1932-03-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR METING OF TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 15TH, 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Murray prediding. The roll was called and Councilmen Morris, Shanly and President Murray, (3) were noted present. Absent: Councilmen Leydecker and Schaefer, (2). 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 12'1932 were approved as read. CO NICATIONS: The following communications were received: 2.v From the City Planning Commission naming representatives to meet with the Council re proposed Southern Pacific curtailment of service. Ordered filed. 3/ From Alameda Social Service Board, re city labor fund deficit. There being no objection this communication was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. 4.V From the City Manager, reporting as to meeting of City Managers' Section, League of California Municipalities, at Bakersfield. Ordered filed. 5/ From Alameda Womens Improvement Club, protesting the raise of salary granted by the Board of Public Utilities, to B. Ray Fritz. This communication was referred to the Board of Public Utilities. 6./ From the Golf Commission, recommending an additional expenditure of $56,00 in paint specifications covering improvements to the Club House. Mr. Shanly stated that in view-of the statement of the City Manager that this amount would be adjudicated later without additional cost to the city, he moved the adoption of the recommendation of the Golf Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 7.' From the Veterans Welfare Board, requesting cancellation of certain taxes. There being no objection, this communication was referred to the City Attorney and Assessor, From various property owners protesting nuisance existing at the north west corner of Clinton Avenue and Chestnut Street. This communication was by consentiof the Council referred to the City Manager and Building Inspector for report. From the Railroad Commission advising change of hearing date re Southern Pacific Company service curtailment. Ordered filed. 10y/ From the Alameda Gladiola Society, requesting $250.00 applopriation for 1932 Floral Show. There being no objection this communication was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole for consideration. 11,V From the Alameda Improvement Club re proposed improvement of Webster Street. Ordered filed. 12.V' From the Alameda Improvement Club, suggesting that all ordinances for the opening,and improvement of streets be amended so as to include installation of electroliers, and everything appertaining thereto. This communication was referred to the City Attorney. 13.V From Theresa Mehrtens, protesting removal of house from the southwest corner of Pearl. and Clay Streets. Referred to the City Attorney. 14/ From J. W. Fraser, requesting permission to remove building from the south_westL corner of Pearl and Clay Streets. Referred to tho City Attorney. 15.1 From U. S. Rhoades, requesting free license to seel lavasole. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Rhoades of the action of the council at its meeting of TEIrell 1st, 1932, denying future issuance of gratuitous licenses. 16./ From The City Manager recommending that the city assume the expense of $15.00 for the renewal of the notary public commission of Mrs. Roberta Pratt. Mr. Shanly moved that the recounendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unantnously, 17/ , From the City Manager recommending that a sum of $300.00)De appropriated out of the Advertising Fund to cover expense of Annual Spring Festival given by the Recreation Department. Mr. Shanly moved that the recommendation of the City Manager:be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 18/ From the North Side Protective Club relative to employment of Assistant City Attorney. There being no objection this communication was referred to the City Attorney for answer with the request a copy of his reply be presented to the Council. NEW BUSINESS: 19. The City Engineer presented specification for resurfacing tennis courts of Washington Park. Mr. Shanly moved that the specifications be adopted and the Clerk advertise for bids. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris aid on roll call carried unanimously. RESOLDIIONS: 20.7 Mr. Morris 21.,/ 22. 23. introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1655. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation. (Portion of Clay Street West of Pearl Street)." ' Mr. Shanly seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No.1656. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation. (Portions of Clay Street, West of Versailles and West of Pearl Street.)" Mr. Shanly seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. FILING: was The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed.:- Report of Alameda Belt Line for January 1932. Recorded Deed, Grant of Easement from Southern Pacific Company, re east end of Encinal Avenue. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $6016. Department, 0669.23; Fire Department,$345.62; Street Department, Department, $285.17; Recreation Department, $236.54; Golf Course $1153.89; Store Department, $136.78; Social Service Department, Initiative Relief Fund, $741.67; Street. Improvement Fund, $202.2 Insurance Fund, $428,95 having been approved aid audited by the were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times Star Bancroft-Whitney Co. Beetle, Loreme R. Encell, Harry A. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Enefer, H. W. Flying Review Publishing Co. Ford, N. 0. Holdal & Richardson Newcomb, Chas. A. Johnson Co., S. T. Municipal Electric Light Nichols, Mary Nielsen, Adolph Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peterson Tallow Co. Pierson, Neil B. Pierson, Neil B. City Manager Silver,, Edward J. Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Ward, John D. Western Union Plant Alameda Steam Laundry- Alzina, Hap Clevenger, C. F. Dietz Motor Company Ftiedman & Co., M. George, Charley Janusch, John H. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel; Co. Park Electric Co, Piatt Photo Company Nielsen, Adolph Shredded Wheat Co. Stewart, S. Texaco Super Service Typewriter Guy Western Union General Departments. Keys and locks Towel service Printing Advertising Books Services Retainer fee- S. P. case Water Court Reporter fees Book Printing Accountants Stationery Diesel oil Electricity City lighting Incidental expenses Repairs Rental and tolls Disposal of dead animals Money advanced Revolving fund. Incidental expenses Typewriter inspectinn. Supplies Premium on policy Clock rental Total 16; Police $1663,06; Health Department, $296.40; 6; Compensation proper officials Police Department. Laundry Repairs to Lite-o-sco Repairs Traffic pa Labor-stre Grease and Repairs to .Rental and Unit cells Supplies Repairs to Dog foot Repairing Typewriter Clock rent motorcycles pes Total int et painting oil cars traffic signals tolls ambulance tire service al and telegram 13.00 7.00 363.00 14.89 27.85 55.00 500.00 14.49 15.00 8.50 9.00 45.00 2.50 31.04 155.76 3188.00 1.56 3.05 27.36 25.00 33.06v, 1430.35 -) 6.50 10.50 2.25 25.00 1.50 6016.16 .62 13.71 6.00 32.22 9.50 66.00 9.27 10.08 21.28 3.60 4.60 473.15 5.50 4.55 1.35 6.00 1.80 $ 669.23 Alameda Steam Laundry East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Furey, Harry D. Johnson Co., S. T. Lewis, R. E. Municipal Electric Light Plant Typewriter Guy Western Auto SuppV- Co. Western Union • Labor Associated Oil Company Baker, Hansen Co. Cobbledick-Kibbee Glass Co. Dennen Co., V.W. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Furey, Harry D. Gillette Publishing Co. Hutchinson Co. Larson, W. H. Link-Belt Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 1, u Peoples Express Co. Pieper, H. C. Texaco Super Service Typewriter Guy Union Oil Company Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Fire Department. Linen service Water Repairs Stove oil Soap Electricity Inspection Battery Clock rental Total - Street Department. Gasolin Check valve Ground glass Rags Water Supplies Subscription Asphalt patching Chain ElectriCity Rental and tolls IT ft Express Sewer rod and reel Tires and tubes Inspection Oil Supplies Total Health Department. Alameda Steam Laundry Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Bischoff Surgical House Brandt, Louis Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Burke, Alice M. Burns, Mrs. V. Ellis, MD. Dr. James A. Flatcbw & Son, P. Fox Water Co. Hodkins, Jessie Island City Ice Co. Kellogg Express Co. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Loop. Lumber & Mill Co. Oakland-California Towel Co. Martin, J. A. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Pierson, Neil B. City Manager State Department of Public Health Typewriter Guy Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Winberg, Mrs. G. H. Associated Equipment Co. Associated Oil Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Fuller & Co., W. P. Goffl Thomas Mannell, Elsye Municipal Electric Light lant Pacific Tell & Tel. Co. Paulin, Dan Piatt Photo Company Siegler, Louis Typewriter Guy Laundry Supplies Services Supplies Services Serum Distilled water Services Ice Express charges Alfalfa Lumber Laundry Services Rental and tolls Services Money advanced for guinea pigs Antigen Inspection Repairs Services Total Recreation Department. Saw parts Gasoline Equipment Auto repairs Water Paint Services t Electricity and lamps Rental and tolls Services Photo supplies Blacksmithing Inspection $ 62.50 29.11 13.90 8.93 15.90 189.03 1.50 23.00 1.75 45.62 $1403.25 66.88 2,00 19.60 4.95 1.56 9.66 1.00 10.20 26.81 17.34 1.58 .20 3,20 1.38 17.90 10.38 1.50 47.28 10.80 5.59 $1663406 15.03 3.00 8.00 42.00 25.60 10.00 2.50 5.00 48.60 2.50 5.00 .80 .50 2.00 5.25 . 4.88 55400 8.60 10,15 12.00 1.31 3,00 10,05 5.00 285.77 16.21 12.50 7,36 55.26 44.90 15.93 4.00 6.00 25.05 2.85 30.00 14.73 .25 1.50 Total $ 236,54 Labor Alameda Cyclery Alameda Welding Works Associated Oil Company Buckner Manufacturing Co, California Cotton Mills Carter Co., H. V. Collins & Zanazzi Dietz Motor Company Kronke-Brampton Co. Maxwell Hardware Co, Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light P1 Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Siegler, Louis Union Oil Compaay Vosburgh Hardware Co. .4, Associated Oil Company Crocker Co., H. S. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Co. Smith Bros. nt Course Department. Repair to lock Repairs to radiator Gasoline Supplies Tee Towels Supplies Tires and tubes Repairs Supplies Tee marts Hosewashers Power and light Towel service Rental and tolls Wedges Penn oil Supplies Total Store Department. Gasoline Supplies Fountain pen ink Desk trays Stamp pad ink Supplies Total 508.83 2,50 12.50 28.02 93.12 19.11 12.00 119.80 7.87 9,13 184.80 .90 109.22 6.93 8.85 1.00 23.66 5.65 $ 1153.89 Social Service Department. Alameda Bootery Alameda Social Service Board Loop Lumber 1 Mill Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Smith, Chas. Vosburgh Hardware Go. Wells Van & Storage Co. Acme Groceries George & Koupas Bros. Ben's Grocery Bowles Cash Grocery Boynton's Grocery Central Market City Market It Community Grocery Craigs Grocery Crystal Market Davies Grocery Dusterpoth, W. Economy Market Gardner Bros. Hagy's Market High Street Market Horst, Wm. Johnson's Grocery Lund's Grocery Martel's Grocery New Alameda Market Noy, R. H. ft fl tt Palace Grocery Perryman's Grocery Reis, Grocery Saum's Grocery Schiffer, M. Scheuermann, F. Serana Grocery Shopryte Grocery tar Market SylVester's Todd's Grocery Versailles Cash Market Western Market Willow Grocery Clark & Sons, N. Empire Foundry Co. Heafey-Moore Co. Shoes Revolving fund Lumber Electricity Repairs Supplies Cartage Total Initiative Relief Fund. Groceries ft Meat t, GrOceries 11 ft ft Meat Groceries ” n ft Total Street Improvement Fund. Sewer pipe Castings Road Oil Total 59.38 53.52 8.96 5.82 1.00 8.10 $ 136.78 $ 10.65 15.79 6.01 250.20 2.65 7.10 4.00 $ 296.40 11.75 16.50 7.65 57.00 42.00 16.00 3.00 2.00 4,00 12.00 67.37 22.00 27.00 16.00 10.00 4,00 10,00 7.00 7.85 9.65 6.00 84.00 2.00 11.50 43.00 24.00 40,00 24.00 31.85 6.00 7.00 53.00 3.55 14.00 6.00 2.00 21.00 10.00 741.67 23.52 29.40 149.34 202.26 Alameda Sanatorium Peralta Hospital Pierce, Cornelia Comjensatjon Insurance Fund. Hospital services X-rays Services Nurse's Services Total - 348.45 37.50 25.00 18.00 428.95 Mr. Morris moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Shaaly and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session; Tuesday evening, April 5th, 1932 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, • COE, City Clerk.