1932-05-17 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 17TH, 1932. The meeting, convened at 8 o'clock with Coancil-president Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and President Murray, (4), were notedTpresent.- Absent: Cpuneilman Sclnefer, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of May 4th, 1932 were approved as read. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: 10/ From the Alameda Dahlia Society requesting an appropriation of '4,150.00 for the annual Dahlia Show. Mr. Shanly moved that in view of the existing con- ditions the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and same carried unanimously. 3./ 6./ From Mr. Medus, relative to unleashed and stray dogs. Referred to the City Manager for attention. From E. R.Giles, requesting permission to solicit for soap orders in a house to house canvas. Mr. Shanly moved that in .view of previous action of the Council in similar requests, the application beadenied. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and same carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission, recommending reclassification of the southwest corner of High Street and Central Avenue, to a Residential Dis trict, Class ij. Mr. Leydecker moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and same carried unanimous ly. From Oakland Area Council, Boy Scouts of America; requesting per- mission to use a portion of Government Island as a base for operations in sea scout work. The communication was referred to the City Manager for investigation and report. From the City Manager, recommending that all allowances for use of personal automobiles for city business be disContinued. Mr. Shanly moved that the re- commendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried unanimously. 7.1 From the City Manager, recommending that the stenographer in the City Manager's office, now on a per diem basis, be classified as. Secretary at a salary of p135.00 per month. Mr. Morris moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Er. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the Alameda \Tomen!s Civic Club, in appreciation and advising their reconsideration of their request for use of the council chambers as granted at the last meeting of the council. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to need of a roadway to connect with the western waterfront. Referred to the City Manager for attention and report. 10/ , From the City Planning Commission, recommending enlargemant of Industrial area. Referred to Committee of the Whole. 11.V/ , From the Alameda Laprovement Club, asking the Council to withhold approval of enlargement of Industrial Area. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. 12A/ - From the Alameda Improvement Club, re establishment of a restricted industrial zone. Referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. 13.V - From the Mayor, advising the appointment of Dr. Harold A. Miller as a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees. Filed. 14-.V From the Mayor, advising the appointment of Wm. H. Hitchings as member of the Board of Education, to succeed J. B. Lanktree., Filed. UNFINISHED BusTwEss: 15.V, From the City Manager, recommending the denial of the request of the Melrose Rifel Club to establish a rifle range in the building at the north end of Bay Street. Mr. Leydecker moved the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Shanly and carried unanimously. 16/ Report of City Planning Commission, on letter, of Alameda Improvement Club, relative to creating Industrial zones and types of buildings therein. Referred to the Committee of the Whole-. In the matter of the removal of the dilapidated buildings at 533-535 Central Avenue, was again presented and further action of the Council was postponed until its next regular meeting. NEW B BINESS: 18. Mr. Leydecker moved that the budget allowance, Expense Account No.70-L, Unemployment) be increased from $19,000.00 to $21,500.00, and that the additional $2500.00 thereby created be paia out of the balance of the City Manager's Re- volving Fund on hand, as required by the Unemployment Bureau, Mr. Morris seconded the motion and on roll call carried unanimously. RESQLTJTI ONS: ig.V Mr. Leydecker introduced and, moved the adoption of "RESOLUTION NO. 1666. Transfer±ing $4213.04 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. ORDINANCES INAN0E FOR INTRODUCTION: The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a of the Charter:- 20 • ING: provision "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Southwest corner of High Street and Central Avenue)' "Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Distribution. of Handbills and Other Notices and Advertisements." The clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed: 22 .f A/ 23 BILLS: Oath of office, Harold A. Miller, meniber of Board of Free Library Trustees. Oath of office, Wm. H. Hitchings, as member of the Board of Education. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $ 1184.98; Police De- partment $250.45; Fire Department, b205.37; Street Department, $2055.35; Health Departnent,$111.34; Recreation Deportment, $425.37; Golf Course Department; $547.15; Store Department, $123.79; Social Service Department, $123.42; Street Improvement Fund, $890.33; Compensation Insurance Fund, $78.651 Maitland Drive Improvement Fund, $1610.79; and East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, $1.41; having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Departments. Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry American City American Law Book Co. American Trust Co. Bancroft-Whitney Co. Barker's Alameda Furniture Co. Beatie, Loreme R. Bryant, Ralph M. City Manager Crocker Co., H.S. Croll, F. J. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Holdal Richardson Jones & Co., Ed. Konigshofer's Otis Elevator Co. Maguire, E.W. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peterson Tallow Co. Smith, Charles Veteran's Manorial Bldg. Com. Western Union Alzina, Hap Colt's Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Dietz Motor Company Donaldson Printing Co. East Bay Service Co. Elster Printing Co. Encinal Press Ford, N.O. Janusch, John H. Morton Super-Service Pacific Engineers Exchange, Inc. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Piatt Photo Company Repairing door check Towel service Subscription Vol. 57, Corpus Juris Rental, Safe Deposit box Law books Hall tree Services Reimburing Revolving Fund Repair of mimeograph Incidental expenses Water Adcountant's services Dog tags May day supplies Motor bearing oil Services-Assessor's office Rental and tolls Disposal of dead animals Repairs Alameda's share of expense Clock rental Total Police Department. Motorcycle repairs Co. Targets Repairs and service Targets Auto repairs Printing Auto repairs Tire repairs Lead and tin Rental and tolls Supplies 2.00 7.00 4.00 7.50 15.00 12.85 7.50 50.00 506.00N\ 7.50 13.78 20.31 45.00 25.00 102.42 .80 75.00 25.93 25.00 4.50 226.39 1.50 $ 1184.98 17.70 4.50, 22.82 10.00 15.00 9.50 11.75 8.00 1.50 1.05 14.47 21.75 5.30 t Railway Express Agency Smith, Vern Stewart, S. Western Union Alameda Steam Laundry Ansel's East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. French Oxygen Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant, Stilisbury, A.C. Standard Oil Company Western Union Labor Associated Equipment Company Clark & Sons, N. Collins & Zanazzi Hamilton, Burnett Haynes, M. ' Inter-Urban Express Corp. Irvine & Jachens Lietz Company, The A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Riechel & Bredhoff Standard Oil Company Texaco Super Series Union Oil Co. United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardware Co. tt Alameda Steam Laundry Itrrow. Towel & Laundry Co Benjamin, F. M. Burke, Alice M.D. Burns, Mrs. V. Ellis, James A. MD. Encinal Coal Co. 71 /7 Fox Water Co. Island City Ice Co. Martin, J.A. Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Perryman's Grocery Prendable, William Standard Oil Co. Wetman Chevrolet Co, Winberg, Mrs. G. H. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Baler, HaMilton & Pacific Co. California Mill and Lumber Co, California Wire Cloth Co. Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Co. East Bay Iviun.Utility Dist. Fuller & Co., W.P. Goff, Thomas Municipal Electric Light Plant tt Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Paulin, Dan. Smith, Chas. Police Department (Contd.) Expressage Contingent fund Dog food Clock service Fire Total Departaient. Linen service Repair electrid range Water Oxygen Electricity Arrow hand soap Pearl oil Clock rental Total Street Department. Parts for Sweeper Pipe Solid tires Incidentals Repairs Expressage Zinc street signs Tracing paper Electricity and power Rental and tolls Materials Repairs sidewalk Gasoline Repairs, etc. Penn oil Steel runners for sweeper Supplies Total Health Department Laundry Towel service Services TT Hay Alfalfa Water Ice Services Laundry Rental and tolls Services Clorox Sorvice Zerolene Auto repairs Services Total .- Recreation Department Repairs ' Spades, hoes, etc. Lumber Wire netting Glass Water Putty Services Flood lights etc, Electricity Rental and tolls Services Supplies Total c" $ 1.06 100.00 4.55 1,50 $250.45 62.50 6.25 36.82 6.00 84.55 2.50 5.00 1.75 05.37 $1586.25 99.58 32.69 50.00 21.17 2.50 .35 3.75 3.75 .48 3.10 96.41 12,50 46.88 2.25 24.45 34.50 15.15:: 19.59 $ 2055.35 11.45 4.94 6.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 3.00 3.85 2.50 .80 16.50 5.48 9.25 10.50 1.75 4„.50 .66 2.16 5.00 3.50 11.78 8,84 5.52 5.45 104.50 .74 24.00 122.50 56.10 19.24 60.00 3.50 425.37 Golf Course Department Labor Alameda Welding Works Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bishop Company, G.F. Crane Co. Cranston, A.R. East Bay Service Co. Merchf.nts Express & Draying Co. National Lead Co, Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Company Western Auto Supply Co. Western Meat Co. Brynt, Ralph M. City Manager Crocker Co., H.S. Hovet, Harold Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal-Stratford & Kerr Standard Oil Co. Welding Sprinkling cans Worm eradicator Plumbing supplies Repairs to water pipe Reseal and charge battery Drayage Glass Towel serrice Rental and tolls Gasoline Water pump' Ford plugs Fertilizer Total . . Store Department Money advanced for stamps Supplies 71 ft tt Gasoline To Social Service Department Alameda Cycler3r Repair door check' California Dairies Milk Frost, H. G. Clorox and bon ami Municipl Electric Light Plant Electricity Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Servicing and oil Heafey-Moore Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Standard Oil Company Transit Concrete, Ltd. Alameda Sanatorium ft Hittenberger, Emil J. Security Drug Co., Inc. Heafey-Moore Co. ft Powell Bros., Inc. Transit Concrete, Ltd. Total . . Street Improvement Fund Road oil Lumber Materials Gasoline Screenings Total . • . Compensation Insurance Fund Mai Services X-ray Knee cap Drugs Total land Drive ove ent Fund East Road oil It TT Materials Screenings Total . • -• Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Supplemental charges Water extensions Mr. Morris moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council'adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, June 7th, 1932 at 8 o'clock. 444.50 9.50 1.96 12.50 6.39 3.75 1.50 2.76 .84 17.29 8.50 16.25 3.76 5.40 12.25 $ 547.15 50.00 19.50 6.00 1.57 1.59 45.13 123.79 4F. tip .50 21.97 3.45 95.40 2.10 123.42 182.54 13.63 642.26 25,00 26.90 890.33 49.00 22.50 2.75 4.40 78.65 389.23 989.76 145.17 86.63 $ 1610.79 44> Shanly and on 1 .41 Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.