1929-02-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR ME. ETING O F THE COUNCIL OF THE G` I TY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1929. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council- president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and president Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution, No. 1333. Approving S. B. No. 651, Relating to Sewage Disposal." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed uhanimously. 2•V7 Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1334. Authorizing Sale of Electrical Conduits in Tube." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of r' Resolution No. 1335. Transferring $900.00 from the Electri o Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 4.1 Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1336. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 5. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1337. Directing City Assessor and City Treasurer to Go to Sacramento and Oppose Tax Bill." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. •V Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1338. Rescinding All proceedings Heretofore Taken for the Improvement of Santa Clara Avenue." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 7.' `t Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No No7. 1339. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Appointing and Employing Burnett Hamilton Engineer of iWork." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1340. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. I of the City of Alameda. Resolution Approving Specifications." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1341. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. I of the City of Alameda. Resolution of Intention Nn_ A9_ m_ S_" Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 10. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1342. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Alameda. Appointing and Employing Burnett Hamilton Engineer of work." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11.V Mr. Neiss introduced and moved tlae adoption of 'Resolution No. 1343. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Alameda. Resolution Approving Specifications." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 12:d Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 'Resolution No. 1344.. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Alameda Resolution of Intention No. 90, N. S. Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 13. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of . "Resolution No. 1345. Rescinding All Proceedings Heretofore Taken for the Improvement of Park Street Between the San Antontio Estuary and San Jose Avenue." - Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 14.✓ A petition was filed by Mr. C. L. Traver containing the names of many property owners fronting on park Street, requesting the council to widen Park Street four feet on each side, instead of three feet, as at present contemplated. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the passage of further resolutions pertain- ing to park Street improvement be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council and that the petition submitted by Mr. Traver be returned to him in order that additional signatures of park Street property owners may be obtained. The motion was "seconded by Mr. Lathala and same carried unanimously. 1 Mr. J. B. Kahn, Superintendent of the Municipal Electric Light Plant addressed the Council submitting plans for new lighting system on Park Street. After dis- cussion, Mr. Latham moved that the Board of public Utilities be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the installation of a lighting system similar to photograph and blue -print submitted . The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. The following papers were filed: 16. Affidavit of publication, Notice Inviting Proposals for Wire Fence. 17. , Report of Municipal Electric Light plant for December, 1928. 18.' Affidavit of publication, proposed retirement ordinance. 19.1 Copy of Resolution 22649 of the County Board of Supervisors, withdrawing a portion of ,Webster Street from County System of Highways. 20a/ Report of Alameda Belt Line for April and December, 1928. 21. Certificate of City Clerk, re election candidates. The following communications were received: 22.V From James Grassi, requesting permission to move house from 534 pacific Avenue. Inasmuch as this had received the approval and recommendation of the City Manager, Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 23.✓ From the Southern Pacific Company terminating agreement for use of a portion of their premises during construction of Estuary Tube. Ordered filed. 24.' From City Attorney Locke, advising date of hearing before Railroad Commission rel=ative to transportation problem. Ordered filed. 25. From the Alameda Imprvv ement Club, commending action of the Council re widening ';Vebster Street. Ordered filed. 26.\/ From Building Inspector E. H. Rogers, requesting that a refund of '8.00 be allowed Mr. J. W. Bercovitch, being amount overcharged on a building permit issued October 4th, 1928. Mr. Latham moved the money be refunded, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. 27/ 28./ 29./ From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of the property upon which stands 1530 Lincoln Avenue, from a Residence District, Class I, to a Business District, Class III. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommenda- tion of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. From 'Walter C. Fox, relative to the rezoning of portions of Ternside. Ordered filed. From the City Planning Commission, re ommending the denial of the petition for the reclassification of Lots 252 and 253 in the Fernside Tract. Mr. Neiss moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded bj Mr. Latham and same 'carried unanimously. 30.t/ From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager, recount of money. Ordered filed. 3].i Clerk stated that in response to advertised notice, he was in receipt of five bids for the erection of wire fence around tennis emurts in Lincoln park. mr. Latham moved that the bids be opened and read, seconded by Mr. Niess and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: Prom Anchor Post & Fence Co. Amount of bid, $1580.00. Accompanied by a certified check of $154.00. 'rom West Coast Wire and Iron Works. Amount of bid, $1486.27. Accompanied by a certified check of $150.00. From Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works. Ateunt of bid, $1493.17. Accompanied by a certified check of $160.00. Liberty ornamental Iron and Wire Works. Amount of bid, $1486.27. Accompanied by a certified check of $148.62. From Standard Fence Co. Amount of bid, $1486.27. Accompanied by certified check of $150.00. Mr. Latham Toyed that the bids be reffered to the City Manager to report back at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and carried. 32" Applications for permits to sell soft drinks were received from Sam Carlson, Mrs. S. S. Sherer, George Keremitsis, Albert Cortez and J. D. McKenzie. Inasmuch as these applications had received the approval and endorsement of the chief of police, Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1346. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk; 33.V "Ordinance No. New Series. 34.V 35./ 36.V Reclassifying property. (Webster Street)." Mr. Latham moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimousTy. "Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Installation of plumbing by Adopting the California plumbing Code; Amending Sections 33, 43, 44, 97 and 152 of said Code and Repealing Sections 158 and 159 Thereof." Mr. Latham moved that inasmuch as this ordinance had been amended, that the ordinance be withdrawn, seconded by Mr. Noble and earried. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter:- "Ordinance No. New Series. Relcassifying property. (1530 Lincoln Avenue.)" "Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing Roles and Regulations- for the Installation of Plumbing by Adopting the California Plumbing Code; Amending Sections 44, 97 and 152 of said Code and Repealing Sections 43, 158 and 159 Thereof.7, Mr. Latham moved that passage of this ordinance be laid over until the second meeting in April, 1929. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried unani- mously. 37.v . Mr. Noble moved that the Vocational Department for the Alameda High School be granted a free permit for the erection of another building. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 8.1 Mr. Calcutt moved that the City Manager be instructed tp confer with the County Board of Supervisors, County Surveyor Posey and Oakland city offioials in an endeavor to have traffic through the tube speeded up. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and same carried unanimously. 39.V Mr. Carl Strom addressed the Council requesting an appropriation of $150.00 to cover the expenses of a rowing regatta to be held on the Estuary on May 5, 1929, under the auepices of the Alameda Boat Club. After discussion, Mr. Neiss moved that the City Manager be authorized to advertise Alameda in connection with this boat race in a sum not to exceed $150.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. O. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1347. Directing City Attorney to Commence New pro- ceedings for Washington Street." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 41/ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of nesolution No. 1348. Resolution of Intention No. 91, New Series. (Washington street.) Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unaniMously. 42. Mr. Neiss moved that the City Attorney and Mayor confer with proponents of the university airport matter regarding the enclosure of arguments pro and con with sample ballots and that the City Clerk be instructed to sign same Under a general heading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and same carried unanimously. Claims against the General Department amounting to $7791.07; Police .„;Depsrtment, $217.91; Fire Department, 6307.58; Street Department, $2430.50; Health Department, $46.94; Recreation Department, $430.57; Golf Course Department, A1220.80; Store Department, $95.72; Social Service Department, $234.77; Electric tight:Fund, $16,218.67; Initiative Relief Fund, $93.50 and Street Improvement Fund, 1668.77 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Printing Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star TT IT Alameda vulcanizing Works Bancroft-Whitney Co. Barnes, C.R. Bickford, Isabel Crocker Co., H. S. Daniels, Elizabeth . East Bay Mun. Utility District Elster Printing Co. alayen, Jas. D. Heyman Co., The Hickok, C. E. Municipal Electric Light plant If TT fl TV TT It TT IT Ty TV TT TT TT TT If TV TV TT IT 111 TT TV IT TT ry TT TT O'Brien Sign Co„ W.B. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 11 If TV TV postal Telegraph Co. powell Bros., Inc. Schaefer, William schmidt, Edna U. S. Fidelity & Guar. Co. Stanley, McMichael Publishing Co. Thorp, Vernor E. Western Union Tell Co. ff TV TV TV Zellprbach paper Co. 'General Departments. Printing 22.00 Laundry- towel service 7.00 Printing ordinances 63.74 If It 174.30 Gasoline 4.94 Book 10.00 Repairs to chair 2.00 Addresting envelopes 27.34 Supplies 5.88 Addressing envelopes 27.90 Water 10.35 Printing 42.00 TT 30.00 Supplies 7.50 Incidentals 3.05 Xmas lights 312.70 Electricity 303.76 116.13 City lighting 2997.94 2991.82 Electricity 225.65 ,I 131.94 Heater 8.50 Sign 5.00 Rental and tolls 13.14 TV It TV 8.40 Telegram .30 Materials 35.68 Services 25.00 50.00 Premium on bond 15.00 .Book 5.00 .Repairs, City Hall 84.20 Telegram .83 Clock rental 1.50 Paper 20.58 If TV TV Total # 7791.07 Acme poultry Products Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Elster Printing Co. Fayen, Jas. D. Fuller Co., N. P. Municipal Electric Light Plant National Safety Council pacific Tel. & Tel Co., Smith F. J. -Strom Electrical Co. Western union Te. Co., Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Fire Engineering municipal Electric Light Plant TT IT 11 TT TT TT IT TV IT Oakland Fire Extinguisher Co. pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Smith, Chas. Swanstrom George Western Union Tel Co. police Department Supplies Tube repair and tire Gasoline Printing Printing Paint Labor and attendance Accident forms Rental and tolls Meals Batteries Clock Total Fire Department Linen Service water Sub scription Labor and attendance Fuses Electricity 7! Extinguishers Rental Installation of steam-boiler-- 2nd payment on bungalow Clock rental Street Depa Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated oil company Austin-Western .Road Machinery Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. :Clark & Sons, N Dieterich -post Co., Dietz Motor co.. Easy Bay Mull: Utility .Dlst, Elster printing Co. Fayen, Jas. D municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland Blue Print Co. pacific Tel & Tel Co. powell Bros. Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Richfield Oil Company Siegler, Louis Western Construction News. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Bischofffs surgical House Bollinger, L. Braun- Knecht,. Heimann Co. Encinal Coal Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. piatt photo CO. Total Gasoline part for roller Die and stock set Sewer pipe Blue print paper parks for Fords Water Printing Ff Electricity Maps Rental and tolls Materials 17 Oil Repairs to tolls Subscription Total Health Department, Laundry Printing Gas and oil Towel & Laundry Service Supplies Services Supplies Barley Rental & Tolls Mounting Total 4 3.90 8.73 60.35 9.50 25.50 6.23 50.00 11.09 12.63 22.00 6.48 1.50 217.91 50.00 23.54 5.00 50.00 .60 109.69 118.96 173.25 855.29 4918.75 1.75 6307.58 1901.75 21.91 41.65 2.20 15.45 168.41 1.84 16.06 2.83 18.75 17.50 .16 12.06 2.29 131.69 18.68 40.12 14.15 3.00 2430.50 4.27 9.75 8.90 7.50 2.21 2.00 3.00 2.00 6.81 .50 46.94 Alameda vulcanizing Works Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. California mill and Lumber Co. .Crane Co. .Dietz Motor Co. East Bay mun. utility Dist. Factory Distributing corp. Fuller & Co. W. P. Kennedy, Gladys Municipal Electric Light plant IT rt TT Pacific Tel & Tel co. Powell Bros ., Inc. Ruud Heater co. Siegler, Louis Stumpf, M. Western Auto supply Co. Recreation Department. Gasoline Supplies Tree Stakes Pipe and fittings Servicing trucks Water Cultivator Paint Services Electricity TT Rental and tolls CeMent & time Repairs Repairs TT 1 Schaler Vale. Total Golf Course Department. Labor Alameda Welding works Associated Oil Cornpany California Mill & Lumber Co. Dennen Co., V.W. High Street Coal Yard Municipal Electric Light IT IT Y7 TT TV TV TV TV cakland-California Towel tioific Tel & Tel Co. Plant TV TV TT CO. Weld mower Gasoline Lumber Rags Feed Repairing motor Electricity supplies Electricity Towel service Rental and tolls Store Department Supplies TV Flags Supplies °rocker Co., H._S. TT TT TT TV Kronke- Brampton Co. Remington-Rand Business Service Social Total Total Service Department Acme Grocery Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. American Surgical Co. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. fl TT TT TT Krieg Co., J. J. Lewis, Mrs. Martin Main, A. M. Maxwell, Jennie Municipal Electric Light plant ” TV TV TV Pacific Gaa & Electric Co. Pittsburg Water Heater Co. Schultz, Herbert D. Seagrave, Frank E. Straughn, Frank Teeter, Dr. Arthur Alameda Vulcanizing Works Barker Alameda Furniture Co. Board of Public Utilities City of Alameda East Bay Mun. utility Dist. East Bay Spraying Co. Gamewell Co. The. Great western power Co. Lunt Geo. D. Merchants express & Dray Co. Neville, F. R. pacific as & Electric Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. standard Oil company Standard Underground Cable Co. Traver, C.L. supplies Maintenance at Del Valle Farm Supplies Water TV Supplies Rent TV TV Electricity TT Gas Service Contract Glasses Shoes Repairing Shoea Call Total Electric Light Fund. Repairs Venitian Blinds Incidentals Installation of electroliers water painting Eleotroliers Vacuum Arresters Electric Energy premium Expressage Premium Electric Energy Rental & tolls Gasoline Cable premium Total 4-4 25.48 -1.50 164.75 33.64 1475 21.81 7.50 84.50 39.00 13.90 13.89 2.40 3.55 4.80 2.50 8.50 1.10 430.57 609.25 4.50 17.51 164.75 5.25 25.00 58.17 119.83 10.91 186.51 10.77 8.35 $ 1220.80 26.83 2.68 58.86 7.35 95.72 6.00 40.30 3.60 1.06 1.86 16.40 40.00 30.00 5.00 2.30 2.02 1.88 12.00 58.40 9.20 1.75 3.00 234.77 .90 190.00 141.88 315.52 4.30 204.00 7.12 1947.25 17.00 .30 17.00 901.52 63.48 104.55 386.85 17.00 16318.67 tiative Relief Fund. Alameda city Health Center Alexander, Nora Hickman, Geo. W. Noy, R. H. Palace Grocery Money Advanced for labor Services Supplies a/c labor TV TT It TT Total $21.50 12.00 21:00 3.00 36.00 93.50 mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, Match'5th, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, itflOTerk.