1930-06-07 Regular CC Minutes1. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 17TH, 1930. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Vice - president Caloutt presiding. The roll was palled and Councilmen Brodersen, Henning, Latham and Vice - president Calcutt were noted present. Absent: Schaefer, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of June 3rd were amended as follows: - "Paragraph 7, Page 126. A request was received from C. L. Traver, Chairman, Float Committee, Alameda Aerie #1076, F.O.E. for $250 to cover post of float in a parade to be held in San Francisco at the annual convention, August 11 -14th. C. L. Traver addressed the council in support of the request. Mr. Latham. moved that a sum of $250.00 or as much as is necessary thereof be set aside out of the advertising fund for the purchase o'fa dahlia float to bear the inscription "Alameda, the Dahlia City ", this ex- penditure to be made under the supervision of the City Manager and that no further appropriation by the council be made Auring the year for the building of a dahlia float. The motion was seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously." The minutes as amended were then approved. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion was had relative to the bid received for the sale of the firehouse lot on Webeter Street. Mr. Frank Neville upon request of the council stated in his opinion the property was worth 1150.00 per front foot. Mr. C. L. Traver gave as his opinion the property was worth 175.00 per front foot. After discussion, Mr. Henning moved that the bid submitted by Ben F. Kopf be accepted and that the Mayer be in- structed to sign the deed transferring title accordingly. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Brodersen called attention of the council to the necessity for proper school zone signs to be erected at all schools in Alameda, and moved that the matter be referred to the CityManagerfor investigation and report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. '4.v Mr. C. L. Traver addressed the council as President of the Chamber of Commerce requesting that $5,000.00 be set aside in the budget to be known as "Convention Fund "; this money to be used for advertising in an endeavor to bring conventions to the City of Alameda. A communication relative to the matter was read from E. K. Taylor. After discussion, the matter was tabled without action. 5. ' City Manager Hickok discussed with the council the matter of the purchase of the Vischer property on Webster Street and after discussion, Mr. Henning moved that the City Manager be empowered to immediately negotiate purchase of the property necessary as the City of Alameda's portion for the Industrial Highway, at a price of $175.00 per front foot. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. City Manager Hickok reported to the council relative to the dredging operations of AS E. J. Duchesnay at the south end of Park Avenue, stating that the dredging had been stopped temporarily on account of property title trouble. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney to ascertain if there was not a legal procedure to force Mr. Duchesnay to clean up the debris left by him through the dredging operation and that a proper danger sign be erected on the submerged hole caused by said dredging operations and that the cost of this sign be planed as a lien against the property unless Mr. Duchesnay agrees to pay for same. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Brodersen and oarried unanimously. 7.t City Manager filed with the council copies of letters between H. M. Stroussand the Railroad Commission of the State of California relative to 018.00 commutation fares for automobiles between San Francisco and Oakland and Alameda comparable with that at the present time in effect between San Francisco and Berkeley, and requested the city to take the necessary steps to have a hearing before the Railroad Commission in an endeavor to obtain these commutation rates for Alameda. Upon the advice of the City Attorney that such a hearing would entail an expenditure of from ten to fifteen thousand dollars on the part of the City of Alameda, the communication was ordered filed. r' 8.v City Manager Hickok discussed with the council the agreement submitted by the Key System Transit Company relative to transfer exchanges on the proposed municipal bus line. The matter was referred to the Board of Public Utilities. 9.V Mr. Harry C. Knight presented a communication and addressed the council relative to the completion of the purchase of land upon which the Park to Willow Tideland Association, Ltd., a corporation, hold an option. Mr. Knight filed a.map relative to the matter. After dissussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to a ,meeting of the Committee of the 'Whole, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and .parried unanimous -. ly. RESOLUTIONS: 10./ Mr. Henning introduce Mr. Latham and passed Resolu and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1056. on of Acceptance and Consent to Reoordation. (Sadler Property)." seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1507. Resolution Calling for Bide on Liability Insurance." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the o ouncil the following paper had been filed 12.E Executed contract between City of Alameda and Leon H. Ader, covering purchase of property for diagonal street from Washington Street to High Street for Bay Farm Island bridge approach. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received : - 13.x/ From City Manager Hickok recommending that Versailles Avenue be made a boulevard stop at the intersections of Buena Vista Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of'theCity Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 14.E From B. F. Lamborn, relative to laid up oars on the Southern Pacific tracks on Alameda Pier. The communication was ordered filed. From the City Clerk requesting annual vacation. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Henning and oarried unanimously. 16.E City Manager Hickok stated it was his desire to now take the balance of his vacation. There being no objection, same was granted and the City Clerk was appointed City Manager pro tem. 17.'4 From Auditor and Assessor, F. J. Croll, requesting permission to leave the state. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 18. From the Alameda Gladiolus Society requesting donation of $150.00 to defray expenses for the Second Annual Gladiolus show. The council was addressed by Mr. B. G. Slater, Secretary, and Mrs, Ida Elligett, the show manager. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the sum of $100.00 be appropriated to be spent under the direction of the City Manager for advertising purposes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. From Pan- American Reciprocal Trade Conference, requesting an appropriation of $500.00 to cover convention. Upon the advice of the City Attorney that the city was unable to appropriate money for the purposes outlined in the communication, no action was taken and the communication was ordered filed. 20.E From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the property upon which stands the° premises known as 1535 -37 Everett Street to a Residence District, Class II. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll pall oarried unanimously. 21.E From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of the property situated on the south line of Buena Vista Avenue, 101.25 feet east of Stanton Street, to an Industrial District, Class VII. Mr. Latham moved that the redommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. 22.E From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of the northwest corner, of Encinal Avenue and Park Avenue, to a Business District, Class V. Mr. Henning moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. 23.E From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of the premises known as 1818 San Antonio Avenue to a Residence District, Class II. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 24.i From various residents of the west end petitioning Girls' Training Home situated at 520 Lincoln Avenue removed building being a fire menace to the neighborhood. The City building had already been condemned by the Fire Chief. Mr. matter be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney to be legally removed and that they report back their findings by Mr. Brodersen and parried unanimously. the council to have the , on a ceount of the Manager stated that the Henning moved that the see if the building could . The motion was seconded 25.'4 ; From J. M. Meiles, relative to exhaust gasses in busses. Ordered filed. 26.✓ 27. 28. From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to parades and a request that police officers be provided with automobiles to patrol long beats. The matter of furnishing policemen with automobiles was referred to the Committee of the Whole for budget consideration. From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to Government Island lease and Sessions claim. After discussion, Mr. Henning moved that the City Attorney be em- powered to employ an assistant to prepare briefs relative to the Sessions claim, at a cost not to exceed $250.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll calf: oarried unanimously. From the Veterans Welfare Board requesting cancellation of taxes on property owned by the Board in Alameda. There being no objection, the request was referred to the City Attorney and City Assessor. 29.7 30/ 31. 32.✓ 33.7 34/ 35/ The following ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk : - "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating Parades by any Person, Association, Company, Fraternal or Social Organization on the Public Streets or Highways in the City of Alameda." Mr% Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under the Charter : - provision of "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Property known as Nos. 1535 and 1537 Everett Street. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Prope rty. (South line of Buena Vista Avenue, 101.25 feet East of Stanton Street.)" "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Northwest corner of Encinal,Avenue and park Avenue. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Property known as 1818 San Antonio Avenue.) There being no objection the Northside Protective Club was granted the use of-the Council Chambers on the evening of Thursday, August 14th, 1930. Mr. Calcutt requested information relative to waterfront leases as to whether previsions contained therein were being complied with, And requested the City Manager to investigate and report back to the council. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that a dopy of all leases be made and sent to each of the councilmen. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that when the council adjourn it does so to meetin regular adjourned session: Tuesday evening, June 24th, 1930 at 8 o'clock, The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 37.v" City Manager Hickok requested the council to appropriate a sum not to exceed $25.00 to send Food Inspector, Dr. Carpenter, to a Convention at Sacramento. Mr. Brodersen moved that the appropriation be made, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $3028.46; Police Department, 299.00; Fire Department, $298.28• Street Department, $3743.68; Health Department, 1304.44; Recreation Department, $5686.34; Golf Course Department, $1720.92; Store Department, $228.41; Initiative Relief Fund, $25.00; School Fund, $1.6..39 and Com- pensation Insurance Fund, $30.09 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Steam Laundry Assn., Alameda Times Star n n n n " n Alameda Vuloanizing Works American Law Book Co. American Trust Co. Loreme R. Beetle Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Bus Transportation East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Bowen, Thos. Johnson, R. H. Kronke- Brampton Co. Lindemann Jewelry Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant TV n n n VT 11 " n n n Newcomb, Chas. A. O'Brien Sign Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Petrick 8c Moise Klinkner Polk & Co., R.L. Strom Electrical Co. Traver & Son, C.L. Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. General Departments Towel service Printing.. n Advertising ordinances Gasoline Books Rent of Safe Deposit Box Services Maintenance contract Subscription Water Premium Refund on tax Flag Bronze Plaque Servicing car Lighting fixtures Repairs Ele otrici ty Servicing oar City lighting Supplies Sign Gas Rental and tolls Stamp Directories Supplies Pregium Inspection Clock rental Total 7.00 2.50 14.30 16.93 3.40 30.00 10.00 50.00 7.50 2.00 27.30 64.80 4.50 14.65 200.00 5.93 74.00 25.03 87.72 4.29 2267.06 1.25 40.00 3.49 9.76 1.30 30.00 2.00 5.00 15.25 1.50 $ 3028.46 Pallas Department Alzina, Hap Associated Oil Company California State Auto Assn. 11 TV 1, Fuller & Co., W. P. Municipal Eleotric Light Plant TV TV TV TV Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Perkins, Dudley Polk & Co. R. L. Remington Rand Business Service Smith, F. J. Stewart, S. Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Motorcycle repairs Gasoline Traffic signs TV TV Paint Auto service oil and grease Gas Rental Motorcycles Directory Base Meals Dog Food Typewriter inspection Supplies Telegram cars Firs Department Alameda Steam Laundry Associated Oil Company Brunje, B. H. Bast Bay Mun. Utility Dist. French Oxygen Company, F. W. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Merchants Draying Co. Municipal glee. Light Plant TV TV TV TV Pacific) Gas & Electric Co. Seegrave Corporation Steinmetz, W. T. Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. Laundry Servioe Gasoline Soda Water Recharge cylinders Fertilizer Express charges ' Labor and material Battery recharge Electricity Gas Parts for pump Revolving fund Typewriter service Clock rental et Department Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Clark & Sons, N. Dietrich-Post Co. Dietz Motor Co. East Bay MUn.Utility Dist. Furey, Harry D. Gamble, Hugh A. Haybes, M. Heafey-Moore Co. TV II If Loop Lumber and Mill Co. Municipal Electric Light plant Oakland Blue Print Co. Powell Bros., Inc. II II TV Siegler, Louis Typewriter Guy Union Oil Company Vosburgh Hardware Co. Alameda Cyclery Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Vulcanizing Works Arrow Towel & Supply Co. Brandt, Louis Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. California Dairy Council Camps, Henry Collins, Harry R. Co. Coseitt & Co. Bncinal Press Flatow and Son, P. Fox Water 00. Hodgkins, Jesse Island City Ice Company Merchants Draying Co. Total . . . Total .. Gasoline TV Sewer pipe Cross section paper Parte Water Fittings for Truck tires Repairing tools Road oil delivered Lumber Electricity Blue Line prints Materials TV TV Tools repaired Typewriter inspection Gear grease Supplies a roller Total . Health Department Key Emergency hospital Laundry Gas and oil' Laundry rvioes - rat trapper Sipplies Pamphlets Hay Repairing tire and tube Certificates Printing Drugs Distilled water Services Ioe Express charges 17.17 18.20 36.40 9.80 62.50 47.66 8.83 1.11 4.50 20.73 15.00 3.00 38.80 4.55 6.00 3.25 1.50 $ 299.00 62.50 13.00 13.00 36.03 6.00 6.00 .90 29.13 3.00 66.38 21.58 29.10 7.66 2.25 1.75 298.28 $ 1766.51 21.90 59.99 48.51 1.27 5.94 2.07 2.00 128.40 24.45 374.09 651.75 5.20 8.20 14.39 254.49 204.73 101.10 16.20 2.25 23.16 27.08 $3,743.68 .25 958.35 26.40 21.13 9.30 88.35 .93 50.00 3.50 24.09 10.96 9.50 19.35 6.00 8.66 1.00 .25 • Health Department, Municipal Electric Light Plant Newcomb, Chas. A. Oakland Blue Print Co. Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Patriok & Moise Klinkner Typewriter Guy* Wards Service Station Reoreation Con' d. Servicing Envelopes Blue Prints Towel service Rental and tolls Stamp Inspection and rent Gasoline Department Airale, D. Alameda Repair and Supply Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Work:, Armour, W. K. Auto Electric Co. California Mill & Lumber Co. Collins & Co., Harry R. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Flatow & Son., P. Goff, T. Grodem & Co., J. J. Hickman, Geo. W. Kimball, Rena Koerber Fuel and Feed Co. Merrisson, F. Aaunioipal Electric) Light Plant 0 0 Pacific: Gas & Elec. Co. Paojfio Tel. and Tel. Co. Skelly, Sam Stalker, Easter Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Golf 00 Labor Alameda Welding Wbrks Associated Oil Company Board of Port Commissioners Dietz Motor Co. James Co., E. R. Municipal Electric Light Oakland-California Towel Richfield Oil Co. Skelly, Sam Ucovich, John Crocker Co., r? Ford, N. O. Grand Prize Carbon Paper Hickok, C. E., City Manager Kronke-Brampton Co. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Smith Bros. U. S• Plant Co. Total • • • Services Keys Gasoline Filing saws Repairs to mower Lumber Penzoil Water Supplies Servioes Pinal payment on bathhouse Cleanser Services Fertilizer Services Electricity Servicing cars Electricity Gis Rentals Supplies Sgrvices Inspeotion Repairs to pump Total • • e Departxnent Repairs Gasoline Oleaning out drainage oanal Supplies Flags Power and light Fuses Towel and laundry service Oil Supplies Soil • Store Department Supplies Printing Ribbons Money advanced for stamps Flags Supplies 1, Zanazzi, Retta a ive Tota1 . . . ReUef Fund Services School Fund Municipal Electric Light Plant 0 Flatow & Son, P. Electricity Total . . Total . . • 2.83 14.60 10.02 12.78 9.55 1.20 8.50 6.75 $1,304.44 60.00 3.00 29.40 2.00 8.90 9.00 5.00 128.70 4.24 40.00 4,825.00 5.60 36.00 192.00 60.00 55.29 42.30 121.14 6.22 3.05 9.15 33.00 2.25 5.10 $ 5,686.34 742,38 2.00 42.90 108.75 .90 9.90 433.03 .50 26.29 41.42 34.55 278.30 $ 1,720.92 10 • 74 35.03 59.11 6.90 50.00 59.90 3.31 3.53 228.41 25.00 $ 61..92 99.47 ..•■•=0•••••■■•••■•■•mmor,. $ 161.39 0onensatjon Inauranoepund Hospital Supplies 30.09 Mr. Latham moved that the Claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call darried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, June 24th, 1930 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,