1924-09-02 Regular CC MinutesL/ 2/ 7.$1 8 . V REGULAR LrEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBE 2, 1924. The rneeting convened at 8:15 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Probst Tilden and President Otis were noted present. Absent: None. Mr. Latham moved that Miss H. B. Dudgeon be appointed. City Clerk pro tem, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 19th were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular rneeting of August 22nd were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 797. Transferring $450.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr: Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 798. Transferring 1,799.30 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced and moved .the adoptib of• "Resolution No. 799. Transferring 4675.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." ur. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: Oath of Office of T. L. Peters, Special Police Officer. Ordered filed. Four title insurance policies on property recently purchased for the Board of Education. Ordered filed. Bond of H. B. Henderson House Mover. Ordered filed. Report of the Munidipal Electric Light Plant fax the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From the Board of Education requesting authority to dispose of the houses on the property recently purchased by the City adjacent to the Eastick School. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. From the City Planning Commission, re reclassifiction of the property . situated on the south side of Santa Clara Avenue, 341 Feet, 9 inches, west of Oak Street, from a Residence District Class II, to a Business District, Class III, unanimously recommending the granting of the petition. Mr. Latham moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be adopted seconded by Mr Prob st and carried. • September 2nd, 1924, From Joint Alameda County 9th of September Committee, inviting the Council to participate in the celebration at Santa Cruz. Mr. Probst moved that the invitation be aceenowledged, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. 11.V From the Belt Line Committee, consisting of Mayor Frank Otis, City Manager, C. Hickok, and City Attorney, J. Locke, submitting final report oil the sale of the Belt Line Railroad. Mr. Latham moved that the report be received and filed and the Committee be discharged, seconded by Lr. Neiss and carried. 12.1 From Judge F. L. Angellotti, General Counsel for the Railroad Companies, requesting certain amendments to the Ordinance intorduced. August 22, 1924, authorizing and directing the exec,Ition of an agreement ipetween the City of Alameda on the one hend and The Western l'acific Railroad Company and the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, railroad corporations, on the other, relative to and providing for the sale by the City of the city's existing railroad to a corporation to be formed by said railroad companies, and the extensiDn and operation by said corporation.of said belt line railroed, all uton the terms and conditions stated in said agreement; and authorizing the sale of said existing railroad of the City and the lease of certain of the property of the City at the north end of Grand Street. After di scussion, on motion of Er Latham seconded by Mr. Neiss, it was ordered that said proposed ordinance be amended as follows: The section of said proposed contract which is designated "Fourth" was amended as follows: FOURTH: SAid city hereby agrees to sell and convey to said. Alameda Belt Line to be used and operated in connection with said Belt Line railroad, said City's existing railroad in Cle- ment Avenue, between Broadway and Grand Streets,in said City for the sum of ThirtyThousand Dollars (30,000.,00), and upon the written acceptance of this contract by said-Alameda Belt Line and upon the payment of said sum to said City, with interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from and after Zey 1st, 1925, (said interest to be paid only in the event that the consummation of said urchase be delay- ed beyond such date by any fault or neglect on the part of either of the parties of the first part, or said Alameda Belt Line), said City agrees to axecute and deliver to said. Alameda Belt Line a good and sufficient conveyance of all said existing railroad. The section of the said proposed contract which is designated as "Tei of said ordinance was amended as follows:- in Section 1 TENTH: If the option to locate a freight ferry slip at foot of Grand Street is exercised by said party or parties, the party or parties exercising sich option will construct a standard rile 7harf for the exclusive use of said city at the north end of Said:GrandStreet, said vtharf to be the full width of said Grand Street and to extend into the San Antonio Estuary as far as the pierhead line, all according to plat hereto annexed marked. Exhibit B showing the plan of said wharf. Said wharf, when constructed, shall be the sole property of the city. Thereupon. it was ordered that further consideration of said ordinance and final passage thereof be deferred until the regular meeting of the Council to be held on September 16, 1924. 13,1 Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 5 of an Ordinance Entitled "Ordinance No. 253, N. S., An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Motor Busses upon the streets of the City of Alameda when such Busses are run in connection with and Auxilliary to a Street Railroad." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 140/1 A Bill entitled Few "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. September 2, 1924. Reclassifying Property. (Business). was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charuer. Mr. Latham moved that the City Clerk advertise for bids for a new hook and ladder truck for the Fire Department, seconded by LIr.. Probst and carried. 161 Mr. Latham moved that a sum not to exceed „100.00 be appropriated for a floral float for advertising purposes, for the Dons of Peralta Parade on September 27th, 1924, seconded by Mr. Neiss and on roll call carried unanimously. 17./ Mr. Hickok reported. on the opening of Lorton Street Lane and suggested that additional names be obtained to the petition, before further action was taken. 184/ Mr. Hickok presented plans for the opening of Eagle Avenue, east of Webster Street, -to S. P. tracks,. Aft er discussion 'r. Tilden moved that • 1r, Bruzzone, the owner of the property be requested to appear before the Committee of the Whole at 7:30 Oielock on September 16, 1924, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 19.V Mr. Tilden moved that the Mayor request the Board of Public Utilities to e a proper sign on the sub-station on Webster Street to advertise the City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 200' Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager look into the matter of p 1acii signs designating blind streets to the Bay, and report back to the Council seconded. by iir. Probst and carried. 21.4 Mr. Probst moved. that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance licensing itinerant peddl at" S seconded by Mr. Latham and. carri ed. .;j.-ty Manager Hickok reported. on the dyeing and cleaning establishment located at 2008 Bncinal Avenue, submitting a report by Fire Chief, rialter T. Steinmetz, making recommendations that an ordinance be drawn up to compel any future cleaning and dyeing works to be housed in a fire-proof building. The report was filed and Ivir. Tilden moved that the City Attorney prepare such an Ordinance, seconded by ivir. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Departments mounting to 2763.39; against the Police Department amounting to :80.15; against the Fire Department amounting to 272.80; against the Street Department amounting to 3103.23; against the Health Department amounting to :;1146.04; against the Recreation Department amounting to i')117.39; against the Store Department amounting to il:i67.45; against the Health Center De- partment amounting to 8.20; against the Council Relief lound amounting to 24.79; against the Electric Light Fund amountinFr to .:?'2,664.88; against the ire Pension Fund amounting to :;:1185.00; against the Police Pension Fund. amounting to ',)527.50 having been approved. and aud.ited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: September 2 1924. Labor Alameda Couneil, Boy Scouts Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda. Times Star 11 TT 11 Combs, B. IV T1 11 T1 11 TV Cranston, A. R. Crocker Oo., H. S. 1/ TT TT East Bay Water Co. Electric Blue Print Co. Fischer, C. D. Ford, N. O. A. T. Gay Guy & Young Co., Fred M. TT 11 TV TV TV TV 11 IT TV TT 11 TV Hickok, C. E. City Manager 1 u Magill, A. M. Municipal Electric Llght Plant TT VV TV TT Otis, Fr rik plummer, Geo. E. Security Drug Co. It TT t/ United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Ziel, F. R. Guy, Fred M. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. eI Tel. Co. Shell Company Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, East Bay Water Co. Garratt-Callahan Co. Guy 8.1 Young Co., Fred M. Motor Tool Specialty Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Salisbury, A. C. Seagrave Company TT TV Standard Oil Company TV VV TV TV TV TT Steinmetz, W. T. Womack, J. D. Labor Bishop & Loupe TT 7T TT California Courrgated Culvert Co. Clark & Sons, N. 11 71 IT If East Bay Water Co. Evening Times Star Gay, A. T. Powell Bros. Inc. Standard Oil Company 11 TV TT Typewriter Guy Waddell Lumber Co. TT TV TT General Departments. Money advanced Towel service Printing Copies of Ordinances Advertising Meat TV TV TV Services Supplies TV \dater Blue prints 8 ervi ces Prin ting Repairing Typewriter insp eat i o n TV TV TV TV Money advanced Auto upkeep Insurance premium City Lighting Lamps Mayor's Allowance Supplies Barium Carbonate Ant poison Bond premiums Insurance premium Total - Police Department. Tyepwriter inspection Labor and attendance Rental Gasoline Total Fire Department. Linen service Water :Metal shine Typewriter inspection Supplies Labor and attendance Supplies IT TV Gasoline TV TV Revolving Fund Repairing magneto Total - Street Department. Supplies TT Culverts Sewer pipe TV u Water Printing Repairing tools Materials Gasoline TV TV Typewriter inspection Lumber Total - 0 66.50 6.50 7.00 33.95 2.50 24.97 .89 .80 .80 .80 60.00 70.29 12.07 23.30 27.96 122.25 25.00 84.25 2.25 4.50 1.50 70.00 25.00 21.00 1847.17 37.67 50.00 9.31 3.50 75.00 38.75 9.80 2763.39 3.75 50.00 3.90 22.50 80.15 50.00 19.14 6.14 1.50 35.07 53.82 50 4.75 23.30 9.00 13.50 18.00 23.78 12.30 - 272.80 1959.25 .53 3.90 77.60 6.17 71.21 13.90 10.45 138.35 709.25 27.90 13.50 15.30 2.25 44.71 8.95 3103.23 Alameda Stearn Laundry Assn Carey, Ers. Carpenter, Dr. T. Champion, Edwin Cranston, A. R. Crocker,Co., H. S. Cutter Laboratory Flatow ?c San, P. Hickok, C. E. City M anager Koerber, A. H. W. Mulford, Co., H. K. Purity'Spring Water Co. Snow, Bill Typ2writer Guy Wqrhurst, Dorothy Zellerbach Paper Co. Bofinger, Sarah H. Crane Co. Crocker, Co., H. S. DeBorba, J. East Bay Water Co. San Francisco Galvanizing Hickok:, C. E. City Manager Crocker H. S. Bischoff's Surgical House Flatow & Son, P. Hickman,, Geo. W. Owens, W. H. Spunn, Mrs. B. E. Req.. th Department. Laundry Services Transportation Supplies Services Envelopes Vaccine Virus Supplies Money advanced Hay Supplies Water Services Typewriter inspection Services Paper Towels Total - Recreation Department. Works Services Pipe Time Book Services Water Galvanizing Total - Store Department. Money advanced Supplies Total - Health Center Department. Repairing scissors Supplies IT Repairing drinking fountain Money advanced Total - Council Relief Fund. Alameda City Social Service B Alameda Scavengers Assn. East Bay Water Co. Edison, A. Municipal El ectri cLi it Plant Addressograph Sales Company Alameda Upholstering Co. Associated Oil Company Calcutt, W. R. Clark, H. D. TT TT If Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. Pobes Supply Co., Fuller & Co. TV II IT Gadner Electric Mfg. Co. Garlock Packing Co. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Hanjes-Bormann Co. Hunt, Mirk & Co. Kellogg Express Co. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Pacific Metal Works Reese, T. W. Ritchie, L. E. Roblings Sons Co., John A. Ruck-er -Fuller Desk Co. September and 1924. d. Money advanced Removing garbage Water Rent Electricity Total - Electric Light Fund. Supplies Repairs Gasoline Supplies Insurance premium TV TV Supplies TV Water Supplies Paint Supplies IT If IT TT If TV Drayage Supplies Painting Supplies Typewriter inspections Insurance premium Prepai. freight Supplies 9 8.98 2.08 35.00 1.00 35.00 4.14 2.00 1.40 10.00 4.50 16.70 .50 5.00 3.75 4.23 11.76 146.04 24.00 4.79 .35 65.00 22.50 .75 1177.39 50.00 17.45 -9 67.45 2.00 1.55 15.15 1.50 18.00 38.20 8.40 1.00 7.98 5.00 2.41 24.79 42.85 7.00 37.80 1.00 108.40 3.00 55.37 17.29 60.00 368.70 24.30 22.93 176.65 5.52 35.01 352.33 14.01 35.00 1.37 5.67 6.00 1.62 4.00 5.00 3.24 2.70 Sep tember 2 1924, Safe Cabinet Co. Sahw, , E. Smith Hardware Co. Standard Rubber Co. United Iron Works Western Heavey Hardware Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Mfg. Co. Young Supply Go. , R. S. Beuck, Chas. Millington, F. K. Conrad, John Hadley, J. E. Kamp, A. Keyes, C. E. Rogers, J. Schroder L. ectric Light Fund ( Cant' d. ) Safe Cabinet Supplies Total - - Fire Pension Fund. Pension for Aug. 1924 TT 1 Total - - - Police Pens ion Fund. Pension for Aug. 1924 TT u TT u 7 TT Tr u TV u u It TT 11 u TT TV u TT TT Total - Mr. Latham moved. that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr on roll call carried. unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council ad journed to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, September, 16th, 1924, at 8 08clocic P. M. Respectfully submitted, 664.05 1.53 11.01 8.82 120.20 69.13 389.89 3.49 - 2664.88 87.50 97.50 185.00 132.50 77.50 85.00 77.50 77.50 7'7.50 527.50 robst and Z-ct-c( -evo-Y1- City Clerk pro tem.