1924-06-17 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA=A TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 17th, 1924. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Adams Latham, Probst and. President Otis, (4), were noted present. Absent Councilman Tilden (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of June 3rd 1924 were approved as read. The following were received: 1./ Affidavit of publication of Notice to Wreckers of Buildings re Chestnut Street 'Tire House. Ordered filed. 2.V Affidavit of publication of Milk Report. Ordered filed. 3.1 Grant of Right of Way - United States of America Liberty Ship Yard to City of Alameda. Filed. 4. Report of M. E. L. P. for the month of February 1924. Filed. 5.V Oath of Office E. W. Young as Special Police Officer. Ordered filed. 6. The Clerk stated that in response to the advertisement "Notice to Wreckers" he was in receipt of five bids. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be received and opened seconded by Mr. 2robst and carried. Thereupon the Clerk cpened and read the bids as follows: Symon Bros, for the sum of 65.00. Cash accompanying bid 082.50. Bradford Wrecking Company for the sum of 3130.00. Check accompanying bid 065.00. Harold R. Hartley for the sum of 0115.00. Check accompany- ng bid 060.00. T. L. Brandt & G. L. Davies, for the sum of 40.00. Check accompanying bid 070.00. M. J. Mulvihill kSon for the sum of 030.00. Check accompanying bid 030.00. Mr. Latham moved that the bid be awarded to Symon Bros., and that checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary contract for the removal of the building. Seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 7.' Mr. Probst moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for sale the Sherman Street fire house, building only. Seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. In the matter of the opening of certain streets in the :west end of Alameda in Woodstock Tract, Mr. C. L. Travers representing the Chamber of Commerce, ]Ir. J. Rosefield and Mr. P. Schlichting addressed the Council, favoring the opening. Messers W. H. L. Hynes and Daniel Dutton appeared for the owners of the property in question. After a general discussion Mr. Probst moved that the matter be submitted to the Committee of the Thole, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 9.V The Olerk presented to the Council the report of the Special Committee in re Belt Line Railroad. Hon. L. R. Weinmann appeared for the Alaska Packers Association, and the Council was also addressed by J. Rosefield, C. Strom and L. Y. King, requesting the Council to adopt the report. After discussion Mr. Latham moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11.1 The Clerk stated that no protests had been received unc.er Resolution of Intention No. 69, N.S. reHFillmore Street, and thereupon Yr. Trobst intro- duced and moved the adoption of "ReSolution No. 768 Resolution Ordering the Work " Mr. Latham seconded the motionto adopt the resolution, and on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk stated that no protests had been filed under Resolution of Intention No, 70, N. S. re Washington Street. Messers A. La Plant and E. E. Arnold were in the Council Chamber and voiced verbal protest against the contemplated improvements. Mr. ''rank Hally addressed the Council in favor. After discussion Mr. Latham moved that the matter be continued until next regular meeting of the Council to be held July 1st in order to permit the protestants to enter their protests in writing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trobst and carried unanimously. 12.V The Clerk stated that no nrotests had been received under Resolution of Intention No. 71 re Bay Island Avenue. Mr. Latham thereupon intreduced.and:Moved the adoption of , "Resolution No. 769 Resolution Ordering the Work" Mr. Probst seconded the motion and on roll call same carried unanimously. 13.4 Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 770 Recinding Resolution of Intention No. 72 N. S. for the improvement of Standford Street, passed June 3rd 1924. Mr. rrobst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. 14.1 Mr. Trobst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 771. Resolution of Intention No. 72-A N. S. Re Standford St. Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. 15,V Mr. I'robst introduced and moved adoption of "Resolution No. 772 In re uncollectable personal property taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30th 1920. Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 773 In re uncollectable personal property taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30th 1921. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. 17.V Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 774 In re salary of Social Worker. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 775 Awarding contracts for Lincoln School. Mr. Latham.seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call same carried unanimously. The following communications were received from the Board of Education. bids for the Lincoln School; Filed. 19.1 From Carl Werner advising acceptance of new fire house. Filed. 20.1/ From City Clerk requesting six days vacation. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by IVIr. 2robst and carried. 21./ From Department of Public Works, re depositing dredge materials on Tract 45. Yr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager, seconded by Mr. ,Trobst and carried. 22.'/ From Board of Education, re easement of westerly side of Oak Street adjacent to the southerly line of Central Avenue. Fiied. 23./ A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance O. ,; ; New Series. Prescribing license tax for dramatic or musical shows." came up for passage, and was read by the Clerk. Mr. l'robst moved the adoption of the Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call same carried unan- , imously. 24.V A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance providing for the regu- lating and licensing of Soft Drink Establishments in City of Alameda." came up for passage. Mr. rrobst moved that the action of the Council be post- poned until next regular meeting to be held on July 1st. Seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 25.1/ A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance providing a Relief and rension Fund for members of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Alameda, also for the administration of said fund." came up for passage. Mr. Probast moved that action of the Council be postponed 1,71- IT1^ Tthry anti nsrried. 26.1 A Bill entitled came "A Bill For Ordinance No. Nev Series.. An Ordinance providing for vacations for salaried officers and employees of the City government, also for absence from duty in case of sickness or injury." up for passage. Mr. Latham moved that action of the Council be postponed two weeks. Seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 27.0 A bill entitled Tor "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Church) was introduced and laid over under provision of the Charter Claims against. the General Fund amounting to 05008.78; against the Police Department amunting.to 0388.71; against the Fire Department amounting to 09019.34; against the Street Department amounting to 02392.71; against the Health Department amounting to 095.43; against the Recreation Department amounting to 0432.14; against the Electric Light Tund 011,753.54; against the Compensation Insurance Fund amounting to 012.50; against the Health Center Fund amounting to 01065.02; against the School Construction Fund amounting to 0250.00; against the Initiative Relief Fund amounting to 050.00; and against the Council Relief Fund amounting to 083.07 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were liested by the Clerk as follows: General Departments. Labor Chamber Alameda Alameda of Commerce Steam Laundry Times Star T1 TT II IT II TT TT TI TT TV Alameda Vulcanizing Yforks Alameda Welding Works Lee Buckley A. Carlisle & CO. B. E. Combs H. S. Crocker Co. East Bay Water Co. C. T.Fischer N. O. Ford Wm. F. Hockins S. T. Johnson Kewanee Boiler Co. League of Calif. Municipalities Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TT TT TV TV If IT TV TT TT If TT Pacific Gas & Electric Company Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company Alameda Vulcanizing Works IT If Ansell & Jelte Geo. A. Faulkner TT IT IT Municipal Electric Ligh IT TV IT T1 A. Manuel nt TV TV TT Police Envelopes Towel service Printing TV Justice Docket Advertising Printing Ty Oil and Gas Repairs Labor at Garbage Dumps Polders Meat for Rat Poison 2 Record books Water Salary Printing Plumbing Repairs Fuel Oil Repairs Dues Recharging battery Extension cords City Lighting month Apr.30/24 May 31/24 TT TT Gas Rentals and. Tolls Total . Dec,artment. * 0 0 0 Gas Tire Repairs X-Ray photo - E. L. Swanson Motorcycle parts Chain for motorcycle Labor and attendance IT II TT Repairs to motorcycle Lumber 42.00 1.19 7.00 72.00 39.50 38.19 2.50 21.75 7.87 2.00 66.00 18.25 1.60 48.00 21.74 104.25 18.50 2.25 12.83 48.00 50.00 .50 9.99 2264.95 2088.07 4.90 14.95 5008.78 .19 20.60 18.00 12.45 3.75 50.00 50.00 100.33 9.10 "Police Department (Cont'd). Pacific Tel. '9,4 Tel. Co. Pacific Gas. (3: Electric Co. United Petroleum Co. Union Oil Company IT IT TT TT Western Union Tel.Co. Alameda Furniture Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Bonded Floors Co. East Bay Water Co. N. O. Ford Revolving Fund McIntosh Bros. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT IT II TT TT II IT IT TV If TT IT TV IT TV If Rental & Tolls Gas - City Pound Dominion Oil TT If 5/24 6/2 6/11 Message and Clock rental Total • • • • • • • • Fire Department. Furniture - Station #3 Towel & Linen service _Linoleum - new station Water Printing Purchases Moving fence - new station Attendance ?/: Supplies Fire Alarm Equipment Labor, attendance ?4 supplies Recharging batter Repairs to Truck 1 Plumbing repairs Gas to May 24/24 Shades for new fire house Rainting truck #1 Drive chain Mill brooms Supplies Gasoline E. H. Owens Pacific Gas .P); Electric Co. Paula Furniture Co. John F. Reese Seagrave Co. St,5te of Calif. - Industrial Home Standard Rubber Co. Standard Oil Co. TT II TI Carl Werner IT TT Western Union Tel. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. R. Zelinsky AJPIrneda V-ulcanislmg Works Labor W. R. Calcutt N. Clark & Sons East Bay Water Co. Engelbrecht Co. Heafy, Moore and McNair Oakland Blue Print Co. Powell Bros. TV TT Louis Siegler Standard Oil Co. TV TT TV United Petroleum Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Alameda Steam Laundry Mrs. Carey Alameda Times Star A. R. Cranston Encincal Ice Co. Dr. A. L. Guerra Marie Leech Dorothy MeMaster Municiral Electric Light H. Y.. Mulford Co. IT TV TV Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Dorothy Warhurst If 6/4/24 6/6/24 Paym't on gas pumps - fire Accept. payment - Bungalow Clock rental for June One case toilet paper Painting Total . . Street Departrnent Gasoline amd oil ;1? house . 0 0 0 0 9 One keg nails Sewer pipe Water for May/24 Supplies Road Oil Prints & Negatives Materials TT Sharpening: too1 tools Gasoline TV Dominion Oil Total Health Department 0 0 0 0 Gasoline Laundry Salary Printing Repairs Ice Emergency Case Guinea pig Sub. Clerick Work Co. Greese, Oil and adjustments SuPplies Recreation Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Work:s Sarah H. Bofinger IT Bill of June /24 Salary Total . 0 • . Department. 7rinting Gasoline 'Salary • JS 14.27 .80 39.96 22.50 22.50 22.50 1.76 388.71 140.80 50.00 596.00 21.71 5.50 12.42 21.00 77.25 4204.30 1123.29 .50 410.89 24.75 22.93 35.00 90.00 30.50 17.55 2.00 9.00 36.00 385.20 1079.00 1.50 8.00 614.25 9019.34 31.91 1839.50 5.50 67.91 3.74 1.30 77.50 27.89 64.20 200.65 3.00 12.60 16.20 40.81 2392.71 2.33 4.76 2.60 29.50 2.75 6.35 2.50 10.00 12.00 3.08 3.34 5.00 5.42 5.80 95.43 21.40 7.60 24.00 ,C6 Recreation Department (bont'd) J. DeBorba East Bay .:later Co. C. H. Haas Wm. T. Hockins J. G. Iubben A. Manual Maxwell Hardware Co. C. G. Morse & Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Patterson-Williams Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Piwell Bros. Strable Hardwood Co. A. G. Spaulding & Bros. E. P. Dutton Sign Co. Vallance Nursery Salary (Gardner) Water Repairing flagpoles and ropes Plumbing repairs Horse feed Lumber Hardware Seeds Repairs Roller Bearings Rentals and Tolls Sand and rock and cement Hardwood Lumber Block Letters Painting signs Nicotine 60.00 15.71 25.00 1.50 17.00 41.60 22.17 .34 19.92 75.00 2.88 27.70 35.12 3.60 29.60 2.00 Total • • • . • • • • 432.14 Electric Light Fund Alameda Steam Laundry H. Wischhusen Auto Electric Service Forbes Supply Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Board of Public Utilities W. P. Puller c Co. Line Material Co. E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Great Western Power Co. Associated Oil Co. East By Water Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Charles A. Newcomb Thomas Day Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Metal Works Ansell & Jelte Towel Service Supplies IT If TT Incident, s for :ay Supplies IT TT Printing Supplies & Repairs Electric Current TT Gasoline Water to 5/26/24 Repairs Supplies /I Tentals and tolls Supplies 6.00 4.50 1.95 1.75 133.89 19.81 2.45 47.08 2.50 197.00 20.49 1101.25 9923.16 20.70 2.41 20.50 2.60 175.96 37.20 32.34 Total • • • • • • • • 411753.54 Compensation Ins. Fund. X-Ray Photos F. O. Emlay 12.50 Health Center Fund. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Scavengers Ass'n. Bischoff's Surgical House Edwin Champion Encinal Ice Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Company Municipal Electric Light Plant IT If 71 Oakland Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. It Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Mrs. 2.E.Spunn Laundry Services Supplies TT Ice Gas Supplies TT 10.71 3.20 55.53 3.25 .25 8.21 916.26 26.00 Service for May 1924 9.35 Rental 6.00 " and tolls 11.13 Mill wood 2.00 Nurse-supplies 13.13 Total • • • • • • • • • 1065.02 School Construction Pund. Goodfellow, Eels, Moore & Orrick Examination and report Initiative Relief ?und. Social Service Deportment Money advanced for labor Council Relief 2und. Mrs. Bell Eason Yrs. Veda M. Boone Ers. Jennie Mazwell Rypewriter Guy Marie Rainey C. Algri W. A. Autrey Pacific Tel. P.0 Tel. Co. C. Autrey Rent Water Rent Cleaning & OverhaulinF Rent Interest Gas Charges and rental Rent Total • • • • • • • • • •;;.1 250.00 50.00 5.00 2.07 5.00 13.25 20.00 5.63 3.00 11.12 18.00 83.07 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid seconded by Er. r:obst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, July lst, 1924, at 8 o'clock P. E. Resnectfully submitted