TUESDAY- -NOVEMBER 21, 2000- -7:25 P.M.
Chair Appezzato convened the Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Boy
Scout Troop No. 89 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend David
Borglum, Home of Truth Spiritual Center, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present:
Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and
Chair Appezzato - 4.
Commissioner Kerr - 1.
(00-53) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Community
Improvement Commission (CIC) and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment
Authority (ARRA) Meetings (Closed Sessions) held on October 3,
2000, October 17, 2000, and November 2, 2000; the Special CIC
Meeting held on October 3, 2000; and the Special Joint City Council
and CIC Meeting (Closed Session) held on October 17, 2000.
Commissioner DeWitt moved approval of the minutes.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Commissioner Kerr - 1.]
(00-54) Presentation of the Implementation Program for the Economic
Development Strategic Plan (EDSP), Alameda Downtown Vision, and
Housing Forum Recommendations.
Commissioner Daysog stated that he had discussions with staff and
the City Attorney regarding his employment with Applied Development
Economics, a Berkeley-based economic development company, which
contributed to the EDSP; the conclusion was there is not a conflict
of interest with his involvement in EDSP discussions; if the public
desires, a written report can be provided.
The Development Services Manager stated the only action item is
[Commission and Council) approval to send the EDSP, Downtown
Vision, and Housing Forum recommendations to Board, Commissions,
and other interested parties for comment and review; the matter
will return to Council in February; staff has gone through a
process of reviewing strategic items which is depicted in [staff
report] Attachment 1; resource constraints were evaluated as a mid-
year adjustment; important items were prioritized; the [staff
report] attachments illustrate priority projects which are in
progress; listed projects •n staff report Attachment 2; further
stated the Economic Development Commission (EDC) has requested to
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
November 21, 2000
track the implementation program, specifically the EDSP and
Downtown Vision, on a quarterly-basis in an open meeting format.
Commissioner DeWitt stated EDSP goal #5 includes a citywide
transportation system management program; there is discussion of a
transportation master plan, which will take into consideration
areas listed in EDSP goal #5, such as traffic limits; inquired
whether a transportation master plan is in the works.
The Public Works Director responded there are transportation
components which will be folded into the General Plan; the General
Plan transportation element will function as the Master
Transportation Plan; the Public Transit Committee (PTC) is
developing a long-range transit plan, which is one component that
will feed into the General Plan's Transportation Element.
Commissioner DeWitt requested clarification of page 4 of the staff
report which addresses a super transportation commission called the
Advisory Transportation Master Plan Committee.
The Development Services Director stated the creation of a super
transportation commission would overlap and duplicate efforts of
existing boards and committees; staff recommends that authority to
advise Council continue to reside with the Planning Board,
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and PTC; EDSP Goal #5
includes establishment of the transportation master plan committee,
however, staff believes there is sufficient input through existing
Commissioner Daysog stated the Planning Board Vice President Marie
Gilmore raised the issue of access to- and from Alameda, e.g. new
bridge or tube; there should be a strategy to deal with a new
ingress/egress; the earlier there is a team to address the issue,
the better.
Commissioner Johnson stated the PTC is addressing the matter [new
bridge or tube] in the Master Transit Plan.
Chair Appezzato stated there is discussion of BART going into Jack
London Square and other locations; at a recent BART meeting,
someone raised the issue of a possible BART extension into Alameda.
Commissioner DeWitt stated the City needs to take measures to get
BART to Alameda; there are capabilities for a BART terminal at the
former Naval Air Station; and there could be an extension to the
Fruitvale area BART [in Oakland].
Commissioner Johnson stated other forms of light rail should be
considered, too; BART Director Carol Ward Allen indicated the BART
extension is a great idea, but it costs $100 Million per mile; all
forms of feasible transit should be considered.
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
November 21, 2000
Chair Appezzato stated two major studies will be undertaken; one,
which was requested by Senator Dianne Feinstein, is a new southern
[Bay] crossing; he will co-chair a subcommittee at the Metropolitan
Transit Commission (MTC) to discuss the matter; the first meeting
of the Ferry Transit Authority will be next month; people will
begin to discuss the potential to expand ferry systems.
Richard Neveln, Alameda, stated that as the Bay area grows, public
transit must grow to meet needs; a transit commission should be
formed; transit should be an integral part of all plans.
Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society,
stated design guidelines and revisions to the sign ordinance were
included in the [Downtown Vision] plan; staff has indicated that
pending the availability of staff and funds, design guidelines will
be addressed between September 2001 to April 2002 and the sign
ordinance would be addressed January 2002 to October 2002; if
possible, said dates should be moved up, particularly because
design guidelines should be prepared prior to the commercial
building rehabilitation assistance program scheduled for June 2001.
Moira Fossum, President, Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber
supports the implementation programs presented by staff; a parking
garage for downtown Alameda must be a top priority to ensure the
success and survival of the business district; the Chamber supports
the Housing Forum recommendation to initiate a process to
selectively remove Measure A [1973] for redevelopment areas, such
as Alameda Point; the Chamber also supports the creation of two new
[City staff] positions.
Tom Matthews, Chair, Renewed Hope, stated implementation of the
Housing Forum recommendations is critical; suggested Council
appoint a Follow-Up Task Force to regularly review the
implementation of recommendations; stated said Task Force should
also review the Ad Hoc Homeownership Committee recommendations.
Chair Appezzato directed the City Manager to follow-up.
Heather Heppner, Alameda, Housing Forum member, stated working
class families are having to leave Alameda; staff positions have
been allocated to implement the Housing Forum recommendations;
members of the Housing Forum are willing to provide volunteer
efforts, if it would be of assistance.
Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated the • standards for historic
preservation and restoration [design review guidelines] are not
receiving a sufficient amount of funding and should be completed
earlier; a new parking structure will not save Park Street, unless
merchants agree to a new vision.
Commissioner Daysog stated new staff are being considered to move
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
November 21, 2000
along a 40-acre mixed-income [housing] project at Alameda Point;
concrete steps are being taken in the area of affordable housing.
Commissioner Johnson stated the implementation plan will ensure the
plan does not just end up on a shelf; there will be the quarterly
follow-up meetings on implementation; inquired whether there are
funding sources for the parking garage.
The Development Services Director responded not at this time; there
are many variables which must be considered prior to determining
the preferred financing structure.
Commissioner Johnson inquired whether a parking structure is vital
for Park Street redevelopment.
The Development Service Director responded a parking structure or
additional parking solutions need to be addressed.
Chair Appezzato stated a parking solution or structure is necessary
as soon as possible.
Commissioner Johnson stated the City should work with BART to
create a park-and-ride to the Fruitvale station, which could be
combined with a parking structure for the Park Street area.
Commissioner Daysog stated people have expressed frustration with
impacts of development, e.g. increased traffic congestion; the
report includes a proposal for determining mitigation fees for
infrastructure; any development externalities will be mitigated.
Jim Franz, Chair, Housing Forum, reviewed the Housing Forum process
and recommendations; stated Measure A is a barrier to the
realization of the Housing Forum's goals; there should be an
approach which combines the spirit of Measure A, preserving the
make up of neighborhoods, and adds the opportunity to take creative
steps in redevelopment areas, creating the needed housing stock; a
plan should include market-rate housing stock and housing for
business employees, teachers, seniors, disabled, and low- and
moderate-income residents.
John Abrate, Chair, Economic Development Commission (EDC), stated
EDSP recommendations are being incorporated into the EDC into every
agenda item; next January will be the first public quarterly
Chair Appezzato stated the Association of Bay Area Governments
(ABAG) is the agency which decides the fair share housing for every
community in the Bay Area; the Council has the challenge of
complying with the General Plan Housing Element; the City is
required by law to complete a new Housing Element; ABAG determined
Alameda's fair share is 2,162 new homes; he and the Planning
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
November 21, 2000
Director requested ABAG to reduce the number by 882 units; the City
will appeal again; if the City does not take action to meet fair
share goals, there could be lawsuits; the City is negotiating with
housing advocates to make available housing for all income groups;
in redevelopment zones, the State mandate is 15% [affordable
housing]; the City only has 650 homes on the drawing board for East
Housing and Marina Cove; additional homes at Alameda Point might be
a possibility; hopefully, the City will get the fair share housing
requirement reduced.
Commissioner Johnson moved acceptance of staff recommendation
[invite further comment from Board and Commissions regarding
implementation of plans and direct staff to return the final
implementation program in conjunction with mid-year budget
Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. [Absent: Commissioner Kerr - 1.]
There being no further business, Chair Appezzato adjourned the
Special Meeting at 8:27 p.m.
ectfully submitted,
D ne B. Felsch, CMC
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
November 21, 2000