheet Metal Works Dietz motor Co. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Heafey-Moore Co., Lietz Co., The A. Maxwell Hardware Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. siegler, Louis United Iron works Western Auto Supply Co. Alameda steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works American Public Health Assn. Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Bischoff's Surgical House Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. IT 11 TV Evelth, Margaret W. Island city Ice Co. Mazzini L. General Departments. Folders TT Advertising Towel service Gasoline Book TV Maintenance Book Expense re Telephone case Water Money advanced Distillate Repairs to flag pole Final payment on elevator Rental and tolls Services If plumbing repairs Premium Clock rental Total Police Department. Feed for pound Laundry Auto repairs Gasoline Tubes and tires Paint Repairs to autos • Dog Feed Rental and tolls Meals for jail Clock rent al Total 4? Fire Department. Laundry service Gasoline water Printing Stove Oil Battery recharges, etc. Rental and tolls Revolving fund 1st payment Clock rental Total Street Department. Gasoline supplies Street wigns parts water Rock fill and road oil Cross section paper Supplies services Work dune on tools Boiler plates Fan Belt 72.25 304.00 676.00 288.09 5.13 7.00 4.40 20.00 7.50 10.00 9.45 10.00 1650.00 10.35 .55 151.23 49.15 1213.75 24.26 25.00 27.50 12.35 25.00 1.50 4604.46 46 9 4? 4.50 .31 2.30 20.40 31.86 1.65 41.16 6.00 13.63 37.60 1.50 160.91 50.00 25.50 23.53 8.50 48.05 9.25 .95 9.95 2703.75 1.75 2881.23 1792.75 20.00 68.68 6.75 75.60 9.30 2.83 159.02 2.50 7.60 2.20 4.00 3.90 .60 Total $ 2155.73 Health Department. Laundry ?-4 9 6.07 Gas and oil 7.13 Subscription 5.00 Laundry 5.50 Supplies 1.68 5.32. tT 2.85 Services 8.00 Ice .25 Dish pan 3.00 Tt municipal Electric Light Plant pacific Tel. e: Tel. Co. prising Co., Inc. Geo. W. Schaefer, Victor L. Smith, Chas. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Armour, W.K. California Mill ec Lumber Co. Dietz motor Company TT ” TV East Bay Mun. Utility Dist, IT If it ft If Heafey, Moore Co. Kennedy, Gladys Mazzini, L. municipal Electric Light tacific Tel. pi', Tel. Co. Penwell, Q. piatt Photo Company Siegler, Louis Labor Alameda Welding Works Dietz motor Co. Skelly, Sam pacific Tel. & Tell Co. smith, Chas. Crocker Co., H. S. TV It TT TV patrick & Co. Hickok, C. E. patrick & Co. Health Department (Cent'd.) Servicing Car Rental and tolls Lactometers Drugs Repair gas leak Total - - Recreation Departrnent. ....... Gasoline sharpening saws Tree stakes and repairs Ford Roadster Repairs water T1 Resurface tennis court Services Athletic supplies Repadrs Rental and tolls Replacing ropes in flagpoles Prints Steps on truck etc. Total Golf 1 u se Departrnt. Welding parts Supplies Rental and tolls Supplies Total Store Department. Supplies TV.- Stamps TV Moulding stamps and. Total dater Social Service Department, Alameda county Tuberculosis Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Jerks California Conference of Social Dodge Co., 7. A. Hamilton, Trederick A. Koerber, Tuel Teed Co. Konigshefer's Krieg Co., J.J. Loop Lumber e: Mill Co. mu.yicipal Electric Light Plant IT IT TT IT IT IT IT TV TV TV Santa Clara Ave. Cyclery seagrace, Trank E. Typewriter Guy Underwood Typewriter Co. vosburgh Hardware co. TV IT Adams, C.C. Alameda Times Star Baker, Hamilton e: Pacific Co. Board of public Utilities City of Alameda, Store Dept. Coperhafer, M.A. East Bay mun. utility Dist. Tuner 8: Co., W.P. Gill-Virden Co., Inc. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great iestern power Go. Grodem & 7ourchy Kellogg Express Co. Kennedy, K.C. Maxwell Hardware Co. Maintenance Gas and oil work Dues Supplies TV Kindling Pillow cases Supplies Lumber Electric heaters Electricity Servicing Chevrolet Lamps Repairs Shoes Inspection Rental Supplies Electr Total Light Tund. premium Printiog Supplies Incidentals supplies Services Water paint Globes Supplies Electric current Tinal payment on contract Expressage on globes Supplies IT tl? ‘? 7.80 7.64 11.59 13.20 1.75 86.78 26.82 2.00 113.30 604.50 5.39 16.22 3.55 690.00 42.00 204.45 33.35 2.30 5.00 1.13 5.50 1755.51 $ 683.38 3.00 16.81 12.37 8.44 1.00 725.00 8.48 35.76 6.50 50.00 4.00 104.74 37.80 8.55 10.00 32.20 1.80 3.60 17.19 7.40 17.,44 59.40 108.00 1.70 2.10 5.50 30.95 3.00 5.00 2.20 353.83 15.00 350.00 15.62 17.36 10.00 50.00 3.77 82.70 609.20 188.13 13646.54 5580.00 26.25 11.48 15.75 Electric Light Fund (Con id. Expressage Electric current Rental and tolls Joint poles Paint Rentals Ladder Supplies Gasoline Copper wire and reel Inspection Supplies merchans Express Co. pacific Gas Electric Co. pacific Tel. &; Tel.Co. TV TT TT It TV par,,,_fine Companies, The Red Cross Germ proof Tel. Co. Rountree, 00., C.O. smith Hardware Co. Standard 011 Company Standard Underground Cable Co. Typewriter Service Co. Ilestern Auto Supply Co. East Bay Title Ins. Co. School Qons Total netion und. Title insurance • School General Fund. Electricity municiral Electric Light plant TT TT It TT Alameda City Health Center If IT If TT Hamilton, mrs. Mary Mutual Stores, Inc. Initia Tot al ive Relief Money advanced for labor TV TT TV Services supplies Total .40 729.00 88.92 24.42 2.74 3.15. 19.60 2.79 92.30 5550 11.00 2.08 P165370 , • 27.50 253.54 144.66 East Bay municipal utility District Payments ?und. East Bay municipal utility District ',Neter main extensions Tr TT Tr TV TV Ready to serve charges 398.20 3.00 22.00 7.00 99.00 131.00 6 336.39 9 2368.12 Total e 2704.51 Compensation Insurance ?und. Alameda Sanatorium X-ray of thumb 7.50 Mr. Latham moved that all the bills with the exception of the three items to the Chamber of the Commerce in amount oe :288.09; e676.00 and 304.00 be paid, seco:Ided by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, Tebruary 5, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,