TUESDAY- -MAY 2 2000- -7:40 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato convened the Joint Meeting at 7:58 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog,
DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor/Chair
Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
(CC 00-228) (CIC 00-13) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council
and Community Improvement Commission Meeting of April 18, 2000.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog moved approval of the Minutes.
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, which
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
(CC 00-229) (CIC 00-14) Recommendation to approve a Loan to the
Alameda Development Corporation (ADC) in the amount of $280,000 in
HOME Funds and $260,000 in Business and Waterfront Improvement
Project Housing Funds for the development of up to Nine Units of
Workforce Ownership Housing at 620 Buena Vista Avenue.
Peggy Doherty, Renewed HOPE, stated Renewed HOPE has been
advocating for workforce housing for almost two years and supports
the project; the ADC's mission is the same as Renewed HOPE's
mission, which is to provide safe, affordable housing to current
Alameda residents; the construction costs of $285,000 per unit
appears quite high for the type of construction; perhaps
construction costs could be brought down, which would bring the
cost per house down; the sales price of four homes is $265,000,
which is close to out of the affordable range; more homes should be
targeted for the 80% of the median population, which would sell for
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
$195,000; more homes at said price would be a welcome addition to
Alameda's housing stock; additional funds are available from the
Federal Home Loan Bank Board for this type of housing; Renewed HOPE
supports the development of any affordable housing which can be
created in Alameda; 65 similar packages will have to be put
together in order to replace the 590 East Housing units; inquired
whether ADC Board Members would comment on the viability of East
Housing for workforce housing.
William Smith, Alameda, stated eight or nine units [of workforce
housing] are sorely needed; inquired whether the ADC will play a
role in bringing the City of Alameda closer to meeting its
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) goal for housing [for
families with income] in the range of $30,000 to $70,000.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato introduced the ADC Board.
Gregg Fujita, President, Alameda Development Corporation, stated
ADC was incorporated in February and entered into its first
contract of land purchase at 620 Buena Vista Avenue in March; ADC's
goal is to provide more affordable housing opportunities in
Alameda; the project provides at least 8 units of affordable
housing homeownership; ADC met with the architects and came up with
the proposal, which is conceptual; encouraged public input; stated
the project was put together in 60 days.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated as the project progresses, it will be
refined; thanked ADC Board.
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated the drawings are
conceptual; however, the construction cost of $285,000 per unit
seems high; inquired whether the matter would be reviewed.
Mr. Fujita responded $285,000 is the total development cost,
including land; a land-trust ownership model is proposed; ADC is
under contract for the $355,000 cost of the land.
The Housing Development Manager stated it is expensive to build
housing today; the purchase price is around $18 per square foot;
the staff report Attachment 1 includes anticipated sales prices;
four units will be sold at $265,000; three units will be at
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
$195,000; and one at $95,000; the units will be approximately 1500
square feet, two bedroom homes; money could be saved if the size of
units were reduced or if there is an efficient construction
process; the proforma is very prudent; 30% of the budget is in
contingencies; staff felt bound to present a proposal that can
work; 9 units, rather than 8, can be developed to reduce the total
development cost.
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt inquired whether one unit will
cost $95,000, to which the Housing Development Manager responded in
the affirmative, and stated one unit is priced to be affordable at
50% of median [income].
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated the units appear to be the
same in drawings; inquired whether the same unit would be sold for
$95,000, $195,000 and $265,000.
The Housing Development Manager responded in the affirmative;
stated one unit will be $95,000, three will be $195,000 and four
units will be $265,000; all units will be eligible to use the
City's first-time home buyer programs; cost to the buyers could be
lower than proposed prices.
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated the 8 units will be alike,
however, prices will differ; inquired whether units being sold for
$265,000 are affordable.
The Housing Development Manager stated that at $265,000, units
should be affordable for a family with income around $60,000 per
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson inquired what the selection
process would be, to which the Housing Development Manager
responded the units will not have to be marketed; the housing
situation is difficult right now; the ADC Board will have to
address the challenge; perhaps a lottery could be involved.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated first choice should go to Alamedans.
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated two lots are being used
for 8 units; inquired how close together the units would be; stated
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
it appears to be five feet.
The Housing Development Manager responded the units are pretty
close; the more units on a site, the lower development costs; in
the schematic presented, the space between the units is
approximately 10 feet.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated putting four houses on the lots would
be costly.
Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated if houses are stacked in
like pancakes, it does not keep with the design of the City and the
configuration of homes in traditional Alameda neighborhoods; there
should be daylight between houses; that he is not in favor of
putting nine units on the two lot parcel.
Councilmember/Commissioner Kerr inquired the total area of the two
lots, to which Mr. Fujita responded 19,000 square feet.
Councilmember/Commissioner Kerr stated there should be attention to
landscaping, e.g. trees and lawns.
Mr. Fujita responded concern [over landscaping) was raised at an
ADC Board Meeting; there will be green area; the Board asked for 8
units as a concept, even though 9 units might be more economically
feasible; green spaces and playground areas are important.
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson stated townhouses at Bay Farm
Island have had problems with flat roofs; said matter should be
considered; Walnut Creek provided affordable housing without
setting up a corporation, the units sold for affordable prices and
were sold at market-rate two years later.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated the project is a great
example of workforce housing with a mix of income levels; the Ad
Hoc Homeownership Committee, Housing Forum and Economic Development
Strategic Plan show workforce housing is on the minds of Alamedans;
the City of Alameda is responding to concerns raised at the
grassroots; challenges can be met in developing more workforce
housing; in Alameda, moderate-income is defined as a family of four
with an income of $55,000 to $75,000; ABAG calculated Alameda needs
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
430 [moderate-income units]; however, the City estimates only 131
units can be planned; the entire amount [430] cannot be completed
because of the lack of available financing, infrastructure costs of
Base conversion, and 'other legislative issues; the Housing Forum or
Economic Development Strategic Plan Task Force (EDSPTF) should
discuss inclusionary housing City-wide, rather than just
redevelopment areas; housing can be developed on Bay Farm; on an
empty lot by Versailles Avenue, 15 units could be developed;
perhaps an ordinance could require developers to set aside 15% for
moderate-income housing in said areas; there are inclusionary rules
for redevelopment areas; however, there should be conversation
about having City-wide inclusionary moderate-income housing to come
close to 430 [ABAG's goal for moderate-income units].
Mayor/Chair Appezzato inquired whether Vice Mayor/Commissioner
Daysog was making a motion to approve the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated that he would like to add
that [discussion of City-wide inclusionary moderate-income
Mayor/Chair Appezzato inquired whether the motion was for the
agenda item [staff recommendation].
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated that he would move the agenda
item [approval of the staff recommendation].
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember/Commissioner DeWitt stated ABAG has
projected the amount of workforce housing the City needs for the
next 6 years; 437 workforce units are needed for the City of
Alameda based on population and job growth; Renewed HOPE is
requesting 580 units [of workforce housing] which would mean
Alameda is building workforce housing for people in other cities;
if Alameda meets the 437 [workforce units], the City will be
served; the City projects 131 units can be completed; if the City
can create 206 more units, the State and ABAG requirements will be
Mayor/Chair Appezzato noted ABAG's number may change.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog clarified the motion; stated the
motion is to: 1) approve the staff recommendation, and 2) to
encourage the Housing Forum, or any other so interested group, like
to Economic Development Strategic Plan Task Force (EDSPTF), to
discuss a city-wide inclusionary ordinance for moderate-income
Mayor/Chair Appezzato inquired whether Councilmember/Commissioner
Johnson seconded said motion.
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson seconded the clarified motion.
Councilmember/Commissioner Kerr stated that she is concerned about
adding investigation into an ordinance at a meeting where no such
concept was on the agenda; that she supports the motion to lend the
money [approve staff recommendation]; however, she does not want to
expand the motion to review of an ordinance because there was not
a clue that the matter would be discussed tonight.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated the motion is to have the
Housing Forum or the EDSPTF address the matter and convey its
thoughts back to Council; legislation should require a set-aside
for moderate-income housing for developments outside redevelopment
Mayor/Chair Appezzato inquired whether Vice Mayor/Commissioner
Daysog would like someone to draft legislation or discuss the
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated the Housing Forum, Economic
Development Commission (EDC) or Alameda Development Corporation
should discuss the matter first, including the pros and cons; an
ordinance may not work or be the best solution.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated the matter should be made part of
discussions; before going forward with an ordinance, the matter
should return to Council.
The City Manager stated the final draft of the Economic Development
Strategic Plan (EDSP) is scheduled to be considered by the EDC.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
The Deputy City Manager stated the matter will be addressed at the
EDC's May meeting and should be presented to Council the following
The City Manager stated the Task Force has completed most of its
work; there is an affordable housing component to the EDSP; there
might not be sufficient time for the EDSPTF and the EDC to address
the matter; however, there is time for the Housing Forum to
consider the matter, which might be a proper venue.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog is not
suggesting the EDSP be held up.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated discussion should be limited
to the Housing Forum; [EDC] Chair Matarrese and his colleagues can
attend the Housing Forum to voice their opinions.
Mr. Fujita stated that he is a member of the Housing Forum and will
broach the subject.
Mayor/Chair Appezzato requested the motion be restated.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated the public should start
talking about a city-wide inclusionary; said matter does not have
to adamantly be part of a motion.
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson stated that she had seconded the
motion [to: 1) approve the staff recommendation, and 2) to
encourage the Housing Forum to discuss a city-wide inclusionary
ordinance for moderate-income housing], because the matter can be
addressed by the Housing Forum.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog stated the motion would remain as
amended and seconded.
Councilmember/Commissioner Johnson stated when the City reviews
housing locations, transit issues should be considered because it
is very helpful to have housing, especially higher-density housing,
be served by transit.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Daysog clarified the motion is to: 1)
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
approve the staff recommendation, and 2) to encourage the Housing
Forum to discuss and report back issues of City-wide inclusionary
housing for moderate-income.
Councilmember/Commissioner Kerr
be broken up into two motions,
the motion to approve the staff
inquired whether the motion could
because she would like to support
Mayor/Chair Appezzato inquired whether the motion can be broken
down, to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mayor/Chair Appezzato stated everyone in Alameda
realizes the price of real estate is high; there are not many
vacant lots; Marina Village and Harbor Bay developments were nicely
done and meet aesthetics of Alameda.
On the call for the questiOn, the motion to approve the staff
recommendation carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
On the call for the question, the motion to encourage the Housing
Forum to discuss and report back issues of city-wide inclusionary
housing for moderate-income carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, and
Mayor/Chair Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember/ Commissioner Kerr -
The City Attorney/Legal Counsel stated there are two items in the
staff recommendation; one as the City Council and one as the
Community Improvement Commission; it would be helpful to determine
that the past action was as City Council and an identical motion by
the Community Improvement Commission.
By consensus, the motion that actions were also taken as the
Community Improvement Commission carried by unanimous voice vote -
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Appezzato adjourned
the Special Meeting at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
The Agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
May 2, 2000