1997-09-02 Special CIC Minutes2q$.
TUESDAY- - - - -SEPTEMBER 2, 1997- - - -7:25 P.M.
Chair Appezzato convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The Pledge of
Allegiance was led by Commissioner Lucas. The Invocation was given
by Reverend Dan Weller of the Alameda Community Church.
Roll Call: Present:
Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr,
Lucas and Chair Appezzato - 5.
(97-030) Minutes of the Special Community Improvement Commission
Meetings held on June 17, July 1, July 15, and July 29, 1997.
Commissioner Lucas moved approval of the Minutes.
Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Chair Appezzato announced that the Report regarding the Alameda
Theater [paragraph number 97-031] had been withdrawn from the
Consent Calendar for discussion.
Commissioner DeWitt moved acceptance of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar. [Acceptance designated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number]
Commissioner Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(97-031) Report from Community Development Director recommending
identification of financing for the Alameda Theater to follow the
Community Improvement Commission Budget Workshop.
Don Bergen, Alameda, stated Alameda Theater, four stores and an
adjacent parking lot are owned by Park Central Investments; Park
Central Investments has not paid business license fees for 1996-97
and 1997-98; and that he questions why the taxpayers should
subsidize the Alameda Theater project.
Commissioner Lucas moved acceptance of the report.
Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
September 2, 1997
(*97-032) Report from Community Development Director regarding use
of Park Street Streetscape Funds allocated in the 1997-98 Community
Improvement Budget. Accepted.
(97-033) Report from Community Development Director recommending
approval of Evaluation Matrix to select a Preferred Fleet
Industrial Supply Center, Alameda Developer.
Jim Musbach, representing Economic and Planning Systems (EPS),
stated that he has been working with the Ad Hoc Working Group and
staff on the FISC disposition; EPS assisted in putting together the
evaluation matrix before the Commission; and that he is available
to answer questions.
In response to Commissioner Lucas's inquiry regarding a public
meeting with the three bidders, the Community Development Director
stated a televised public meeting with the Ad Hoc Committee would
be held in the Council Chambers; public speakers could address the
body; and the purpose of the meeting is to develop an understanding
of the proposals and allow people to develop independent
impressions before the matter is scheduled for a public meeting
with the Economic Development Commission.
In response to Commissioner Kerr's concern regarding the date and
time of the Ad Hoc FISC Working Group meeting, the Community
Development Director stated the final decision rests with the
In response to Chair Appezzato's concern regarding moving too
quickly, the Community Development Director stated there are many
things that must happen before the developer begins the City's
permitting process; that each developer has had enough time to
understand the issues; and staff has not heard from the developers
that the timetable is unsatisfactory.
The Commission agreed that the public meeting with the Ad Hoc
Working Group should be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on a week night in
order to allow public discussion following the presentations.
Commissioner Daysog stated that he was concerned about the low
number of points for the development plan/program portion of the
evaluation matrix for selection process.
The EPS representative explained the process, and stated all of the
development plans are conceptual because of uncertainties about the
Waterfront; none of the projects are substantial at this point in
the planning process; and City values would be flushed out in the
course of developing a development disposition agreement.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
September 2, 1997
2 6
Commissioner Daysog stated that the notion of building in
flexibility is not addressed in the four general areas and should
be placed into the development plan.
Commissioner Kerr stated conceptual plans identify what kind of a
city a developer thinks Alameda is; that 15 points for the
development plan/program is too low; and if FISC is provided a high
quality development, it will inspire what should be done with the
rest of Alameda Point.
Commissioner Daysog stated 30 points for the development
plan/program portion of the matrix should be considered.
Chair Appezzato suggested eliminating the developers qualifications
section of the matrix; he stated that since the three best
developers had been selected, it has been determined the developers
are qualified.
In response to Commissioner Lucas's concern regarding the
elimination of developer qualifications from the matrix and
financial changes in business, the Community Development Director
stated a long-term relationship with the developer is desirable and
the developer should have the capacity to implement whatever is
Commissioner Lucas questioned whether the development plan/program
criteria could be increased without decreasing other values.
The Community Development Director responded there would be no harm
with increasing a value.
Commissioner Daysog moved that the Commission accept the report and
direct staff to increase the points for the Development
Plan/Program portion of the selection criteria to 35 points.
Commissioner Kerr seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Commissioner DeWitt stated the Ad Hoc Working
Group, Staff and EPS outlined the most important items to be
considered; EPS indicated a plan would be presented to the
Commission later, at which time there would be review; the
evaluation criteria should be retained; and that he supported the
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(97-034) Report from Community Development Director recommending
that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority handle the
selection of an East Housing Developer.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
September 2, 1997
Commissioner Kerr stated the recommendation is premature; there is
strong sentiment to separate out East Housing and get title before
the rest of Alameda Point, so an integrated plan can be developed
for East Housing and FISC; it is too early to turn the matter back
to ARRA; and the property should be held and the FISC developers
plan reviewed.
Chair Appezzato stated that he did not concur; five members of ARRA
are the City Council, and three of Council voting on land use
issues can control the vote; nothing will happen with East Housing
in the near future; and ARRA would better handle the many technical
and legal ramifications.
In response to Commissioner Lucas's inquiry whether a delay on the
matter would be a problem, the Community Development Director
stated staff was attempting to be responsive to ARRA.
Commissioner Kerr moved the Commission table the matter until more
information is available on FISC.
Under discussion and in response to Commissioner Daysog's inquiry
concerning Robert's Rules of Order, Legal Counsel [City Attorney
Carol Korade] stated the CIC, City Council and ARRA are not
obligated to follow Robert's Rules, however, they may be used as a
Commissioner DeWitt stated that he would rather not address the
matter [staff recommendation] at this time, and that the
development plan for FISC should be reviewed.
Chair Appezzato noted the selection of a developer
by the Community Improvement Commission could
On the call for the question, the motion carried
voice vote: Ayes: Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt,
4. Noes: Chair Appezzato - 1.
for East Housing
lead to future
by the following
Kerr and Lucas -
There being no further business before the Commission, Chair
Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
Notice for this meeting was given in accordance with the Brown Act.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
September 2, 1997