1929-03-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY o: ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 19TH, 1929. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Clacutt Latham, Neiss, Noble and Presi- dent Otis (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 2nd, 1929, were approved:as read. The Clerk reported the following papers filed since the last meeting; 1./ Report of H. G. Butler, re transportation. 2.v'/ Bond, A. J. Pearson, House Mover. Report of municipal Electric Light Plant for month of January, 1929. The following communications were received:- . Request of Alameda Wreckers to move house to rear of lot at 1737 Alameda Avenue. Inasmuch as the City Manager recommended the denial of the request, Mr. Latham so moved, seconded by Mr. Noble and carried unanimously. From Alameda Airport, Inc., requesting permission to construct a club- house for the use of owners of seaplanes, airplanes, etc., upon their property. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of 3. 9.v "Resolution No. 1354. Granting Alameda Airport, Inc. Permission to Construct Club House." Mr. 7atSai seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution providing all work be done under the supervision of the City Manager, and upon roll call carried unanimously. From Charles Boddy, Manager, Alameda High School Acorn, re city's ad- vertisement in the 1929 issue. Mr. Neiss moved that an amount of :30.00 be set aside out of the Advertising Fund for the advertisement referred to. The motion was seconded by Mr. Noble and on roll call carried unanimous . From City Attorney Locke, requesting an additional appropriation of 750.00, relative to the telephone rate case. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to report back at the next meeting how soon this motley will be needed. Mr. Neiss seconded the motion and same carried unanimously. From the East Bay Regional Plan Association inviting members of the City Council to attend meeting. Mr. Neiss moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Jr. Latham and carried. From the Veterans Welfare Board, requesting cancellation of certain taxes. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the 'City Attorney to report back at'the next meeting.- The motion was seconded by Mr. CaIcutt and carried. 10.V From the North Side Protective Club, requesting permission to use the Council Chamber on Thursday evening, April 11, 1929. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. 11/ From the Oakland Kennel Club, requesting donation of a trophy for the coming 'alternation Dog Show. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be filed and that the Clerk advise the Club that public moneys could not be expended for such purposes, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 12,1 From Howards Radio Shoppe, relative to an ordinance covering radio interference. Mr. Neiss moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City manager for recommendations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 13.V/ From city Manager Hickok, relative to repairing road approaching radio cohtrol station on Bay Farm Island, and recomaending that the request of the United States Department of Commerce be denied. Mr. Noble moved that the recommend- ation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 14.V From the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, re uniform building code. Mr. Neiss moved the communication be referred to the City Manager, City Attorney,City Engineer and Building Inspector. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. 15/ From the Alameda Improvement Club, protesting the purchase of tidelands on the south shore, between Park and Oak Streets for a public park and playground. The communication was filed. 16./ From the City Planning Commission containing their recommendations relative to the Porter School parent-Teabher Association petition for the establish- ment of a public playground within a certain district on the south side of Alameda. A petitioo of protest signed by sixty-three residents was also filed with the Council. Mr. E. N. Clintsman, addressed the Council in support of the petition of protest. Councilman Neiss stated he favored the purchas of land for playground purposes. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the entire matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Manager ro report back to the council as to the city's legal right to use Jackson Park for playground purposes, and also as to the advisability of the purchase of the land referred to in the communication from Alameda Post, No. 9, American Legion, or such orhter land as may be available for the purposes referred to. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and same carried unanimously. 1 Prom the 01t planning Commission, recommending the denial of the petition for the reclassification of property at the southwest corner of pearl Street and Encinal Avenue. Mr. R. E. Taylor, the petitioner was present and addressed the council. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the recommend- ation of the City planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and same carried unanimously. From various property owners and residents protesting the erection of a bill board on the vacant property at the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Eighth Streets. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Noble and same carried unanimously. 19.V An application for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Anton. Dupont. The application was net approved or recommended by the Chief of police. Mr. Neiss moved that the matter be continued one meeting and that the Chief of police inform the Council as to the reasons for not approving the application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. An application for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Horst and Young. upon the approval and recommendation af the Chief of police, Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of 20.'! 21.V 22.1 "Resolution No. 1355. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll callit was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that no objections had been filed with him against doing the work as an entirety, under Resolution of Intention No. 89, N. S. for the improvement of Santa Clara Avenue. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1356. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement, District. No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Resolution and Tindings Re Objections and Protests Against Doing the 'fjork as an Entirety." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that no objections had been filed with him as to the boundaries of Districts and grades, under Resolution of Intention No. 89, N.S. for the improvement of Santa Clara Avenue. Thereupon Mr. Lathmaintroduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1357. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Resolution and Findings Re Objections and Protests as to Boundaries of Districts and the Grades." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 23,' The Clerk stated that no objections had been filed with him against doing the work as an entirety, under Resolution of Intention, No. 90, N. S. for the improvement of Buena Vista Avenue. Thereupon Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1358. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District, No. 2 of the city of Alameda. Resolution and Findings. Re Objections and Protests Against Doing the work as an Entirety." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 24• The Clerk stated that no objections had been filed with him as to the boundaries of districts and grades, under Resolution of Intention No. 90, N. 5. for the improvement of Buena Vista Avenue. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of Resolution No. 1359. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Alameda. Resolution and Findings. Re Objections and protests as to Boundaries of Districts and the Grades." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2 The Clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition of protest against the improvement of aadaington Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 91, New Series; that the petition filed represented 64.4 per cent of the owners of property fronting on both sides of Washington Street, from High Street to Peach Street. Mr. Latham moved that the petition of protest be referred to the City Attorney and that further hearing be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council. Mr. Neiss seconded the motion and same carried unanimously. .26. Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1360. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 3 of the City of Alameda. Rescinding Former:Proceedings for the Improvement of park Street." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 27o/ Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 28. "Resolution No. 1361. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 3 of the City of Alameda. Appointing and Employing Burnett Hamilton Engineer of Work." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following Ordinances came up for passage and were read by he Clerk:- "Ordinance No. New Series. -- Reclassifying Property. (Horst Property)." Mr. Noble moved that the Ordinance as read be adopte and on roll call it was adopted and passed unaniMous 30.4 seconded bi Mr. Neiss "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Stanford Street, North of Eagle Avenue)" Mr. Neiss moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it2was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Adopting the "Air Commerce Regulations" of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America, and Regulating the Flying Over public Streets and Highways." Mr. Calcutt moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 31.s/ A communication was read from the Board of public Utilities recommending that the American Dredging Company be grahtdd a permit to lay two submarine power cables across the waterfront zone, for dredging the western end of BrookVn Basin. After discussion, Mr. Noble introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1362. Permitting the American Dredging Company to Lay Two (2) subMarine Power Cables within the Water- front Zone of the City of Alameda for the Purpose of Transmitting Electric Energy to Operate the Dredgers of said Company which are now Engaged in Dredging for the United States Government at the aestern End of Brooklyn Basin." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 32. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1363. Requesting Title Insurance Company to pay $3,486.20 to the City on Account of Sale of Land." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 3 . Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1364. Resolution to Make New Classification on Council's Own Initiative." Mr. Noble seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution. Messrs. WaLthal , Traver and Gibson spoke in support of the adoption of the Resolution. Messrs. Millington and Hansen spoke against the adoption of the Resolution. The question of the adoption of the Resolution was then put and the same carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Noble, Latham, Neiss and Calcutt Noes: President Otis, (1). Absent; None. 241 A communication was received from the Alameda Automobile Dealers Association, requesting the use of Central Avenue, between Oak and danut Streets on Satur- day, March 30th, 1929, between the hours of 2:30 and 12 P. M. for the purpose of holding a combined automobile exhibit. Mr. Neiss moved that permission be granted under supervision of the City manager. The motion was seoondod by Mr. Latham and same carried unanimously. 35. 11 A communication was received from the City Manager containing a state- ment ment as to the status of the various street improvement projects. Ordered filed. 36.✓ Mr. Latham called attention of the Council to the lack of hook and ladder facilities for the Fire Department of the City of Alameda and moved that the City manager prepare specifications and estimatc,s as to the cost of a new truck for the ,Test End. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and same carried / unanimously. 37.✓ Mr. Latham called the attention of the Council to the fact the the park Street Bridge would be closed for twenty -five days pending repairs, commencing April 4th, and moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be instructed to interview the Key System Transit Company and if necessary, the Railroad Com- mission, to obtain a bus service over the Fruitvale Bridge during these re- pairs. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried unanimously. Claims against the General Deprtments amounting to $4774.06; Police De- partment, $341.85; Fire Department, 3062.05; Street Department, $2645.54; Health Department,$202.79; Recreation Department, $180.77; Golf Course Department, $1261.04; Store Department, $112.58; Social Service Department, $612.23; Electric Light :Fund, $15,278.15; Initiative Relief Fund, $81.00; East Bay Municipal Utility District payments Fund, ;;842.65; and Compensation Insurance ;Fund, ;;6.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Election Officers Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star C TI It tt n TT tT IT Tt Tt TI ti TT Alameda Vulcanizing Works American Law Book Co. Albertsen, A. H. Armstrong, Mrs. E. R. Bajuk, Mrs. G. Banta, Mrs. F. J. Barnes, C. R. Barriea, Mrs. E. Bergep,Loiise Bieleck, Mrs. A Boyson, S. C. Brandt, 7. Burroughs Adding Machine o. Bush, Mrs. '1. A. Butler, L. G. Cattran, M. Cheney, hers. M. C. Clancy, Mrs. Frank Coffman, H. 0. Cook, Anna C. Craig, Mae Crestetto, Mrs. F. Devereux, C. R. Eagles Hall Association East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Egan, Mrs Thos. Elliott, G. J. Erickson, Mrs. John Esche, Laura Ford, N. 0. Gaunt, 0. R. Gazzoli, Isabelle I Z. Goelzer, Florence E. Gott, A. 0. Griesemer, L. M. Gwinn, Mrs. E. M. Ha moron., H. M. Pos tma ster Hawkins, Mrs. J. C. Hickok, C. E. Jacobs, Mrs. M. P. Johnson Co., S. T. Levy, E. H. Lue, Mrs. Mary Hickok, C. E. Malley, Mrs. F. J. Marshall, Geo. H. MoLay, Mrs. T. McNeill, Edith Municipal Electric Light plan Myers, hors. C. Carl Nichols, Mrs. Jos. F. O'Brien, Mrs. T. T. Otis, Mrs. E. M. pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. patrick & Co. piatt photo Company Randlett, Mrs. 0. A. Robertson, Charlotte Schaffer, William Schmidt, Edna General Departments. rocks and repairs Towel service Election supplies and ballots Advertising ordinance If proclamation Copies of ordinances Printing Gasoline Book Rent of garage TT TT TI tT tt Ti ft It TT Repairs to chair Rent of garage ,t Tt It TI tt tT It Tt TT IT It TT Ribbon Rent of Garage Traffic report Rent of garage If Ty TV ft Tt If IT TT Tt n TI TT TT TT TT TI n TT TT polling place Net er Rent of garage It Tt TT TI TT TT II n Ti Printing Rent of polling p]. ee Rent of garage n tt n Wall clock Rent of garage If VI Tt Postage- Sample Ballots Rent of garage Money advanced Rent of garage Distillate Services- re election Rent of garage Incidentals Rent of garage TT TI Tt If It TI TV TT IT Lamps Rent of garage tT If It Rent of garage n IT TV Gas Rent and tolls Stamp Frames Rent of garage TV TT Services Services- re election 1500.00 3.75 7.00 630.15 6.93 36.95 1.25 6.85 3.39 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1.25 8.00 1500.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.61 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 32.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 201.12 8.00 17.35 8.00 73.77 41.25 8.00 7.93 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.64 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.05 27,.06 .85 2.50 8.00 8.00 25.00 55.00 Schmidt, G. L. Sevina, Mrs. J. A. Shervey, Carrie G. Siem, G. Silver, Marie A. Smith, Mrs. C. K. Thibadeau, A. Thomson, A. Thrane, Mrs. J. Typewriter Guy IT TV TT 11 Van Cortelbeck, West Disinfecting Co. western Union Tel. Co. Mrs. Emily TT TV TV If Young, Mrs. Frances Zeiner, Mrs. G. H. Zellerbach Paper Co. Acme poultry Products 0o. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company Bass-Heuter Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Ford, N. O. Gardner, U.S. municipal Electric Light Plant , TV TV TV a a pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Smith, 7. J. Typewriter Guy lest Disinf cting Co. Western Union Tel. Co. TV TV 9 TV Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Trimm Shop American Rubber Mfg. Co. Associated Oil Company Dennen Co., V. W. East Bay Mun. Utility District French Oxygen 00.F. W. puller Brush Co. Kronke-Brampton Co. Municipal Electric Light plant TT - TV pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Swanstrom, Geo. Smith, Charles Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. General Departments (Cont'd.) Rent of garage 11 TV If Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Berkeley Horticultural Nursery Co. California tumuls Corporation C Corrugated Culvert Co. Clark & Sons, N. Collins & Kearns Dietrich-post Co. TV TV a Dietz Motor Co. East Bay Mun. Utility District TY TT 9 IT TV Fayen, Jas. D. Haynes, M. Haefey-Moore Co. Lietz Co., The A. Oakland -Blue Print Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. powell Bros., Inc. Typewriter Guy Young Machinery Co., A. 1. TV ir TV If TV TV TV TV If TV It TV TV Typewriter inspection Typewriter Rent of typewriter Rent of garage Latherol Soap Telegrams Clock rental Rent of garage TV It It Wrapping paper Total o ' e Department. Dog Food Tire Repair Repairing motorcycle., Gasoline Paint Cabinets Printing Faint Windshield Wipers Repairing autos Labor and attendance Gas Rental and tolls meals Inspection Soap dispenser Telegrams Clock rental Total e Depa rtm en t. it) 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.25 57.50 3.00 8.00 8.75 37.00 1.50 8.00 8.00 2.91 Linen service Repairs to curtains Tire Hose Gasoline Rags Water Oxygen Toilatbrushes Repairing covers Labor and attendance Lamps, recharge batteries Gas Revolving fund 3rd payment on contract Plumbing Inspacting typewriter Clock rental Total et Department. Gasoline TV Trees Supplies Culvert Tires and tubes Tires and tubes Blue print paper It TT TT Supplies Water IT Printing Repairs to machinery Road Oil Supplies Blue prints Services Materials Typewriter inspection Sewer rods 4774.06 0 2.40 .75 13.45 11.40 13.00 114.27 23.75 1.25 15.02 12.11 50.00 1.49 13.24 56.80 6.75 2.25 2.42 1.50 $ 341.85 . 50.00 5.50 520.00 8.50 5.25 23.71 3.00 7.40 18.85 64.73 16.83 34.10 24.43 2269.00 6.00 2.25 1.75 $3062.-05 01942.50 15.56 15.00 210.00 36.80 38.80 39.20 20.58 3.68 2.94 17.19 3.08 6.03 35.00 13.00 18.95 1.95 4.20 2.43 166.00 2.25 50.40 Total $ 2645.54 Alameda vulcanizing works Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. California Dairy Council Doctors Nurses Outfitting Co. Oncinal Coal Pc Ice Co. Flatow & Sons ?ord, N. O. Hogkins, Kathryn Improved Mailing Case Co. Island City ice Co. Langley 9,1 Michaels Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. 9,- Tel. Co. Typewriter Guy Health Department. Gas and Oil Laundry Supplies Cards Smoks Ice Drugs Prihting Services Cases Ice Alcohol Repairs Rental and tolls Inspection service Total Recreation Department. Alameda Vulcanizing works Armous, J. K. Baker, Hamilton pacific Co. California mill & Lumber Co. Crane Co. East Bay municipal Utilitiy Dist. TT TT TT IT TT Kennedy, Gladys azzini, L. Morse & Co., C. G. municipal Electric Light Plant pacific Gas 9- Electric Co. Pacific Tel. ;9- Tel. Co. piatt photo Company powell Bros., Inc. Typewriter Guy Golf Gasoline File saw Nails and staples Lumber Pipe and fittings Water Services Basket balls Seed Repairs to truck Gas Rental and tolls prints and films TLiMe Inspe c t ion Total purse DeBrtrnent. Labor Alameda 7e1 ding ',forks Associated oil Company California Nursery Co. Bishop Pc Co., F. G. crane Co. Gardner, U.S. Haws Sanitary Drinking Faucent Co. Hurst & Rodgers Municipal Electric Light Plant National Cash Register Co. Pacific Tank g; pipe Co. Rishfield Oil Company of Cal. Paci°ic Tel. & Tell Co. Siegler, L. Smith, Charles croaker Co., H. 8. TT TT TT TT TV ft TT TT Dietzgen Co., Eugene Grand prize Carbon paper Co. Hickok, C. E. jasmine Ink Co. Newcomb, C. A. Alameda City Health Center TV TV TV TV TV TV Alameda Vulcanizing Works Brunje, B. H. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Hickman, Geo. W. Lewis, Mrs. Marian Main, A. M. Maxwell, Jennie McKoskey, phyllis municipal Electric Light plant TV TV TV pacific Gas & Electric Co. Typewriter Guy Repair mowers Gasoline Supplies TT TV Creosote Fountain Fertilizer Lamps Ink Tank Gasoline Rental and tolls Labor on truck Repairing leak Total Store Department. Drinking cups supplies Blue print paper Ribbons S tamps paste Supplies Total Social Service Department. Money advanced IT TT TT TV Gasoline Detergent Water Gold Dust Rent TV TV Money advanced Services Electricity Gas Inspection Total 3 7.41 7.00 6.22 10.32 18.00 3.25 49.15 13.50 6.53 3.30 1.15 23.75 35.17 9.00 4.50 202.79 26.89 .75 15.80 4.31 6.37 14.57 12.68 30.00 24.00 20.87 8.02 ' 9.00 2.40 1.61 2.00 1.50 180.77 706.13 3.00 8.19. 111.50 18.50 4.25 3.75 36.00 242.50 2.10 .30 66.50 40.47 8.35 2.50 7.00 261.04 8.04 6.74 20.20 4.24 3.60 50.00 4.86 15.00 112.58 3.00 10.00 4.00 8.54 6.80 8.26 2.95 2D.00 15.00, 5.00 5.54 511.20 4.11 6.58 2.25 613.23 Ele Eight Fund. Alameda Scavengers Assn. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Berkeley Horticultural Nursery Board of Public Utilities City of Alameda (Store Depwt. East Bay Mun. utility Dist. General Electric 0o. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Gamewell Co. Great iestern power Co. Kellogg Exptess Co. Linde Air Products Co. pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Security Drug Co. Smith, Chas. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Standard Underground Cable Co. Typewriter Service Co. Nestinghouse E. & M. Co. Moss, Ruth p. Mutual Stares, Inc. Roy, R.H. Jude, C. F. west Ind Purity Market East Bay Mun. Garbage removal Towel service printing Shrubs Incidentals supplies Water Globes Wire Supplies Electric current Preight Oxygen Electric current Exhcnage and tolls Repairs Copp er wire Sulphuric Acid Supplies Gasoline Terminals and bracket Inspection Transformer Total ia ive Relief Fund. Services Supplies Meat Groceries Meat Total 7.50 4.00 17.75 6.25 14.59 6.13 5.54 844.00 420.17 83.70 12388.16 15.70 2.04 680.40 66.28 143.50 401.14 4.20 5.45 76.55 66.20 3.00 15.90 East Bay Municipal Utility District Pay0ents Fund. Utility Dist. Alameda Sanatorium Water main extensions Compensation Insurance Fund. X-rays- 15278 .15 25.00 44.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 81.00 $ 342.65 Mr. Neiss moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 6.50 The Clerk stated that the time had arrived for the canvas of the election returns. Mr. Latham moved that the Council proceed with the canvas. The motion was seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. Mr. Neiss then asked to be excused and his request was granted. The Council then'proceeded with the which showed the following results:.- canvas of the election returns 1`0 17 „ 9 14 L 1 2 53 57 10 26 29 31 18 68 71 55 10 3.5 9 1 3 104 129 36 21 34 49 35 ,135 141 82 19 58 6 2 4 77 125 47 46 57 6a5 49 154 179 85 34 41 21 10 60 92 24 17 23 43 24 103 105 50 37 25 3 4 6 47 '73 11 30 36 28 48 76 95 58 35 14 3 7 32 56 21 12 16 28 15 61 71 32 9 24 5 3 8 72 123 15 21. 30 21 53 31 3.30 66 9 35 5 6 9 68 3»03 22 , 32 48 25 47.. 04 118 76 21 27 10 95 1.23 35 20 2 6 53 14 21 124 64 26 26 2 8 11 59 87 26 3S5 29 43 43 08 125 74 22 36 9 3 12 74 87 24 18 28 33 11 92 96 61 18 30 5 2 15 65 100 36 47 70 50 34 1117 135 100 15 26 6 14 1 4 77105 54 35 38 4 33 29 139 75 54 27 12 6 15 33 57 23 21 34 8 32 63 74 39 34 19 4 2 16 48 61 16 1.3 20 2 16 67 73 49 17 72 98 18 17 3 49 28 06 111 79 17 2 1. 4 18 27 53 23 26 42 43 32 71 85 47 21. 20 3 19 56 91 27 39 53' 40 45 24 77 59 50 27 4. 6 21} 62 78 23 23 31 25 3 a 90 102 61. 34 20 4 3 21 89' 122 20 35 9 23 36 35 129 69 45 19 7 10 22 77 107 32 29 36 6 32 15 118 55 58 15 1,2 1.5 23 57' 87 33 16 29 47 31 99 106 58 21 12 20 25 2 67 91 35 2 25 46 26 09 109 57 36 21 8 18 25 30 57 1.7 11 38 45 28 75 81 36 34 12 ' 5 8 26 67 78 1.9 2 37 ! 57 34 103 11.1 71 45 15 3 3 27 52' 68 20 1.6 26 46 18 76 75 44 25 16 4 2 2d 4 3 ` 76 16 21. 21 21 46 92 52 65 14 -,21 4 29 56 85 22 29 38 31 37 97 96 52 31. 25 2 15 30 38 53 27 2 52 62 25 86 92 58 1.7 19 1 13 31 74 95 34 30 35 51 49 123 132 78 45 21, 7 14 52 75 99 66 5 1.5' 51 31 112 123 85 32 1.4 4 7 33 42 75 36 25 29! 43 4 9 90 101 71 57 16 2 11 76 108 19 17 26 32 35 125 103 71 41 15 2 35 72 X36 25 16 18' 37 18 1114 103 61 17 24 6 36 68 80 27 14 14 37 211101 101 55 9 26 3 37 53 80 41 30 51 19 60 1,114 124 8 31 23 2 38 47 82 20 36' 38 411108 124 71. 28 19 4 39 42 0 24 27 32 31. 781124 126 83 28 16 7 40 , 60 11.6 27 32 44 25 93 141 151 102 37 15 8 61' 1.01 52 50 31 35 70 145 131 92 31 24 1 43 75 30 40 21 32 61 101 107 76 21 23 4 80 107 24 19 21 51 29 130 120 74 26 23 6 L01 1I 26 1.4 20 65 30 153 132 87' 14 40 6 , 36 53 18 8 9 25 12 63 54 33 9 10 1 I 84 91 29 24 20 42 21 114 94 69' 16 20 47 83 84 30 13 19 52 12 104 94 68 19 4 2 48 87 9 39 45 30 100 120 130 84 24 31 3 49 62 89 17 26 3 31 43 116 118 79 14 25 4 50 73 79 21. 21 21 30 26 107 91 63 9 22 11 51. 70 82 19 7 2 34 23 129 107 63 23 15 6 52 1.16' 133 17 13 2 . 37 28 171 142 101 14 25 1. 63 74 78 11 18 15 31 24 111 93 62 5 28 8 1 129 16 7 21 20 26 156 121 74 19 23 9 55 1.1.5 1.17 30 30 38 35 10 160 135 88 16 31 9 56 106 99 20 2 6 22 44 13 154 11.7 86 7 17 .3 57 56 66 21 9 11 25 8 95 84 53 5 20 11 58 105 104 30 16 25 34 31 148 129 91 13 20 1.5 5 9 1.6 172 2:1 15 23 2' 11 211 149 113 8 32 25 60 1,07' 117 44 1.8 16 41 103 166 12• 65 11 18 27 YE8 20 6 e 11 15 1.5 5 1 63 39 54 47 106 11 6 11 77 70 1 .1 190 19 3 128 90 71 136 221' 13 3 78 63 491 90 141 7 1 74 47 501 65 12 7 -- 49 52 41 40 84 6 2 72 90 51 108 164 19 3 70 84 58 92 159 33 4 01 62 66 90 168 11 2 58 95 62 86 1.58 10 6 66 62 56 66 1.29 18 2 X19 64 77 96 186 17 - 94 81 59 112 1.79 8 1 51. 44 47 52' 103' 11�° 53 43 41 54 100 16 - 74 70 65 77 1.51 14 2 55 56 5 47 11.7' 9 4 96 67 85 ' 74 1.67 5 2 68 63 65 .66 137' 14 5 92 78 ( 73 85 174 13 1 97 70 59 1.{34 1.70 3 " 1 75 6 69 6i8 1.44 6 1, 96 53 66 81 150 17 ` 5 7 6 42 65 46 124 9 1 87 55 5' i 85 154 16 4 73 40 44 63 118 8 ` 1 72 48 57 59 122 7 3 82 49 6i9 61 139 15 5 79 43 35 85 130 2 4 73 97 58 1.10 1.77 11 1 74 9 , 59 97 164 7 3 2 6 8 80 153 64 47 81 136 8 13 5 1 79 45 51 ; 66 127 2 3.3 2 � 02 5 78 73 162 9 16 5 1 ;78 87 80 61. 155 6 11 8 $ 65 9 90 63 1.66 3 3 13 ! 61 19 10€1 92 69 72 184 5 11 12 i 8 2 96 : 180 2 7 3 ' ' 62 78 68 64' 143 8 14 7 85 71 65 86 164` 2 18 2 `112. 6a9 88 84' 186 8 11 3 5 23 23 53 78 7 25 7 82 60 51. 89` 1.51. 2 16 7 81. 60 77 139 1 7 14. 50 11.4 94 69 1.68 2 6 6 74 69 511 90 149" 1 6 3. 88 40 53 75 1.30 6 11 4 99 43 55 ; 78 143 9 21 5 1 25 56 56 114 5 9 3 75 50 55 64 1.29 4 24 2 t 24 42 62 95 1,75 6 27 5 L 57 57 1 8 24 191: 11 24 2 141 28 55 103 170 2 8 - 82 21 38 54 105 5 17 6 1- 37 3 52 109 174 5 22 «., 68 48 72 127 222 9 39 1 37 37 53 118 186, F Sir• Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1365. Resolution Declaring Result of Election." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the follov,wing vote, to wit: .Ayes: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Noble and ?resident ptis, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Neiss, (1). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, April 2nd, 1929, at 8 o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted,