1929-10-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING 02 THE COUNCIL OT THE GITY 02 ALAMED, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER. 1st, 1929. The meeting convened at 8 oi lock with Council-president Schaefer presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Calcutt, Honning, Latham and President Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 17th, 1929 were approved as read. NEW BUSITTESS. The City Manager filed a communication with the City ClerIc relative to the dismissal of Officers Servente and Sevina from the Police Department, and requested that it be read. After reading, Mr. Latham moved that the communi- cation be filed, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham then moved a vote of confidence in the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and after discussion carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Council- men Calcutt, Latham and President Schaefer, (3). Noes: Councilmen Brodersen and Henning, (2). Mr. Calcutt moved that Bestor Robinson be appointed Assistant City Attorney to act as counsel in the matter, and that the fee for services be fixed by the Mayor, City Attorney and City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk stated that in response to Notice to Bidders for the, purchase of an aerial truck, four bids had been received. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be opened and read, seconded by 4x. Henning and carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: From the Seagrave Corporation, accompanied by a certified check in amount of 01600.00. Amount of bid, ;16,00O.00. From Amer:loan La Trance & Foamite Corp. accompanied by a certified check in amount of r;31900.00. Amount of bid, Q16,250.00. From Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co. accompanied by a certified check in amount of 1650.00. Amount of bid, ,Y16,500.00. -Trom Mack Internation Truck Corp. accompanied by a certified check in amount of :a1720.00. Bid #1 0_ ,200.00. Bid #2, 700.00. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager tiD report back. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Mr. Henning moved that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of a power street sweeper. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham end carried unanimously. 5./ Mr. Henning moved that the council at this time consider the matter of transportation and requested the Clerk to read the report of the Transportation Committee under date of August 22n8,1929. The Clerk thereupon read the report, and,after discussion Mr. Henning moved that if by October 15, 1929, the Key System Transit Co. busses are not routed on Santa Clara Avenue and suitable bus service provided on San Jose Ave. then this Council recommends that the City of Alameda take such steps as may be necessary to provide muhicipally owned and operated bus lines for such routes in Alameda as may be determined to be necessary, with the understanding that such system shall operate into the City of Oakland, and such municipal bus sys3;em to be in lieu of the existing service of the Key System Transit Company. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried. unanimously. RESOLUTINS: 6.1 Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1428. Transferring ,i2904.60 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adootion of "Resolution No. 1429. Transferring #6,00C.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following papers had been filed;- 8.V. Affidavit of Publication, .notice to Bidders, re aerial fire truck. 9. 10. Affidavit of publication, -Notice to bidders re bath house, Washington Park. Affidavit of publication, Resolution No. 1427, giving notice of a special i.election. lli/ Affidavit of posting and mailing notice re dilapidated building, 1918 Webster Street. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: 12/ From the Alameda Hippodrome Association, requesting permission to establish an amusement center on property of the University of California, west of Webster Street. Mr. Henning moved that the request be denied, inasnuch as the Council have no jurisdiction in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broaersen and carried unanimously. • From the City Planning Commission accepting the Council's invitation,to rneet with the Committee of the jhole to discuss zoning problems. Ordered filed. 14. -Prom the Social Service Board, containing Resolution cresting new positions and :fixing salaries. After discussion, Mr. Lathan introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1430. Fixing Salaries of Part Time Bookkeeper and Steno- grapher for the Social Service Board." Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 15. From the City Planning Commission, recomaending the reclassification of a lot situated on the south side of Central Avenue, 100 feet west of Morton Street to a Class III district. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 16.' From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of lots 6, 7, 6 on the s-utheast corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Park Street to Business District, Class V. Mr. Calcutt moved that the redommendation of the ity Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 171 'i'rom Tallman, Hoener & Hughes, relative to distribution of insurance premium. Mr.Latham moved that the list as submitted be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and sane carried unanimously. rom J. A. Sevina and Louis Servente, requesting that an impartial board be appointed by the, council to investigate the charges under which they were suspended as members of the police force by the City Manager. President Schaefer ste ted that under the Charter, the council had no jurisdiction in the matter. The council was then addressed by Ur. J. P. Lacey representing Iron. Trank Carr, gounsel for Sevina and Servente. 1 19,1 Trom the ITorth Side Protective Club, requesting rermissien to use the council chambers, Thursday evening, October 10th, for the purpose of holding an open discussion on the proposed Yacht Harbor.lease. Mr. Latham moved that the requeet be granted, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 20. Trom Theodore Reichard, containing signatures of twenty-five citizens requesting the council to defer the building of the proposed bath house at Washing- ton Park. Mr. Reichard stated his objections and further stated that he would place them in writing and present them at the next regular meeting of the council. There being no objections, such was the order. 21.\/ Trom Mr. A. 0. Freese, containing objections to the erection of a bath house. The communication was ordered filed. 22S/ From the San Francisco Bay Airdrome , protesting Alameda Hippodrome ssocistion permission to establish an amusement park. Inasmuch as this matter had already been acted upon by the council, the communication was ordered filed. 27. Application for permission to sell soft drinks was received from Marjorie Frsser. It --ving received the approval andmcommendation from the Chief of police, Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1431. Granting a Permit for a license to Sell Soft Drinks". The motion to adopt the Resolution was eeconded by Mr. Brodersen, and on roll call it 72S adopted and passed unanimously. The following Ordinances came up for pass %ed. were read by the Clerk:- 'Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property (East line of Benton Street 140 feet south of Santa Clara Avenue, thence southerly 50 feet by 150 feet.)" Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as road be adonted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series, Reclassifeing Property - {East side of Broadway 145 feet 9 inches Northerly from Santa Clara Avenue thence Northerly,50 feet; Easterly 206 feet; Southerly 50 feet, Wester1y 206 feet.)" Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. on "Ordinance No. , New Series. Regulating the Hours of Business of Those Occupations and Callings which are so Conducted that the Patrons Thereof are Served with Food or Drink Out of Doors." Mr. Brodersen moved that action upon this ordinance be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council, to be held October 15th, 1929. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and the same carried unanimously. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under provision of the charter:- "Ordinance No. , New Series. Rec1asei±ying Property (South side of Central Avenue, 100 feet Jest from Morton Street thence Westerly 43.85 feet)." "Ordinance 7o. New Series, Reclassifying ProperTY-UUre6, 7 and 8 on the South-east corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Park Street)". Claims against the General Department amounting to 03?250.04; Police Dope ment 220.83; ?ire Department 3433.32; Street Department 32,967.43; Health Department 3272.89; Recreation Department 3921.13; Golf Course Department $1,549.32; Store Depertment 326.31; Social Service Department 3246.27; Initiative RelW Fund 32.00 and Compensation Insurance Fund 3110.00 having been audited by the proper officids were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Rug Works Alameda Shade Shop Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Beatie, Loreme R. Bendheim, A. H. Browne, Hazel M. BuIman,'E. Cook, A. W. Duplex Water Filter Co. Gegen & Lehner Hickok, C. B. Johnson Co., S. T. Levy, E. H. McConnell, Rushton Municipal Electric Light Plant TT 1, tI Tt Otis Elevator Co. Peterson Tallow Co. Schaefer, V. L. Schmidt, Edna B. Smith, Chas. Alameda Steam Laundry Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company Duplex Water Filter Co. Fuller Co., W. F. Mazzini, I. Municipal Electric Light Plant 7, Perkins, Dudley Vosburgh Hardware Co. Anderson Manufacturing Co. Associated Oil Company Bullard Davis Co. Cox-Wellman, Inc. Duplex Water Filter Co. Lee, Samuel Lewis, R. E. Municipal Electric Light TT 7, it IT TT ant TT 11 Person's Alameda Buick Service Seagrave Corporation, The Skelly, Sam Steinmetz, W. T. General Departments Key Renovating rugs Reversing shades Advertising Advertising Copies of ordinances Services Services - Charter Com. Services Election Services - City Hall Fainting Bottled water Transcript of testimony Auto Upkeep Repairing burner Services - Election Premium - auto Inc. Light - streets Electricity Servicing car Service Removal of dead animal Mayor's allowance Services - Election Plumbing. repairs Total 0 0 0 * 8 6 0 A .25 13.00 20.40 125.39 43.85 5.00 45.00 20.00 15.75 16.87 85.25 20.00 29.30 25.00 2.90 18.75 4.53 2463.90 146.71 3.19 7.50 mos. 50.00 50.00 27.50 10.00 50.04 Police Department Laundry 3 .31 Motorcycle repairs 8.85 Gasoline 29.90 Water 4.00 Paint 9.46 Gas Plate 7.50 Auto repairs 42.61 Labor and attendenace Alarm Systera 100.00 Motorcycle repairs 17.45 Broom .75 Tota100.086• • Fire Department Repairs to starter Gasoline Rubber Gloves Material Rental and service Repairing ladders Sand Soap Electricity Recharging batteries Labor and attendance Muffler Radiator Grass Catcher Material and supplies, 220.83 9.75 19.50 22.64 13.71 4.00 10.00 3.95 38.01 2.00 Alarm System 137.07 6.00 150.00 4.75 revolving 11.94 rn Total . • • . • , . 0 43 .32 Labor Associated Oil Com Clark -& Sons, N. Dennen Co. V. W. East Bay Municipal Utility Haynes, M. Powell Bros., Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Robinson Tractor Co. Street Department Gasoline Sewer pipe • Rags Dist .Water Repair of tools and scarifier block Materials and overtime TV Parts Total . Health Department Associated Oil Co. Bailie, Victoria Bischoff's Surgical House Brandt, Louis Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carptenter, Dr. Tom Cossitt ?c Company Elster Printing Co. Hieronymus, Dr. A. Hodgkins, Jesse Municipal Electric Light Plant Perryman's Cash Grocery Prendable, William Smith, Chas R • 0 0 * 6 Gasoline Money advanced for chart Scissors Services - Rodent Supplies Transportation Birth Certific Printing Transportation Services, Laboratory Servicing car Matches Laboratory service Repair water heater 2017.00 72.80 14.01 5.26 19.14 239.00 412.70 178.53 9.00 09967.43 11.08 .50 .1.57 extermination 157.10 2.09 35.00 13.51 12.00 15.00 10.24 1.60 .60 5.00 7.40 Total . • 272.89 ation Department Bickford, F. California Mill and Lumber Co. Dietz Motor Co. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Elster Printing Co. Kennedy, Gladys Koster, W. H. Morrison, 2. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TV TV Weeks-Howe Emerson Co. Werner, Carl Zellerbach Paper Co. Labor Acme Grocery ociateUOil Company ifornia Wire Cloth Co. icipal Electric Light Plant TV 1T TV TV Richfield Oil Co. Sammons, J.B. Skelly, Sam Services Dress lumber Repairs to Ford Water Printing Services 11 TT Electricity Repairs to machines Tennis nets Architectural services Toilet paper Total . . Golf Course Department, Grand Prize Carbon Paper Jasmine Ink Co. . Jenkins Co., Inc., C. H. Patrick & Co. Saniflush a nd brush Gauline Wire netting Light and heat Repairs Oil 7ertilizer and drayage Mower 0 0 Total . 0000 0 Store Department Carbon paper Paste Paper Fastener Stamos etc. Total • • • • • • 65.00 .70 24.76 16.92 11.50 30,00 65.00 65.00 64.45 29.19 62.72 453.40 32.49 9°1 • 1 ,1P 888.00 3.00 39.00 10.25 467.85 27.17 39.05 12.00 63.00 . 1549.32 3.50 4.76 7.00 11.05 -tP 26.31 Social Service Department Acme Grocery Alameda City Health Center Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. Barker's Alameda Turniture Co. Encinal Press Municipal Electric Light Plant New Method Laundry Co. Producers Milk Supply Sr ith, Chas. Typewriter Guy Crystal Market Heuer, G. Labor . IDennoak Suprlies Revolving fund Maintenance - 3 children Mattresses Letterheads Servicing car and Laundry service Milk Plumbing Inspection Total . . • . • Initiative RelieC Fu e Supplies Labor Total . . . . ation Insurance lound . Dept.) Labor 3.35 15.65 85-.80 17.00 41.50 25.49 4.29 27.56 23.40 2.25 246.27 12.00 20.00 $ 32.00 110.00 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded b:, Mr. t and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, October 15th, 1929, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitt