1929-08-13 Regular CC Minutesa4 1./ 3.✓ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEFTI NG OF THE C OUNC L OF THE CITY OF ALA: EDA, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13TH, 1929. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council- president Schaefer presiding, The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Calcutt, Henning, Latham and President Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. Communications were received from Donald L. Kieffer and Will Crockett, members of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce, requesting Alameda to participate in Harbor Day Parade. After discussion, Mr. Calcutt moved that a committee consist- ing of C. E. Hickok, as Chairman, A. E. Williams, A. K. Tichenor and Mrs. Vernor E. Thorpe be appointed and that a sum not to exceed $250.00 be appropriated forte purchase of a float in order that the city may be represented as per the request of the communications. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. A communication was received from D. H. Chaplin, requesting permission to withdraw bid recently filed on liability insurance. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. City Manager Hickok submitted a digest of the bids opened at the last council meeting on liability insurance. City Attorney Locke ruled that bid No. 1, submitted by MoEneany & McCann should not be considered as it did not comply with the epeci- fixations. Further discussion followed, after which Mr. Calcutt moved that the council recess for ten minutes in order to discuss the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 4.' Upon reconvening all members of the council were noted present. 5. a.✓ Mr. Brodersen moved that bid No. 2, submitted by Tallman, Hoepner 4 Hughes be accepted with the express understanding that sixty per cent of the premium be distributed to the qualified insurance agents in Alameda, a list of these agents to be submitted at the next meeting of the oouneil for its approval. Mr. Hughes representing Tallman, Hoepner & Hughes agreed to the distribution as stated. Thereupon Mr. Henning seconded the motian and on roll call it was carried unanimously. Mr. Brodersen moved that the certified checks be returned to the unsuccess ful bidders. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Mr. A. R. Linn addressed the council suggesting that Alameda extend an in- vitation to the American Legion being held next week in San Diego, to hold its next'Convention at Berkeley. Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be instructed to forward a telegram in accordance with the suggestions made by Mr. Linn. The motian was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. An Ordinance entitled ."Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Authorizing and Providing for the Leas- ing of 50 acres of tide and submerged land on the western waterfront of the city, for a Yacht Harbor, in Exchange for 53 acres more or less of such land at the eastern end of the Alameda Airport" was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 20th, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,