1931-11-17 Regular CC Minutes1. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA`, Tuesday Evening, November 17th, 1931. The meeting convened with Council President Henning presiding, at 8 P. M. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray, Schaefer and President Henning, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 3rd, 1931 were approved as read. 2. The minutes of the special meeting of November 6th, 1931 were approved as read. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: From the Alameda Cha.ber of Commerce, requesting an appropriation of $200.00 for advertising expenses for the proposed ground- breaking exercises at Govern- ment Island on November 20th, 1931. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that a sum of $100.00 be appropriated for the purpose, the money to be spent under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Department of Public Health, Sacramento, containing report on sewage disposal system of Alameda. Ordered filed. 5.Y 7. 10. Report on City of Alameda from the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Safety Council requesting an appropriation of $100.00 to carry on the work of the council. Mr. Murray moved that the request be granted, the expenditures to be made under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Encinal Terminals, relative to rat barrier ordinance. Mr. Leydeck- er moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 478, New Series, known as the Rat Barrier Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From City Manager Pierson, recommending repeal of rat barrier ordinance. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting information as to the present status concerning the improvement of Webster Street. After discussion, Mr. Leydecker moved that the City Manager prepare three separate estimates covering the improvement of Webster Street; one to cover the cost of widening; another to cover the cost of an underground lighting system and another to cover the cost of an overhead lighting system, this improvement to cover from the Segregation Line s) uth to Central Avenue. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. The City Clerk w as instructed to advise the Alameda Improvement Club that an estimate must first be submitted to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors as to the cost of the work involved and that the sun of $25,000 has been set aside as a percentage in the payment of the cost of said work. From the City Manager, recommending that a contract for resurfacing of Washington Park tennis courts be awarded Hutchinson Company. The council was addressed by Messrs. W. H. Catton and Stowe and others, relative to the proposed improvement. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that the council reject all bids and return the certified checks originally filed with bids received. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and same carried unanimously. From the City Manager, relative . to ditch along Southern Pacific auto ferry highway. Mr. Schaefer moved that the City Man - er communicate with the University of California with a view of having their portion of this ditch filled in, leaving that portion of the ditch on city property open. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission recommending the denial of petition for the reclassification of property on the northeast corner of Union Street and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Schaefer moved that the matter be referred back to the City Planning Commission for further hearing, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From the City Manager and Owens - Illinois Glass Company, relative to changing in position of Tracks 2 and 3 of the Southern Pacific Company, permission to con- struct being granted under Resolution No. 1622, adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda on July 21st, 1931. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1635. Amending Resolution No. 1622 adopted July 21, 1931, entitled "Granting a Permit to the Oakland Bank, a Corporation, its Successors and Assigns, to Construct, Reconstruct, Maintain and Operate Railroad Tracks upon, along and /or across Fernside Boulevard, Versailles Avenue and Pearl Street in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and to Operate with Steam or Electric Motive Power along the Routes hereinafter Described." 14. 15.V Mr. Murray seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. From the San Francisco Bay Airdrome, Ltd,, requesting permission to in- stall a small landing stage on the south side of the Estuary at the foot of Webster Street; also's small building to be used as a station or waiting room just above the landing stage. Mr. Schaefer moved the request be granted, if in the opinion of the City Attorney such a request is legal. The motion was second.. ed by M. Bordersen and carried unanimously, From City Attorney Silver, containing opinion relative to two weeks requested by Mr. E. J. Probst. Mr. Brodersen moved that in accordance opinion of the City Attorney the request for two weeks vacation with be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unani- vacation with the full pay mously. NEW BUSINESS: 16.v 17.V/ The Clerk stated that in response to advertised notice to bidders, on fire insurance, he was in receipt of three bids covering same. Mr. Brodersen moved that the bids be received,opened and read, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Goodman & Allen, $3460.80. Certified check, $346.08. From Charles McGill, $3460.80. Certified Check $346.08. From Shaw & Lunt, $3460.80. Certified check, $346.08. From Pacific National Fire Insurance Company. No amount, no check. Mr. Schaefer moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager, Committee of the Whole and Insurance Advisor for consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr, Murray and carried unanimously. The Clerk stated in response to advertised notice to bidders for general liability and fleet insurance, he was in receipt of four bids. Mr. Brodersen moved that the bids be received, opened and read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Pacific Indemnity $3900.00. Certified check, From Pacific Indemnity check $523.00, Company. General Liability and property damage $390.00. Company. Fleet Insurance, $5227.20. Certified From Employers Liability Assurance Corporation. General liability and property damage, $7000.00. From Employers Liability Assurance Corporation.Fleet Insurance, $5474.80. Certified check, $547.48. Mr. Schaefer moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager, Committee of the Whole and Insurance Advisor, for consideration. The motion was seconded by.Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 18. There being no objection, the members of the council agreed to meet as a committee of the whole, Monday evening, November 23rd, 1931 at 7:30 o'clock in the office of the City Manager, to discuss insurance bids., 19/ The matter of lighting of Park and Webster Streets for the coming holidays, was discussed and Mr. Brodersen moved that the Municipal Electric Light Plant be,requested to string the lights and to furnish the power necessary for the lighting. The merchants on both Park and Webster Street are to furnish the light globes; this work to be done two weeks before Christmas. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and on roll call carried unanimously, 20 President Henning discussed with the council members the matter of funds for the coming Christmas celebration for children and after discussion, Leydecker moved that an amount of $400.00 be set aside out ofthe'advertising fund to the Alameda Festival Committee for such purposes; this money to be spent under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. 21/ Mr. Schaefer moved that an amount not to exceed $200.00 be approPriated to string Christmas tree lights on the Taylor eucalyptus tree at Park and Central Avenues; this money to be spent under the supervision of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call Carried unanimously. 22.v Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Attorney be instructed to complete the codification of ordinances and laws; The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll Call carried unanimously. 2 Mr. Murray discussed with the council the matter of transferring $5000.00 from the General Fund to the Social Service Board, and introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. On Appropriation for Social Service Board." • Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call its adoption was lost by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Murray and Schaefe.L4-.( ). Noes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, (3). Absent: None. 24. Mr. Murray discussed with the Council the matter of transferring $1500.00 from the General Fund to the Social Service Board, for the defray- ing of salaries of employees, and moved that such be done. Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion was lost by the following vote: - Ayes: Councilmen Murray and Schaefer, (2). Noes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, (3). Absent: None. 25 Henning stated it was his desire to appoint a Citizen's Committee to act with the Council Committee acid City Manw er, relative to unemployment. Mr. Brodersen moved that the Mayor appoint a Committee of five to serve as such Citizens' Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried by the following vote : - Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, (3). Noes: Councilmen Murray and Schaefer, (2). Absent: None. President Henning then appointed the following citizens to serve as such Committee:- Messrs. Henry Rosenthal, Jesse Delanoy, Henry Campe, A. K. Tichenor and 0. H. Hall. RESOLUTIONS: Mr. Brodersen introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1636. Increasing City Manager's'Revolving Fund to $1900.00." Mr. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll adopted And passed unanimously: FILING: call it was The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed:- 27. Affidavit of publication, Notice to Fire Insurance Companies. 28.E Affidavit of publication, Notice to Contractors, addition to Golf Course Club House. 29.1 Affidavit of publication, re general liability and .property damage insurance. 30.x' Affidavit of publication, ci1r taxes 1931 -32. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $6601.75; Police Depart- ment $659.13• Fire Department, $4269.87; Street Department, $2987.75; Health Department, $261.94; Recreation Department, $499422; Golf Course Department, $1454.53; Store Department, $67.87; Social Service Department, $331.83; Compensa- tion Insurance Fund, $25.50' and Street Improvement Fund, $321.98, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were li sted' by the Clerk as follows:- General Departments Payroll re Recall petitions_ Addressograph Company Address graph Company Alameda Cyclery Alameda Garage Alameda Tennis Champ. Comm. Alameda Steam Laundry Ala.Vet.Memorial Bldg. Comm. Bancroft- Whitney Co. Beatie, Loreme R. Burroughts Adding Machine Co. Cameron, Jas. A. Cruz, Rudolph East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Fidelity & Deposit Co. Hammond, H.M. Postmas ter Johnson Co. S.T. League of Cal.Mun. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Pas. Gas & Elec. Co. Pierson, Neil B., City Mgr. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Potter, Shirley Western Union Tel. Co. Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. M.E.L.P. Addressograph Repairs Repairs, keys, etc. Repairs to City Manager's car Advertising and publicity Towel service Alameda's'share upkeep Law books Services Inspection Services re recall petitions Services as interpreter Water, City of Alameda Return of securities bond Stamped envelopes Diesel oil Dues for year ending 1.932 Light and power, City Hall Light, City of Alameda Gas, City Hall Refund on money advanced Phone service Services Telegram and Clack rental Oil and grease BTdg.Insp. car Paper Refund for unemployed men $ 525.80 590.04 1,.53 5,75 5.45 25.00 7.00 363.13 30.75 50.00 .75 32.00 3.00 21.52 875.00 44.32 31.50 90.00 104.21 3483.60 3.75 44.00> 35.84 80.00 1.82 1.90 8.09 136.00 Total. . . $ 6601.75 Alameda Cyclery Alameda Garage Alameda Welding Works Alzina, Hap Ansel's Service Shop Camper, Les Dietz.Motor Company TT n n Fuller Co., W. P. George, Charley Maxwell Hardware Co. Pac. Eigineer's Exchange Pac. Gas & Elect. Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Street Garage Piatt.Photo Company Schmitt Reloading Tool Co. Smith, F. J. Stewart, S. Texaco Super Service Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Trim Shop American Rubber Co. Collins Co., Harry R. East Bay Mun.Util.Dist. Hart, P. R. M.E.L.P. M.E.L.P. Pac, Gas & Elect.Co. Salisbury, A. G. E eagrave Corporation, The Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Welding Works Associated Oil Company California Electric Company N. Clark & Sons Dietz Motor Company E. B.,M. Utility Dist. Harry D. Furey Loop Lumber & Mill Company Mun.Elec. Light and Power Oakland Blue Print Co. Pac, Tel.& Telg. Co. n n tt ft Richfield Oil Co. of Cal. The Taylorite Company Texaco Super Service United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co.. Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Alameda Time Star Alameda Stem. Laundry Ansel's Electric Shop Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Associated 011,Cokpany Louis Brandt Mrs. Victor Burns City Market The Cutter Laboratory U. S. Duplicator Co. James A. Ellis, M. D. Everett service Station, Fox eater Co. High Street Coal Yard Island City Ice Co. J. A. AMartin , Oakland -Cal. Towel Co. Pac. Tel. & Telg. Co. Rosemarie Pauline Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Repairs to lock Repairing autos Stencils Repairing motorcycle Batteries Tire Repairing autos Automobile Traffic paint Painting street signs, Amunition Fire pot Gas for pound Te lehpones Repair choke Timer Reloading tool Meals for jail Feed for pound Repair tube Clock rental Total. . • • Fire Department Towel service Repairs to curtains Fire Hose Tires and tube Water Recharging batteries Recharging batteries,etc. Electricity Gas .Hand cleanser Payment on aerial truck Ash barrel .Clock rental Street Department Repairsto equipment Gasoline 'Repairs to equipment Sewer pipe Automobile Water service Repairs to equipment Lumber Lighting service Map Service 1.00 32.40 10.00 55.32 8.10 7.58 18.53 .214.50 20.35 60.50 88.00 7.00 1.37 17.30 .75 5.00 25.50 79.20 4.55 .68 1.50 659.13 $ 62.50 9.50 160.00 .58.19 29.40 3.25 15.12 76.35 21.81 .2.50 3824.00 5.50 1.75 Total. . . $4269.87 Oil Manhole cushion Water and repairing tube Supplies ft Flashlight batteries & bulbs Automobile Total. . Health Department Printing Laundry Batteries,lamps & repairs Laundry Distillate Services tl Meat Vaccine Carbon paper Services Oil a Dist. water Alfalfa Ice Services Laundry Service Services Battery Tacks Paper to els $1478.31 14.00 91.28 3.50 1.14 589.50 1.82 17.63 9.95 .41 7.87 3.85 .10 38.64 16.21 1.50 40.10 22.60 . 3.84 645.50 $2987.75 $ 12.60 15.53 7.00 2.50 7.65 100.00 5.00 .60 1,00 6.70 5.00 .90 2.00 1.45 .80 60.00 5.22 8.55. 8.75 .20 .30 10.19 Total. . . $ 261.94 Associated Oil Co. Buick -Home Service E.B.Mun. Utility Dist. Thomas Goff Grobon & Weems Kronke- Brampton Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Mun. Elec. Light & Power n tt n n tt Pacific Freight Lines Co. Pao. Gas & Elec. Co. Pac. Tel.& Telg. Co. Dan Paulin Powell Bros. The Sherwin - Williams Co. Texaco Super Service F. N.-Vivian Weeks- Howe - Emerson Co, Western Auto Supply Co. Lab o r Associated Oil Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pac. Co. Bomberger Seed Co. H. V. .Carter Company Crane.Co. Dietz -Motor Company Encinal Press Koerber Fuel and Feed•Co. Ivlun. Elec. Light & Power National Lead Co. Chas..C. Navlet Co. Oakland - California Towel Co. Pac. Tel. & Telg. Co. Louis- Siegler Associated Oil Co,pany Grand-Prize Carbon Paper Co. Harold Hovet K1ing.Dawers Stationery Co. Smith .Bros. Alameda Times -Star A. E..Aarnold Borden's Farm Products Chandler's Encinal Press Filipelli Bros. Golden States Co. Ltd. J. J..Krieg Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Fern Miller Mun. Elec. Light & Power Musso.Bros. National Lead Company J. C. Penney Co. Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Wo l d' s Stowe, M. D.? O. P. Heafey -Moore Company Powell Brothers nwl;itu (j.vu LCpu vulzuU Gasoline Oil Water Services Athletic goods Canvas Lumber Lamps Electricity Freight Gas Service Services Lime and cement Paint Auto tires Sharpening saws Tennis nets Grease 12.50 48.87 61.85 24.00 20.00 5.19 7.65' 6.12 77.11 .50 5.71 2.75 55.00 6.73 76.25 28.76 8.00 .51.23 1.00 Total. . . . . $ 499.22 Golf Course Department $ 746.39 Gas 19.20 Steel tape 4.68 Seed 148.31 Weeders 1.80 Supplies 12.84 tt 3.74 Golf Score cards 17.50 Nitrate of soda 6.75 Light and power 369.90 Air gun 35.00 Bulbs, etc. 58.50 Towel service 18.37 Service 8.55 Valve wrenches 3.00 Store Department Gasoline Typewriter ribbons Filing cards Shears Store supplies Total $1454.53 $ 46.06 3.50 7.50 .98 9.83 Total $ 67.87 Social Service Department Envelopes $ 19.40 Milk -24.28 24.08 Moving 13.00 Envelopes 4.90 Shoes 5.90 Milk 28.97 Clothing 16.90 Lumber 8.78 Services 57.60 Service and lamps 95.37 Repairing shoes 1.95 Paint 12.97 Shoes and hose 4.48 Inspection 3.00 Hardware 7.25 Shoes 2.98 Total. . . . $ 331.81 Compensation Insurance Fund Professional services $ 25.50 Street Improvement Fund Road oil 71.96 Materials for Oct. 250.02 Total. . . . $ 321.98 Mr. Murray moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. .There being no further business to transact the Council-adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, December 1st, 1931, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully subm tied, r