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1931-08-04 Regular CC Minutes
REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA , TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4TH, 1931. The meeting convened at 8 O'clock P. M. with Council- president Henning presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray, Schaefer and President Henning, (5) were noted present. Absent: None.; read. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 21st, 1931 were approved as WRITTEN COMMUNTICATIONS: The following communications were received: - .V Two communications were received from residents of Bay Farm Island relative to their request that certain roads upon the Island be improved. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that a committee consisting of two councilmen to be appointed by the Mayor and the City Manager, investigate the matters con- tained in these communications, and that a report be rendered to the council at its next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. President Henning then appointed Councilmen Brodersen and Murray to act as the council members of this committee. 2.V 3.' 5.d From the Great American Indemnity Company, requesting consent to the termination to their liability as of July 10, 1931, on bond. of A. E. J. Duchesnay. Mr. Brodersen moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. From the Central Council of Civic Clubs, requesting permission t© use the council chambers for the purpose of a meeting on Friday evening, August 28th. Mr. Schaefer moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From B. Ray Fritz, Manager, Department of Electricity, relative to appli- cation of A. W. Rapp for position as lineman. Ordered filed. President Henning stated to the members of the council that he was of the opinion that all future communications pertaining to the Board of Public Utilities should be forwarded to that Board for consideration, inasmuch as the Council has no jurisdiction over the acts of the Board. After discussion, there being no objection on the part of the councilmen, such was the order. From Angelo Hewetson, pertaining to purchase of property for E. K. Taylor Park. There being no objection, this communication was referred to the Committee of the Whole for budget consideration. 6.1 From George H. Noble, requesting the council to readvertise the sale of the city's one- fourteenth interest in proposed E. K. Taylor Park property. Mr. Leydecker moved that the council again readvertise in accordance with the request, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. 7.V From the City Manager with an attached request from the Fire Chief for permission to attend the Fire Chief's Convention at San Diego, from-September 4th to 8th incl. Following discussion, Mr. Schaefer moved that the request be granted and that a sum not to exceed $75.00 be set aside to cover the expenses of the trip. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call lost by the following vote : - Ayes: Councilmen Murray and Schaefer, (2). Noes: Council- men Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, (3). Mr. Brodersen then moved that the Fire Chief be granted a leave of absence for nine days with pay to attend the Convention, at his own expense. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray and President Henningrt-2, (4). Noes: None. Not Voting:. Councilmen Schaefer, (1). Absent: None. 8.V From H. M. Bradley, Insurance Broker and Advisor, containing survey of insurance. Mr. Schaefer moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. Mr. Murray moved that Mr. Bradley be authorized to have such buildings as are necessary appraised as to value for insurance purposes. This appraisal to be made without cost to the city. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and same carried unanimously. From the City Attorney recommending that the request of the Veterans Welfare Board for cancellation of certain taxes be denied. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Attorney be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried. unanimously. From the City Attorney, recommending that the verbal offer of the Southern Pacific Company to deed certain property on Eneinal Avenue to the City of Alameda for street purposes be accepted: Mr. Schaefer moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From Hutchinson Company, relative to the improvement of Mound Street, between Clay and Calhoun Street, under private contract. The communication was ordered filed. From City Manager Pierson, relative to the Hutchinson Company communication just read, recommending that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of the easterly one -half of Mound Street, between Clay and Calhoun Streets, under the Improvement Act of 1911. Mr. Murray moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 13.67 From the City Manager, requesting additional time to prepare the Uniform Meat Inspection Ordinance. Mr. Brodersen moved that additional time be granted In accordance with the request, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. 14.7 From the Alameda Improvement Club, containing copy of a letter to the County Board of Supervisors, requesting aid in the improvement Of Webster Street out of the gasoline tax. moneys, in accordance with recent legislative enactment. 'Mr. Leydecker moved that the council of the City of Alameda endorse the request, of the Alameda Improvement Club, and that the President of the Council appoint 'a committee oUttof the Council to confer with the County Board of Supervisors relative to same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and the sane carried 'unanimously. President Henning stated such committee would be appointed later. 15.i From the City Manager recommending that the sum of $200.00 be appropriated out of the Advertising Fund covering advertising in the Tribune Annual. Mr. Leydecker moved that the communication be referred to the Publicity and Convention Committee for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr.Schaefer and carried unantMously. 16.v From E.; J. Probst, former Superintendent of Parks and. Recreation, relative to annual vacation. The communication was ordered filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. 16. From the Mayor and. City Manager as to proposed purchase of properties for addition to Franklin Park, also Park to Willow Tidelands. Mr. Brodersen moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole, for budget cnnsideration "seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. The City Manager made a verbal report as to the complaint of George D. Lunt, relative to condition existing on the property of A. E. J. Duchesnay at the 'south end of Park Avenue, stating that through arrangements with the Social 'Service Department, the beach was now clean and would be kept so in the future. The Clerk was requested to advise Mr. Lunt accordingly. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 17.V 18. 1 Councilman Murray returned to the Clerk the insurance survey as prepared Ader & Mathebat, a report of F. B. Gee, re fire protection in the City Hall. 'There being no objection, these reports were ordered filed. NEW BUSINESS. Mr. Brodersen moved that the Council meet as a committee of the Whole at 7:30 o'clock, Monday evening, August 10th, 1931 in the office of the City Manager. ,-The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. f'F LING: 20,/ 21. 22.v 23.r" 24V The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the filowing papers had been filed:- Bond of American Dredging Company, covering dredging operations. Oatbsof office of the various members of the Golf Commission. Executed contract of W. H. Larseon, re tennis courts. Oath of office of Geraldine Leydecker as special police-woman in Recreation Department. Copy of Decision No. 23914, of the Railroad. Commission, granting the 'Southern Pacific Company right to construct spur track to Glass Works.. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 43403.69; Police Depart- ment 4273.01; Fire Department, $130.43, Street Department12216.09; Health Department 41135.88; Recreation Department, 4597.69; Golf Course Department, 42171.52; Store Department, 4185.79, Social Service Department, 472.81; Initiative ReliefFund 4131.00 and Special Election Fund (Fernside) 4193.94 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Times Star Alameda Vet. Memorial Bldg. Co m. Beetle, Loreme R. Borle, C. A. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Carlisle & Co., A. Crocker Co. H. S. Duplex Water Filter Co. Flatow & Son, P. Henning, Wm. H. MoNab, Ethel MunciPal Electric Light Plant ,, 1 ihr Otis Elevator Company Seeley, Esther Typewriter Guy Zellerbach Paper Co.' General Departments. Printing Upkeep of building Services Maintenance of machines Printing, binders Minute book Water, city hall Supplies Mayor's Allowance Services Lights and power, City Hall City lighting Elevator service Services Rebuilding typewriter Supplies Total 10.90 360.07 37.50 165.00 8.52 60.56 30.00 23.00 2.90 50.00 48.39 103.33' 2342.30, 7.50 110.00 30.00 13.72 3403.69 Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times Star Alzina, Hap Baker,Hamilton & Pacific Co. Dietz Motor Company Duplex Water Filter CO. Encinal Press George; Charley ' HalUk-Nash Motors, William Municipal Electric Light Plant Patrick MASA Klinkner Co. Smith, Vern Texaco Super Service Associated Oil Company Duplex Water Filter 00. French Oxygen Co., F.W. Furey, Harry D. MunicipalElectric Light Plant Salisbury, A.C. Seagrave Corporation, The Steinmetz, W.T. labor Associated Oil Company Calrock'Asphalt Company Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Clark & Sons, N. Dietz Motor Company Fageol Motors Sales Company Furey, Harry D. Hutchinson Company Jenison Machinery Company Loop Lumber & Mill Company Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland Blue Print Company Richfield Oil Company Southern Pacific Company Texaco Super SerVice Bailie, Victoria W. Burke; M.D., Alice Burns, Mrs.VictOr Duplex Water'Filter Company Flatow & Son, P. Hodgkins, Jessie Municipal Electric Light Plant Pauline, Rosemarie Texaco Super Service U. Duplieator Company Zellerbach Paper Company' Alameda Repair' StSupply Co. Associated Oil Co. Benton, A.O. Birch, Grace Carter Co., H.V. Crane Co. Doty, F. Flatow, P. and Son Goff, Thomas Leydecker,'G. T. Municipal Electric Light Plant if • ' IT 11 Pauline; D. Siegler, L. Texaco Super Service Vivian, F.N. Polled Department Laundry Printing Repair motorcycle Ammunition Tire Water Printing Painting parking signs Tire and tube Unit cells "Recovered" stamp Use o private auto Repair tires Total • • • a1:222.21n111.1k Gasoline Water service Oxygen Repairs Electricity, repairs Supplies Fan Pulley Revolving ,fund Total . . Street Departme Gasoline Calrock Supplies Pipe Hose Parts Parts for sweeper Patching Supplies Lumber Light and power, Corp. Yd. Negatives and block book Oil - Freight on calrock Repairs Total . . . Health Department Money advanced Services Services Rental and Service Drugs, etc. Substitute as Clerk Servicing and repairing Service in laboratory Oil Carbon paper Service towels Total 0 • • Recreation Department, Keys Gasoline Auto allo ands Services, play director Repair mower Well casing Services Supplies Services as caretaker Setvices as pilay director Repairs, lamps Electricity Services, gardener Rod straps Auto repairs Sharpen saw Total ., .51 56.00 22.00 45.49 ,8.55 4.00 17.00 60.50 8.47 7.15 1.05 35.00 T.29 $ 273.01 13.00 4.00 6.00 -9.25 69.46 2.50 7.00 19.22 30.43 64.63 77.61 167.80 2.42 42.63 .62 18.41 3:35 9,55 41.47 5.65 .09 2.10 38.36 40.27 1.13 $2,216.09 ,85 5.00 2.50 4.00 36:25 49,68 10.07 9.89 .75 6.70 10.19 135.88 .50 13.00 18.08 39.00 4.94 15.26 15.00 4.93 42.00 42.00 232.34 94.85 70.00 3.14 1.65 1.00 $ 597.69 Labor Associated'Oil Company Basa=Heuter Paint Co. Bomberger Seed Company Crane Co. Dietz Motor Company Ford, N. O, . Municipal Electric Light Plant Ough,.J.M, Smith, Chas. Standard Oil Company of Oalifornla Vosburgh Hardware Co: Weed Control Company, The Assooiated Oil Company Crocker Company, Inc., H.S. Ylatow & Son, P. Kling.;Dawers Stationery Co. Pierson, Neil B., City Mgr. Rubin, E.S. Smith Brothers Alameda Social Service Board. Alameda TimesStar Penney Company, J.C. Sirola Brothers Acme Grocery Boynton's Grocery Grand Meat Market Heuer; Mrs, loyoe, Mrs. Milligan, J.W. National Market Saum, G.L. Shopryte Grocery West End Market TT It TT TT Oakland Bank, The Soc Golf Course Department Gasoline Supplies Bent grass Sheet packing Parts Payroll blanks Lights and power Water at Golf Course Repairing boiler, etc. Grease, etc. Hand weeders Supplies Total - Store Department, Gasoline Store supplies Gauze Money advanced for stamps Supplies Store supplies ervice DepartE91 Revolving Fund Receipt books Merchandise Repairing shoes Total . . . Total . . . tive Relief end Groceries Healey IL Conrad Meat - Dimono Rent - Croswell Rent BefUs Groceries Holdcroft Meat - Befus Groceries - McCoy Dobbins Meat - Driggs TT Rodgers Reid Total . . . side)Pund Amount to be rounded re Special Election (Fernside) $ 193.94 968.50 29.25 1.87 129.60 2.13 10.52 4.50 454.30 414.90 108.60 8.45 1.40 37.50 0 2171.52 61.23 24.44 22.80 8.87 50.00 12.47 5.98 185.79 22.18 23.20 25.93 1.50 72.81 12.00 12.00 2.00 18.00 17.50 8.50 4.00 6.00 36.00 5.00 2.00 8.00 131.00 Mr. Schaefer moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Brodersen moved that the Transportation Committee be allowed $75.00 additional to cover expenses in their work, this amount to be spent under the supervision of the City Manager. Motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session on Tuesday evening, August 18th, 1931, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitte4