1932-09-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR P"-i'PTING OF THE COUNCIL OF TriE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUES= EVENING, SEe'TEMBER 6, 1932 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P.M. with Council President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Schaefer, Shanly and President Murray (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16th, 1932 were approved as read, also the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 23rga 1932 were approved as read. WRITTEN CCMMUNICATIONS: 1. From the Mayor, City Manager and Auditor, reporting that they had counted the money and securities in the City Treasury on August 16th, 1932 and found there was under the control of the City Treasurer the sum of 564,455.21, which. sum agreed with the Auditor's accounts. The Pension Fund contained 450,200.00. Compensation Insurance Fund; 418,750.00, Municipal Electric Light and Power; 4120,400.00 in bonds. The report was without objection ordered filed and copies forwarded to the members of the Council. 2./ From the City Planning Conenissionr recommending the denial of the petition for the re-class- ification of the southwest corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Grand Street from a residential district Class I to a business district Class V. On motion of Vila Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Morris, and after Mr. hsra Cox and Mr. H.iJ. hooley had addressed the Council in favor of the petition, the recommendation of the City Planning Commission was accepted and the petition denied by a unanimous vote. 3. / From the City Planning Commission recommending that the petition be granted for the re- classification of the property known as 1704 Central Avenue, from a residential district Class 1, to a Residential district Class II. Mr. Shanly moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimously. 4.1 From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting an audience with the Council, sitting as a Committee of the Whole. In view of the fact that it would be impossible for the Council to grant all similar requests, and that it would not be proper to make any exceptions, Mr. Shanly moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. iViorris and carried unanimously. 5. 1 From the Northern California Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, expressing appreciation to the Council for permission to conduct their annual Harvest Ingathering Campaign. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 6.i Ida Elliget, requesting future financial assistance from the Council in future floral displays. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 7•' From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, enclosing copies of resolution to the State Toll Bridge Authority, requesting provision be made covering the costs of laterals, etc, to give Alameda and Oakland proper ingress and egress to the proposed San Francisco-Oakland Trans-bay Bridge. Without objection, the coernelication was 'ordered filed. 8. / From the League of California Municipalities in reference to municipal exhibits at the coming convention of that organization to be held in San Diego the last week in September There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. From W.H. Christie, Mayor of Emeryville, urging all cities to send delegates to the coming convention of the League of California Municipalities, to be held in San Diego. There being no objection, the caiimunicatiOn was ordered referred to the City Manager and City Clerk. 10.e From "Western City", a publication soliciting advertisements for bids. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 11./ From Leroy Krusi, accompanied by a copy of a letter to the Chief of Police, protesting against the method of house to house convasses in the City of Alaneda. There being no ob- jection, the communication was referred to the City Manager for recommendation. 12. From the City Manager, transmitting budget for the fiscal year 1932 and 1933, recommending that the tax rate for said fiscal year be fixed at 41.45 per 4100.00 assessed valuation. Without objection the budget was ordered filed. 13"/ From the former City Clerk, W.E. Varoce, expressing his appreciation for the gift presented to him by members of the Council on his retirement from office. There being no objection, \e/ the communication was ordered filed. 14. From Mrs. Maybell V. Powell, Chairman Safety Committee, Alameda Public Schools, calling at- tention to the splendid work being performed by the Junior Traffic Police, and requesting the Council to assume one half the annual. cost of 4150.00 in equipping the boys engaged in traffic work. Mr. Schaefer moved that the request be granted and the sum of 475.00 be donated for the purpose outlined, seconded by Mr. Morris, and on roll call carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 15.' Mr. Leydecker referred to the approaching expiration of the contract with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for furnishing electric power to the City, and expressed himself as being not in favor of renewing the contract unless a reduced rate be obtained, and if not, would be in favor of the construction of a new plant to manufacture electric energy, stating that, thatwas his platform and that he desired to stand by it. City Manager Bryant also spoke on the subject in his capacity as a member of the Board of Public Utilities. President Murray pointed out under the charter, the City Council had no power to enter into such a contract, for the purchase of electric energy, and its only power would be to approve of disapprove such contract, after such contract had been entered into by the Board of Public Utilities. RESOLUTIONS 16. Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of 1'7. "Resolution No. 1681 Rescinding Resolution No. 1535 authorizing the payment of 435.00 por month to the Chief of Police for use of hisautomobile." MX. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. hill' Morris introduced and moved the adoption of Mr. Shanly and passed 18. Mr. Shanly "Resolution No. 1682 Requesting cancellation of bond on behalf of officers and employees of the City of Alameda executed by fidelity and deposit company of Maryland, August 6th, 1931." seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted unanimously. introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1683 Resolution of appreciation to the San Bar Pilots' Association Francisco on Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 19. Mr. Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1684 Determining the rate and levying the tax 1932-1933 Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE 20, The following ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. "Authorizing Sale and Exchange of Property" Mr. Morris moved that the Ordinance, as read, be adopted, seconded by MX. Shanly and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 21. The following ordinance was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter: FILINGS "Ordinance No. "Reclassifying Property at 1704 Central Avenue" The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers have been filed: 22. Copy of Order of the Railroad Cannission of the State of the State of California extending time for construction of spur tracks across Fernside Blvd., Versailles Avenue and Pearl Street in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California. 23. Budget of the fiscal year 1932 and 1933. 24. Oath of Office of C.E. Cocks, member of Police and Fire Board of Appeals. BILLS Claims against the General Departments amounting to 41,291.28; Police Department, .4254.47; Fire Department, 4147.52; street Department, 42,135.99; Health Department, 4261.60 Recreation Department, 4111.34; Golf Course Department, 4944.04; Store Department, 4170.80; Social Service Department, 4149.10; Initiative Relief Fund, 412.00; Compensation Insurance Fund, 4121.50; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, 42,451.10. having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Addressograph Company Alameda Cyclery Alameda Times-Star Ala. Veterans' Memorial Bldg. Anderson, Janice Bancroft-Whitney Co. Bender-Moss Co. Bryant, Ralph M. Bryant, Ralph M. Dennen, Co. V.W. Encinal Press Ford, N.O. Hermann Safe Co. Johnson Co. S.T. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Mun. Electric Light & Power Murray, William F. Oakland Safe & Lock Co. 5 Otis Elevator Co. Pac. Gas & Electric Co. Patrick & Moise-Klinkne Peterson Tallow Co. Seeley, Esther SMith, F.J. Storey, Grace Strom Electrical Co. Thomas Sanitary Supply Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Alameda Cyclery Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Trimm Shop Alzina, Hap Ansel's Carlisle, A. & Co. Curtis, L.N. Dietz Motor Co. Ford, N.O. George, Charley Neal, Stratford & Kerr Pac. Gas & Electric Co. Platt Photo Co. Smith -Bros. Texaco Super Service Vosburth Hardware Co. Bearing Specialty Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Hart, P.R. Merchants Express & Draying Co. Pac. Gas & Electric Co. Salisbury, A.C. Standard Oil Co. Labor Austin-Western Road Mach. Co. Berg Co. A.. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. E.E. Mun. Utility District Inter-urban Express Corp. MacKenzie, George Moreland Sales Corp, Oakland Spring Works Standard Oil Co. Texaco Super Service tt United Iron Works Union Oil Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times Star BQnjamin, Froda M. Braun-Knechy-Heimann Co. Burns Mrs. V. Cossitt & Company Elster Printing Co. Encinal Coal Co. GENERI4L DEPABTMENTS Ribbon for add2essograph Repairing door check Printing Share, upkeep of building Services Law book Las book Reimbursing Revolving fund Paper towels Printing reports sheets Printing warrants, etc. Vault door Oil Supplies, dater, etc. Chair cushion Lamps Ma'yor's allowance,August Chancing combination on vault Servicing elevator Gas, city hall Rubber stamps Disposal of dead animals Services, Auditor's office Ex. incurred in arbitration Services, City Clerk's office Wiring in vault Case of detergent Screen Hangars, etc. Total - - POLICE D'gPARTYIENT Repairing door, etc. Laundry Auto top, repairing Repairing motorcycle Batteries & lamps Arrest register Face mask pad Supplies and repairs Envelopes Painting traffic signs Ruled cards Gas Service Photo supplies Filing cabinet Tires Paint and brush Total - FIRE DEPARLENT Bearings Battery Recharging batteries Expressage Gas service at fire houses Band Cleanser Gasoline Total - - STREET DE2ARTI,ENT Rear axle for roller Cable Gaskets Water used from hydrants Express charges Repairing sidewalk Steering wheel Ford front spring Gasoline Tires, tubes and rims Tube repair and change Shaft press gear and labor Water pump grease Valve lifter Total - HEALTH DEPARTill;;N Laundry service Printing ad Services in laboratory Cylinder, filter, etc. Serv6ces, Well Baby Conf. Birth & death certificate. Birth record cards 2 sacks rolled oats 1.40 2.00 25.41 499.39 50.00 2.85 15.00 39.25 77.10t 6.10 18.50 60.00 175.00 38.03 2.08 3.43 7.14 50.00 2.50 5.50 4.00 2.40 25.00 110.00 20.00 27.50 14.80 6.40 .50 1291.28 3.50 .31 12.00 .80 7.42 78.75 2.50 33.63 3.75 55.00 22.00 1.11 9.00 13.50 10.65 .55 254.47 58.32 29.50 7.00 .50 18.70 2.25 31.25 147.52 1814.50 85.55 2.44 1.44 8.93 35 • 4.80 11.85 3.65 84.13 86.02 .75 5.25 4.58 1.75 4 2135.99 a 5.13 1.82 208.90 4.07 2.50 10.63 6.75 2.30 Kuentz, Fred Platt Photo Co. Rosenthal H. & Co. Skilling, L.E. (M.D.) Winberg, Mrs. G.H. Anderson Mfg. Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pac. Co. Goff, Tom Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Siegler, L. Standard Oil Co. Vivian Grinding "arks Wanner Mfg. Co. RECREAT Services, Frame Buttons Services, Services, laboratory Well Baby Conf. Well Baby Conf. Total DEPARTMENT New plunger for pump Rope and sash cord Services, Recreation Dept. Gas service at parks Sharpening chisels, etc. Gasoline Sharpening, crosscuts Felt monograms Total GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT Labor Baker-Hamilton & Pacific Co. Carter, H.V. & Co. Crane Co. Ford, N.O. Garratt-Callahan Co. Municipal Electric Light & Power Roebling's, John A. Sons Co. Standard Oil Co.7 Vosburgh Hardware Co. West Disinfecting Co. Buckey Ribbon & Carbon Co. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal-Stratford & Kerr Smith Bros. Standard Oil Co. ft ft Bordens Farm Products California Dairies Golden State Co. Ltd. Penney co., J.C. tt tt ft Shuey, R.A. Creamery VI ft U Wetmore Chevrolet Go. Central Market Perryman's Grocery Alameda Sanatorium Bischoff Surgical Co. Hall, Charming, M.D. E.B. Mun. Utility Dist. tt If 9 f Lawn sprinkler, etc. Breaker points for mower Supplies Printing and envelopes Rust eradicator Lamps Jersey netting Gasoline, grease, oil & spray Copper toilet ball Latherol Total STORE DEPARTMENT Carbon paper Clips, pencils, pads, etc. Penholders Blotters Gasoline tt Total - - SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARMa;T Milk Clothing & shoes fl 9 8 Milk tt Labor and parts Total ------ INITIATIVE RELIEF FUND Meat Groceries Total COMPANSATIUN INSURANCE FOND X-rays and surgery Linen elastic hose Services EAST BAY 1ENIC Payments Total 5.00 .90 1.10 10.00 2.50 261.60 4 16.75 27.06 20.00 5.03 1.50 28.00 4.00 9.00 4 111.34 9 788.50 4.05 1.83 8.64 2.75 38.09 15.78 16.64 58.12 .45 9.19 9- 944.04 24.50 14.11 .40 3.67 29.38 98.74 40_70.80 $ 10.05 13.40 20.64 35.98 43.18 10.05 10.05 149.10 UTILITY DIST; Fund Public use charge Pipe line installations Total Mr. Shanly moved that the bills as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and ly. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in Tuesday Evening, September 20th, 1932 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 2.00 10.00 12.00 37.50 5.00 79.00 121.50 2438.62 12.48 $2451.10 passed unanimous- regular session