1930-01-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7TH, 1930. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Vice-president Calcutt presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen 3rodersen, Calcutt, Henning and Latha (4) were noted present. Absent: President Schaefer, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of December 17th, 1929 were amended by consent of the council members striking from the records the introduction of the following ordinance:- "Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Preliminary Consideration of Reports and Other matters by Members of the Council; adopting Rules of Order of Conducting Council Meetings, etc." NEW BUSINESS. 2/ Mr. Latham moved that the contents of the telegram sent P. Trubee Davison, Assistant Secretary of War, sent under date of December 23, 1929, relative to Army Air Base site, be ratified by the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. 3rodersen and carried. RESOLUTIONS., 3. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1467. Transferring 3,883.88 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Brodersen Erodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and psssed unanimously. 4.v' 1,1r. Brodersen introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1468. Transferring 2,500.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Compensation Insurance LPund." Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. FILING; 6.V 8.1/ 9,1 10.V 11.4' 12/ The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the ,following papers had been filed: Affidavit of publication, Notice of Award of Contract, Resolution of Intention, No. 92, Hew Series, Park Street lighting. Affidavit of publicstion, ReSolution of Intention, No. 93, N. S. Improvement of Third Street. Affidavit of publication, Resolution of Intention, No. 94, N.S. Buena Vista Avenue. Contract, Taper Tube Pole Company, Park Street lighting. Notice from the Railroad Commission, re removal from calendar of case covering twenty ride commutation fare. Supplementary Order, Inter-state Commerce Commission granting Belt Line extension of time. Copies of telegrams received from Trubee Davison, Assistant Secretory of 'War, and Mayor's reply thereto, re army sir base site. Affidavit of posting Notice of Improvement, Resolution of Intention, No. 93, N. S. Improvement of Third Street. Affidavit of posting Notice of Improvement Resolution. of Intention, TR). 94, N. S. Buena Vista Avenue. CO=UN ICA T Ian : The following comulnications were received: 14.1' From maydr V. L. Schaefer, appointing Mrs. Clara B. Thorp, as fa member of the Board of Tree Library Trustees, to succeed Isabel Curtis, resigned. Ordered filed. 15.1 From various members of Congress and Senate acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 1495, endorsing H. R. Bill 234, re Veterans Hospitalization. /Ordered filed. 16.V Prom Louise R. Davis, coMplaining of flooed condition on High Street. The communication was ordered filed and the City Clerk instructed to notify Mrs. Davis that plans were being prepared by the City Engineer for the construction of a new storm sewer from Santa Clara Avenue, north to the Estuary correcting the /present condition. 17,V , From the City Manager containing report relative to crowded condition - automobiles on ferry boats. Mr. Latham moved that copies of the communication,, together with letter 'from J. 0. McPherson, attached thereto, be transmitted to the Alameda Improvement Club and Fernside Home Owners Association., The ,motion was seconded b Mr. Brodersen and carried. 18d From the City Manager, relative to planting lawn and shrubbery at Veterens' Memorial Building. Mr. Henning moved to adopt the suggestion transmitted by Supervisor Hamilton, that the County wouldpay one-half the.co8t, assuming the city. of Alameda would pay the other half, this cost not to exceed 0250.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. 19.1/ From the Charter Committee, advising they expected to have a full report to submit to the Counoil's first meeting in February. Ordered filed. 20./ From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassificetion of all the property lying west of Vebster Street, between Buena Vista venue and the Segregation Line, to Class VII. Mr. Latham moved that the red=endation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded bi Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 21. From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of the property on the N.W. aorner of Centennial Avenue and Ninth ,Street, to a BusiesseDistrict, Class III. Er. Latham moved that the recommendation _of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded b Brodersen and carried unanimously. 22.1 From the City Planning Commission relative to the communication of f Alemeds Improvement Club, pertaining to suggestions for reclassification of property in the West End. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed with instructions that the City Clerk forward a copy of the same to the Alameda Improvement Club.. From Auditor F. J. Croll, relative to amount of taxes due from properties acquired by Veterans Welfere Board. City Attorney Locke stated that the original communicetion requesting the cancellation of these taxes had.already been replied to thereupon all correspondence in the matter was ordered filed. From Hugh O'Neill, complaining of early Morning sa base collection. Orderd filed. 25/ From A. C. Keane, relative to the purchase bi the Board of Educeti)n of pro-eerty in the vininity of Franlr, Therk, for school purposes. Action on the communication was postponed to the next reular meetin- oC. the Council. 26.11 From the Board of Edaction, advising of the purchase of property adjacent to Franklin Park for school purposes. Action upon this communica tion was postponed. to the next regular meeting of the Council. 27V Applications for permits to sell soft drinks were received from Roscoe S. Gibson 2nd Mrs. Ora Smith. These a pplicati ons having received the approval of the Chief of Police, Er. La thom introduced and moved the ad option of "Resolution No. 1469. . -ranting a Permit for a License to Sell SdfteDrinks." Mr,.Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: 28.V Ordinance No. New Series. , Reclassifying Property. (South line of Encinal Avenue 88 feet 6 inches East of Morton Street)" 29. 30. Yr. Latham moved that the Ordinance 'as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed uharamOusly. "Ordinance Ena New Series. Reclassifying Property. (North-east corner of Morton Street and Encinal Avenue.)" Brodersen moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Lotham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter: Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (All property lying 'Jest of Webster Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and the Segre- gation'Line.)" "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying rroperty. (Nor thwest corner of Ninth Street and Centennial Avenue.)" "Ordinance No. New Series. "Providin for a one-hour Parking Limit for Vehicles in the Vicinity of Caroline Station." Claims against the General Deportments amounting to ;1A817.36; Police Department )634.17; Fire Department, :,2636.69; Street Department, ':i2380.74; Health Deportment, :241.48; Recreation Department, c:3473.92; Golf Course Department, ',1711.92; Store Department, ;113.12; Social Service Deportment, 1.67.43; Compensation Insurance Fund, 7.40.25; Initiative Relief Fund, 54.00; East Bay Municipal Utility District payment Fund, :2604.01; Street Improvement Fund, .496.45; and School General Fund •555.50 havini,7; been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Idarns, C. C. TT ?f ;icier and Mathebat Alameda Times-Star TT TV If TT If Beatie, Loreme R. Bendheim, A. H. Branagh, John E. Burroughs Adding Machine Co TT TV IT Dallas, H. R. East Bay Municipal Utility Hickok, .C.E..City Manager TV TV TV TT Johnson Co., S. T. Municipal 1eatric TT TT IT TT TT TT VT Ligh TT TV TV TT General Departments Premium on policy TT TV TV tf " bonds Job 8379 "Notice Change ZoneTT cards Printing ordinances Telechron Services Services - Chatter Committee Moving memorial fountain • Service contract Ribbon Rent of P.O. Box Dist.Nater Auto upkeep - December Expenses to Los Angeles Fuel bil for city hall Install and remove light Electricity and lamps Electric . light fixture installed Electricity Servicing car Co. Installing boiler in city hall Blue prints Service Disposal of dead animals Information re motor bus service Subscription Mayor's allowance Plant Nottingham Heating & Vent. Oaklad Blue Print Co. Otis Elevator Company Peterson Tallow Co. Railroad Commission Recorder, The Schaefer, Victor L. Alzins, "Hap" Associated Oil 'Company Dodge Co., 7. A. Fuller Co., N. P. Municipal Elec, Light Plant TT TV FY IT Vosburgh Hardware Co. Wahmuth, Wm. H. TT IT IT TV - election American Rubber Ufg. Co., The Anderson Mfg. Co. Associated Oil Co. Bay Shore Plating Works Brunje, 3. H. Cox-'jellman, Inc East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Johnson, S. T. Co. Jones & Co., Ed Lunicipal Electric Light Plant TV IT If TV TV TV TV Patrick & Co. Reese, John 7. Seagrave Corp., The /f IT egler. Louis einrnetz, 77. T. TT Tot 1 . . Police De artment Speedometer Gasoline Blankets Paint Labor and supplies Service on care and lights Chalk and line Cash contingent fund Total . . Fire Dep artment Hose Trolley, beam and clapper Gasoline Headlights nickel plated Carboy acid Repairs to truck, labor and parts Water Fuel Badges Battery recharged Labor and supplies Electricity Rubber stamp Varnishing engine #2 Exhaust manifold Lifter and springs installing bell, etc Revolving fund Tot1 . . 10.00 15.00 16.00 6.25 5.90 44.72 32.50 40.00 10.00 610.00 7.20 .75 1.50 19.21 25.00 58.99 66.36 15.25 3,166.52 12.50 96.58 4.04 367.57 14.00 7.50 25.00 51.02 18.00 50.00 4,617.36 20.00 20.80 21.75 9.46 50.00 11.41 0.75 500.00 634.17 182.40 104.65 13.00 7.00 6.30 303.22 29.70 31.77 16.00 3.15 1,721.09 84.59 0.50 60.00 30.50 13.00 25.50 4.32 2,636.69 Labor Associated Oil .Company Baker, Hamilton Pacific Co. Clark & Sons, N. Dieterich-Post Co. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Min. Utility Dist. Empire Foundry Co. Hamilton, Burnett Haynes, M. Jenison Machinery Co. Moreland Soles Corporation Oakland Blue Print Co. Robinson Tractor Co. TV TV TV Rosenthal Son, H. United Iron Works White Brothers Arrow Towel & Launcry Co. Bischoff's Surgical House Brandt, Louis Brnrr-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Tom, V. S. Cossitt ,73 Company 7ernsworth, Stanford Fox Water Co. Hieronymus, Arthur, M. D. Hodgkins, Jesse Yrendable, William Smith Brothers dard's Service Station Street Department Gasoline Street brooms and nails Sewer pipe Books end paper Supplies and parts Water at Corporation Yard Gratings Money advanced Work done on tools Hickory Cibre Front spring Blue prints, block book, etc Discs Supplies Chain and iron Shoes for caterpillar Luber Total . . Health Department Laundry ?creeps Services es rat trapper Pipettes Trans. service Certificates Services in Laboratory dater Trans. service Services in Laboratory It IT TT Calendar pad Gasoline Total . . . Recreation Department Gasoline for December Gasoline Piling saws Locks and keys First aid supplies Lumber Tires and tubes Repairing clutch and glass Water Alameda Vulcanizing Works IT Tt TV Armour, W. K. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bell Pharmacy California Mill & Lumber Co. Collins and Kearns Dietz Motor Company East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. IT . TV Tt TV TT Furey, Harry D. Goff, T. Kimball, Rena Koster, W. H. 'Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Mezzini, L. M.E.L.P. TT IT Repairs to lavatories Services TV TV Lumber Pipe Lamps Electricity Pacific Gas & ELECTRIC Co. Gas Pacific- Tel. .3.1 Tel. Co. Telephones Powell Bros., Inc Cement, lime, etc Vosbargh Hardware Co. Supplies Labor Associated Oil Co. Dietz Motor Company Feyen, Jas. D. Morse F.,1 Co., C. C. Golf otn1 ourse Department M.E.L.P. 0ak1ond-0o1Liorn±e Towel Co. Gasoline Materials Printing Grass seed Light and power Fuses Service Total . . . 2,023.75 76.83 69.99 17.07 2.85 38.08 :1.56 10.19 0.61 5.50 21.70 5.59 2.70 21.50 15.45 13.37 43.20 10.80 2,380.74 4.00 0.60 49.80 3.10, 35.00 15.20 95.00 2.80 15.00 12.78 5.00 0.30 2.90' 241.48 34.33 38.98 1.75 3.73 18.21 11.20. 21.00 3.00 71..52 24.08 3.30 20.00 24.00, 65.00 14.19 3.35 4.80 43.08 6.66' 1.30 18.36 40.08 473.92 802.30 37.78 126.67 105.25 281.40 338.88 2.28 17.36 1,711.92 Crocker Company, Inc., H. S. Hickok,' C. E., City Hanager Store Department Supplies Money advanced for Total . • • Social Service Department Alameda Social Service Board Bush Electric Corp Chandler's Express Co. Hackett's Express Co. Houghton Mifflin Co.' M.E.L.P. New Method Laundry Typewriter Guy Underwood Typewriter Co. Alameda Sanatorium IT ' Conant, John Platow (?,3 Son. P. Anderson's Grocery Crystal Market New Alanda Market Ferryman's Cash Grocery Sylvesters Grocery Vinson, Guy E. amps Supplies, revolving fund Set screw knob Moving Moving stove Record booklets Service Servicing Chevrolet Laundry Servi�in trpewrjters Rental To • 6 6 Compensation Insurance Fund X-rays TV Compensation for Dec. Prescription Total • • . Initiative Relief Fund Groceries IT TT I/ Services Total . . East Bay Mune Utility District ;a ment Tund Bay Mun- Utility Dist. 11 IT r1 Water main extensions Ready to serve charge Total Street Improvement Fund. ' Empire Poundry Co many deStern Pipe and Steel Co. TT TT fr IT TT Frames and gratings Materials Totals . . . School General Fund Light and power Heat Light and power Heat Light and power Heat Totals . . 63.12 50.00 113.12 18.85 0.53 8.50 2.00 6.99 118.80 2.20 1.56 3.00 5.00 167.43 15.00 32.50 92.25 0.50 140.25 6.00 10.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 20.00 54.00 208.58 9 795 A7 63.21 /2,33.24 $ 496.45 69.05 20.35 117.03 65.60 148.28 135.19 % . 555.50 Er. Latham moved that the claims as 1ited be paid, seconded by Mr. Henning and on 3/.011 call carried unanimously. • 'City Eanaer Hickok and Building Inspector Rogers made a verbal report to the Council relative to the arks situated near the car barns in the Jest End of Alameda. After discussion, 1:.r. Brodersen moved that the City Manager advise all owners of arks now located on city land that they must vacate and remove the same by March 1, 1930. The motion was seconded by Hr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be requested to confer with the Government in 21 endeavor to have all arks on Harrison Avenue, between Park Street and Fruitvale Bridges removed, and that Building Inspector Rogers be requested to report back at the next meeting of the Council as to the number of floating arks in this locality. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and same carried unanimously. Ur. Latham moved that the City Manager be instructed to have all arks removed from all dedicated streets in the vicinity of Bay ?arm island Bridge by March 1st, 1930. and all other arks not complying with the housing act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 36. Er. Latham moved that the City Manger be instructed to have prepared preliminary plans and estimate for the improvement of certain street near Bay 7arm Island Bridge, as 2er map submitted by City Engineer Hamilton. The motion was seconded by Er. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 37.v/ Er. Latham moved that an extra in amount of :180.00 for the construction of an additional stairway in the bath house at Jashington Pork be allowed. The motion was seconded by Er. Brodersen and on roll cali carried unanimously. 38.7 Er. Latham moved that the plans as submitted for the repair of B y Farm Island lBridge by the County Board of Supervisors be approved, and that the City assume an estianted cost of 6,000.00 to complete the approaches to the Bridge on the new lines, as shown by the plans. The motion was seconded by Er. Henning and carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, January 21st, 1930 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,