1982-11-16 Regular CIC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1982 The meeting convened at 7:15 p.m. with Chairman Corica presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Gorman. The Invocation was given by Rev. Wally Riches, Twin Towers United Methodist Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Gorman, Sherratt, Stone, and Chairman Corica - 4. Absent: Commissioner Diament - 1. MINUTES Commissioner Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gorman,that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 11, 1982, be approved as submitted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS From Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, regarding the Preliminary Plan of the Proposed West End Community Improvement Project Area. Mr. Scullin summarized his communication and expressed concern that the Preliminary Plan had been approved by motion at a Planning Board Work Session without adequate public notification and input. He further expressed concern that the Commission had not held a regular meeting on November 2, 1982. Commissioner Sherratt noted the matter of the Preliminary Plan will be heard several times at both the Community Improvement Commission level and City Council level. After further discussion, Commissioner Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Stone, that the communication be accepted and it be noted there will be ample oppor- tunity for public hearings in the future; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Commissioner Gorman noted there had been no business to be considered by the Commission November 2 and suggested agendas be prepared for the regularly scheduled meetings, that meetings be opened, and if there is no business, the meeting would be adjourned. The Commission concurred with his suggestion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. to meet in regular session Tuesday, December 7, 1982, at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DEEN SPEEGLE, Secr(dtary November 16, 1982