1924-11-05 Regular CC Minutes1.17 2. 3. ■/ REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5TH, 1924. The meeting convened at 8 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham,Neiss, robst, Tilden and. President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 21, 1924 were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 814. Transferring U,092.19 From the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Er. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 815. Resolution Adopting Plans and. Specifications. (Bay Island. Avenue, between Regent Street and Pearl Str.) Mt. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following papers were ordered filed: Affidavit of publication of Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, under Resolution of Intention No. 73, New Series, Bay Island Avenue. Affidavit of posting Notice Inviting Sealed. Proposals, under Resolution of Intention No. 73, N. S. Bay Island Avenue. .14 Bond of L. Johnson, H ouse Mover . The following communications were received: 6.1 From City Attorney Locke re request of the Board of Education to adopt an ordinance requiring automobiles to come to a dead stop before reaching school grounds. Er. Tilden moved that the communication be filed and that a copy be forward- ed to the Board of Education, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 70/ From City Attorney Locke, re zoning of the city's tidelands in aceordance with the suggestion of the City Planning Commission. Er. Latham moved that the communication be filed and that a copy be forwarded to the City Planning Commission, and that the City Attorney be instructed to explain to the Commission n that it is the Council's desire to await the decision of the case referred to, before taking further action, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. .V/ From the Alameda Safety Council containing six months resume of their work. Ordered filed. From Hutchinson. Company, requesting permission to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize Fountain Street, frorn the southerly line of Washington Street to the northern line of Fillmore Street, under private contract. Er. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 1.0.1 A petition was received from various owners of property located in the block on San Jose Avenue, between Union and Lafayette Streets, requesting the Council to deny the Key System Transit Company the right to install a turn-out switch in the 11 . November 5th, 1924. to see if the service on San Jose Avenue, could not be improved without the installation of additional switches and that the Railroad Commission be asked to grant the Key System Transit Company a sixty day extension of time in the matter of installing the switches mentioned, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Councilman Neiss voted No, stating that his reasons for doing so was occasioned by the fact that many citizens and some civic bodies appeared before the Rail- road Commission showing the necessity for better service on this line, and in view of this, cast his vote accordingly. The Clerk stated that the time had arrived for opening bids in accordance with the published notice under Resolution of Intention, No. 73, N. S. Bay Island. Avenue, and that no bids had been received. Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 12. 1/// Building Inspector Maillot was present in the Council Chamber and stated that the owner of the dilapidated building at 1235 Park Street had, since the notice was served upon her, improved and repairing the building, and requested that further proceedings be discontinued. Thereupon Mr. Latham moved that such be the order seconded by Mr. Neiss and carried. 1 Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 816. Resolution Declaring Public Nuisance. (2047 Lincoln Avenue.) Mr, Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolutioh and on roll call unanimously. 1 1 16. 17. / In the matter of the remove1 of the delapidated building at 2321 A Avenue, -kir. Latham moved that Mr. Kaliski, the owner, be instructed to be present at the next meeting of the Council and state to the members what his intentions are re o ding the improvement of the building referred to, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The matter of the change of grade of Webster Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 66, N. S. came up. Mr. Latham moved that action of the Council be continued to the meeting of the Council to be held February 3rd, 1925, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Latham moved that in the future, all reports by department heads on matters referred to them by the Council should be made in writing, seconded by Er. Neiss and carried. In the matter of the purchase of 18.68 aeries of Park, after discussion, Mr. Tilden moved that the City to secure an option for one year at a prize of :;100.00 be the sense of this council that money be provided in ed land adjoining Washington Manager make arrangements per acre, and that it the next budget to purchase the same seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 1 . In the matter of the placing of an advertising sign on the sub-statiqn at Webster Street, Er. Tilden moved that the matter be indefinitely postponed, seconded by Er. Latham and carried. 1 . Councilman Neiss brought to the attention of the 0ounc.1 the necessity the completion of the opening of Versailles Avenue. City Manager Hickok November 5th, 1924. City 1anager Hickok rendered a verbal report regarding the passage of an ordinance permitting children to ride bicycles on the sidewalk. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 776.74; agaiist the Police Department amounting to 767.69; against the Fire Department amounting to '.1,950. 1; against the Street Department amounting to 3,187.15; against the Health Department amounting to 99.21; against the Recreation Department amount- to :;832.49; against the Store Department amounting to 66.11; against the Health Center amounting to 137.31; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to 101.71; against the Initi ative Relief Fund amounting to 212.50; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to '12,696.81; against the School Construction Fund amounting to $10,520. 63; against the East Bay Water Company Payments Fund amounting to 6,238.20; against the Fire Pension Fund amounting to 185.00; against the Police Pension Fund amounting to ;)527.50 and aJrainst the Industrial Railroad Fund amounting to 30.00 having been aporoved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk 5S follows; General Departments. Labor Alameda Rug -forks Alameda Times Star If TT IT TT TT If American City, The Beckley, Lee Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Carlisle Co. Cowles, J. H. East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Haxthausen, Nance Hickok, C. E. TY If IT 17 !T IT Jenkins, C. H. Lee, Samuel Oakland Blue Print Co. Ctis, Fran:: Strom Electrical Co. Cleaning and laying carpet Advertising TV TV Subscription Use of team Supplies Post Binder Repairs Water Services Services Expenses Autb upkeep Money advanced. Paper Fastener Carpenter work Zone maps Mayor's Allowance Repairing fixtures Total - Police Department. Bishop Loupe Faulkner, Geo. A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Gardner, U. S. Municipal Electric Light Plant TV If TV IT Naval Base 2ress iatrich Co. Shell Compan] 71 IT Strom Tiectrical Co. Underwood T77newriter Co. T,nst Bay 'riater Co. Fockins, Jrn ', Lracke & Brunje Mncna 1. Electr TV TV TV Resse, John T. Standard Battery Shop Standard Oil Company IT TV Ford Roaster Supplies for motorcycle Labor and attendance Brushes Repairs to cars TV TT If Pr int in g Stars and. cap shield. Gas oline TT Batteries -11; s - ?ire Depertment. ight Plant TV 71 TT TT Steinmetz W. T. r.12 0 t,a Water Remove foot valves Sulphuric Acid Glazing doors Labor al0 attendance Electric wiring Recharing batteries Painting Repairs to battery Coal Oil Gasoline Revolving fund Total - 31.50 34.75 22.00 31.46 50.24 4.00 143.00 1.00 6.37 20.07 14.70 126.00 8.63 18.17 25.00 20.00 6.50 142.85 19.50 50.00 1.00 "" r(6.74 376.75 4„30 rr . 69.89 1.35 21.06 39.09 5.50 33.10 21.25 9.90 166.00 A 767.69 6.15 6.33 16.00 55.00 17,11.13 10.53 60.00 9.25 5.80 8.50 12.87 1950.21 Labor Alameda aepair Sapp Alameda Trim Shop Bishop al Loupe It it It II It TV TV TV Tr Clark C; Sons, Dietrich-Post Co. ,Durant :,::otor Company A. T. Heafey, oore Mcilair Howard Auto Company Standaid Oil Company TT TV IT Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co.. 7 1 American Public Health Assn. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, IT It It Bischoff's Sllrgical House Braun-necht=Heimann Co. TV TT TV TT Buben, Edenk_a Carpenter, Dr. 2. Crocl7cr Co., H. S. Ellefson, 1:Irs. L. J. Encinal Ice Company Mulford Co'. H. Teters, Dr. Lindsay Rosso, Ers. J.. W. Snow, Bill ,Warharst, Dorothy Bishop fl; Loupe Bofinger, Sarah H. California 'Wire Cloth Co. De3orba, Joaquin East Bay Water Co. Gay, A. T. 'Kellogg Express Co. Llaxwell Hardware Co. TT IT TV Randall, Largaret Tasker, Thos. Crock:er Go., H. S. If It TV IT Hichol:, C. E. City Ilanap-er Alameda C. Tuberculosis Assn. Alameda Sanitorium Bischoff's Surgical House TV TV TV TV • " TV East Bay 'WaterCo. fl,,tow Son, h. IT II TV IT IT TT It IT TV Crocer Co. , H. 5 . Eason, Bell Edwardson, A. Jacobs, Ida Konigshofer, J. H. Municipal Electric Light 71ant Pacific Gas J'.z Electric Co. Rossi. Labelle Str e e t Dep ar tme nt Glass Carta ins Ford Track Parts rt fan Belt Sever pipe Blue print paper Parts Repairs to tools Road Oil Parts for Buick: Gasoline , If Supplies Lumber Total - th Department. Subscription Laundry TV SUrplies TV noney advanCed: Transportation Scissors Services Ice Supplies Services IT TT TT Total - Recreation Deuartont. 2ord Auto Services Wire netting Services Water Repairs Expressage Rope Saw Blade Services Repairs to Pump Total - Store Department. Supplies TV Stamps To Health Center. ilovalber 5th, 1924. Maintenance and care of children Room and attendance Supplies TT TV TV Water Supplies TV TV Council Relief. Supplies Rent TV Subscriptinn Rent Electricity Gas Rent t a 1 - 1855.91 .30 10.00 552.75 .50 .25 .27 52.89 2.37 4.80 9.60 639.21 9.51 17.00 10.20 2.09 19.50 3187.15 9 5.00 3.99 2.37 1.60 2.52 15.64 1.06 35.00 .31 5.50 5.95 3.92 2.50 3.75 5.00 4.90 99.21 468.25 36.00 161.28 62.50 16.67 26.65 5.41 21.03 4.50 3.00 27.20 832.49 3.92 12.19 50.00 66.11 64.80 36.00 1.20 1.28 1.40 8.77 4.85 2.75 3.15 13.11 137,31 .99 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.12 12.60 23.00 November 5th, 1924. INITIATIVE RELIEF FUITD. Alameda. City Social Service Board Loney advanced for labor LECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Addressograph Sales Co. Supplies IT IT TV TT Gasoline Supplies AssoCiated Oil Company Bishop & Loupe City of Alameda, Store Dept. Crane Co. ' East Bay Water Co. TV IT TV TV Fobes Supply o. Garlock Packing Co. General Electric Co. Gilson 2aectrio!al Supply Co. Paraffitie Companies, The Powell 73ros. Reno Co., L. G. Rhodes-Jamieson '2c Co. Roebling Bons Co. Smith Hardware Co. Standard Fence Company Standard Underground Cable Co. .Ain-tock-Nichols Co. Gestern Heavy Hardware PI Iron Co. Westinghouse 2. a; L. Co. It 200a Lumber Co. TV TV TV Alameda Times Star Lunro, J. A. Fottingharn, W. E. eterson, C. H. Snook, Frederick: W. East ,.,.7 Water Co. IT TV IT IT TV TV II IT II IT IT IT II TV II ft IT IT If IT IT TT IT TT Traarles Pt on, F. 17.. 0 0113-d John Yaqley, J. E, Kamp, A. C. E. Rop:ers, J. I. Schroeder, L. TV IT Rent Water Supplies TI If TV IT TT TV If TT Labor and material Supplies IT Partial payment on contract Supplies If Total - SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION FUND. AL, Advertising Commission ayment on contract Payment on F;eneral contract Payment on Plumbinp: contret ; 212.50 15.02 13.76 62.05 3.63 22.30 5.65 60.00 11.66 474.01 49.55 116.91 511.21 84.23 6.35 4.90 15.5.9rt 605.08 7.41 266.25 248.73 75.91 2.55 3971.00 634.80 39.98 ; 12396.61 Total - EAST BAY 142E2 COLPATTY PAYLIFTS FUND. Basic charge for July,1924 Payment on ey:tensions, July, 1924 TV TV IT June 192/), TV If IT I.Jay, 1924 TV TV If Apri1,1924 Basic cha..rEe for Au.g. 1924 7:av'r,ient on ent eLsL 0115, 1n. 1024 Total 2I22 I22:31c::: TJ,D. Pension for ect..._024 TV TV TV TV Total - - - :05102 2220 102 2=. 12ension for Dot. 1924 If If TV If IT TV IT TV INDUSTRIL TT TV TV If (tal TV TV IT TT If If If IT LUD iciral Electric L1ht Plant Cl erica 1 War 2 for 3 months 11.63 74.00 610.00 9465.00 360.00 0020.63 2103.26 404.93 404.93 .1-0/1.93 404.93 2161.32 353.1;9 07ec)c) 0, 67.50 97.50 185.00 152.50 77.50 85.00 77.50 77.50 77.50 527.50 30.00 Er, Probst 3:1:oved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by L:r. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet :in regular session, esd.ay evening, 'November 18th, 1924, at 8 clock P. M. Resp eReap ectfuliy submitted, r4 4 +-r, r'i lr