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1930-06-03 Regular CC Minutes
REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3RD, 1930. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council- president Schaefer presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Calcutt, Henning, Latham and President Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 20th, 1930 were read and approved. Mr. Calcutt moved: that the eouncil recess for the purpose of dedicating, the recently purchased flag for use in the eounc it meetings. The Motion was eedond- ed by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimou-aly. 2.VY A program of exercises participated in by various military and ex- service organizations dedicating the flag to the council use was then held. Remarks were made by George Rankin, G. A. R. Hon. Homer R. Spence and the Hon. Frank Otis. An American Flag purchased by the City of Alameda for use at ex- service men's funerals was placed in charge of C. R. Smith, City Historian. The Council then reconvened and all councilmen were noted present. W BUSINESS. 4. The Clerk stated in response to advertised notice, he was in receipt of one bid for ,the sale of the firehouse lot on Webster Street. Mr. Henning moved that the bid be received and opened. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried, thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bid as follows : - From Ben F. Kopf, $4110.00, accompanied by a certified ;heck of $500.00. Mr. Latham moved that the bid be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whoa, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. A request from Alameda Post No. 9'of the American Legion for a contribution for advertising a pre- convention frolic at Neptune Beach on Auguet 2nd, in the July issue of the California Legionnaire was read. J. J. Larkin, representing the Post, addressed the council in support of the request. After disoussinn, Mr. Latham moved that is sum of $250.00 be set aside to cover a hafl page advertisement, as requested, this money to be expended under the supervision and direction of the City Manager. Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion and on roll call it was oarried unanimously. A request from Isle City Institute, No. 51, Y. L. I. for ;750.00 to cover a portion of expenses of the Grand Institute to be held in Alameda, oommenaing July 15th was read. Mrs. Agnes Krieg addressed the council in support of the request. After disoussion, Mr. Henning moved that a sum of $250.00 be set aside out of the advertising fund to cover advertising, and that this expenditure be under the jurisdiction of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call oarried unanimously. A request was received from C. L. Traver, Chairman, Float Committee, Alameda Aerie1O76, F. O. E. for $250.00, to cover cost of float in a parade to be held in San Francisco at the annual convention, August 11 -14th. C. L. Traver-addressed the oounoil in support of the request. Mr. Latham moved that a sum of $250.00, or as much as ie necessary,be set aside out of the advertising fund for the purchase of a dahlia. float to bear the inscription "Alameda, the Dahlia City", this expenditure to be made under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Henning ©ailed attention of the council to the condition of the south end of Park Avenue as a result of the dredging done by A. E. J. Ducheenay. After dis- cussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to ascertain what is being done to finish the work under the permit granted by the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 9.V City Attorney Silver reported to the council that in the matter of the recent accident to Police Officer Knudsen, the insurance company had offered to refund to the Compensation Insurance Fund, $102.50. Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a release for this amount, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously. 6.y 10 :1 City Manager Hickok discussed with the council the matter of the employment of Leon H. Ader for the purchase of various property, necessary to complete the diagonal street from Washington and High Streets to the Bay Farm Island Bridge, and recommended that a oontraot be entered into between the City of Alameda and Mr. Ader for a fee of $600.00, this representing five per gent of $12,000.00, the estimated Bost of the property to be acquired. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the city manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 11. Mr. Calcutt addressed the council relative to the Government Island Lease, and moved that the City Clerk be furnished with an argument pro and con not to exceed three hundred words each, regarding the proposition of deeding to the United States Government, fifteen acres of land on Government Island, and that these arguments be mailed with the ballot, so that the voters may study the proposition; that the Alameda Chamber of Commerce as proponents furnish the argument in favor of deeding the land. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 12.4 Latham moved that the thanks of the council be extended to the Board of Education and students of the Alameda High School for the base of the flag staff used in the council chambers.. Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion and it was oarried unanimously. 13.E Mr. Calcutt moved that Central Avenue, between Oak and Park Avenue, be changed from parallel parking to diagonal parking on both sides thereof. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. TilSOLUT IONS: 14 Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1503. Resolution for Appetntment of Committee to Arrange for Memorial Day Exercises." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll adopted and passed unanimously. 15.V Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1504. Resolution that Request be of the Board of Supervisors to Allow Consolidation of Speoial Election with the August Primary Election on August 26, 1930." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll adopted and passed unanimously. FILING: oall it was call it was The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the council the following papers had been filed:- 16.1/, Bond, Frank MoKale & Co. as house movers. Bond of D. J. Sueell, as house mover. 18.V. Affidavit of publication of Notice to Bidders 19/ Executed contract, City of Alameda and Paoifi re crushed rook requirements. 20./ Executed contract, City of Alameda and Powell requirements. 21i/ Copy of Application No. 16,540 of Joe Ferrant for bus service between San Francisco and airports. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communiostions were received: for firehouse lot. o Coast Aggregates, Inc., Bros. Inc., re screening to Railroad Commission 22/ From the American Dredging Company, requesting permission to deposit dredged material on the proposed natal base site. Mr. Henning moved that per- mission be granted under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Latham and carried. 23.\,/ From N. C. Price, relative to Paoifio Telephone & Telegraph Co. bills. Ordered filed. 24/ From Luoinda Mills, requesting use of McKinley Park Clubhouse on June 14th to hold a bridge tea. The City Clerk was instructed to notify Mrs. Mills that the Clubhouse could only be let out to public organizations. 4 , 25.' From the Fernside Home Owners Associationtrelative to creating a boule- vard stop at the intersbbtion-of Versailles Avenue'itith Buena Viata Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to report back at the next meeting of the oounoil. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caloutt and carried unanimously. 264/ From City Attorney, E. J. Silver, relative to the expenditures of public monies for advertising purposes. Ordered filed. 27 From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, in support of-request of Isle City -Institute for 11750.00 for convention purposes. Ordered filed. 281 relative 29.\/ -flag for 30/ -memorial adoption Copy of communication from George J. Hatfield, United States Aft° ne to tidelands in Brooklyn Basin. Ordered filed. From Alameda Veterans Service Club, thanking the council for American use at veterans funerals. Ordered filed. From veterans and citizens, requesting the counoil to sponsor an annual day service in the city. Inasmuch as this had already been oovered by of a resolution in the matter, the communication was ordered filed. 31i/ From various property owners in Mintunn Street, south of Lincoln Avenue, requesting improvement of gutters and pavement. City Engineer Hamilton reported that the street referred to was not an accepted street, and that the city could not spend fund for the improvement thereof, and that same can only be done under private contraot. The Clerk was instructed to notify the signers of the petition accordingly. 32,v/ From Barrett Camp, No. 29, United Spanieh War Veterans, thanking the counoil for taking over arrangements relative to Memorial Day exercises. Ordered filed. 33r From the Republicans Women's Federation of California, Alameda Unit, thanking the oouhoil for display of glag in council chambers. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Womans Improvement Club, relative to operation of one-man street oars. Ordered filed. 35) From the Mayors' Conferenoe of Central California, re regulation of public utilities. There being no objection, this communication was referred to the City Attorney for report. 36.1 An applioation for a permit to sell soft drinks was received from Joe. Pelleriti. Mr. Henning introduced and moved the adoption of 37./ "Resolution No. 1505. Granting a Permit for a 111717e to Sell Soft Drinks." Brodersen seconded the motion and on roll oall it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. and The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk:- "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Lot at ,Central and Bncinal Avenue, upon which stands Associated Oil Company Service Station.), Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series.-- Reolassifying Property. (Lot on north line of Pacific Avenue, 206.25 feet, Bast of Stanton Street.)" Calcutt Mr. Calcutt moved that the ordinance as read bq adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll oall it was adopted and paseed unanimously. The following ordinance waasintrOducedand laid over under 0 provision of the charter:- "Ordinanoe No. New series:7- An Ordinance Regulating Parades by any person, Association, Company, Fraternal or Social • Organization on the Public Streets or Highways • in the City of Alameda." Claims against the General Departmentaamounting to 41264.34; Police Department, $242.69; Fire Department, $569.78; Street Department, $2165.79; Health Department, $120.43; Recreation Department, $257.03; Golf Course Department, 0262.14; Store Department, $7.76; Social Service Department, $344.98; Pension Fund, $1340.91; Initiative Relief Fund, $12.00; Bast Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, 0586.97; School Construction Fund, $2971.29 and Sohool Fund, 12,028.71, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Times Star ti a Alameda Veterans Me oriel Bldg. American City Beetle, Loreme H. Borle, Charles Boris, Charles Breed, Burpee & Robinson Carlisle & Co., A. Croll, F. J. Dodd & Co., P. J. ,Dohrmann Hotel Supply Co. Hiokok, O. B. Johnson Co., 8. T. Konigschofer's Levy, N. H. Patrick & Moise Klinkaer Roebke Bros. Sohaefer, Victor L. Seeley, Mrs. Bother Traver & Son, 0. L. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Walthall, S. P. Western Union Tel. Co. Associated Oil Company B. & J. Manufacturing Co. Meter Printing Co. Furey, Harry D. Municipal Blectric Light Plant Railway express Agency Remington Rand Business Servioe Western Auto Supply Co. Western Union General Departments. Printing Advertising Light and power Subscription Services Servioes, Assessor's Office Carfare Services - Sevina & Servente Street Proceeding forme Auto upkeep Ins. Premium Detergent City auto upkeep Fuel oil Supplies Services Stamp Music !- May Fete Mayor's allowance Services - Assessor's Ins. premium 00. Bond premium Ins. premium Clock rental May Fete office Total • • • Police Department Gasoline Bxpress oharges •Printing Plumbing Labor and attendance - alarm Expreae charges Ming cabinet Tubing Telegram Total . • 3.35 101.25 77.20 4.00 47.50 165.00 4.90 313.00 15.18 25.00 21.70 6.80 25.00 57.75 20.28 5.00 .90 70.50 50.00 110.00 107.12 8.75 21.60 2.55 $ 1,264.34 23.40 2.59 11.00 15.96 50.00 2.57 134.25 1.60 1.32 242.69 Anderson Manufacturing Company Associated 011 Company Lewis, R. V. Municipal Bleotric Light Plant alisbary,,A. C. Steinmetz, W. T. IN /I Labor Assooiated Oil Company Baker, Hamilton & Pacific 00. Cobbledick-Kibbee Glass Co. Bast Bay Man. Utility District Gamble, Hugh A. IrTine & Jachens Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Richfield Oil Company Western Auto Supply Co. Braun-Kneoht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Tom Bncinal Coal Co. Hieronymus, Dr. Arthur Hodgkins Jesse Koerber iue1 & Feed Co. Martih, J. A. Patrick and Moise-Klinkner Perryman's Cash Grocery Prendable, WM. Fire Department Repairs and supplies Gasoline Chlorox Labor and attendanoe - alarm Cleanser Revolving find Convention expenses Street Department Gasoline Supplies Glass Water Solid tires Street signs Stencil letters Lubricating oil Supplies Total • Total . Health Department Supplies Transportation Hay Transportation Services Barley Services - Rat Trapper Co. Supplies Clorox Services Associated Oil Company to IV n Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. California Mill and Lumber Co. Goff, T. Grodem & Co., J. J. rimball, Rena Weed Control Company Labor Associated Oil Company Bass-Heuter Paint 00. Cranston, A. R. Gardner, U. S. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. National Cash Register Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Alameda Social Service Board Burroughs Adding Machine 0o. Dodge Co., F. A. Garren, Florence Lovegren, Mabel Luokhardt, Marjorie MoCoskey, Phyllis Rinehart, Eugehia Seagrave, F. B. Typewriter Guy Wilbur, Frank Total Recreation Department Gasoline Pump Supplies Shavings Services Sidewalk Services Fertilizer • Total . . . Golf Course Department Gasoline Paints Plumbing repairs Glass Fertilizer Repairs, etc. Store Department Supplies Total • •. Total . . Social Service Department Revolving fund Ribbon Supplies Services Supplies Expenses to convention IT 0 P1 P1 Shoes Inspection and repairs Supplies Total . . 214.50 38.61 3.00 284.88 2.50 16.25 10.04 569.78 $ 1,868.00 54.34 13.86 20.00 26.18 90.00 48.75 1.50 41.04 2.12 165.79 7.80 35.00 3.50 3.50 15.00 8.93 2.00 35.00 2.60 2.10 5.00 120.43 16.51 50.00 9.72 12.00 40.00 63.80 30.00 35.00 257.03 726.63 28.60 20.76 437.75 .65 40.00 7.75 1,262.14 2.88 4.88 7.76 24.44 .75 3.50 125.00 6.67 49.94 49.94 49.94 23.20 7.25 4.35 344 .98 pension end Pensions Initiative Relief Fund Vinson, Guy B. Services Best Bay Munioipal Utility District Payments Iund Bast Bay Mun. Utility District Water main extensions it " " Pubiio Use Charge Total . 3ohool Construction Fund Sadler property School Fund. Sadler property Bast Bay 'title Ins. Go. Bast Bay Title Ins. Co. $ 1,340.91 12.00 $ 191.13 2,395.84 $ 2,586.97 2,971.29 $12,028.71 Mr. Calcutt moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried by-the following vote, to wit : - Ayes: Councilmen Caloutt, Latham and President Schaefer, (3) . Noes: Councilmen Bro dersen and Henning, (2) . There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, June 17th, 1930 at 8 o/ clock P. M. Respectfully submitted,.