TUESDAY- -FEBRUARY 3, 1998- -7:20 P.M.
Chair Appezzato convened the Special Community Improvement
Commission Meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Commissioner Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reverend Don Taylor, Central Baptist Church gave the Invocation.
Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr, Lucas
and Chair Appezzato - 5.
(98-12) Minutes of the Special Joint Community Improvement
Commission/Economic Development Commission Meeting held on January
15, 1998, and the Special Community Improvement Commission Meeting
held on January 20, 1998. Approved.
Commissioner Lucas moved approval of the Minutes.
Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Commissioner Lucas moved acceptance of the Consent Calendar.
Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which
voice vote - 5. (Items so enacted or adopted
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
(*98-13) Recommendation to amend Contract
Planning Systems. Accepted.
carried by unanimous
are indicated by an
with Economic and
(98-14) Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director of the
Community Improvement Commission to negotiate and execute an
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and other related Agreements with
the Selected Fleet Industrial Supply Center Developer; and
(98-14A) Recommendation to select Catellus Development Corporation
as the Developer for the Fleet Industrial Supply Center. [Economic
Development Commission]
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
February 3, 1998
Noel Weidkamp, Oakland, stated the City needs to look at the
strongest financial partner to give this project the best chance of
success; and that he applauds the [Economic Development
Commission's] recommendation of Catellus.
Bill Garvine, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, stated there
has been a wonderful public selection process; Council should look
at this as an opportunity to generate serious revenue for the City;
the selected developer should be comfortable and receptive to
working with those who live in Alameda and prepared to continue an
on-going, open and public process during the design [phase of
development]; the Chamber is excited to turn this underutilized
property into a Silicon Island gem.
Mayor Appezzato stated there was a front page story on Silicon
Island in the Alameda Journal and the Contra Costa Times
Michael Gregory, Member, West Alameda Business Association (WABA)
Board of Directors, stated WABA's Board of Directors voted to
unanimously support Catellus Development Corporation as the FISC
Gary McAFee, Alameda, stated established developers might not
capture the uniqueness of Alameda; and the potential for tourism at
the FISC site is not being given a chance.
James Sweeney, Alameda, stated that he has three concerns: 1)
public input should not fall between the cracks in the next stages;
2) the ability of the City to have oversight or veto power should
be written into the Contract; and 3) a high density residential
development will not foster Alameda's sense of community.
Diane Lichtanstein, Alameda, stated one of the most important
factors in selecting a developer is to choose one that will work
with the community to understand issues and concerns; subjectively,
the Martin Group makes her feel comfortable; and that she applauds
the public involvement during the developer selection process.
Marti Buxton, Catellus Development Corporation, stated Catellus has
the best financial transaction for the City; Catellus is committed
to a public planning process from which a plan will evolve that
will meet both the needs and the character that the City would like
to see; if selected, Catellus will be anxious to get started.
In response to Commissioner DeWitt's inquiry about infrastructure
financing, Ms. Buxton stated Catellus proposes public financing for
major arterial collectors, public parks and the promenade along the
waterfront; Catellus would privately finance other infrastructure;
Catellus would work with the City on public financing, e.g. Mello
Roos; on the major streets, parks, and the promenade, Catellus
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
February 3, 1998
proposes to use 60% of the tax increment that will be generated by
said Project.
Commissioner DeWitt further inquired about demolition costs.
Ms. Buxton responded the approximately $6.8 Million demolition cost
is based upon very preliminary estimates; if demolition costs are
less, the City would realize a larger return on the land.
Commissioner Daysog stated the City of Alameda is facing challenges
straight ahead, and selection of a FISC developer is one of the
first hurdles.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated before Don Parker worked for
Catellus, he [Mr. Parker] did an excellent job developing Marina
Village; and urged Council to choose Catellus.
Morten Wellhaven, Alameda, stated the development at the FISC site
should not look like the drive-in [Kaufman Broad Development on
Atlantic]; the Commission should pick a plan and developer which
will have free space around homes and have the feeling of the rest
of Historic Alameda.
Councilmember Daysog stated all three developers have very strong
proposals and development teams; the City would like to keep the
business of all three developers; the Catellus corporation comes
out first in terms of up-front dollars, guarantee, take down
schedule, and design; the City of Alameda has faced base closure
challenges straight ahead and this is the first hurdle.
Commissioner Kerr stated the Martin Group proposes the lowest
residential density and a more gracious project than the other
developers; the Martin Group plans to direct traffic to and from a
few major streets, which is good City planning; the net present
value of Martin's proposal is good; the Martin Group has successful
experience in base conversion; what happens at the FISC property
will determine what happens at Alameda Point; input from
residential organizations in or near the development should be
given a strong say; and [the Commission] is approving a Negotiating
Agreement, not a Final Development Agreement.
Commissioner Lucas stated ideas from each of the developers will be
used in the final designs--all ideas were excellent; [developer
selection] is a very difficult decision; people working on the
committees [Ad Hoc Working Group and the Economic Development
Commission] are residents and citizens who care about the
residential quality; Lincoln's residential designs emphasize the
residential character of the community; each developer has
outstanding features; Don Parker [Catellus] is an outstanding
developer; and that she hopes all of the developers will continue
to work in Alameda.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
February 3, 1998
Commissioner DeWitt stated the Catellus proposal provides a
guarantee of financial return to the City, and a primary financing
capability, which makes Catellus the better economic return
organization; at this point, concentration should be on the monies-
-the financial return; the design plan will come back before the
City; that Catellus is his choice; Lincoln Properties have an
outstanding plan and should stay with the City in its pursuit to
provide outstanding developments in the future; the Martin Group
was honest and clear in its proposal; and the motion this evening
should include that Lincoln Properties and the Martin Group remain
as contenders in the process.
Chair Appezzato stated all three developers are highly qualified;
that he heavily weighed the advice of the Ad Hoc Working Committee
and the Economic Development Commission; the strong financial
guarantees and in-house components offered by Catellus weighed
heavily on his decision; designs and density can be changed; that
he will support Catellus; and that Lincoln and the Martin Group
should stay committed in Alameda and be competitive in the next
Commissioner Lucas moved the Commission select Catellus
[Development Corporation] for the Fleet Industrial Supply Center
Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Commissioner DeWitt stated the Commission would
like the motion to include that Lincoln Properties and the Martin
Group also remain as contenders until negotiations have been
Chair Appezzato concurred.
Commissioner Lucas agreed to amend the motion accordingly.
Commissioner Kerr stated the [staff] recommendation is that the
Commission negotiate and execute the Exclusive Negotiation
Agreement; that the Commission is not actually selecting a
developer tonight; perhaps the wording in the staff recommendation
might be more appropriate; that she believes the motion is to
select a developer tonight and actually the Commission is entering
into an Exclusive Negotiations Agreement.
Commissioner Lucas stated that the Commission must first select a
party [developer] to be negotiated with; it is understood that a
Development Agreement is still necessary; the decision tonight does
not mean their [Catellus] going to have the FISC Development lined
up; first, the Commission needs to select a developer; then it is
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
February 3, 1998
understood that the Executive Director of the Community Improvement
Commission is authorized to negotiate with the selected developer.
Commissioner Kerr stated that she would prefer to have it in the
motion, rather than have it understood.
Commissioner Lucas stated that she did not believe there was a need
to change the motion.
Commissioner DeWitt inquired whether the Executive Director [City
Manager] understood the motion.
Executive Director Flint responded in the affirmative.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Lucas and Chair
Appezzato - 4. Noes: Commissioner Kerr - 1.
COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS (Communication from Commissioners)
There being no further business before the Commission, Chair
Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
February 3, 1998