1930-10-21 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENTNG, OCTOBER 21ST, 1930. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Schaefer presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen,. Brodersen, Calcutt, Henning, Latham and President Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 7th, 1930 were approved as read. NEW BUSINESS. 1./ A statement was filed by Councilman Calcutt relative to argument of Alameda Chamber of Commerce in connection with Government Island. Mr. Wm. Murray address- ed the council in support of the argument as printed. No action was taken by the Council. Mr. Calcutt moved that a sum not to exceed $200.00 be appropriated out of the advertising fund for printed matter covering advertising of the re-union of the Alameda High School Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Howard K. James addressed the council in support of the motion. After discussion, Mr. Henning moved that the matter be referred to the Convention Committee to report back at the next meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and same carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: mayor Schae e introduced and Nr.'Iatham Moved the adoption of Resolution No. 1548. IN MEMORY OF EDWARD KIMBERLIN TAYLOR. WHEREAS, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has suddenly taken from our midst our loyal friend and esteemed fellow citizen, EDWARD KIMBERLIN TAYLOR; and WHEREAS, our late friend and fellow citizen had the interest of the city at heart at all times, in that he gave freely of his time and knowledge, to improve our city, better its govern- ment and promote the welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, his strong personality, genial disposition, exemplary character and sterling integrity won for him the high esteem and steadfast confidence, not only of his individual friends, but also of our whole community; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we the City Council, in regular session assembled, express our deep sorrow for the loss the City of Alameda and its people have sustained, and that we record in our minutes the fact that the City of Alameda has lost a good and upright citizen, whose unselfish devotion to our city's interest will be long remembered; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions and our sincere sympathy be extended to the bereaved family of the decedent, and that when the council adjourns this meeting such Adjournment shall be out of respect to the memory of our fellow citizen, EDWARD KIMBERLIN TAYLOR. Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and the Resolution was adopted and passed by unanimous rising vote of the Council. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of Resolution No. 1549. Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Grading of an Industrial Highway. (Along the southerly line of Tract 39 between the westerly line of Webster Street and the easterly line of Tract 41, City of Alameda.) Mr. Calcutt seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. FILING. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the council the following papers had been filed:- 5. Receipt from contractors covering bonds, A. & 1. District #3. 6., Oath of office of James W. Juner, special officer, Municipal Golf Course. 7.* Communication from Social Service Board, relative to gasoline and oil allowance. 8.1 Transcript of testimony, Wahmuth hearing. COILTNICATIONS: The following communications were received:- From the Oakland Chamber of Commerce in appreciation for the city's support in the recent Idah-Utah trip, commending Councilman Brodersen for his splendid representation of the city's interest. Ordered filed. 10.v/ From City Attorney Silver relative to the removal of election signs through- out the city. After discussion, Mr. Henning moved that it be the sense of the council that through the press the suggestion be made that all election signs be removed after they had served their purpose. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. The communication was ordered filed. 11•/ From City Attorney Silver relative to representative at Sacramento, during the coming session of the legislature. Ordered filed. 12:f From Wm. D. Gilson, requesting permission to string garlands and erect Christmas trees for the holidays. The communication was filed and no action taken by the council. 13. From the City Manager, relative to the cost of installing bowling greens. Messrs. Smith Anderson and Freeland addressed the council in support of such installation. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 14.1 From the Alameda Tennis Club, requesting use of McKinley Park house to hold meetings on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Mr. Latham moved that permission be granted in accordance with the request, seconded by Mr. Cal- cutt and carried unanimously. 15/ From Elizabeth and George F. Kincaid, requesting $500.00 damages for the removal of a tree on their property at the northeast corner of St. Charles St. and. San Antonio Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 1%V‘ From the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, requesting passage of a reso- lution tending to establish constructive measures and to re-establish normalcy in commerce. Ordered filed. From Park Street Merchants Association, relative to purchases through local Merchants. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and Purchasing Agent seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 18. From Earl Fry, Golf Professional, Municipal Golf Course, reporting on recent trip to New York. Ordered filed. 19./ From the Redemption Clerk, submitting list of property sold to the City of Alameda for fiscal year 1929-30. Ordered filed. 20.1/ From George H. Noble, requesting gratuitous building permit for the vo- cational class of Alameda Hip;b. School. Mr. Brodersen moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 21/ From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to reclassification of the southwest corner of Eighth Street and Santa Clara Avenue. The communication was ordered filed. Mr. Charles Simpson addressed the council relative to this reclassification. 22.V From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting that a conference be held between property owners located on Webster Street, north of the Portal of the Tube to the Estuary and others, relative to considering the placing of all over- head wires north of the Segregation Line undergrond. Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Clerk be instructed to issue such invitations and that the Committee of the Whole meeting be held on Friday evening, November 7th; that the Board of Public Utilities also be invited to attend such meeting. The motion was seconded. by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. 2 From Councilman Henning requesting permission to leave the State at intervals during the next ninety days. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and same carried unanimaasly. 24.V From the Alameda Kiwanis Club, requesting the council to name the proposed park at the foot of Versailles Avenue, the Edward K. Taylor Park. Mr. Latham moved that the request of theyiwanis Club be granted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried. Communications were also received from Mrs. Ralph L. Currier, Mrs. George T. Wright, Mrs. S. J. Ackerman and Mr. E. J. Hughes containing similar request. All communications were ordered filed. Mr. Howard. K. James ddressed the council in support of the letters read. 25 From Wm. J. Justin, containing list of insurance men eligible for liability and property damage commission. Mr. Henning moved that the list as submitted be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 26.1 From Lochial M. King, re Government Island. After discussion, the communi- cation was ordered filed without action. Applications for permission to sell soft drinks were received from Harlan G. Frost and Central Shuey Creameries, Inc. Mr. Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1550. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell SaCt Drinks." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 28/ A petition of protest against street improvements on Third Street was filed. 29. Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Attorney prepare the necessary Resolution of Intention for improvement of Third Street. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: The following ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk:- 7? Ordinance No. New Series. 'Reclassifying7PropDrty. (North line of Eagle Avenue, 101 feet East of Webster Street.)" 0.11" 31. Mr. Calcutt moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Henning, and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying iiroperty. (All the lots fronting on both sides of Webster Street, between the North line of Central Avenue and the South line of Pacific Avenue)" Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously.,- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a pro- vision of the charter:- 32./ 33./ 35. "Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 401180241102, 1202, 1302, 2202, 3804, and 3806 of the Uniform Building Code of 1927, Adopted by Ordinance No. 387, New Series." "Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing Annual Vacation for City Employees, and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith, 'nein-ding Ordinance No. 314, N. S. " The matter of widening Park Avenue from Central to Santa Clara Avenue was discussed. Mr. Calcutt moved that the entire matter be referred to the City Manager for report, seem:led by Mr. Henning and carried unanimoasly. The matter of changing the name of Bay Island Avenue and the improvement of the proposed south shore park property was discussed, and by agreement further discussion was postponed until the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Friday evening, November 7th, at which all interested parties are requested to be present. 36.V The City Manager made a verbal report relative to the drilling of another well on the Municipal Golf Course, in line with a proposal he had received. Mr. Latham moved that the proposal be submitted to the City Attorney and if legal the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract in accordance with the proposal. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Henning moved that the contract between the Alameda Sanatorium and the City of Alameda be renewed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 38./ In the matter of the report of the City Manager and City Attorney, relative . to the proposed purchase of the Mazzini and Powell properties, said report was referred to the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be held. on Friday evening, November 7th. 39.' City Manager Hickok presented to the council a request from the Standard Oil Company permitting the erection and construction of marine facilities and pipe line from the Alameda side of the Oakland Estuary to serve their plant. Mr. Henning moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 4 City Manager Hickok made a verbal report relative to the new Park Street bridge. Further discussion was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be held November 7th. 41. City Manager Hickok stated that the Kiwanis Club had requested the closing of Central Avenue, between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock on Friday evening, October 31st, for the purpose of holding their annual Halloween party. Mr. Calcutt moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $1943.28; ment, $782.13; Fire Department, $300.40; Street Department, $3049.38 ment $93.38; Recreation Department, $1258.65; Golf Course Department Social Service Department $340.70; Store Department, $66.34; Initat Fund, $78.00; Compensation Insurance Fund, $10.00 and East Bay Munic District Payment Fund, $2470.33 having been approved and audited by officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Chamber of Commerce Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Bateman, Mrs. Nell Beatie, Loreme R. Brown, Mrs. Hgzel General Departm. n ts. Dahlia show expenses Ballots and letterheads Gasoline Supplies Stuffing ballots Services Stuffing ballots Police Depart- ; Health Depart- , $2680.56; ive Relief ipal Utility the proper $ 249.51 95.35 1.80 77.41 10.00 42.50 10.00 GeneralDepa i;ont OoIltd, Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Carlisle Co., A. Cranston, R. Croll, Fred J. Dallas, Homer R. Delventhal, Yrs. R. East 387 Mun.Utility Dist, Encinsi Press Encinel Press Hamilton, Burnett T-Tammond, H. E., Posumaster Havery, Ers. Ethel Heritage f,3. Son., John Hickok, C. E. " City m211ger Fieronymus,.A. Inter-City Express jscobs, Miss A. Miss Ida Jacobs Johnson Com-psny, S. (11 Levy, E.H. Iickel, MTS. Violet McConnell, Rushton M. E. L. I. Nichols, Mrs. Betty O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Otis Elevator Co. pacific Gas and Electric Co. Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. Patrick and Moise Klinkner Go. Pennington,.Ers. Ave Potter, Mrs. R. S. Ramsey, Mrs, N. Rasmussen, MTS. W. Rogers, Mrs. L. 1. Schmidt, Edna. Seeley, Ers. Esther Siegler, Louis Silver, Edward J. Smith, Chas. Swisher, Mrs. Mabel Thorp,'Vernor varcoe, W. E. Western. Union Tel Co.- Alamede.Cyclery Alsmeda Steam Laundry Alzina, Hap. Cranston, A. R. Diet8 Motor Company Elster Printing 00M2fIZ1 Pord, N. 0. • 7Pu1.ler& Co., 'M.P. M.E.L.P. O'Brien. Sigh Co., W. B. Pacific Gas on Electric Co. Pacific Tel and Tel, Co. Smith, Tp, J. Smith, Vern, Chief of Police Stewart, S. Thorp, Vernor Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda ?rirnm Ship Cox-Weliman, Inc East Bay Eun.Utility ii , French Oxygen Go., Y.W. Hickman, Geo. W. Eun.Electric -Light plant pacific 0-EIS end Electric Go. Pacific Tel. 2 Tel. Co. Siegler, Louis Stewart Mantel and Tile Co. Western. Union Tel, Co. Installing ribbon J'orms Printing bonds Setting drinking fountains ExToenses to convention Money advanced for office help stuffing•bellots Water rinting cash sheets City Managers Trans.Report Expenses trip to Loo Bee,ch Cost o: me fling sample ballot s Stuffing ballots Painting City Attorney's office Expenses - trip to Long Beach Money advanced to E.H.Rogers - Expenses re trip to Long 1Beech Subscription - 8 months Extending tax bills Stuffing ballots PUel oil Services re election Staffing ballots Additional premium on Servicing Chevrolet Stuffing ballots $ign for C. of C. trip to Utah Elevator service Gas phone STViCe - city hall Stams Stuffing ballots Extending tax bills Stuffing ballots staffing ballots Extending tax bills Services re election stuffing ballots Radiator shields and labor Money for expenses to convention work at Police Station Stuffing ballots Labor i1d materials . City Hall. Expenses to Long Be,,,,ch Telegram fleet 02r policy Motel 17.0 a, Department Repairing locks rid,locks Laundry Servicing otorcyc1es Moving gas plate Repairing end servicing -Ards Printing Printing Isquer Servicing cars Lettering GEIS Telephone Meals Por Cont ingn t und :007 food Tables Clock rental Total Pire Department Laundry rvice Repairs to top Chief's auto I38teriols for Chief's auto .Water Oxygen Supplies Battery recharged Gas. Phone toll Bracket Tile for showers Clock rental Total - 1.00 10.00 121.50 13.80 75.95 15.00 10.00 18.44 13.75 72.00 53.32 227.40 10.00 108.60 84.88, 50.00, 69.75 7.50 22.00 10.00 19.43 15.00 6.00 8.70 2-.11 6.00 7.50 7.50 4.43 18.08 4.55 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 22.50 27.50 10.00 16.50 64.30 1.10 10.00 76.50 53.52 1.50 1943.28 10.50 .31 2.60 2.85 35.81 30.50 2.50 36.58 9.00 1.54 1585 • 66.80 500.00 4.55 38.50 3.00 782.13 62.50 23.50 36.65 41.84 3.00 10.75 2.00 19.71 .30 3.00 90.40 1.75 300.40 Labor Alomeda Vulcanizing Works Associated Oil Company Boyle Manufacturing Co. Chonalor 0 Lyon Stores, Inc. Clark 0 • Sons, N. Dennen Co., V. W. Dietz Motor Company E. B. Municipal Utility u • u 7ure-s7, Harry D. ("amble's Tire House Gray's Automobile Glass Ho Hamilton, Burnett Heafey-Moore Co. Jenison Machinery Co. Loon Lumber and Mill Co. Y. E. L. P* Oakland Blue Print Co. Pacific Coast Aggregates Pacific•Tel. End Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Reno Co., L. G. Richfield Oil Co. Siegler, Louis Southern racific Company United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardware Co. Dist. tT Alomede Steam Laundry Bollinger, L. .J14.. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Encinel Coal Company 7latow 0 Son, P. 'ox Water Co. Hodkina, Jesse M. l. L. P. Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. • 'Yord's Service Station Acsociated Oil Com,f,ny 7,aker,Homilton 0 Psci'Lfic Go. Birch, 0-race W. Cr7,ne Co. East Be 7 DAn.Utility Di t. Co., I.P. Goff, LTerito,ce J Son. John Jordon, Kimbell, Reno Lee, S2mue1 Loop, Lumber and Mills Co. pL:ciric eras and Electric Co. Tel. and Tel. Co. 7robst, 73.J. Skeil:y, S. Standard lence Co. veeks Howe Emerson Co. LE'cor Associated Oil Company Alameda Welding works Baker,Hamilton 0 "Pacific Co. Dietx Motor Company Encinal Press Loop Lumber 0 Mill Co. Loop Lumber 0 Mill Co. National Cosh Register Co. Oakland-California Towel Co. pacific Tel. (0 Tel Co. Roberts implement Co. Standard Oil 0o. of California Ucovich, John Vosburgh He Co. Gasoline, Gasoline Receptacles Materials Pipe Harts Water - Corporation Yard Street Department pipe etc Labor - Tires Wings for 7ord Money advanced Road oil Wire for sweeper Lumber OverhaulinF Dodge car Negatives Materiels Service Material Core Oil Labor on tools Freiait Steel plates, etc. Incidentals Totals - ealth Laundry Relief in Laboratory Serum Hay Drugs, etc Distilled water Services in Lab. Repairs to car _Laundry Telephone Gasoline Totals - Rear,. ion -epartment Gasoline Tools andraila Services, play director Valves for water system Water Turpentine Services - trees G1 cxing door Services - tree trimmer Services - play director Lowering roof - Jackson I Lumber for fences Gas Telephone Expenses Incidentals Elences - Washington. Park Tennis nets Golf Department ri Gasoline Repairing tractor whee s Hardware supplies Auto supplies Golf cards Lumber Lumber Repairing.. register Laundry supplies Telephone Tractor Oil E'ertiliser Hardware supplies Totals - 5 1711.56 5.10 54.60 56.23 27.88 14.88 5.25 30.44 3.33 6.55 5.OG 107.96 10.00 1.52 182.32 136.25 53.88 60.23 4.86 181.94 2.50 2,11.94 1.05 41.42 10.50 39.91 40.10 10.20 3049.38 19.47 4.00 7.57 3.00 15.10 3.50 11.38 18.46 2.22 7.00 1.68 93.38 9.75 8.64 3.00 1.75' 96.56 3.55 40.00 3.00 50.00 3F).00 75.00 124.81 4.78 2.65 2.08 50.88 701.00 48.00 3 1258.65 854.58 76.24 7.00 6.04 6.08 140.00 20.20 12.27 35.90 25.75 5.25 955,50 55.20 500.00 .75 2680.56 21amede Bootery Alameda County Tuber.Assn Alameda Vu1c8nizing Works Burroughs Adding Machine do, Central Shney Creamery Encinal Press Heitage & Son., John. Konigshofer's- MM I . Z . . P. penney Co., J. C. Producers Milk Company Typewriter Gay Associated Oil Company Crocker Com-eany, Inc., H. 8. Ansel Meat Market Bowles Grocery City Market Crystal Market 113anomy Market New Alameda Ma rke t Noy, R.H. Alameda Sanatorium Pt ty Service Servlce Lejortment Merchan Care at Del Valle Gas and oil Service on adding machine Milk Appointment cards painting arage Merchandise Servi.oiruo c-,r, etc. Shoes Milk Typewriter Sto e Department Gasoline Office supplies tiotiv Total - nd Meat Groc e ries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Meats M t ,1 Compensation Insurance Fund st Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund Municipal Utility Dist. Extensions “ u - Ready to serve charge Total - October 21,1930. 8.55 117.00 4.23 2.50 14.75 20.00 8.06 39.93 2.98 61.82 57.00 340.70 42.51 23.63 66.34 2.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 36.00 2000 70.00 10.00 74 8r1 , 2395.48 ;;1;2470.33 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Calcutt and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Henning stated'he desired to vote for the payment of all bills with the exception of those submitted by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned in respect to the memory of Edward Kimberlin JTaylor, to meet in regular session, Wednesday evening, November 5th, 1930 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,