1924-07-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 0? TH CITY OF ALZjEDt, TUESDAY EVENFIG, JULY 15TH 1924. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Adams, Latham Probst Tilden and. President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent; None. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 1st, 1924, were approved as read. 3. V 5e, The following were received: property. Oath of Office of L. S. Strebe as police officer. Ordered filed. Contract, Alfred S. ' hell and City of Alameda, re purchase of Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of 1.Iarch,1924. Ordered filed. Affidavit of publication of notice of Right to Appeal, re removal of weeds. Ordered filed. Certified copy of abstract of proceedings re 250,000 School Bond issue. Ordered filed. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 781. Transferring All Surplus Moneys to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll cell it was adopted and passed unanimously. 7.V Yr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 782. Creating the "East Bay Water Company Payments Fund"; Transferring ':'4,699.40 from the Public Use Charge Fund to the East Bay Water Company Payments Fund, and Transferring '1,765.34 from the Lincoln Avenue Water Main Fund to the East Bay Water Company Payments Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. The followinp; communications were -received: From the Auditor and Assessor, giving the assessment figures for the City of Alameda for the year 1924. Ordered filed. 9. From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager re count of money. Ordered filed. 0.1/ From the Alameda Camber of Commerce, re purchase of property on Bay Farm Island for perk purposes. Messrs. Calcutt and Oppenheimer, add.ressed the Council in favor of the suggestion and after discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to report backto the Council seconded by Er. Probst and carried. 11•v From the Alameda Improvement Club, containing Resolution, re California Girls' Training Home, Messrs. Freese and Neville addressed the Council relate thereto, and after dioussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to make a survey of conditions as they exist and report back to the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 12./ From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to the appointment of an assistnnt nitv manager arrl variouR mqtterR. After aiRMISSi011. the nnmmuniention Wf1R July 15th, 1924. From Veterinary Food Inspector, T. Carpenter, and various citizens relative to nuisance at 3244 Briggs Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that the communi- cation be filed and, further proceedings be dropped, seconded by Mr. Probst carried. 14." An application from the Key System Transit Company, for a permit to operate a motor bus in connection with and as auxilliary to its street railroad in the west end of Alameda, was read. After discussion, Mr. Tilden moved that the application be granted subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Mr. Latham seconded the motion and upon roll call carried unanimously. 15. An application from the Key System Transit ComPany, for a permit to operate 8 motor bus in connection with and as auxilliary to its street railroad in the east end of Alameda,was read. After discussion, 'Jr. Tilden moved that the application be granted, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Mr. Latham seconded the motion and upon roll call carried unanimously. 16.V The Clerk stated that in response to published notice inviting sealed proposals, re Resolution of Intention No. 69, N. S. illmore Street), he was in receipt of two bids. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Hutchinson Company, aocompanied. by bond. For Macadamizing.................................... 14 cts. per sq. foot. " Gutters of Concrete............................. 26 " " Straight curbing of concrete.................... 70 " " Curved Curbing of concrete ......................70 " " 7x24 inch corrugated iron concrete culvert... 11•40 6x18 TT 11 fT IF 4.20 9,, " Gutter brida'es."•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 From the Oakland. Paving Oornoany, accompanied by bond. For Grading, per sq. f t............................. " Concrete curb per lin. ft....................... .80 Concrete Gutter, per souare foot................ .25 " Oil i'Iacadamizing, per Sq. ft.................... " 7 x 24 inch, per lin. ft. of culverts........... 4.50 " 6 x 18 " u 71 u u u ,..,........ 4.50 " Concrete brides, -i,er square foot............... .20 If ff If 11 ff S On the recommendati)n of the Oity I]nFineer, and bein thc, lowest bidder, L:r. Thatlm introduced the followinF -1-esolation iid lioved. its nJo-ntion: "Resolution No. 703, 1;(:,sol'ation of Award., (Fillmore Street) Mr. robst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and c)nt roll it was ado-nted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stnted that in response to published notice inviting sealed proposals re Resolutin o Intentlsn 70, 71, Tj. S. (Bay Island. Avenue), he wns in ec;eipt off three bids. Mr. Probst moved that the bids be received ana opened, seconded Latham and carri ed. Thereupon the 8ler1,: opened and rood the bids as follows: From Hatchinson Coapany, acco-oaied by a bond. For 14 cts.Der sq. ft. GatterSop 044 *MOO 0 ..PO 00 00 Olio 9000000 Of* MO 0000 MO WO 26 ff if Strals7ht carbin of concrete. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 70 " " Curve6 curbing of concrete.............................. 70 " " Cement sidewalk. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 " " " 7x24 inch corrugate iron concrete culvert............4.40 eoaeoemos.0o 4.20 " 6x18 Gutter bridges. ••••••••••••••••••000••o•••••••••••••••00 26 " sq. ft. fT TT If TT IT TT " lin. " " sq. ft. " lin. IT TT TT jni.y 15, 1924. From Heaf , Moore McNair, accompanied by certified check in the sum of :,600.00. Per square foot of earth grading......„..... Three cents 0.03). Per linear foot of: concrete curb......Seventy Five Cents 0.75). Isel" square foot of macadamizing...—. Fourteen and one-quarter Cents (0.1425) Per square foot of concrete gutter .... Twenty-six Cents (0.26). Per linear foot of 7 x 24" corrugated iron culvert..............................Four and 50/100 W4.50). linear foot of 6 x 18" corrugated iron culvert..............................Four and 50/100 P4.50). For square foot of concrete bridges.....Twenty-six Cents (90.26). Per square :foot of concrete sidewalk.... Sixteen and one-ha if Cents (.0.165) From The Oakland Paving aiy, accompanied by bond. A For grading, per sq. ft. 0004.00900040040000000900MWOO 4 .,....n, '" concrete curb, per lin. ft.......................... .80 " concrete gutter, per sq, ft......................... .25 ri Sidwalks,fer sq. ft................................. .20 Culverts, 7 inch x 24 inch, per lin. ft............. 4.50 TT IT 6 inch x 18 inch, per lin. ft............. 4.50 Concrete bridges per sq. ft........................ .20 Upon the recommendation of the City --fiineer and being the lowest bidder, Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 784. Resolution of Award. (Bay Island Avenue) Mr. Latham seconded the motion to :c-Topt the Resolution and upon roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Lir. Latham moved that the certified accompanying bid of Heafey, Moore and McNair, be returned, seconded icy Mr. Probst and carried. 18.1/ Mr. Probst introduced and moved the acloption of "Resolution No. 785, Resolution Ordering the Work. (Washington Street. Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted anci passed unanimou.sly. 1.9 The Clerk stated that he was in rceipt of a petition of protest under Resolution of Inrention, 7o. 72,A. New Series, re Stanford Street, which contained signatures of 85 3/10 per cent of the frontage involved. Messrs. S. J. Miller and M. Garside were present in the Council Chamber and addressed the Council in protest. Messrs. Calcutt, Travers and Bernal addressed the Council in favor of the work being done. After dicussion, Mr. Latham moved that the matter ve referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Thole for further ii-Nestigation, seconded by Mr. :Probst and carried.. 20. A Bill entitled "..A. Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Ordinance Providing for the Regulating and. Licensing of Soft Drink Establishments in the City of Alameda." came up for passag.e. Mr. Probst moved that action be postponed until the next reg meeting of the dounoll, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried. July l5th, 1924. 21.V A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Providing a Relief and Pension Fund foi' Members of the Police and Tire Departments of the City of Alameda, also for the Administration of said Fund." came up for passage. Mr. Probst moved that action be postponed, until the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 22.v A Bill entitled 23 1V "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Providing for Vacations for Salaried. Officers and. Employees of the City Government, also for Absence from duty in case of sickness or Injury." came up for passage. Yr. Probst moved that action be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Messrs. Hollings, Neville and Niess addressed the Council, re the opening of streets in the west end, and other unopened streets in the City. After discussion, Mr. Probst moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a map of dedicated streets not yet opened or improved, for submission.to the Council as a Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to ,I556.72; against the Police Department amounting to 82.15, against the Tire Department mounting to .81.83; against the Street Department amounting to 4813.04; against the Health Department amounting to !201.20; against the Recreation Department amounting to :230.83; against the Store Department amounting to :,85.38; against the Health Center Department amounting to 023.43; against the Council Relief Tund amounting to ::141.43; against the Initiative Relief Fund amounting to :91.50; against the Electric Light Tund amounting to 1,411.92; against the School Construction Fund amounting to 4782.86 and against the Compensation Insurance Fund amounting to :,95.00, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Council, B.S.A. Alameda Repair Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star General Departments. Money advanced for incidentals Wire glass transom Towel service Advertising u TT u TT TT u u Tax bills Albers Bros. MillinF, Co. Tubes Clark, Herbert D. Insurance Combs, B. E. Megt Crocker Co., H. S. Carbon East Bay Water Co. Water Elster 2rirting Co. Printing Inter-city Express Subscription Johnson Co., S. T. Distillate O'Brien Sign Co. Sign 2acific Coast Shredded Wheat Co. Supplies Pacific Tel. /'. Tel. Co. Tolls and rental Purity Spring Water Co. Water Samuel, Ford E. Negatives and print Shepard. Co., The Frank Book Teague, H. S. Bond premium .50 5.00 4.50 7.00 16.70 10.55 185.85 126.30 23.50 .80 6.12 23.81 36.25 4.50 2.14 12.00 3.00 17.70 .50 10.50 16.00 12.50 Collins 2.1 Kearns Elster Printing To, Shell Company Pacific ?el. ,?2 Co. Union Oil Company Western Union Tel.Co, AlnT.9. Steam Laundry :,ssn. East ?,ay later Co. Pacific Tel. ?el. Co. Standard Oil Company Western Union "el .Co Labor Bishop:. Loupe 11 ft YT TT IT Sons, N. Ford, N. O. Heafey, Moore McNair TV If TV TV Municlp,3l Electric Light Plant Oakland Blue Print Co. Oanand Building Material Co. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. Powell Bros. IT TV Sjecler, Louis Standard. Oil Col IT GT TT 1T If IT TT IT If IT 11 TV Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Carey, Mrs. CrockEr Co., H. S. DeLaval Pacific Co. Encinal Ice Co. i?latow Son, P. IT IT IT Guerra, Dr. ,:rthur L. -Hickok, C. 2. City Manager TG IT IT IT If Loerber Tuel Teed Co. Y.ulford Co., H. K. Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. Peters, Lindsay, M.D. 'llarhust, Dorothy Alameda Repair Supply Co. Bofinger, Sarah H. Cain, M. Crane Co. DeBorba, J. DiVecchio, Lucile East Bay Water Co. Lubben.'J. G. Pacific Tel. 201. Co. Parks f Recreation Smith, Charles Tasker. Thos. Police Department. Tire and tube Circulars Gasoline Rental and tolls Gasoline Rental of clock Total - Tire Department. Line and towel service: Water Phone tolls Gasoline Clock rental tal - Street Department. Parts IT IT Pipe Printing Road Oil TT IT Repairs Maps Screenirigs Materials TV Sharpening picks Gasoline IT IT TV Ilt• Supplies Lumber Total - Health Department. Laundry Advertising Services Card trays Supplies Ice Supplies TV emergency services Lione advanced TV Feed Supplies Distilled water Rental and tolls Emerency case Services Total - Recreation Department. File saw Services Horseshoes Pipe Services Water Feed. Rental and tolls Subscription Plumbing Repairs to pumps Total - July 15, 1924. 14.40 7.85 22.50 13.65 22.50 1.25 82.1 -4, 50.00 12.03 .30 18.00 1.50 81.83 2077.50 .16 1.45 39.39 55.02 45.00 559.65 860.68 16.36 1.89 365.00 3.25 615.00 60.20 7.60 12.60 9.00 21.60 10.80 30.60 9.29 1.00 - ;,ri 4813.04 8.19 12.50 2.08 3.82 r, 050 6.15 fl40 60.27 15..00 49.50 10.00 6.05 10.42 1.20 4.65 2.50 6.91 201.20 1.20 27.00 5.50 13.31 60.00 36.00 20.47 15.50 2.40 3.00 10.20 36.25 230.83 0 y 5th, 1924. Crooke Co., H. S. ff ickok, C.E. City Manager Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Bischoff's Surgical House IT IT East Bay Water Co. Encinal Ice Co. Flatow Son, P. Kochendorfer, Leo T. Oakland Californda Towel Co. O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Pacific Tel. & Tel. co. Smith, Chas. Thompson-Chevrolet Co. Alameda City Social Service Board Alameda Vulcanizing Works Crocker Co., T. S. Eason, Mrs. Bell East Bay Water Co. Kenigshofer's Municipal Electric LiFdit Plant Norman Son, Trank radific Gas E: Electric Co. Pacific Tel. CI Tel, Co. Rossi, Isaoe11e Alameda City Social Service Bo Store Department. Supplies IT Money ndvneed for stamps Total - - Health Center Department. Service for June, 1924 Supplies TV Water Ice Eye drops Labor Service Sign Service Labor Automobile Total - COUNCIL RELIiIIT FUND. Money advanced Supplies Rent Water Rent Electricity Rent Gas Rental Rent Total - INITATIVE RELIEF FUND. d Money advanced. ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Associated Oil Co. Alameda Times Star Baker-Joslyn Co. Board of Public Utilities Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Pialer 81 Co., W. P. Gamewell Tire Alarm Tel, Co. Fobes Supply Co. General Electric Co. Great Western Power Go, Johns-Manville Co. Mack International Motor Truck Co. Newcomb, Chas. A. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reoblings Sons Co., John A. Rountree Co., C. O. Rucker-Faller Desk Co. United Iron Works Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. &. M. Co. Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Alameda Times Star TY IT 11 Meyers, Henry H. Street Depertment,City of Alameda Slater, Ronald B. Gasoline Printing Supplies Incidental ep enses Maintenance Supplies TV TV TV Electrical current Supplies 11 Electrical current Replacing poles Rental and Tolls Supplies Total - SCHOCJ, CONSTRUCTICN FUND. Advertising IT Architect's iees Survey Total - - COIIPENSATION ISNRUANCE FUND. Dental work. 30.62 4.76 50.00 6 85.38 15.87 14.40 6.80 7.38 .25 .50 3.80 6.32 6.00 10.36 1.75 650.00 723.43 25.00 4.18 28.42 5.00 5.40 20.00 4.55 5.63 9.88 10.37 23.00 • 141.43 91.50 18.00 79.50 12.59 18.55 5.52 6.21 73.81 393.27 512.11 8611.32 30.95 6.08 2.45 809.60 71.09 36.15 181.94 11.29 80.25 51.a5 19.63 185.65 196.00 .91 ) 11411.92 10.22 12.64 4750.00 10.00 - '1') 4782.86 95.00 July 15, 1924 . Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by 1". Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regalar session, Tuesday evening, AuRust, 5th, 1924, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Respectfully sabmitt