Chen 2014-10-21 - 1497 Contribution Report Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Cate of This Filing 10/17/14 NADllE OF FILER ··· ·Stewart Chen for Alameda City .Council 201:4 . AREA. CODE/PHONE NUMBER I. D . NUMBER {i!applicelJJe) (510) 258--7787 1349155 Report No. 6-2014 STREET ADORESS 0 Amendment 3255 Sterling Avenue I to Report No.----- CITY STATE ZIP CODE (explair1 below) Alameda CA e4so1 No. of Pages ____ _ 1 .. Contribution(s) Received FULL NAME, STREET ADORESS ANO ZJ P CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR OONTRIBUTOR DATE RECEIVED (IF OOl~MTIU. ALSO Etllll'R 1.0 . llU/llBER) CODE" U.S. Freight Systems, Inc D IND 10117/14 1819 10th Street 0 COM 94607 l8J OTH D PTY D sec -D IND 0 COM 0 OTl-l 0 PTY O sec 0 IND 0 COM DOTH 0 PTY O sec Reason for Amendment:-------------------------------- Date L"B 497 coJ!fR~ur 1 U!fll lJ I~ ·"~·~,-.-~ . . r~n .. ·~"'-.~rFtitti'llm!llil! ir-.:1n" r-.l i _ ~(~ .n·~C\1('{';~ ~:, ~ ~1 "" •. ii -. ~1 'Vrtr tt~tr• IFAN INDLVIDUAL, AMOUNT ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (1f' SE1F·E~!PLOYED, ENTCR fllAA'E OF BUSINESS) RECEIVED 1000.00 0 Check if Loan ~~ Pnwld& interest rate ... Conlributor Codes IND -Individual D Check if Loan % Provide lnl.8res1 rate D Ched< if Loan % Proll!cle inleres1 rate COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) on; -Olher (e.g., business entity) PTY -Politicat Party SCC -Small ContriblJ!or Comm ittee FPPC Fonn 497 (Marcfl.12011) FPPC Toll·Free ~lpline: 866JASK-FPPC {8651275 -3772)