1925-01-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6th, 1925. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Probst and President Otis, (4), were noted present. Absent: Councilman Tilden, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of December 16, 1924 were approved as read. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 825. Resolution of Intention No. 75, New Series. Providing for the Closing of Benton Street from the North line of Buena Vista Avenue northerly to the Marshland Line, also Portions of Eagle Avenue adjacent to and. South of said Marshland Line between Benton and. Arbor Streets as Said Arbor Street was formerly laid out, also Jay Street Northerly from the Northerly Line of Buena Vista Avenue to the Marshland Line." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 826. Establishing the Official Grade of Calhoun Street from Broadway to Mound Street." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt. the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 827. Re-Establishing the Northern and Southern Lines of Calhoun Street, between Versailles Avenue and Mound Street." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 828. Transferring 32500.00 from the General Fund to the Compensation Insurance Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolgtion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 829. Transferring 32500.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund."' Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 7Resolution No. 830. Transferring 3450.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Neiss seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Neiss introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 831. Transferring 32571.90 from the Electric Light Fund January 6th, 1925. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 832. Granting a Permit for a License to Sell Soft Drinks." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted passed unanimoasly. The following papers were ordered filed: Oath of Office of Burton C. Bridges, as Police Officer. 10.V Copy of Agreement between the Western Pacific Railroad Company and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, with the City of Alameda. 11.4 Various applications for soft drink licenses. The following communications were received: 12.V/ From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager, re count of money. Ordered 1 4. 15.Ni ed. From City Manager Hickok, re one hour parking of automobiles on certain streets. Mr. Latham moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance in accordance with the recommendation of the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. In the matter of the hearing of the placing of spur tracks on San Jose Avenue, Mr. H. D. Clark being the only one present, Mr. Latham moved that the hearing be postponed for two wees and that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise this meeting in the daily newspaper, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. In the matter of the hearing of assessments made under Resolution of In- tention, No. 69, N. S., for the improvement of :Jillmore Street, the Clerk stated that no objections had been filed in the matter. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. In the matterof the hearing of the removal of the delapidated building at 838 Central Avenue, Building Inspector Maillot was present and stated that one of the principal owners lives in South America, and requested that the matter be laid over until the reaalar meeting of the Council to be held March 3rd, 1925. Mr. Latham so moved, seconded by Mx. Neiss and carried. In the matter of the hearing of the opening of streets in the west end of Alameda in the Woodstock Tract, Mr. W. H. L. Hynes was present,and,aJtar._discussion, the -matter by mutualconsent was-laid over to the regular meeting of the Council to be =held March. 17, 1925. The Cler stated that the time had arrived for the hearing of protests under Resolution of Intention No. 74, N. S. (Improvement of Bay Island Avenue, from Regent to Pearl Street)and that a petition of protest had been received, signed by numerous property owners. After discussion, Mr. Probst moved that the City Engineer check the petition and report back to the Council at its next regular meeting, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 19.V A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY. (The south 100 feet of the lot situated on the ncn r I 's nary 6th,1925. be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 20.V A communication was received from Ezra W. Decoto, District Attorney, together with a copy of a Resolution declaring Tunnel Street and a Portion of Webster Street in Alameda, to be a part of the county system of highways of Alameda County. Also, enclosing copy of an Ordinance which the City Council was requested to pass as soon as possible, in order to comply with Chapter 61 of the Laws of 1923. After discussion a Bill entitled "A. Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Consenting to the Establishment as a Part of the County System of Highways of Alameda County of All of that Certain Highway in the City of Alameda, consisting of a Portion of Webster Street and all of Work Street." was introduced and laid over under a proVision of the Charter. Mr. Neiss moved that it be the sense of the Council that this ordinance be passed at the next meeting of the Council to be held January 13, 1925, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. The following claims having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk:- General Departments $1153.93; Police Department, 268..08; Fire Department, $705.08; Street Department, 31,908.17; Health Department, $302.28; Recreation Department, 3212.90; Store Department, $13.26; Council Relief Fund 133.40; Initiatve Relief Fund, $461.50; Health Center, 3266.50; Electric Light Fund, 34,810.50; School Construction Fund, #23,301.92; East Bay Water Co. Payments Fund, #2,638.44; Fire Pension Fund, 185.00; Police Pension Fund, $745.00 and Compensation Insucanae Fund, ,-;23.10. General Departments. Labor Ader, L. H. Alameda Times Star TT IT IT TV IT Bancroft-Whitney Co. Beckley, Lee Boyd, Ralph T. Bradley, H. G. Bradley, H. M. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Coulter, R. S. Crocker Co., H. S. IT If TV IT IT TT 11 TT Dodd & Co., P. J. East Bay Water Co Fingerson, Viola Fischer, C. D. Gay, A. T. Hally & Co. Hargrave, F. J. Hickok, C. E. IT TT TT Kanyuck, Geo. Elitgaard & Valleau. Martin. J. A. Mass. Bonding & Ins. Co. National Surety Co. Niagara Fire Ins. Co. Frank Otis Ray, Frank Shorney, Geo. H. Skelly, Sam Smith, Charles Waddell Lumber Co. Money advanced Copies of ordinances Advertising TV Books Use of team Insurance premium Servides Insurance premium Maintenance Money advanced. Services Supplies TV TT Insurance premium Water Services TV Labor Insurance premium IT TV Incidentals Auto upkeep Services Insurance premium Services Premium TV TV Mayor's Allowance Services Premium Nails Wall radiators in City Hall. Lumber Total - 51.00 1.50 7.23 6.65 55.27 36.80 66.00 19.60 27.00 24.50 7.22 1.38 22.50 2.59 2.03 1.23 37.50 9.84 17.50 120.00 25.50 19.60 9.80 7.34 25.00 22.50 37.50 58.50 8.00 63.75 24.50 50.00 18.00 75.00 8.80 168.40 14.40 1153.93 January 6th, 1925. Associated Oil Co. Faulkner, Geo. A. TT IT IT Municipal Electric Light Plant Parsons Bakery Shell Company Spratt's Patent Ltd. Wahmuth, W. H. American Rubber Mfg. Co. Bullard Co., E. D. East Bay Water Co. Encinal Coal & Ice Co. French Oxygen Co., F. W. Municipal Electric Light Plant If TT U Pirsch & Sons Co., Peter Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Seagrave Co., The Standard Oil Co. Steinmetz, W. T. Labor Bishop & Loupe C1ar & Sons, N. Dietrich-Post Co. Holt Mfg. Co. Standard Oil Company TT IT IT TT IT TT Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Alamech Steam Laundry Assn. IT TT IT IT Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co TT 11 TT IT Samel, Dr, Geo, Carpenter, Dr. T. Central City Chemical Co. Cutter Laboratory Flatow & Son, P. Hickok, C. E. City Manager TT TV TV TV TT Konigshofer's Mulford Co., H. K. IT IT IT TT Reese, Mrs. J. W. Rosenthal & Co., H. Security Drug Co. Snow, Bill Vosburgh, L. W. Warhusrt, Dorothy Zellerbach Paper Co. Bolinger, Sarah H. Cant, Olive Crane Co. DeBorba, Joseph East Bay Water Co. Lubben, J. G. Maxwell Hardware Co. Municipal Electric Light P lent Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Wekks-Howe-Emerson Co. Crocker Co. H. S. TT It TT TT Police Department. Fire Gasoline Motorcycle cap Labor on motorcycle Auto repairs Bread City pound Gasoline Dog feed Chief's Contingent Fund Total - Department. Fire hose Hose for Draeger helmet Water Coal screenings Refill cylinder Lamps Electric range repairs Holloway bottle 1 ton coal Supplies for En • 7r 42 and #3 Gasoline Revolving fund Total Street Department. Parts Sewer pipe Blue print paper Parts Gasoline TV TV Battery Supplies Total - Health Department. Laundry TT Suprlies TT Services Transportation Fumigators Vaccine virus Bottles Guinea pigs If IT Sheets and spreads Supplies TV Services Supplies Green soap Services Supplies Services Mailing cases Total Recreation Department. Services TT Pipe and fittings Services Water Hay Iron rod Repairs and supplies Lights Lumber Tennis net Store Department. Calendar pads Ciao paste Total - 17.25 1.55 2.25 67.98 2.00 18.75 8.30 150.00 -$ 268.08 5.00 2.26 17.39 10.00 2.00 11.55 8.68 17.33 12.90 22.66 15.00 10.31 05.08 $1740.88 2.49 77.86 2.12 10.05 15.00 20.77 14.25 2.50 22.25 1908.17 5.44 7.53 1.40 4.61 17.50 35.00 99.96 2.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 27.00 3.97 14.68 5.50 7.20 4.00 5.00 6.30 6.42 25.77 - $ 302.28 JI 33.00 3.00 8.39 30.00 18.69 15.25 4.00 67.60 4.70 12.01 16.26 212.90 6 9.88 3.38 Cou Alameda City Social Service Board. Camales, Mrs. L. Crocker Co., H. S. Eason, Bell East Bay Water Co. Konigshofer's IT Krieg & Co., J. J. Mazzini, E. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Rossi, Isabelle Warner Mrs. D. Alameda City Social Service Relief Fund. Money advanced Rent Supplies Rent Water Supplies Rent Supplies Rent Electricity Gas Rent IT Total - Initiative Relief Fund. Board Money advanced for labor Health Center Department, Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Ass'n. Alameda Steam Laundry Bischoff's Surgical House TT TV East Bay Water Co. Tlatow's Pharmacy Municipal Electric Light Plant Paciric Tel. Fz Tel. Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Typewriter Guy Adams, C. C. Addressograph Sales Co. Associated Oil Co. TV IT IT Maintenance Laundry Tonsil wires Supplies Water Supplies Tighten and oil Chevrolet Rental Wood Typewriter inspection Electric Light Bishop & Loupe Bristol Co., The Burgess & Co., J. T. Columbia Auto Sheet Metal Works Crane Co. East Bay Water Co. TV. TT IT Faulkner.,, Geo. A. Fobes Supply Co. Freeland, G. H. Fuller & Co., W. P. General Electric Co. TV TT TV Gilson Mectrical Supply Co. Hanjes-Bormann Co. Inter-State Mach. rroducts,The Kellogg Express Co. Moore & Co., Chas. C. Presto-Lite Co., The Reese, T. W. Reewe Ink Carbon & Ribbon Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Roeblings Sons 0o. John A. Smith Hardware Co. Triangle Parts Co. U. S. Rubber Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Electric Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Irons Westinghouse E. & M. Co. TT IT IT If TV TT If TV TT TV IT 7V White Co., The Wood Co., E. K. Alameda Times Star TV TV Baird, W. Bigelow, O. H. IT IT If TT TT IT TV If If TV TT School Total - Premium Addressograph plates Gasoline TV Supplies TV TV TT IT Rent Water Supplies TT Repairs Supplies IT TV TT If TV Drayage Supplies TT Typewriter Supplies TT TV TT TV TT TT TT TT IV inspections 1/2 of Contract TT IT Supplies TV TT IT Total - Construction Fund. Advertising IT Labor TT Repairing TY 11 desks TV TV me January 6th, 1925. 21.20 5.00 1.24 5.00 2.36 7.80 20.00 9.45 14.00 4.95 1.90 23.00 17.50 3.40 461.50 187.96 17.63 .24 11.60 3.84 7.05 2.68 12.00 19.00 4.50 266.50 10.00 11.91 44.25 16.50 .88 79.40 126.00 1.50 55.50 60.00 2.41 14.70 100.58 2.50 2.66 7.50 1019.61 390.56 36.85 160.00 7.71 11.71 17.95 4.00 7.50 8.75 476.93 8.68 4.00 11.68 2.20 4.82 12.60 16.44 1000.42 356.40 342.40 271.52 13.28 88.20 $ 4810.50 10.28 11.40 30.37 41.25 22.50 27.50 27.50 January 6th, 1925. Fridberg, A. TT IT TT TT Nottingham, W. K. If TT IT Peterson, C. H. Powell, C. TT TV Purchase, W. TT IT Scheller, G. Shafer, A. F. Sinfer, T. J. Skelly, Sam Snook, Frederick W. Stickney, C. L. TV TV TV TT TT TT Strom Electrical Co. Trudgett, D. Wheatley, Frank TV TT TV TV Tr White & Gloor If TT It East Bay Water Co. TT TT TT TT IT TV TV TV Beuck, Charles Millington, F. K. Conrad, John Emlay, F. 0. Hadley, J. A. Kmap, Keyes, C. E. Rogers, J. Schroeder, L. School Construction Fund (Cont'd.) Labor Repairing desks TV TT 6th payment on cnntract Temporary heating 6th payment on contract Repairing desks IT TT TT It TT TV TT TT TT TV Labor Material. for repairing desks 5th payment - Plumbing Labor Repairing desks TT IV 3rd dpayment on contract Repairing desks Labor Repairing desks TT TT TT IT Additional contract 4th payment Total - East Bay Water Company Payments Fund. Extensions Ready to serve TV TT If Total - Pension Fund. Pension TT Total - Police Pension Fund. Pension TT TV TT TV TT IV Total - Compensation Insurance Fund. Bischoff's Sugical House Felt Stowe, Dr. 0. P. Examination- A. Mortensen Total - Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Probst moved that the Council adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, January 13, 1925, at 7-330 P. M. seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, January 13, 1925, at 7:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted, --- $ 30.37 20.25 24.75 1125.00 37.50 16523.00 24.75 11.25 24.75 11.25 24.75 29.25 54.00 72.50 2128.00 54.00 36.00 44.00 1182.00 24.75 54.00 44.00 44.00 32.00 112.50 500.00 - 23301.92 $ 448.44 2186.78 3.22 2638.44 87.50 97.50 185.00 132.50 217.50 77.50 85.00 77.50 77.50 77.50 745.00 8.10 15.00 23.10