1931-05-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAK DA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 5TH, 1931. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Henning presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray, Schaefer and President Henning (5) were noted present. Absent: None. 1. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 24th, 1931 were approved as read. 2. The minutes of the special meeting of h were approved as read. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: From the Mayor advising of the appointment of H. S. Cloak as a member of the Board of Public Utilities, to succeed Mr. Herman Krusi. Ordered filed. 4.V Various additional applications for position of City Manager were present- ed. There being no objection, the Clerk was instructed to advise the applicants as to previous action of the city council. The applications were ordered filed. From former City Manager, C. E. Hickok, containing a resume of municipal projects and problems under way. This communication was by consent of the council referred to the City Manager. 6.V 7.\./ From former City Manager, C. E. Hickok, relative to decision of District Court of Appeals in case of Servente and. Sevina, vs. Pension Board of Alameda. Ordered filed. From former City Manager, C. E. Hickok, relative to additional fencing and moving of playground apparatus at Lincoln Park. There being no objection on the part of the council, this communication was referred to the City Manager to report back at the next council meeting his recommendations. 8.7 From the California Real Estate Association soliciting advertisement in the California Real Estate Magazine. Mr. Brodersen moved that consideration of the communication be deferred until the next regular meeting of the council. 9./ From Mayor Wm. H. Henning, appointing Mr. Wallace _Miracle, a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees for a five year term, from April 22nd, 1931, vice Frederick Maurer, whose term of office has expired. Ordered filed. 10./ From the Superintendent of Recreation inviting the council to attend annual May Festival. Ordered filed. 11./ 13.\/ From City Attorney Silver, relative to appointing an arbitrator to represent the City of Alameda to consider terms of lease between City of Alameda and Alameda Airport, Inc. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommending of the City Attorney be adopted, and that the Mayor appoint such arbitrator to represent the City. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimoasly. From Barrett Camp, No. 29, United Spanish War Veterans, requesting the council to appoint a committee to meet with that organization to arrange suitable exercises for Memorial Day. Mr. Murray moved that the Mayor appoint such committee in compliance with Resolution No. 1503 of the Cogncil. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From J. P. Holland, Inc., requesting a further extension of thirty days time re industrial highway. Mr. Brodersen moved that the extension of time be granted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and same carried unanimously. 14j From the Board of Public Utilities, re bill of Benj. Walters for electrical energy. Mr. Schaefer moved that consideration of this communication lay over until June 2nd, 1931, when further information is to be furnished the Council by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 15.1/ From C. W. Griffin, member of the Board of Free Library Trustees, requesting a leave of absence to September 1st, 1931. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 16.V From Alameda Improvement Club, re diagonal street from Main Street and Pacific Avenue, to Army Air Base Tract. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager to report back to the council. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Murray and carried unanimously. 171 From Hon. A. E. Carter, re Council Resolution No. 1594. Mr. Brodersen moved the communication be acknowledged with thanks of the council, and that Mr. Carter be notifed as to the present status of the Session's claim. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. 18/ From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to information desired by the Government as to drainage, sewerage, gas, eater and electricity for its proposed at the West End. City Engineer Hamilton stated that all information requested by the Government had been given to Capt. Leander Larsen, representative of the Government. There being no objection the communication was ordered filed, and the Clerk instructed to advise the Improvement Club accordingly. 19./ From the East Alameda Improvement Club, requesting information as to disposi- tion of their recent communication to the council relative to traffic and lighting cenditions, in the east end. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager to report back to the council his recommendations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. 20.1 From the East Alameda Improvement Club, requesting the use of the council chambers on Monday evening, May 25th, for the purpose of discussing the organizing of a central council of civic clubs. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr.. Murray and carried unanimously. 21./ From the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification of the property situated on the west side of Everett Street, fifty feet north of Webb Avenue, thence northerly one hundred feet, from a Residential District, Class I, to a Residential District, Class II. Mr. Schaefer moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 22.'1 From F. W. Vowinckel, relative to sidewalks fronting his property in the West End. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be left in the hands of the City Clerk and City Engineer to report back to the council at its next meeting relative to the contents thereof. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimoubly. 23.1 From A. E. J. Duchesnay, agreeing to assume all legal and advertising costs in connection with the closing of Park Avenue. Ordered filed. •• 24.1 From Mrs. M. B. Lewis, relative to tree fronting 505 Santa Clara Avenue. Mr. Brodersen moved the communication be referred to the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. 25.1 From V. C. Allstead, relative to foxtails on Taylor Avenue, west of Eighth street. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager for action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 26. From the County Board of Supervisors, Resolution No. 24,936, advising of an appropriation to the City of Alameda of the sum of $3,000.00 for the purchase of materials to repair the roadway immediately surrounding the Alameda Portal of the Posey Tube. Ordered filed. 2?.'! From W. C. Donnelly, offering $500.00 per year for the exclusive right to salvage all lost or abandoned golf balls on the Municipal golf links. Mr. Leydecker moved that the communication be referred tothe City Manager to report back to the council at its next meeting his recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and came carried unanimously. 28:■/ From the Alameda Gladiolus Society requesting an appropriation of $500.00 covering advertising expense of the third gladiolus show to be held in Hotel Alaneda. Mr. Schaefer moved that the communication be referred to the Publicity and Convention Comuittee, to report back at the next meeting their recommendations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and carried unanimously. 29. From Mrs., Annie L. Grant, relative to a tree in the parking space fronting 615 Haight Avenue. Superintendent of Parks, E. J. Probst, addressed the couhcil relative to same. Mr.Schaefer moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to report back at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and carried unanimously. 30/ From the Fernside HOMO Owners Association, requesting the council to authorize an investigation of sewerage conditions in the Estuary in the area adjacent to the Fernside residential tract. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded. hy Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. Further discussion followed and Mr. Schaefer moved that the City Engineer and Health Officer be instructed to investigate and report to the Committee of the Whole, as to the matter contained in the communication. The motion was seconded / byMr. Brodersen and same carried unanimously. 31.1 From Councilman Brodersen, the Council's representative of the San Francisco Bay Bridge Committee, recommending the adoption of the request of the Daughters of the American Revolution that Goat Island retain its former name of "Yerbe Buena"; further- more that the proposed San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge be known as "Yerbe Buena Bridge". Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendations be adopted and that the Daughters of the American Revolution be notifiedaccordingly, and that the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge authorities be lokewise notified of the action of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. HEARINGS: 7 32.V An application for a gratuitous license to sell brooms from door to door was received from Henry Eskew. After discussion, Mr.Brodersen moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 33,1 Communication from Walter H. Anderson, agreeing to pay all costs for the closing of Ferndale Court in the Grand. Oak Tract. Mr. Brodersen moved that the council proceed to abandon the street referred to at Mr. Anderson's expense. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 34.V Plans and specifications for underground wiring' on Webster Street, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, was upon motion of Mr. Brodersen, seconded by Mr. Murray and carried, taken out of the Committee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager. Communication from Alameda Improvement Club,previously referred to the Committee 37../ 38./ 39/ 40. 41. 42./ 43.\/ 4/ of the Whole, re right of way for road to Army Air Base, was taken out of the Com- mittee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager. Communication from the Alameda Improvement Club, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, relative to future.transportation across the proposed new Park Street Bridge, was taken out of the Comittee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager to report back. Communication from East Alameda Improvement Club, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, re traffic conditions in the east end, was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager for report. Communication from the East Alameda Improvement Club, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, re lighting, east end, was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager for report. Cotmanication from F. B. Gee, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, relative to installation of automatic fire protection in the City Hall, was taken our of the Committee of the Whole and referred to Councilman Murray. Communication from the Southern Pacific Company requesting permission to lay spur tracks to proposed location of Illinois Glass Works. There being, no objection, further consideration of this request was postponed to the regular meeting of the Council to be held June 16th, 1931. Communication from Ader & Mathebat, Insurance Advisors, previously re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole, containing a report as to insurance carried by the City of Alameda, was taken out of the 'Committee of the Whole and referred to Councilman Murray. Communication from E. H. Lickel, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, Ordered filed. Communication from Fire Chief Steinmetz, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, relative to installation of fire alarm boxes in the City Hall, was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and ordered filed. Communication from Park to Willow Tideland Association, Ltd., previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, relative to purchase c tidelands for proposed south shore park, was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and ordered filed. 45• Communication fromformer City Manager, C. E. Hickok, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, relative to Police and Fire Board of Appeals, was taken out of the Committee or the Whole and ordered filed. 46./ City Engineer, Burnett Hamilton., presented to the council specifications for resurfacing tennus court at Lincoln Park. Mr. Brodersen moved that the speci- fications presented be adopted, and that the Clerk advertise for bids accordingly. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call carried unanimously. 47/ Council-president Henning again called the attention of the Council to the condemnation proceedings relative to the removal of the Borax Works building. City Attorney Silver stated that he holds reports from the Building Inspector,Fire Chief and Health Officer, 'disputing the claim that the building is dilapidated. There being no objection, the City Attorney and City Manager were instructed to confer with the owners relative to the reconstruction of this building. NEW BUSINESS: 48.■7 Mr. Schaefer moved that the Park Street Bridge Committee appointed by the Council on April 17, 1929, consiting of Councilmen Henning, Brodersen and. Schaefer be discharged and that Councilman Brodersen now be appointed as the Park Street Bridge Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and same carried unanimously. 49.V/ A petition was presented by the Farnside Tennis Club, containing two hundred and eighty-seven signatures, requesting that additional, facilities be provided for the Playing of tennis, at Lincoln Park. Mr,. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer to estimate the cost of complying with the petition and to report back. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and same carried unanimously. RESOLUTION : 50.v/ Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of 51./ "Resolution No. 1595. Resolution of Intention No. 97, N. S. Providing for the Closing of that Portion of Park Avenue lying South of Otis Drive and Running SoutherlY, to the State Tide Land Line, All in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California.", Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Resolution No. Resolution Adopting Resolution of Intention Re Sidewalks in Portion of West End (Vowinckel Property). The passage of this Resolution was postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council pending a report from the City Engineer and City Clerk relative to contents of communication received from Dr. F. W. Vowinckel. 52./ Mr. Brodersen introduced and moved the adoption of 5 "Resolution No.1596. Appointing Hodahl &L Richardson as Accountants and. Fixing Their Compensation." Mr. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was-adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray and. President Henning, (4). Noes: Councilman Schaefer, (1). Absent: None. ORDINANCE FOR PASSAGE: The following Ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. 5 . New Series. Regulating the Periods of Absence from Duty in Case of Sickness or Injury, and. Repealing Ordinances Nos. 256, N. S. and 270 N. S. " Mr.Brodersen moved thatthe ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. "Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Use or Occupancy of any Room, House or Other Building to or From Which the Public Has or May have Ingress or Egress." Mr. Murray moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: The following Ordinance was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter:- 55.1 "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (West line of Everett Street, 50 feet north of Webb Avenue, thenee north 100 feet.)" TG: The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following papers had been filed:- 56!, Oath of office, Neil B. Pierson as City Manager. 57.1 - Oaths of office of E. P. Haglund and. W. B. O'Brien as members or Police and Fire Board of Appeals. 58.4 59•1 60. 61., Oath of office, Wallace D. Miracle, as member of the Board of Free Library Trustees. Affidavit of publication of Notice of Filing Assessment and time of hearing under Resolution of Intention No, 96, N. S. re Third Street. Affidavit of Posting Notice of Assessment and time of hearing, under Resolution of Intention No. 96, New Series, re Third Street. Bond of Neil B. Pierson, as City Manager. Claims against the General Departments, amounting to $1945.72; Police Department amounting $123.62; Fire Department, $139.85; Street Department, amounting to $1976.41; Health Department, 41002.68; Recreation Department, $427.05; Golf Course Department, $1509.77; Social Service Department, $102.e2; Stare Department, $136.881 Initiative Relief Fund, 22.11; Compensation Insurance Fund, $8.50; Street Improvement Fund, $34.94; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, $2410.14 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Labor Alameda Times-Star American Law Book Company, The Bancroft.4hitney Company Beatles Loreme R. Borle, C. A. 0011-Bulletin, The Croll, F. J. Goldbaum, Sarah Henning, Wm. H Heritage & Son, John. Johnson, S. T. Co. General Departments $ 7.75 Printing 10.80 Law Book 7.50 Law Book 2.85 Services 30.00 Services - Asse ssor's Office 165,00 Advertising 45.00 Auto allowance 25.00 Services Treas. and Tax Col, 5.00 Mayor's allowance 15.00 Painting Oouncil Ohambers 70.00 Oil 57.12 Kronke=Brampton Co. McConnell, Rushton Peterson Tallow Co. Roth, Conrad Schaefer, Victor L. Seeley, Esther Simonson, R. R. Tallman & Heepner Tomlin; Anne Varcoe, W. E. Alzina, Hap Ford, N. O. PIatow & Son; P. Fuller & Co., W.P. Konigshofer's Mun.Electric Light Plant Pac. Coast Shredded Wheat Smith, Vern Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Aluminum Foundries Associated Oil Company Cady O. A. Cox-Wellman, Inc, Mun. Electric Light-Plant Salisbury, A. A. Seagrave Corporation, The Steinmetz, W. T. Toalson, I. M. Zellerbach Paper Co, Ge al De onTd Flags Premium Disposal of dead animals Work in ()Olinda and Mayor's Mayor's allowance Services in Assessor4s office Service s in Assessor's office Premium Services Auto upkeep as Acting ,01 $ 4.17 188.39 25.00 rooms 748.50 35.00 110.00 150.00 225.31 10.00 gr. 8.33 Total . . Police Department Repairing motorcycles Record cards Medicine Paint Merchandise Unit cells Feed for Pound Cash - Use of auto Paint thinner Turning buttons Total . . Department Gasoline Tools- Brake fluid, etc. Fuses Cleanser Parts Revolving Jund Cleaning and waxing floors Paper Total . . Street Department Labor Associated Oil Company Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Calrock Asphalt Company East Bay-Title Insurance Co. Hamilton, -Burnett Lietz Co., The A. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Southern Pacific Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Alameda Sanatorium _ Alameda Times=Star American Surgical Sales Co. Brandt, Louis Braun=KnechtHeimann Co. Burke; M. D., Alice Burns, Mrs. Victor Carpenter, V. S Tom City Market • Guerra, M. D., A. L. Hamilton, J. K., M D. Hieronymus, Arthur, M.D. Hodgkins, Jesse Kellogg Express Co. Lee, Samuel McQuown, V. E. Prendable, William Gasoline Tamper Calrock Insurance on Taylor property Refund for expenses Ink Lumber - Freight on calrock Hardware supplies Total . . Health Department Emergency Hospital Service Printing Speculums Services as rat trapper Supplies Services Services Transportation Matches Services Services Transportation Services Express charges Cabinets Services Services 45.72 53.86 12.50 2.25 1.71 .65 5.15 5.50 35.00 2.50 4.50, 123.62 8.00 52.65 15.97 -.75 2.50 16.75 13.58 25.00 4.65 139.85 $ 1680.46 44.87 3.10 161.80 22.50 2.78 3.00 12.49 38.83 6.58 $ 1,976.41 575.00 9.25 2.07 79.50 7.20 5,00 7.50 35,00 .25 5,00 5.00 15.00 29.06 .35 217.50 5.00 5.00 Total . • • $ 1,002.68 Cal. Mill and Lumber Co. Fuiler Co., W.P. Goff, T. HeafeyMoore Co, Kimball, Rena Loop Lumber and Mill Co. MacDonald, H. E Vickers, Ben Vosburgh Hardware Co. Weeks, Howe Emerson Co. Recreation Department Lumber Paint, etc. Services as gardener Plowing Services as play director Lumber Removing flag pole Services as tree surgeon Axe handlds Tennis net Golf Course Department Labor Associated Oil Company BassHeuter Paint Co. Lawrence Co., Joseph Loop Lumber and Mill Co. National Cash Register Co. Ought J. M. Total . • Gasoline, etc. Enamel Services and supplies Lumber Books Water consumed at golf course $ 48.51 38.88 30.00 32.00 27.00 9.19 , 110.00 112.50 3.00 15.97 $ 427.05 959.27 26.74 7.50 88.41 6.95 3.00 417.90 Total • • • . $ 1,509,7'7 Social Service Deartment ElSter Printing Company Filipelli Brothers Frost, H. G. Specialty Sales Co., J. S. Loop Lumber and Mill Co. McTab, Ethel Mun. Electric Light Plant Penney Co., J. 0. Strom Electrical Co. Calling cards Shoes Gold Dust Door .check Door, etc. Services Lamps Merchandise Plugs Store Department Associated Oil Company Associated Oil Company Berran Bros. Cr9cker Company, H. S. Dietzgen Co., Eugene Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Neal, Stratford & Kerr Smith Brothers Pierson, Neil B. Acme Grocery Bank of Italy City Market Total . . . • Gasoline Gasoline Ink Supplies Tracing paper Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Money advanced for stamps Total . . . Initiative Relief Fund Groceries - Herrmann Interest -_Pauline Groceries - Hoover Compensation Insurance Fund. 3.75 2.50 3.00 4.75 11.50 50.00 6.90 19.87 .55 102.82 9.20 38.70 18.00 13.64 2.45 1.86 1.45 .52 1.06 50.00'1 136.88 8.00 Y 5.11 9.00 Total . . . 22.11 American Surgical Sales CO. Belt Street Improvement Mind Hutchison Company Oil Macadam East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund East Bay Mun. Utility District Ready to serve charge $ 8.50 , $ 34.94 $ 2,410.14 Mr. Schaefer moved that all claims be paid with the exception,of the one presented byRushton McConnell covering automobile fleet insurance, and that this claim be referred to Councilman Murray for investigation and report to the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. Council- President Henning stated he wished to vote for the paymeht of all claims with the exception of that of the East Bay Municipal Utility Districtis Ready to Serve Charge, and that he wished to voice his protest to the payment of this item. There being no further business to transact, the.Gouncil adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, May the 19th, 1931, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, • City 'Clerk*