1931-06-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, . TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 2ND, 1931. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council- president Henning presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray, Schaefer and President Henning, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 19th, 1931 were approved as read with the exception of the words "until the next regular meeting" contained in the third line of Paragraph 41, Page 324. Upon the request of Councilman Murray and there being no objection on the part of the other members of the council these words were stricken from the minutes. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 2.V/ Mr. Brodersen moved on behalf of the Publicity and Convention Committee that an appropriation of $150.00 be allowed to the Alameda Gladiolus Society out.of the advertising fund for the coming gladiolus show, the expenditures to be made under the supervision of the City Manager. Mr. Murray seconded the motion and on roll call carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: • // The following communications were received: - 3.V From the City Attorney advising of hearing before the Railroad Commission on the application of the Key System Transit Company in the matter of rates. Order- ed filed. From the cities of Albany, El Centro, Berkeley and Town of Emeryville advising appointment of Committee to meet with the Committee on Transportation of the City of Alameda, on the Key System Transit Company's intention to to abandon certain street or and bus lines. Ordered filed. 5•1 From George B. Clough, relative to transportation rates to Alameda Airport. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be filed, seconded by Mr. Murray and carried. 6.1 From the Harbor Barge and Tug Company offering use of boat for tour of the Estuary on Sunday, June 14th, 1931. Mr. Brodersen moved the offer be ry;�yp accepted, seconded by Ur. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the Central Council of Civic Clubs, requesting the use of the council chambers for a meeting to be held Tuesday evening, July 14th. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Murray and carried unanimously. 8.v From Thomas R. Jones of the Alameda Athletic Association, requesting permission to use the clubhouse in McKinley Park for the club's regular weekly meetings. Mr. Leydecker moved that permission be granted for use of the clubhouse after June 14th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 9•\ _From Alameda Post, No. 9, American Legion, requesting that space again be slotted to the City Historian for the purpose of completing his work. Mr. Schaefer moved that space be given the Historian in accordance with the request. The motion did not receive a second. Mr. Brodersen oved that the matter be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and carried unanimously. 10./ From Barrett Camp, United Spanish War Veterans, inviting the Council to Memorial Day services. Ordered filed. 11/ From the Mayor, advising of the appointment of Mr. Frank Smith as arbi- trator to consider the terms of the lease executed between the City of Alameda and Alameda Airport, Inc. 12./i From the Mayor advising of the appointment of L. C. F1nch; and T. Mazzini as the Memorial Day Committee. 13.J From Wm. Higby, tendering his resignation as a member of _.the Golf Com- mission. Mr. Leydecker moved the resignation be accepted with thanks for the services Mr. Higby has rendered. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 14.1 From Dr. Harold A. Miller, President Alameda Free Library Board of Trustees relative to new library building in the West End. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager for consideration at the time of the pre- paration of the budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unani- mously. 15.x/ From Cottage Baths and Neptune Beach owners, requesting the abandaament of Sixth Street, south of Central Avenue. Mr. Schaefer moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer to report back at the next meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unani- mously. 16. From various citizens requesting that a Board of Harbor Commissioners to act without pay, under the City Manager, be appointed as soon as possible. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to a meeting of the Com- mittee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. 17. From various citizens requesting further consideration by the Council relative to purchase of E. K. Taylor and Franklin Park properties. Mr. Schaefer moved that the Council at this meet ing go on record as favoring the purchase of the land at the south end of Pearl Street, to be known as E. K. Taylor Park, also the purchase of the balance of the property at Franklin Park; the purchase price to be,ra se either through the 1932 budget, or through issueance of bonds during 1931 as per the Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925, and also that the pptions covering the purchase of these properties be renewed. The motion received no second. The council was then addressed by Messrs. Harry Davis, A. C. Agnew, James Kirby, Leo S. Robinson and E. R. Neiss, in support of the petition filed. Discussion followed after which Mr. Schaefer again re- introduced his motion. There being no second the motion was lost. Further discussion followed, . after which President Henning requested Messrs. Davis, Agnew, Kirby, Robinson and Nei ss as representing the petitioners to meet with the Council, sit ti rg as a Com- mittee of the Whole, for the purpose of further discussion of the matter.. Such was the order. 18.E From the Mayor advising the appointment of A. R. Linn, Frank R. Neville and L. C. Finch, as member of the Transportation Committee. Ordered filed. 19.x` From the Island City Tennis Club, requesting resurfacing of tennis courts at Washington Park. Mr. Leydecker moved that the communication be re- ferred to the City Manager and City Engineer to report back at the next meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 20. ° From the Alameda Airport, Inc. advising receipt of notification of the appointment of Councilman Otto A. Leydecker to replace former Councilman Latham / as a Director of Alameda Airport, Inc. Ordered filed. 21.1 From the Alameda Improveanent Club, relative to employement of persons in the Street Department, who are residents of Oakland. City Engin3 er Hamilton stated that there was no employee in the Street Department who was a resident of the City of Oakland. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be filed and the Clerk notify the Improvement Club accordingly. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. 22., From the City Manager, relative to action of the council at its last meeting pertaining to his recommendation for the improvement of Mound Street , between the north line of Clay Street and the south line of Calhoun Street. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, and that a thirty day notice be forwarded to dissenting property owners. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. 23 From E. J. Probst, requesting that he be granted his annual vacation of two weeks. Mr. Schaefer moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 24. From Councilman Wm. F. Murray, requesting leave dr absence from June 15th, to August 1st, 1931 inclusive. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 25.\/\ From the City Manager and Mayor recommending the payment to City Clerk W. E. Varcoe,the difference between his salary as City Clerk and the salary of the City Manager during the time he was acting in such capacity.I Mr. Schaefer moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. 26. Councilman Murray submitted a partial report for the Insurance committee of the Council. The Clerk was instructed to mail a copy of thess ame to each of the councilmen and the communication was ordered filed. 27. The matter of the loss by C. R. Smith of certain personal property during the recent fire in the City-Hall was discussed by the Council. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to investigate as to whether any recoverage could be secured from the insurance companies under our present policies. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 28./ The report of the Health Officer and City Engineer relative to sewage conditions in the Estuary in the vicinity of Fernside Tract was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and referred to the City Manag :er and council for budget consideration. 29. °4 The matter of the construction of additional tennis courts in Lincoln Park was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and referred to the City Manager and Council for budget consideration. 30: In the matter of construction of additional fencing in Lincoln Park, this was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and filed. 31.E In the matter of the further consideration by the council of the claim of the Municipal Electric Light Plant against Benj. Walters, postponed from the meeting of May 5th, 1931, City Attorney Silver rendered a verbal report that judgment against Benj. Walters had been obtained but there was doubt as to any recovery under the judge- ment. The communication was filed and the Communication from the Board ofPublic Utilities of May 1st, relative to the matter was then filed. 32 From the City Manager and City Engineer, relative to the reconstruction of the south tennis court at Lincoln Park, stating that W. H. Larson was the low bidder and recommending that Plan "A" be adopted, and also that the work be delayed until the adoption of the new budget. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation as contained in the communica- tion be adopted and that certified checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call carried unanimously. 33:x° Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids on road oil and rock and screenings for the Street Department's requirements for the year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and same carried unanimously. 344 Mr. Brodersen moved that it be the sense of the Council that radios be in- stalled in the automobiles used by the Police Department for patrol duty,to work in conjunction with the boardcasting station to be installed by the City of Berkeley, with the understanding that there be no expense for the radio broadcasting service as given by the Berkeley Police Department, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. °R7SOLUTIONS: 35. Mr. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1603. Closing that Portion of Park Avenue lying South of Otis Drive and Running Southerly to the State Tide Land Line, all in the City of - ,Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California." Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1604. Prohibiting the Employment of Married Women." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote, to wit:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, Noes: Councilmen Murray and Schaefer, (2). Absent: None. Mr. was •FILING: The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed : - 37.V Affidavit of Publication, Res. of Intention #97, N.S. re closing Park Avenue. 38.✓ Affidavit of Posting Notices, Resolution of Intention #97, N. S. re closing Park Avenue. 39.V Affidavit of Posting Notice, of Resolution of Intention #98, N. S. closing Ferndale Court. 40.'7 Bond of B. Y. Gibson, Secretary, Board of Public Utilities. 41.E Bond of Vern Smith, as Chief of Police. 42. Oath of office of E. C. Maillot as Sanitary and Plumbing Inspector. 43. "" Oath of office, Tom Carpenter, V.S. as City Veterinarian and Food Inspector. 44.vv; Oath of office, R. W. Sanders, M.D. as Health Officer. 45.'.° Oaths of office, Rena Kimball, Olive Nagel, Helen Franklin, and Grace Birch as Play Directors. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $4067.38; Police Department, $52.30; Fire Department ; $173.30; Street Department, $1740.28; Health Department, $153.15; Recreation Department, 41091.79; Golf Course Department, $1855.27; Store Department, $92.63; Social Service Department, $167.20; Initiative Relief Fund, $129.00; Compensation Insurance Fund, $239.95; Spedial Election (Fennside) Fund, $270.04; Pension Fund, $1662.80; Street Improvement Fund, $267.76; and East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund $2482.49 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Agraz, E. Alameda Times Star Alameda Times Star Bancroft- Whitncy Co. Beetle, Loreme R. Borle, C. A. Boyce, Dorothy Burroughs Adding Machine Co. City Market Croll, F. J. Elster Printing Co. Encinal Press Franck's Heck's Window shades Henning, Wm. H. Johnson Co., S. T. Mazzini, L. McCarty, J. H. General Departments Pony for May Fete Advertising ordinance Advertising and printing Book Services Services Services Desk model Inspection Bon Ami Automobile allowance for May Printing Rental and cartage of Piano Shades Mayor's allowance plebe' oil Wire Painting and papering 2.50 9,62 43.74 10.00 20,00 165.00 5.00 171.50 3.00 .60 25.00 15.50 11.50 10.00 30.00 50.00 37.35 1.95 48.00 Municipal Electric Light Plat n f! Office Equipment Co. Pierson, Neil B. Roebke, H. W. Schergen, Marilla Seeley, Esther Simonson, E. R. Traver, C. L. & Son U. 5. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Police Electricity City Lighting Envelope Sealer Auto upkeep Music for May Fete Services - May Fete Services - Assessor's office Services - Assessor's office Ins. Premium - Guaranty Bond Premium on bond Paper Department Total . . Alameda Times Star Alzina, Hap Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. California State Auto Assn. Fuller & Co., W.P. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Fire Anderson Manufacturing Co. Associated Oil Compan Cox - Wellman Co. Dennen Co., V. W. Lewis, R. E. Municipal Electric Light Plant Seagrave Corporation, The Steinmetz, W. T. Signs Servicing motorcycles Ammunition Street sign Traffic White Supplies Total • • • Department Supplies Gasoline Supplies Rags Chlorox Electricity Miscellaneous supplies Revolving fund Street Total . . Department Labor .Associated 011 Company Bay Belting & Supply Co. Cairock Asphalt Company Chanslor & Lyon Store, Inc. Clark & Sons, N. Engineering News Record Ford, N. Jenison Machinery Company Kellogg Express Company Motor Tool Specialty Company Municipal Electric Light Plant Powell Brothers Richfield Oil Company Southern Pacific Company United Iron Works Western Auto Supply Co. Health Gasoline Belts Calrock Mazdas Pipe Subscription Envelopes Chain tightener Express charges Tools Power and light Brick Oil Freight Drive shaft for sweeper Bulbs Total . • Department Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Braun - Knecht- Heimann Co. Burke M.D., Alice Burns, Mrs. V. G. Carpenter V.S., Tom Cossitt & Company Hamilton M. C., J. K. Hieronymus, M.D., Arthur Hodgkins, Jesse Michelbacher, Martha Prendable, William Sanders M. D., R.W. Recreation • Key Supplies Services Assisting in Conference Transportation Certificates Services Transportation Assisting in laboratory Money for guinea pigs Laboratory services Transportation Total . . Department Alameda Repair & Supply Company Associated Oil Company Bickford, F. Birch, Grace California Mill & Lumber Co. California Nursery Company Fauth, Celia Ferry -Morse Seed Company Friedman & Company, M. Kimball, Rean Window -light Gasoline Services Services as play director Lumber Supplies Services as play director Seed Paint, etc. Services as play director $ 108.32 2865.80 70.00 25.00 70.40 50.00 110.00 82.53 7.50 8.75 8.82 $ 4067.38 12.95 2.15 17.05 10.00 7.80 2.35 52.30 10.09 24.00 29.07 5.25 3.10 64.90 23.60 13.29 173.30 $ 1360.74 36.80 2.00 168.30 1.43 7.55 5.00' 6.75 16.25 1.36 8.29 .04 7.75 39.20 42.12 31.50 5.20 1740.28 0.35 41.50 5.00 5.00 35.00 11.25 15.00 9.68 8.05 12.00 5.00 5.32 153.15 3.25 16.00 65.16 12.00 44.69 180.25 3.00 2.83 15.30 45.00 KronkeBrampton Co. Lovett Spray Painting Oo., H.° Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Paulin, D. Piatt Photo Company Siegler, L. Skelly, Sam Versailles Pharmacy Weeks-HoweEmerson Co., Inc. ou Repairing flagpole Painting, Lincoln Park Hardware supplies Service - Park Department Services as gardener Prints Springs for lawn mower Hardware supplies Drug supplies Tennis net e De Total . . . Labor Associated Oil Company Bass-Hueter Paint Company Boyle Manufacturing Co. Dietz Motor Company Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Ough, J. M. 'Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc Powell Bros., Inc. Skelly, Sam. Zellerbach Paper Company Store Gasoline Paint, etc, Pails Parts Cane Light and power Water consumed. Lime Hardware supplies Carton towels Total • . Department A sociated Oil Company Crocker Company Inc., H.S. Dietzgen Co., Eugene, KlingDawers Stationery Co. Pierson, Neil B., City Manager Smith Brothers Alameda Times-Star Borden's Farm Products Encinal Press Filipelli Brothers Loop Lumber & Mill 00. Municipal Electric Penney Company Smith, Chas. Typewrite/ -Guy Ben's Grocery 11 Gasoline Store supplies Paper Pencils Money advanced for stamps Store supplies Total . . ervice De artment Bowles Cash Grocery Camicia, J. Economy Market & Grocery Goodman, Roger Hagy's Meat Market Jude,-C. F. Loyoe, Mr. New Alameda Market Star Fruit Market Alameda aanatorium Bickford, F. Flatow & Son, P. Olsen, O. M. Stowe, M. D., 0.P. • Print Envelopes Shoes and repairs Lumber Plant Servicing and electricity Merchandise Repairing leak Inspecting typewriters *a ive Re Groc Rent Groc Rent Meat Groc Rent Groc Total . • lief JJ'und eries, Fehman Erlebach Morena eries Livesey - Croswell eries eries - Doty Lindquist Total • . Gom.ensatlon Insurance Operating Room, etc. Services Drugs Services Services Total . . 0 89.40 368.00 32.05 99.03 65.00 1.86 0.75 17.95 14.29 15.98 091.79 867.50 16.75 4.40 7.15 1.43 7.50 449.06 419.25 16.02 1.00 60.02 5.19 1855.27 20.16 15.72 1.90 2.35 50.00 2.50 92,63 5.00 9.72 27.50 2.90 2.94 84.42 29.97 1.00 3,75 167.20 11.00 2.00 9.50 15.00 12.00 25.00 2.00 16.00 17.50 10.00 9.00 129.00 16.00 64.84 66.43 62.68 30.00 239.95 2pecial Election (Fernside) Fur Alameda Times-Star J. Ford, N. 0. Elster Printing Co. Schmidt, Edna B. Printing Services Printing Printing Services Total . . . 106.79 25.00 52.50 49.25 47.50 270.04 °Asian Fund American Trust Co. Interest and premium on bonds $ 1662.80 Street Irnprovement Fund Labor 267.76 East Bay Municipal Utility District Pairnonts Fund East Bay Mun.Util.District TT TT Ready to serve charge Water main extensions Total . • 2426.94 55.55 2482.49 M. Schaefer moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call carried unanimously. Mayor Henning and Mr. Brodersen stated they wished to voice their protest relative to the payment of bills of the East Bay Municipal Utility Distriet. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, June 16th, 1931, at 8 o'clock P.M., Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.