1929-04-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING O THE ODUNCIL OF THE CITY 0? ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 16th, 1929. he meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. , The roll was called and Councilmen Calcutt, Lathe sident Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of April and 1929 were approved as read. Neiss, Noble and Council- Remarks were made by Councilman Calcutt and response by Mayor Otis. Remarks were also made by Councilmen Noble and Neiss. Messrs. Schaefer, Henning and Brodersen, newly elected councilmen then took and subscribed to their oath of office. President Otis relinquished the chair to City Clerk W.E. Varcoe, who read the folioo:ing sections of the Charter of the City of Alameda:- Article II, Section 1, Section 6 and Section 5, Sub-division 4. Nominations for president of the Council for timQ term expiring the third Monday in April, 1931, were then called for. Mr. Calcutt nominated Councilman Schaefer as president of the Council and ex-officio mayor. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham. Councilman Brodersen nominated Councilman Henning as President of the Council and ex-officio Mayor. This nomination was seconded by Councilman Henning. Mr. Latham then moved that the nominations be closed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk called the roll for the candidates nominated with the following result. For Councilman Schaefer:- Councilmen Latham, Calcutt and Schaefer. or Councilman Henning:- Councilmen Brodersen and Henning. Thereupon the Clerk declared Councilman Victor L. Schaefer elected as President and ex-officio Mayor of the COUnciI for the term ending the third Monday of April, 1931. 2.1 The Clerk stated nominations were in order for the Vice-president of the Council. councilman Latham nominated Councilman Calcutt for the office of Vice-presi- dent. The nomination was seconded by Councilman Schaefer. Mr. Latham moved that the nominations be closed and that the Clerk cast the ballot declaring Councilman Calcutt elected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schaefer and same carried. Thereupon the Clerk cast the ballot declaring Councilman Calcutt elected as Vice- president of the Council for the term ending the third Monday of April, 1931. The Clerk then relinquished the Chair to Council-president Schaefer. 3." The duly organized Council was then called to order by President Schaefer. 4,7 The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Henning, Latham, Calcutt and. Council-president Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1371. Approving Map of Grand Oak Tract." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted, and passed unanimously. Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1372. In the Hatter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 1 of the City of Alameda. Resolution Ordering the Viork. (Santa Clara Avenue)" Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1373. In the Matter of Acquisition and Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Alameda. Resolution Ordering the Arork. (Buena Vista Avenue)" Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A communication was read with Resolution attached- from members of a sub-committee working for the establishment of a park system for the east bay cities. Mr. Henning moved that action on the resolution be postponed to the next regular meeting of the council, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. The Clerk stated the following papers had been filed since the last meeting of the Council:- Oath of office of newly elected councilmen. Oath of office of C. Althea Fritsch, Special policewoman, Recreation Department. Oath of-"office, of F. J. Croll, as Auditor and Assessor. Oath of office of Homer R. Dallas as Treasurer and Tax Collector. Communication of F. McKale, re house moving. Report, Municipal Electric Light plant for month of February, 1929. Bond of p. McKale Co., as house movers. The following communications were received:- 161 From the mayor, Auditor and City Manager, re count of money. Ordered filed. 17 From the city Manager, advising the round-trip rate of 29 cents to Alameda Mole. Mr. Calcutt moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Manager to take up with the state Railroad Commission in an endeavor to obtain a reduction of this fare, if possible. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Prom the Alameda motor Car Dealers Association, in appreciation. ordered filed. 19, From R. E. Taylor, requesting the council to review the evidence heretofore submitted in the matter of the reclassification of the southwest corner of Pearl Street and Encinal Avenue. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be deferred to the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by mr. Henning and carried. 20.V prom the City planning Commission relative to future construction of three- story apartment houses. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City manager, City Attorney and Fire Chief to report back to the council at its next meeting, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 21/ From Mrs. L. E. Ritchie, requesting a temporary permit to store autos on a vacant lot on the north side of Central Avenue, between Park Avenue and Tverett Street. City Attorney Locke advised the council that under our present ordinance this could not be done without a reclassification of the property in question. Thereupon Mr. Latham moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and carried. 22./ From the County Board of Supervisors, advising of the completion of the work of removing Webster Street Bridge. Ordered filed. al Prom the Standard Oil Company requesting permission to construct a, spur track across pearl Street, as shown by blue-print and description attached. Inasmuch as this had received the approval of the City Manager, Mr. Calcutt moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. From the City planning Commission recommending the granting of a petition for the reclassification of the northeast corner of Central Avenue and union Street. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the planning Commission be approved. The motion was with-drawn. Mr. Henning stated he objected to promiscuous reclassification throughbut the city and moved that it be laid over for futther investigation, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried. The Council then proceeded to consider the balance of the report of the Transportation Committee referred to it by the previous council. Mr. Latham moved that proposition No. 4, relative to the removal of tracks on Santa Clara Avenue and that the paving program proceed without delay, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Proposition No. 5, that the County Board of Supervisors be requested to make provision for street car tracks to run over the new park Street Bridge. Mr. Hehning moved the adoption of this pronositien, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. Mr. Calcutt moved that the mayor appoint a committee of three of the council as a Transportation Committee, to confer with the County Board of Supervisors relative to the carrying of the suggestion contained in this proposition. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimousTy. The Mayor stated this Committee would be appointed later. proposition No. 6, that upon the completion of the Santa Clara Avenue pavement, the main bus line be removed from Central Avenue to Santa Clara Avenue, Mr. Henning moved the adoption, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 24.1/ 2 . 26/ A hearing was then held upon the removal of the dilapidated building at 1366 Pearl Street. Building Inspector Rogers again gave testimony to the council as to the dilapidated condition of the building and declared it to be a public nuisance. Chief Steinmetz stated that he had investigated the building and that in his opinion same constituted a fire menace. After further discussion, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1374. Resolution Declaring Building at 1366- Pearl Street to be a Public Nuisance." Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 27.V Applications for a permit to sell soft rinks were received from Clarence Saunders Pacific Co. Ltd.and A. B. 0. Cigar Store. Inasmuch as both of these applications had received the approval and recommendation of the Chief of police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 28.,/ "Resolution No. 1375. Resolution Granting a Permit to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk- "Ordinance TTo. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Central Avenue, between Oak an. park Street. N. O. ord)" Yr. Latham moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call the adoption of the ordinance was lost by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen 'Latham and Calcutt, (2). Noes: Uouncilmen Henning, Brodersen and Schaefer. (3). Absent: None. 29. al "Ordinance No. New Seriel7---- Reclassifying Property. (O. R. Gaunt property, Bay Farm Island)" Mr. Caicutt moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded bi Mr. Latham and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Calc'utt, and president Schaefer. Noes: Councilmen Brodersen and Henning, (2). Absent: None. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (North side of Santa Clara Avenue, between Everett Street and Broadway.)" Messrs. Hansen and Courtney addressed the council protesting the adoption of the Ordinance and Messrs. walthall, Gibson, and Traver spbke in support of the adop- tion of the ordinance. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that further consideration of the passage of the ordinance be postponed to the next regular meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried. President Schaefer stated that he would like to have the council re- consider its action in the matter of the reclassification of the Ford property on Central Avenue, between Oak and park Streets. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that in order that the new councilmen may familiarize themselves with the proposed reclIssifications covered by the ordinance submitted to the eouncil at this meeting, the previous action of the council re rescinded and that passage of these ordinances be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded, by Mr. Brodersen land same carried una nimously. 310/ City Attorney Locke stated that a copy of the transcript of testimoay submitted by the City of Alameda before the State Railroad Commission was very desirable in the matter of future hearings. After discussi on, Mr. Henning moved that a sum not to exceed 0250.00, or so much thereof as is necessary, be appropriated for the purchase of an official copy, together with five carbon copies for the members of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call same carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 0945.92; police Department, 0254.83; Fire Department $6908.85; Street Department, $2707.37; Health Department, 1234';16; Recreation Department, 4136.48; Golf Course Department, $1326.85; Store Department, 034.06; Social Service Department, • N504 79 7. Electric Light Fund, $14,786.44; Initiative Relief Fund, $101.00; y East Bay Municipal Utility District payments Fund, $2717.52; and School General 71111d, 795.90 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Ader, Leon H. Alameda Cyclery Alameda eteam Laundry Assn. Alameda times Star TV TV TT TV TV TV Alameda vulcanizing Works Barker's Alameda Furniture Co. Barnes, C. R. Bickford, Isabel Dallas, Homer R. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Elster Printing Co. -leaen, Jas. D. Hammond, H. M. Postmaster Hickok, C. E. City Manager Inter-City Express Johnson Co., S. T. Kent, H. A. Klitgaard Agency, C. J. municipal Electric Light plant TV TV TV e Otis, Frank pacific Coast Bldg. Conference Pacific Gas al Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schaffer, 7illiam Siegler, Louis Smith, Charles Teague, H. S. 1estern union Tel. Co. General Departments. Salary Repairs to locks, etc. Towel Service Printing TV TV Gas and tires Repairs to carpet Repairs to chairs Services salary :later Printing TV Envelopes Incidentals subscription Fuel Oil P. P. Tax Refund Bond premium Servicing Chev. Lamps Allowance as Mayor Dues Gas Rental and tolls Services Repairs to iron gate Plumbing repairs Bond premium Clock rental Total 150.00 5.50 7.00 113.70 48.50 48.50 14.01 6.00 7.00 15.00 100.00 14.14 13.75 79.50 54.55 5.68 7.50 115.51 7.14 5.00 2.74 5.40 26.67 10.00 4.86 26.27 25.00 14.00 6.50 5.00 1.50 $ 945.92 Acme poultry products Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated oil Company Bass-Heuter paint Co., municipal Electric Light plant pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Smith, Frank J. vestern union Tel. Co. TT If Alameda Shade shop Alameda steam Laundry Assn. Associated oil Company Baker, Hamilton & pacific Co. Behles, pate J. Brunje, B. H. Carnie Company Tentmakers Collins a Kearns East Bay Din. utility Dist. Johnson Co., S. T. municipal Electric Light plant pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. 27 Tel. Co. Ruud Heater Co. Swanstrom, George TT IT Western union Tel. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Clark & Sons, N. Detroit Steel products Co. Dietz motor Company Empire Foundry co. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Heafey-Moore Co. Lena, Nat municipal Electric. Light Plant pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. western Auto Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Baker, Hamilton & pacific Co. Brandt, Louis Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. IT 7T TT IT Commercial 7ilm Laboratories Encinal coal Company 7latow & Son, P.' Hodgkins, Kathryn Island City Ice Co. merchants Express & Praying Co. municipal Electric Light plant pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Patrick & Co. Togasak , Yoshiye Alameda vulcanizing works Armour, T. K. Campe, Henry East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. tl IT Kennedy, Gladys Kronke-Brampton Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Police Department. Dog feed Repairs Gasoline Traffic paint Repairs to Studeb Gas Rental and tolls Meals Clock Telegrams Fire Total Department. Street Shades Linen service Gasoline Brooms Repairs to battery Bicarbonate of soda and acid Tarpaulin Tires water Fuel Oil Wiring shop, lamps, etc. Gas Rental and tolls Heater Payment on firehouse Acceptance payment Clock rental Toilet paper Total Department. Gasoline TI Sewer pipe Spring parts Frames and covers Water - Road Oil Repairs to steps welding parts and repairs Services Materials Total Health Department. Laundry Binding, certificates Oil and gas Laundry Rat Traps Services Supplies TT stero, slides Barley and Alfalfa Drugs Services Ice Express charges Servicing Chevrolet Rental and tolls Cleaning and repairing Services in Laboratory Total Recreation Department. Gasoline Sharpen saws Hay and straw jater 17 Services Repairs to tennis nets Auto parts and repairs Gas Rental Total machine 3.90 2.43 41.55 130.00 22.76 .90 14.01 34.80 1.50 2.98 254.83 83.50 50.00 34.50 7.75 3.34 38.60 15.60 37.10 26.21 56.45 195.51 35.83 .85 415.00 4127.50 1772.25 1.75 7.11 6908.85 1777.25 28.23 76.58 51.45 3.90 10.10 25.51 3.33 195.96 100.00 7.25 2.20 306.44 120.21 .96 2707.37 15.63 16.00 12.09 5.50 5.50 27.50 21.72 57.00 3.00 8.75 36.25 5.40 1.00 .35 2.52 6.45 3.50 6.00 ip 234.16 32.16 1.50 15.70 3.72 9.37 24.00 6.20 34.42 7.11 2.30 136.48 Labor Ariss-Knapp Company, Inc. Associated oil company Coffield Tire protector Co. Municipal Electric Light plant Oakland-California Towel Co. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. powell Bros., Inc. west Disinfecting Co. Benson & Crozier Co. Bray Co., waiter 7. Dietzgen co., Eugene Fuller & Co., W. P. Patrick & Co. Alameda City Health Center TT IT TT TT Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing -works chandler's Express Co. Collins & Kearns Cooke, R. B. TT TV TT Hoobler, Rexford M.D. Hughes, Dr. Geo. A. Lee, Samuel municipal Electric Light plant TV TT TT TV Strom Electrical Co. Teeter, Dr. Arthur L. Alameda mimes Star Alameda vulcanizing 'forks Barkerls Alameda Furniture Co. Board of public Utilities chadeayne, 7. W. Collins & Kearns Crane co. Devereux-Chevrolet CO. Bast Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Fuller & Co., 7. p. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Jestern power Co. Henjes, Co., Robert j. Linde Air pmducts Co. pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Gas & Electric Co. pacific Radiator & 'ender works pacific "el. & Tel. Co. pacific " " " TV Red Cross Germ proof Tel. Co. Ritchie, L. E. Smith, Charles standard Oil Co. standard underground Cable Co. Typewriter service Co. vallance-piedmont nursery Alameda City Health Center City Market #2. jude, C. 7. mutual Stores Golf Course Department. Loam Gasoline Supplies Repairs, etc. Towel service Rental and tolls Sand Toilet paper Total Store Department. carbon paper paper Supplies Brushes Ink Total Social Service Department. Cash advanced TT IT Printing Gas and oil moving Tires and tubes Supplies TT professional services Laboratory work Repairing front door, eto. Electricity TV supplies Services Total 682.75 200.00 40.65 16.00 16.79 13.95 8.35 331.28 17.08 $1326.85 $ 11.00 6.75 3.05 12.56 .70 34.06 Electric Light Fund. Subscription Supplies Furniture Incidentals Repairs Tubes pipe machine Supplies water Lead supplies Electrical current Tires rand credit Oxygen Electric current Gas Repairs Poles Rental and tolls Rental of mouthpieces premium on bond plumbing supplies Gasoline Supplies Services and ribbons Supplies 8.00 4.00 19.35 9.15 6.00 17.40 15.25 9.00 7.00 62.50 18.15 7.47 315.00 4.50 3.00 504.77 .75 5.85 124.30 125.58 4.00 3.60 820.12 7.02 4.02 14.59 60.25 12626.42 .15 2.04 647.40 3.24 7.00 15.67 63.04 3.50 25.00 21.85 63.25 131.05 4.00 2.75 Total 014786.44 Initiative Relief Fund. Money advanced for services 40.00 Meat 3.00 supplies 8.00 50.00 TV Total 101.00 East Bay Municipal Utility District ents Fund. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. TV TV TV TV TV Municipal Electric Light plant TV TT IT TT public use charge Water main extensions Total School General mund. Heat Light and power Total 2374.87 342.65 2717.52 603.82 192.08 795.90 Mr. Calcutt moved that the claim , as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, May 7th, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully sub