1924-04-15 Regular CC Minutes1. v 3 6. / REGULAR MEETI7G OF THE COUNCIL OF TH3 CITY _LA.TEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 15TH, 1924. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 1st, 1924, were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 741. Authorizing Disposal of the Remains of Old Lincoln School." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 7r. Probst introduced and. moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 742. Acceiting Deed to Hally Property." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Er. Latham introduced and rnovecl the adoption of "Resolution No. 743. Accepting Grant of Right of Way ac ross Property of Herebert A., and Laura Gertrude Page." Mr. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "REsolution No. 744, Accepting Grant of Right of Way Across Property of Alaska Packers Association." Mr. Prot econded the motion to adopt the Resolution and •on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 745. Accepting Grant of Right of Way Across Liberty Ship Yard." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll calJ. it was adopted and passed 11 The following communications were received: Prom Ivan Johnson and Stephen Patten, requesting permission to construct a shooting range in the basement at 1063 San Antonio Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that upon the recomendation of the Chief of Police, that the application be denied seconded by Mr. Probst and carried., From L. H. King, regarding Munidipal Belt Line Railroad. Ordered filed. From the Board. of EdUCatiall, re disposal of old Lincoln School building. 90V' April 15, From the Alameda Improvement Club, and East End Non-partisai Club, re Belt Line Railroad. Ordered filed From the Alameda Improvement Club, re Belt Line Railroad, containing Resolutions. Ordered filed. 11.1 From the Contra Costa Hog Company, requesting that their agreement with the City of Alameda for the purchase of garbage be cancelled, and that the bond which was filed for the performance of that agreement be returned to them, Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the CoMmittee of the Thole, seconded by ix. Probst and carried. 12.'/ From Mrs. Beulah E. Spunn, Executive Secretary of the Alameda City Health Cneter, requesting that the sam of :100.00 monthly be appropriated by the City of Alameda for the care of pre-tubercular children at the Del Valle Farm for the coming year. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be re- ferred to the City Attorney to Prepare a Resolution in accordance with the request, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried . From City EnFieeer, Burnett Hamilton, advising - the satisfactory y completion of the coestraction of certein manholes in E inth street. Ordered filed. From the League of California Municipalities, re motor vehicle fund and gasoline tax fund. After dJseussian , Mr. Latham moved that the commaniCa- tion be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the VIlole, seconded by Mr. Prob. st aed carried. 15,V From the City Planning- Commission, recoMmending the reclassi of 2603 a1e Avenue, from a ?,esidence District, Class I, to a Business District, Class III. Ordered. 'filed. 161 From Alameda Aerie, #1076,.F. O. E., requesting a gratuitous license to conduct a circus and bazaar, to be held in the second week in May, on vacant property opposite the Welt Avenue fire hoe.se. Mr. Latham moved that the reouest be granted, under the supervision of the City ManaFer, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. A petition was received signed by fifty-four purported residents and property owners in the vicinity, requesting that that portion of Bay Islani .venue lying between Park Avenue on the East and n Street on the west, be improved, After discussion, Er. Probst moved that the matter be reCerred to the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare the necessary papers to proceed with the work', seconded by Er. Tilden and carried. 1 . A petition was received from Powell Bros., Inc. for permission to construction a blet conveyor running along the easterly line of Pearl Street. After discussion, Mr. Tilden moved that a revocable permit be granted in accordance with their request, subject to the satisfaction of the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 1 A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, N. Reclassifying ProlDerty. (2608 Eagle Avenue) April 15, 1924. Moved that it be the sense of the Goan il that the Ordinance be passed at the next regeaar meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 726.56; against the Polic Department amounting to :488.05; against the Fire Department, anountilg to 231.89.; against the Street Department amounting to 2273.34; against the Health Department amounting to 268.19; against the Recreation Department amounting to •60.72; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 411,318..40; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to 78.24; against the Compensation Insurance Fund amountin to ':,104.00; against the Health Center Fund amounting to ,;36.50; and against the School Construction Fund amounting to '1875.00, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows, to wit: General Departments. Labor .141.12 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Laundry Health Center 7.99 Towel service 7.00 as and Oil . 7.02 Welding 2.50 Express charges .63 Trailer and repairs 112.00 Book 3.45 12.50 Suprlies 3.60 It ft 11 IT 5.62 Blood pressure apparatus repaired 6.00 Combs, B. :21. Hamburger steak 1.25 East Bay Water Co. Mater - Health Center 3.33 - City Hall 14.69 El ter Printing Co. Printing 8.50 IT , Tt IT 11 1.30 Flatow ,7,: Sou, P. ureplies .95 Lox, Geo. H. Bond premium 167.50 Goodhue Printing Co. Printlng 15.00 Haxthausen, Nance Seri 7.50 Hicicok, C. E. City Manager Money advanced 17.50 TT TT T1 incidentals 1.46 Inter-City ExTeress Subscription 4.50 Johnson Co., 3. T. Distillate 16.15 23.99 Liimicinal Electric Light Plant Placing and removing extensions 32.21 f.'akland California Towel Co. Towel and launf-,ry service 4.64 Pacific Gas Electric Co, Service- Health Center 6.53 Pacific Tel. '.,: Tel Co. Rental and toll 9.42 TT TT II IT If TT IT 11 18.13 Schaefer, Victor L. Arsenic .40 Standard Rubber Co. Garden. hose 9.50 Sutton Sigh Co. Signs 3.50 Varcoe, W. El. Incidentals 3.57 Vosburgh, L. W. Supplies 15.05, Padlocks .60 7iest Disinfecting Co. Disinfectant 29.60 Western Union Tel. Co. Telegraph services .36 TV TV V Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alameda Welding Works 4mericanRailway Express Baird, J. V. Bancroft-Whitney Co. Bender-Moss Co. Bischoff's Surgical House IT IT If 11 IT TT " If 71 TT TV If TT TT TT IT If Total - Police Derartment. A]arede Vulcanizing Works Faulkner, (co. A. Ford, TT. C. 7rardner, T.T. S. Heritage Son, John Koerber Fueld .7.3 Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Ohio ChamicaL & Mfg. Co. Pecific TeL Tel. Co, Parsons Bakery Patrick 1 Co. Rhodes-Jami.eson Co, Strom Eleetrical Co. Union Oil Co. Vosbe_rgh, L. W. Western Union Tel, Co. Repair tubes Motorcycle Index cards Paint brushes Paint brushes Alfalfa Auto repairs Oxygen for lungmotor Telephones ]3r edd License tags vR)oa and coal Batteries Gasoline Black paint Cloc'k: rental Total - - r7 .56 1.58 200.00 42.25 1.55 12.00 4.25 75.34 2.40 12.50 2.00 89.75 8.28 9.90 22.50 2.50 1.25 8.05 April 15, 19040 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. AlamPda Vulcanizinp: Works Kearns 7,ast Bay Water Co. Mster Drintig Co. Ylunicipal 'Mectric Lizht Plant Pacific Tel, 1 Tel. Co. Rhodes-Jamieson 277 Co. Serave Co. Standard Oil Co. TT TT TT Steinmetz, W. T.- Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Vulcanisin,9: Works Baird, J. V. Dieterich-Post Co. East Bay. Water Co. Gardner, U. S. Heafey, Moore 3,:s. McNair Irvine & Jachens Motor Rool Specialty Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Standard 011 Company ' Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Steam laundry Alameda Vulcanizing Works TT TT TT Bischoff's Surgical House TT IT TT Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carey, Mrs. Central City Chemical Co. Cranston, A. R. Crocker Co., H. S. Ford, N. O. Guerra, A. L. Koerber Fuel Feed Co. Lederle Antitozin Laboratories Mulford, K. H. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel Te1 & Tel. Co. Perrymans Cash Grocery Purity Spring .:,Hter Co, Reid Bros. Strom Electrical Co. :arhurst, Dorothy Alameda Repair E: Supply Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bofinger, Sarah H. Cain, Y. Crane Co. East Bay Water Grinton, Alec Labben, A. 'Manuel, A. Maccini , L. Vallance Nursery Weeks-Howe, ETS01:1 CO. Board of Public Utilities Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel, Co. Gill Glass Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western 7,owc-r Co. Kellogg ]-.xpress Co. Konigshofers Linde Air Products Co. Fire Department. Linen and towel service Repairs Tires VTater Printing Recharging batteries Tolls Coal Supplies Gasoline Revovling fund. Clock rental Total Street Derjartment. He Gasoline and repairs Sharpening picks Blue prints Water Supplies Road Oil Street signs Supplies Rental ana toll Materials 16 line Supplies Total lth De-,Dartment. Laundry Tire and tube Gas Needles Dishes and Services Fumigators Repairing still Supplies Printing Services Hay, etc, Supplies gla IT bes Lamps Tolls and rental Washing powder Bottle water Operating table pad. Repairs Servies Total - Recreation Department. ELECTR Filing saw Gasoline Services Horse shoes Pipe fittings Water Crepe paper Hay and straw Draining board Athletic goods Rose bushes Tennis nets ,Total LIGHT 'FUND. Incidentals Supplies 1T Electric current Freight and drayage Cheese cloth Rental of cylinder 50.00 r r, OokO 82.00 17.42 8.25 1.00 .56 12.95 3.80 9.90 23.80 15.85 1.50 231.89 1705.13 22.53 2.45 10.20 5.7(7 2.15 76.83 36.00 14.75 3.83 221.30 117.0 11.60 10.00 25.40 73.34 4.05 12.86 1.39 2.40 1.05 26.10 3.25 99.96 5.50 1.36 44.00 2.50 9.25 2.94 19.04 6.60 5.53 1.50 .50 10.00 1.50 6.90 268.19 1.20 2.47 24.00 6.00 5.36 13.39 .80 22.50 3.50 94.00 7.00 80.50 260.72 17.32 28.61 702.00 10.54 10085.22 219.50 1.00 1.50 rsr. ELECTHIC LIGHT FUND (Con.t) Pacific as Electric Co. Pacific Tel. (7.: Tel. Co. Schwartze, Emil State Compensation Insurance Fund Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Crocker Co., H. S. Municipal Electric Tight Plant Norman, Frank E. Pacific Gas Electric Co. Pacific Tel, & Tel Co. P,ossi, Mrs. Isabella Ansel]. Jelt Crowley, Agnes Mulvany, Hazel Scammell J. W. MD Gas consumed Phones Supplies and repairs Premium ' Supplies Total COUNCIL Gasoline Supplies Electricity Rent Gas Rental and tolls Rent Total COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND. X.-rays Professional services April 15, 1924. 4.53 38.07 6.50 147.18 4.15 34.75 1l31840 3.80 1.05 3.53 30.00 12.44 9.42 18.00 78.24 7.50 42.00 42.00 12.50 A Total - -9 104.00 HEALTH CENTER FUND. dh Cranston, A. R. Connect rain water leader to sewer' 0 30.00 Skelly, Sam Ladder 6.50 , Total - ...i) 36.50 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION 111- TD. b Alameda School District of Alameda Co Refund ,,? 1875.00 Er. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded. by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 20.4 Mr, A. Kist was present in the Council Chambers and addressed the Council stating that he represented a number of property holders on Clement Avenue, and requested that the Council give the property holders a hearing before any definite or final conclusions are reached as to the disposation of the Belt Line Railroad. Mr. Tilden so moved, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried. Yr. Latham moved that the Council take a recess for the purpose of meeting informally with the Board of Education, seconded by Mr.. Probst and carried. The Council reconvened and all were noted present. 22,K/ Mr. Latham introduced and.moved the adopti:m of "Resolution No. 746. 21.. 23. 24. ■/ A Resolution Providing for the Issuance and Redemption of the Bonds of the City of Alameda, State of California, to the amount of ">250,000.for the Acquisition of School Grounds and Completion of Lincoln School in and For Said City, in Accordance with and as Authorized at a Special Election held in said City on the llth Day of March, 1924. Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Tilden moved that the City. Clerk be ins tructed to advertise the sale of school bonds, such bids to be received at the regular meeting of the Council to be held May 7th, 1924, seconded by Mr. Probst and on 'roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that the City Mana?:er be granted an extension of time until May 20th to render a beport to the Council on the proposed municipal golf links, seconded by lir. Adams and carried, 0 Apr il ]J5, 1Y40 1.7r Letham move d than when the Coancil adjourn, it do so to meet in adjourned regular session on Tuesday evening, April 22nd, 1924 at 3 o P, M., seconded by Lir, Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, April 22nd, 1924, at 8 ol clock P. M. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.