1997-12-16 Special CIC Minutes308
TUESDAY- -DECEMBER 16, 1997- -7:25 P.M.
Chair Appezzato convened the Special Meeting of the Community
Improvement Commission at 7:48 p.m.
Commissioner Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Don
Taylor gave the invocation.
Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr, Lucas
and Chair Appezzato - 5.
(97-046) Minutes of the Special Community Improvement Commission
Meeting of November 18, 1997. Approved.
Commissioner DeWitt moved approval of the Minutes.
Commissioner Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Chair Appezzato announced that the Resolution Approving and
Adopting Rules for Owner Participation by Property Owners/Business
Occupants in Community Improvement Commission Project Areas
[paragraph number 97-046] would be held over and the Resolution
Approving and Adopting the Report to City Council on the Proposed
Community Improvement Plan for Alameda Point Improvement Project
[paragraph number 97-047] was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar
for discussion.
(97-047) Adoption of Resolution Approving and Adopting Rules for
Owner Participation by Property Owners/Business Occupants in
Community Improvement Commission Project Areas to Replace Existing
Rules for Owner Participation in the West End Community Improvement
and Business and Waterfront Improvement Projects and to Serve as
Rules for Redevelopment Areas in the City of Alameda. Held over.
(97-048) Adoption of Resolution Approving and Adopting the Report
to City Council on the Proposed Community Improvement Plan for
Alameda Point Improvement Project, Submitting Said Report and
Proposed Plan to the City Council, and Consenting to a Joint Public
Hearing on Said Community Improvement Plan Concurrent with the
Public Hearing of the Commission on the Delay of Application of
California Environmental Quality Act to the Plan on February 3,
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
December 16, 1997
Mark Sullivan, Seifel Associates, San Francisco, stated he was
available to answer questions on the Report to the City Council on
the Proposed Community Improvement Plan.
Commissioner Daysog received clarification from Mr. Sullivan on
various points and purpose of the Report.
Commissioner Kerr stated that she would like to delay adoption of
the Report on the Community Improvement Plan [to a later date).
Commissioner Daysog stated the Commissioners should have
opportunity to amend the Report and receive clarification from the
City Manager and Mr. Sullivan; and that he concurs with
Commissioner Kerr's suggestion to delay adoption of the Report.
In response to Commissioner Daysog's inquiry regarding postponing
adoption of the Report, the Community Development Director stated
the Commission could have said matter return at a later date.
In response to Chair Appezzato's inquiry, the Community Development
Director stated the purpose of the Report is to address whether the
Project Area meets State law blight requirements and whether [the
project) is financially feasible; accepting the Report does not
legally obligate the City; adoption is required to announce a
public hearing [on the Community Improvement Plan).
Commissioner DeWitt inquired if language revisions need to be made
to the Report.
The Community Development Director responded in the negative;
stated the Community Improvement Plan is the regulatory document;
and gave a brief background of the Report.
Commissioner Kerr moved that the Commission hold the matter over to
January 6, 1998.
Chair Appezzato requested the Commissioners to provide written
comments on those items they desire changed in the document.
Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated, under Budget Consideration/Fiscal
Impact, the Community Development Director's memorandum to the
Commission states, "Projected revenue at APIP over the life of the
CIP, assuming a new Estuary crossing is ultimately constructed, is
$422,740,000"; and that he was not aware an estuary crossing will
be constructed.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
December 16, 1997
The Community Development Director responded the City wants to
assume maximum build out over the next forty years to allow the
broadest possible financial flexibility.
(97-049) Recommendation to approve Annual Report of the Community
Improvement Commission.
Commissioner Lucas moved approval of the recommendation.
Commissioner Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS (Communication from Commissioners)
(97-050) Commissioner DeWitt stated that the Atlantic Avenue
Linear Park Project should be developed as part of an Improvement
There being no further business, Chair Appezzato adjourned the
Special Community Improvement Commission meeting at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Di .e B. Felsch, CMC
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
December 16, 1997
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