1991-05-21 Regular CIC Minutes134
HELD TUESDAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAY 21, 1991
The Meeting convened at 7:46 p.m., with Chairman Withrow presiding.
The invocation was given by Reverend Robert Keller, and the Pledge
of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Lucas.
ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth,
and Chairman Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Note: Commissioner Lucas announced that, according to the Fair
Political Practices Commission, she has a conflict because she owns
a property within 300 feet of the proposed district, therefore she
will abstain and leave the dais.
Commissioner Arnerich moved approval of the Minutes of the Annual
Community Improvement Commission Meeting of May 7, 1991.
Commissioner Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4.
Chairman Withrow announced recess of the Community Improvement
Commission Meeting at 7:47 p.m., to reconvene for Joint Public
Hearing with the City Council.
91 -74 Joint Public Hearing (Community Improvement Commission (CIC)
and City Council) on adoption of the Community Improvement Plan
(CIP) for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) and
Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) relating
Call to Order
Chairman Withrow called the Joint Public Hearing of the Community
Improvement Commission (CIC) of the City of Alameda and the City
Council of the City of Alameda to order; stated the purpose of the
Hearing is to consider and act upon the Community Improvement Plan
(CIP) for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) and
the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Community
Improvement Plan, and called for a Roll Call by the City Clerk.
May 21, 1991
Roll Call
City Council - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia [took his
seat on the dais immediately following the
roll call], Lucas [absent from dais to
abstain from proceedings], Roth, and
President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Community Improvement Commission:
Present: Commissioners Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas,
[absent from dais to abstain from
proceedings], Roth, and Chairman Withrow
- 5.
Absent: None.
Chairman Withrow requested the Community Development Director
proceed with entering affidavits and certifications into the record.
The Community Development Director entered into the record:
Exhibit "1" Affidavit of publication of notice of Joint Public
Hearing, published once a week for four successive weeks in the
Alameda Times -Star as required by Sections 33349 and 33361 of the
Health and Safety Code;
Exhibit "2" Certificate of mailing Notice of the Joint Public
Hearing, together with a statement concerning acquisition of
property by the CIC, to each assessee of land in the Project Area as
shown on the last equalized assessment roll as required by Sections
33349 of the Health and Safety Code; and
Exhibit "3" Certificate of mailing notice of the Joint Public
Hearing to the governing bodies of each taxing agency within the
Project Area as required by Section 33349 and 33350 of the Health
and Safety Code.
Chairman Withrow announced those documents will be made a part of
the record.
Chairman Withrow called the Joint Public Hearing open, noting the
State law under which the Council /Commission are acting is the
Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California, which
requires certain procedures in the conduct of the Hearing; a
transcript will be made by a court reporter; and testimony will be
sworn and subject to questions through the Chair.
The City Attorney suggested staff, consultants, and speakers from
the audience be sworn in a single oath.
The Court Reporter, JoAnn Lauritzen, administered the oath.
Chairman Withrow explained the order of procedure for the Hearing.
David- Beatty, Special Counsel, McDonough, Holland & Allen,
May 21, 1991
Sacramento, stated evidence will be introduced in connection with
findings and determinations that will be made in an ordinance
adopting the Community Improvement Plan and read the eleven major
evidentiary findings, which are contained in Section 33367 of the
Health and Safety Code; and noted other statements and
determinations are included in the proposed ordinance adopting the
The City Attorney stated, to make the record perfectly clear, she
would like the record to reflect that Commissioner Camicia is now in
attendance and has been in attendance during the last presentation.
Chairman Withrow announced the receipt of evidence and testimony
would proceed.
The Community Development Director submitted a certification of
certain official actions taken by the City Council, the Planning
Board and the CIC in connection with the preparation of the CIP for
the Redevelopment Project.
Chairman Withrow stated if there are no objections, the
Certification shall be made a part of the record.
The Community Development Director made introductory background
comments about the City's General Plan concerning some of the
deficiencies that presently exist in the City and the benefits from
the redevelopment process to correct the deficiencies; noting
problems are diverse, including Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
within the BWIP area, traffic circulation deficiencies, unsafe
public facilities, including City Hall and three fire stations;
sites suffering from toxic contamination, underutilization of
northern waterfront; and that formation of the BWIP will provide
the vehicle for programs and strategies designed to catalyze
reinvestment in Alameda; specific plans will be prepared for major
sub - areas, a program of capital public improvements will be
developed and a revitalization program will be formulated.
James Burns, Burns & Watry, redevelopment consultant, summarized the
CIC's Report to Council, stated the Report is the basic supporting
documentation for the CIP and the ordinance which will adopt the
CIP; noted the Report is the evidentiary document to be used in
court if that becomes necessary, and highlighted the key elements,
stating the report covers basically a blight analysis: 1) area
blight must be demonstrated, 2) projects to mitigate blights must be
developed, and 3) a source of revenues adequate to pay for the
projects to mitigate blighted conditions must be developed;
negotiations of the taxing agencies in the area have taken place and
agreements made with all but four agencies [AC Transit, Peralta
Community College District, Alameda Unified School District, and the
Alameda County Office of Education]; and stated for the record
that, in coming to an agreement with Alameda County, 8 meetings were
held, 6 meetings with East Bay Regional Parks District, the School
District has, he believes,- one outstanding issue remaining and 17
meetings were held; 17 meetings were held with A.C. Transit, and 7
meetings with Peralta Community College District and the County
Office of Education.
May 21, 1991
Chairman Withrow called for questions from the Council /CIC.
Commissioner Arnerich requested the word "deficit" be used in place
of "shortfall."
Chairman Withrow, hearing no objections, made Exhibit "5," Report of
CIC, a part of the record, along with the testimony and documents.
Joan Lamphier, Planning Department, briefly summarized the Final
Environmental Impact Report on the CIP, summarized letters and
comments received and responses to same, noting a purpose of the
Hearing is to consider certification of EIR adequacy and
completeness, mitigation measures are identified in the EIR, and a
mitigation monitoring program is included in the resolution to
certify the document; addressed jobs /housing balance; noted 13
letters received included majority of comments involving
jurisdictional issues with agencies, and remainder addressed fiscal
impacts on individual agencies; and recommended Council and CIC
certify the EIR, and adopt the mitigation monitoring system.
Chairman Withrow announced, hearing no objections, Exhibit "6,"
Final Environmental Impact Report, as submitted, will be made a part
of the record as part of the Report of the CIC.
Mr. Beatty reviewed the Community Improvement Plan, stating the
Plan is basically an enabling plan or charter which authorizes the
Commission and establishes goals for the Commission for the
revitalization of the project area, and grants the Commission
certain powers within the project area to perform certain actions,
including construction of public improvements, provision of
opportunities for owner participation, acquisition of property
within the Project area; and noted the length of the Plan is forty
Chairman Withrow called for questions from Council /CIC; hearing
none, and no objections, stated Exhibit "7," proposed Community
Improvement Plan [Redevelopment Plan] will be made a part of the
The Community Development Director stated, to complete the
documents, she would like to have entered into the record the Rules
Governing Participation by Property Owners, and the Extension of
Reasonable Preferences to Business Occupants in the Business and
Waterfront Improvement Project, as said Rules have been adopted by
the CIC; the Rules have previously been made available to the
Council and have also been made available for public inspection.
Chairman Withrow called for questions by members of the City Council
or the CIC concerning the Rules; hearing none, made Exhibit "8,"
[Owner Participation Rules] a part of the record.
Chairman Withrow directed any written comments received on the
Community Improvement Plan or the Final EIR be placed on the record.
The Community Development Director stated a written comment has been
May 21, 1991
received, which is a joint comment on behalf of the Alameda County
Superintendant of Schools and the Peralta Community College
District; the Statement of Objections basically raises concerns
about the type of Environmental Impact document prepared, and the
issue of whether the fiscal impact has been addresed on these two
jurisdictions; negotiations are proceeding with the two agencies,
and entered the written comment into the record [Exhibit "9, ").
Chairman Withrow called for statements or testimony in favor of the
CIP or Final EIR.
Helen Sause,
been sworn;
and mailings
the Plan.
Chair, Economic Development Commission, stated she had
spoke in support of CIP; noted public meetings held
made, and urged Council's favorable consideration of
Robert Ford, Alameda, Park Street Business Association (PSBA),
Chair, PSBA Strategic Planning Committee, stated he had been sworn;
noted PSBA's advocacy for approval of the CIP; the CIP is the best
way to affect change desireable for Alameda; a prosperous business
community benefits everyone; and requested Council approve the CIP.
Kimberly Byrne, Alameda, President, West Alameda Business
Association (WABA), stated she had been sworn; is in favor of CIP;
and WABA would like to encourage Council to approve the BWIP.
Greg Beattie, Alameda, Chamber of Commerce, stated he was not sworn
The Court Reporter administered the oath.
Mr. Beattie stated the Chamber of Commerce supports the CIP and
believes the Plan is essential to long term viability of the
northern waterfront, and urged adoption of the Plan.
Cheryl Heihn, Alameda, PSBA, stated she was sworn, would like to see
a more viable and dynamic downtown business district; and
encouraged Council approve the Plan.
Doug Perry, Alameda, Chair, PSBA Economic Revitalization Committee,
outlined PSBA's efforts to improve business; need of support for
efforts of merchants to stem the exodus of businesses and consumers
from Alameda to improve tax levels and the Plan is essential for
ongoing growth.
William Berg, Alameda, Greater Alameda Business Association (GABA),
stated the Board of Directors of GABA has unanimously passed a
motion in favor of the Plan, and urged Council approve the Plan.
Wil Garfinkle, Alameda, stated he had been sworn; questioned where
funds are coming from for other projects, e.g., seismic retrofit,
pay raises for the City; and urged Council, before proceeding, to
give serious consideration to the financial impact on other agencies
that will suffer as a result of the CIP.
John -Barni, Sr., Alameda, stated he was sworn; he agrees with Mr.
May 21, 1991
Garfinkle and questions who will pay for expense of running the City
with funds being utilized for other purposes; addressed
indebtedness to be borne by future citizens, and urged Council take
a good look before passing judgment on the Plan.
The Community Development Director stated the taxing agencies each
have the opportunity to pass a resolution guaranteeing them all the
inflationary increases, and Council has done that; negotiations
with other taxing agencies have been entered into in order to work
with the agencies to mitigate adverse financial impact; the whole
purpose of doing the public improvements is to encourage private
development so that the tax base is increased by the investment in
the area and those increases provide the tax increment. There are
no increases to taxes; the City's credit is not affected by debt;
the purpose is to invest in the area; the investments are public
improvements, the City's ability to provide public improvements is
being supplemented.
Mr. Burns noted the tax increments projected for the first year are
$272,000, and the tenth year are $3,582,000; and the anticipation
is that the City would capture at least 75% of that amount.
Mr. Beatty noted the Commission will not, as a general rule, be
able to incur debt unless at the time it incurs debt, it has
sufficient revenues to pay that debt.
The Community Development Director read a note from the audience
[Charles Tillman] stating that Independence Plaza was able to reduce
the rents to very low income tenants due to Marina Village tax
increment and the high level of tax increment generated there; so
the City has been able to accomplish housing because of tax
increments, and is affordable in the context of an excellent project
of the City.
Chairman Withrow called for statements or testimony in opposition to
the CIP or Final EIR.
Jack Harpe, Alameda, stated he had been sworn, has been in business
in Alameda over 26 years, sees nothing wrong with redevelopment if
there is a true plan but serving notice on the public that the City
"may condemn your property in any time within the next forty years"
is devastating to a property owner and he believes results in
property values going down; if homes of older people who have Prop
13 tax savings, were condemned, they could not afford to buy another
property in Alameda and be able to pay taxes on it; some small
business owners on Clement would be affected also.
Robert Minton, Alameda, stated he opposes the Plan; Alameda is not
ready for redevelopment; traffic is impossible and should be cared
for first; private enterprise should have the right to develop
their land; Alameda is a lovely island, mainly residential, and
some are trying to make it a business industry, and that is entirely
out of order; and urged Council think seriously before going ahead.
Charles Fox, Berkeley, stated he has property on Clement Avenue he
is trying to sell; it is retirement income for him and he would
May 21, 1991
like to know what affect [the Plan] has on property sales and if he
is required to fund improvements, etc.; he likes development but
believes the scale is too large for Alameda and would like Council
to consider that aspect.
David Swain, Alameda, stated he had not been sworn.
The Court Reporter administered the oath.
Mr. Swain stated he does not know if doing improvements on his
property will now be worthwhile; perhaps Alameda should try to
emulate Stanford and Los Gatos retail businesses which open on
European Plan for 2 or 3 hours during lunch and evenings; and
offered his services to help analyze business situations and provide
solutions as he does professionally nationally and internationally.
Fred Kroger, Alameda, stated he believes use of the word "blight" is
incorrect to describe property, generally, in Alameda; believes
redevelopment district is mortgaging future of the City; payback
will be primarily on property owners; private enterprise can and
has made improvements throughout proposed boundaries and could do
more with City help at lower cost; Plan will change the character
of City in wrong direction; urged Council reject CIP.
Chairman Withrow called for any further speakers.
Mr. Beatty stated, in answer to speaker concerns, the Plan is based
on property values going up; regarding eminent domain, the CIC has
no plans now but if it should, low property taxes can be transferred
to new homes as they are protected by the State; regarding Mr.
Minton's concern about more taxes in the Project area, taxpayers in
the area will not pay more than those outside the area; in answer
to Mr. Fox's concern about sale of his property, the area should
not be detrimental and perhaps will make the property more valuable;
regarding Mr. Swain's concerns about improvements, there are no
plans to take his property now or in the foreseeable future, and
investing will be worthwhile; regarding Mr. Kroger's concern about
debt, debt will be paid by tax increments, a reallocation of
property taxes with no added burden on property owners.
Ms. Lamphier, Planning Department, stated the EIR addresses
potential impacts on traffic.
The Community Development Director added that some proposed
improvements are improvements to traffic circulation; regarding Mr.
Kroger's concern about blight, the report to Council delineates the
evidence on blight findings throughout the area; regarding the
[Tillman] note she read earlier concerning Independence Plaza, the
Director stated she has been sworn in and can testify that
[information] is correct.
Commissioner Arnerich clarified regarding transfer of property, that
if a home is condemned, the same tax can be applied if a person
moves within the State, which Mr. Beatty confirmed.
Commissioner Arnerich stated he believes from speakers and applause,
May 21, 1991
that the great concern is not so much for private business as people
losing residences, and he can appreciate the fact but there is
nothing contemplated now or in the foreseeable future.
Mr. Burns confirmed Commissioner Arnerich's comment.
Commissioner Roth stated he would like staff to explain planning
The Community Development Director stated the City has, for two
years, been involved in a serious and expensive planning process to
develop a General Plan for the next twenty years; the land uses in
the redevelopment area reflect decisions made in that process; the
CIC and Council will be making decisions about particular sub - areas,
and both merchants and residents of the sub -areas will be able to be
involved in the process.
Dale Gardner, President, Encinal Yacht Club, stated he has been
sworn in and would like to inquire about the possibility of
condemnation of the Yacht Club.
Mr. Beatty replied the CIC has no present plans to acquire property
by eminent domain, and Mr. Gardner requested that be entered into
the record.
Chairman Withrow entertained a motion to close the Hearing.
Commissioner Camicia so moved. Commissioner Roth seconded the
motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Commissioners Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and Chairman Withrow - 4.
Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Commissioner Lucas - 1.
Chairman Withrow noted the Joint Public Hearing of the Community
Improvement Commission and the City Council is closed; and
reconvened the Regular Meeting of the Community Improvement
Chairman Withrow announced a written objection has been received, as
stated by the staff, regarding adoption of Community Improvement
Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project and
certification of final EIR; and to allow for the preparation of
written responses, the meeting of the CIC is adjourned to June 4,
1991, at 7:25 p.m. in City Council Chamber.
Mr. Beatty explained that State law requires written comments to be
prepared for each written comment received; and does not allow CIC
or Council to act upon the proposed CIP and the next time the action
may legally be taken is at the June 4 meeting and that is why the
action items are being held over to that time.
Commissioner Roth inquired what would happen if written comments
were received June 4.
Mr. Beatty replied oral and written testimony have ended because
the Hearing has now been closed; the testimony on the CIP has been
concluded and the actions on June 4 will be made by CIC and City
Council; but many meetings will be held with regard to
May 21, 1991
implementation of this Plan.
91 -75 Resolution No. . "Approving an Agreement between the
Community Improvement Commission and the County of Alameda pursuant
to Health and Safety Code Section 33401." Not heard. Held over to
June 4, 1991, Adjourned Regular Meeting.
91 -76 Resolution No. . "Authorizing the Executive Director to
prepare, present and enter into an Agreement(s) to Alleviate
Potential Financial Burden of the Community Improvement Plan on
affected taxing agencies." Not heard. Held over to June 4, 1991,
Adjourned Regular Meeting.
91 -77 Resolution No. . "Certifying the completion of and
making Findings as to the Final Environmental Impact Report on the
Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront
Improvement Project and approving and adopting a Mitigation
Monitoring Program." Not heard. Held over to June 4, 1991,
Adjourned Regular Meeting.
Chairman Withrow, adjourned the meeting to June 4, 1991, [7:25 p.m.]
at 9:47 p.m.
Res ectfully submitte�l,
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
May 21, 1991